The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 19, 1929, Image 11
Page 11 Mrs. Leonard Haas and Mrs. Sin clair Jacobs motored to Athens to at- . n( l a lecture on International Af- airs. Mrs. Grossman and daughter, Miss [ ,.*„• a Grossman of Prattsburgh, are , ho quests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hirsch. Miss Helen Brail who has been the /llr st of Mr. and Mrs. J. Freitag, has returned to her home in Chicago. Mrs. Loyd Springer of Woodmere, I , is visiting her parents, Mr. and Irs. Richard Horwitz. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwab and amilv are in Atlantic City. Mrs. Herbert Haas is in Chicago on :i short visit. Mrs. Alex Rosenfeld and Mrs. Vol Blacknall have returned from a motor :rip to Atlantic City and Baltimore. Miss Adeline Karlsruher, Miss Ro- -alie Crimm and Mr. Reuben Crimm will motor to Black Mountain Monday for a stay of three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Byck are 'Pending the summer in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Rosenberg ave returned from St. Simon’s Is- l;u d. Miss Ann Freschl, the charming nifst of Miss Katherine Spitz, re- 'ii nod Sunday to her home in Mil- wan kee. SOI TH GEORGIA NEWS By Lou Jackson Miss Bess Stein of Valdosta has • ft fur Mayo, Fla. to spend the sum- nu ‘ r months with her sister, Mrs. Mr. Harry Golstein, Buster Rosen- spent the week-end in Radium •"'pongs, Albany, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Franzblau, and Max Bronstein of Philadelphia ‘ 'pending a few weeks in Valdosta, siting friends. • Mrs - s am Isenson of Norfolk, Va. h*' guest for several weeks of Mr. Mrs. Lynn Isenson of Moultrie, l"' l " rn s he is visiting. •Mr. Sam Perlman, Mac Lipshit: ‘‘ ni anf ^ Have Gibbs motored to Sa “f.nah, to attend the Boodman-Flee r 1 ' raiding. I ,? en Shevitz, Sam Bluestein, s lc ’tor, and Russell Salver were r, «nt visitors to Valdosta. r >. Kent Salyer returned nip ' n Valdosta after an e ’ ur of the Southern states. ^ r * ec Mander celebrated Mitzva recently with som L, ors ^ rom South Georgia t • -u ring at the Friedlander hoi The Southern Israelite Mrs. Gilmore and Miss Libbye Gil more and her guest, Miss Ann Wein stein of Brunswick, Georgia have re turned after visiting Mrs. I. B. Perl man of Moultrie, Georgia. The wedding of Miss Anne Lee Laz- arous of Waycross, Ga. to Mr. Louis Garr of New York City took place Thursday, June 20th in New York. The young couple is spending their honeymoon in Canada and will make their home in Raleigh, N. C. Mrs. Max Ellin of Homerville, Geor gia will entertain Thursday, June 27th at her home with a bridge party. The call meeting of the Daughters of Abraham was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Schear on Thursday after noon June 20, 1929, at Waycross, Ga. The Waycross Hebrew Congrega tion combined with the Waycross He brew Sunday School gave a picnic Sunday, June 16th, 1929 at Fernan- dina, Florida. Over a hundred and fifty guests were present. They represented all parts of Georgia, coming from Brunswick, Blackshear, Alma, Baxley, Hazlehurst, Douglas, Eastman Homer ville, Cochran, and Gainesville, Fla. Mrs. M. Jacobson and Mr. Abe Pin- cus teachers of the Sunday School were presented with gifts as tokens of appreciation for their services. Mrs. A. Rosolio and Mr. LeRay Ro- solia motored to Miami, Fla., for a two weeks vacation. When they return they will be accompanied by Mrs. Ix*- Ray Rosolia and Maralyn. Irving Kass of Moultrie, Ga., was valedictorian of the graduating class of Moultrie High School, and also winner of the loving cup given each year by the Crystal Pharmacy to the student making the highest honors. He was also awarded the gold medal given by the D. A. R. of the John Pen ning Chapter for excellence in his tory. A lovely event of June was a bridge reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kolesky, entertaining relatives and friends in celebration of their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary at the home on East Jackson Street, Thomasville, Georgia. Among the many delightful affairs given for Miss Ida Minsk of Atlanta, who is visiting her sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bierman of Val dosta, was a dance given jointly by Mrs. Harry Abrahams and Mrs. Jack Bierman on the evening of July 11th. The spacious home of Mrs. Abra hams where the dance was held was decorated most attractively, the color scheme of green and -white being used with pleasing effect. Lunch and sandwiches were served from a prettily decorated table. Danc ing was enjoyed from 9 till 1 o’clock. Among those seen dancing were, Mesdames Zelda Barnett, Helen Lip- shitz, Lottie Simon, Edith Lipsitz, Jean Stein, Mildred Brodis, Sara Schneider, Frances Blum, Nettie Stein, and Miss Minsk, and Messrs. Max Lip sitz, Lou Jackson, Joe Cohen, Sam Moog, Morris Kolesky, Nat Finkle- stein, Sam Pearlman, Lou Prisant, M. Y. Blum, Jr., and others.