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The Southern Israelite
T. A. KNIGHT, President
l^« Slrerl
WEfl 1742
Beloved Citizen and Leading Business Man
Is Laid to Rest at Oakland.
Recently when funeral services
were conducted at Spring Hill chap
el by I)r. David Marx, hundreds
of Georgians gathered in a last ges
ture of esteem and respect for Dr.
.Joseph Jacobs, whose two-score years
of leadership in Atlanta were brought
to a close with his death late Satur-
to a close with his death at his home
on Roswell road.
From many points in the state and
from many walks of life came men
and women to pay tribute to the mem
ory of the distinguished pharmacist,
successful business man and trusted
f riend.
Further evidence of the outstand
ing position he had occupied in the
hearts and minds of hundreds
throughout the south was furnished
by the wealth of flowers that were
banked about the chapel.
At the conclusion of the brief serv
ices a majority of those who had lis
tened to the rabbi's words joined in
the cavalcade that moved to Oakland
cemetery, where Dr. Jacobs was laid
to his last rest.
Outstanding Citizen
The lingering illness which Satur
day claimed the life of Dr. Jacobs
took from the south one of its fore
most druggists and from Atlanta one
of its most distinguished and respect
ed citizens.
Governor L. G. Hardman, long a
friend of Dr. Jacobs, and one well
cognizant of his professional and per
sonal integrity and worth, Monday
issued the following brief statement
in tribute to him:
“In the passing of Dr. Joe Jacobs,
Georgia loses one of her most loyal
citizens and Atlanta one of her mo*t
active druggists.
“Dr. Jacobs was born in Jefferson
Jackson county, Georgia, mv native
county, and I have known him since
the beginning of my business career
“My first equipment of drugs and
office, in the practice of medicine
was furnished me by this noble man
I have always appreciated him as 1
friend and as a citizen. He has been
a loyal Georgian, a patriotic citizen,
a lover of education and a sympathiz
er with the sufferer.
“As governor of Georgia, as a cit!
zen, and as a devoted friend, 1 wish
to extend to his family my deep sym
Educated at University
A native of Jefferson, Dr. Jacob*
was educated at the University of
Georgia. In his youth he was ap
prenticed in pharmacy under Dr
Crawford Ixmg, famed as the discov
erer of modern anaesthesia. From
the renowned physician, Dr. Jacobs
received what was to be his lifelong
devotion to the study of pharmacy,
particularly in its healing aspects.
He later was instrumental in winning
for his former teacher the recognition
due him.
While his unusual skill in phar
maceutics and his marked business
sagacity combined to lift him to a
place of prominence in business cir
cles his abilities in literary lines also
were of note. He was an enthusiastic
admirer of Robert Burns and became
a founder of the Atlanta Burns Club,
playing an important part in its work
up until his last illness.
Obtain.-.l Large Sums mi Claim that Berlin May Be Free at J'S *
W ithin 5 Minutes; Sentenced to 15 Months
Imprisonment for Fraud
Berlin (J. T. A.)—Albert Bruehahn,
self-styled German inventor and mem
ber of the nationalistic military organ
ization, Stahlhelm, takes the prize for
exploiting the credulity and hatred of
the German anti-Semitics. After hav
ing obtained a large sum to finance
his alleged invention which would
“free Berlin of Jews within three min
utes” and after securing the co-opera
tion of leading German noblemen, he
is now’ beginning a term of fifteen
months imprisonment imposed upon
him by the Frankfurt court for fraud.
Bruehahn first came to a group of
Silesian noblemen, telling them that
he had invented a machine for pro
ducing and transmitting over long dis
tances electric death rays. A com
pany, including General Ange, Prince
Bismarck, Counts Pueckler, Maltzahn
and Dircksen, as well as other Sile>ia:
magnates, was formed to finance the
invention. The company advanced
Bruehahn the amount of 60,000 Man*’
and undertook to raise additional W*
000 Marks. These commitments
said to have been made after Biu*
hahn’s representation that he cou
with the death-ray machine, clear * r
lin of Jews within three minutes- 1
plan was to assemble Berlin
by some ruse in the Synagogue > ar ■
when he would ascend in an aerop *n*
and send dow’n upon the assern *
Jew’s his death-rays. Beliel in the
vention was so great that he 1
abled to deliver a lecture at the
versity of Breslau.
During the trial it was brought
that Bruehahn was in communicat e-
with Granduke Cyril, pretender to
Russian throne.