Newspaper Page Text
The Southern Israelite
Pmff4 7
-rdial interest centers in the an-
ncement of the wedding of Miss
Hartman of Chicago and David
Ma:\. -ir.. of Atlanta.
Sam Schoen has returned from
' Palm Beach, Fla.
I^.uis Stienau is ill at St. Jo-
; .h'v Infirmary.
and Mrs. Bert Lillienthal, Mr.
;i h Hirseh, Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Mrs. Harold Montag, Mr.
Mrs. Herman Haas have re-
r; . r <j t<» the city after a pleasant
at Asbury Park, New Jersey. Kpstein has returned from
r nati, where he was the princi-
-pcakiT at a meeting of the drive
, hrd there for the Palestine Re-
M: Ihivid Steinheimer celebrated
linetieth birthday August 28, at
•hr Imnie of his son-in-law and daugh-
•. r. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauer.
Mrs. I am» M. Strauss is visiting her
parents in St. I>ouis.
Mrs. Irving Greenspan of Nashville,
n., is the guest of her parents, Mr.
nrnl Mrs. Joseph Gershon.
Mr. S. Sternberg of Asheville, N. C.,
spent several days in the city.
I he marriage of Miss Evelyn Lev-
"ii. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
h Levinson, to Dr. Samuel Proger,
solemnized recently at the home
f the bride’s parents. The ceremony
performed by Rabbi David Marx
e an altar of palms interspersed
dahlias. Candelabras on either
°f the altar held tall white can-
M;ss Pearle Levinson, maid of hon-
. and sister of the bride, was charm-
: in a gown of burgundy crepe with
1 r -age of pink roses.
M>s Pearle Proger, bridesmaid, and
<>f the bridegroom, was lovely
a gown of brown crepe with cor-
-ak'- -.f cream roses.
I nc bride entered on the arm of her
r to the strains of Lohengrin’s
M elding March played by Mr. Hugh
augh accompanied by Dr. Mal-
'".m Dewey.
"he was exquisite in a green en-
h- of ostrich with lynx collar and
• (i a bouquet of cream bride roses
'prays of white clematis and
The bridegroom was attended by the
' brother, Mr. I. M. Levinson,
' hattanooga, Tenn.
^ ter the ceremony Dr. and Mrs.
-er left for Brookline, Mass.,
they will make their home.
w ill be at home after September
L’4 Fuller street, Brookline,
i»s Eva Hadas of this city is the
arming guest of her sister, Mrs. Sol
rown at Larchmont, N. Y.
O €
Miss Debby Levy and Mr. Leon Le
vy were the recent guests of Rabbi
and Mrs. Tobias Geffen. They were
en route from their home in Winter
Haven, Fla. to Tuscaloosa, Ala. where
they will attend school this Fall.
Miss Clementine S. Haas has re
turned to the Biltmore after a delight
ful stay at the Hotel Ambassador in
Atlantic City.
Miss Anne Balser spent several
days in the city recently.
Mrs. Harry Geffen and daughter,
Sonia, of Savannah, Ga., have return
ed to their home after being delight
fully entertained by relatives in the
Mrs. Maurice Bernard and children
are making their home at 1050 Ponce
de Leon Ave. after spending four
months in the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Regenstein are
in New’ York.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weil have
moved into their attractive home on
Cornell Road.
Mrs. Asher Solomon of Columbus,
Ga., returned to her home after a visit
to relatives in the city.
Miss Eva Boss has returned to At
lanta after having been the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Charles Lippman, in
New York City. Mrs. Lippman is
spending the Fall season in Atlanta
as the guest of her mother. While
here she will be the recipient of many
lovely social courtesies.
Miss Helen Eplan has returned to
Atlanta after having spent the sum
mer months traveling in the East.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bodenheimer
have returned having spent a month
motoring through Canada and visit
ing relatives in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Plonsky expect
to leave this week for a trip to New
Mrs. Simon Rosenfeld of Los An
geles, Calif., is visiting her brother
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Low-
Miss Sophie Spitz who has spent
the summer at Virginia Beach and
Richmond, Va., returned home last
Mrs. Sam Kaplan and little daugh
ter, Therese, are visiting their mother,
Mrs. Harris Bergman.
Among the recent charming out-of-
the-city guests who spent Labor Day
in Atlanta was Miss Mary Hurvich,
of Birmingham, Ala. Miss Hurvich,
who has a host of friends in the city,
is actively associated with the Bir
mingham Chapter of Junior Hadas-
sah. She was the guest of Miss Helen
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Bodenheimer
have taken possession of their apart
ment on St. Charles Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Mauis Eiseman and
family spent the week-end at Atlantic
Mrs. Lea Inaas and daughter of
Selma, Ala., spent a few days in the
city as the guest of Mrs. John Heiz-
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Feist are oc
cupying their new home on Spring-
dale Road.
Miss Esther Siegel is at home af
ter having been the guest of her sis
ters, the Misses Sara and Ida Siegel,
who are making their home in New
Recent visitors to Atlanta were Dr.
W. H. Lipman, his son, Mr. Marshall
Lipman, his daughter, Miss Esther
Lipman, and a nephew, Mr. Marshall
Dziuhaniuk, all of Chicago. They were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Lipman. Among the many social com
pliments accorded them were an out
ing given by Mrs. Lipman, a dinner
dance at which Mr. and Mrs. Abner
Hirseh were hosts given at Cascade
Terrace, and a dinner given by Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Sugarman at their
Mr. and Mrs. Huga Spitz, Misses
Katherine and Marian Spitz have re
turned from a tour through the West.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Joel have re
turned to the city after a delightful
stay in New York and Atlantic City.
This Italian Trestle Table
Dates from the 16th Century
Who knows? Cellini’s own hand may have touched
it in passing. Certainly its grace is worthy of that
magnificent artistic age!
It is one of a collection of antiques of the 16th, 17th,
and 18th centuries—selected from notable collections
in Italy, France and England and now on display in
our fifth floor furniture department. Experienced col
lectors will be surprised at the very moderate prices,
possible because our own representative acquired
them on trails blazed by Macy’s European buying
Italian Renaissance Trestle Table, $98.50
Atlanta affiliated with. MACY’S.dfew (J&lK.