Newspaper Page Text
Page 8
The Southern Israelite
It Gives Less Carbon
h U Anti-Knock
2 l« *l*e* quicker tl«rt
3 It |l*t* II*htninf
|»irk H|»
<| It give# more |M»v*er
5 It give# more mile*
|>er gallon
f> It five* Ira* c#rb**
It it #nfe for you mmd
INURING the past I I years,
-■ " Southern motorists liave saved
hundreds of thousands of dollars
because Woeo-Pep, I lit* Kin^ of
Motor Fuel burns cleanly; because
it vaporizes completely into the cor
rect dry mixture for maximum
power; because Woco-Pep hinders
the formation of carbon.
If there is carbon in your motor
now, it will perform better with
Woco-Pep Motor Fuel than with
ordinary gasoline. Hut remember,
carbon is harmful to any motor.
Keep it out! You can save costly
repair hills by using Woco-Pep, the
King of Motor Fuel, that does what
gasoline CAN’T do.
Whll* you are giving your
motor a Woco Pep W* 1 **—
make it a real one by lilting
up with TIOLENE, the IOO rf f
Super I'eniiaytvanla Motor Oil.
Tiolene I* made from Cabin
Creek Crude, the highett grade
erude found on thl* continent,
and add* year* of mile* to
any ear.
Over 3,000 Woco-Pep
stations serve hundreds
of thousands of motorists
every day. They form a
convenient network for
motorists in Alabama,
Georgia, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Florida
am I M ississippi.
Does what gasoline CAN T do
Service Stations All Over Georgia
Society and Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gershon are
enjoying a motor trip through Canada.
Mrs. I. A. Zion of Atlanta avenue,
has just returned from an extended
trip to Baltimore and Atlantic City.
Miss Billy Berman, graduate of
Woodbury Hall, is visiting friends and
relatives in - Washington and Balti
more, and on her return will enter the
University of Alabama.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ungar and their
young daughter, Bona, from Panama
C. Z. are visiting their respective par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ungar at 546 High
land avenue, and Mrs. Klinberg of
1145 Virginia avenue.
Miss Allene Fox, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Fox, leaves Thurs
day to resume her studies at Welles
with their parents.
Mr and Mrs. Joe Siegel of Breofc.
?;>, T* T oun r the ,
of their daughter, Anne, to Mr Harr
Lefkoff of Atlanta. The wedding w F
take place in November.
Among the members of Atlanta’.*
young social set who are “off V
school” this Fall are Miss Billie Her
man, Miss Beatrice Reisman and M-
Julius Berman. They will attend the
University of Alabama.
The regular Saturday night dance
was held at the Standard Club. Radv
Brown’s orchestra furnished music for
the occasion. Quite a large crowd at
Mrs. Jake Brail left for a visit to
relatives in New York City.
Miss Gertrude Miller of Baltimore,
Md., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. I.
A. Zion of Atlanta avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Breman,
of Asheville, N. C., formerly of At
lanta, announce the engagement and
approaching marriage of their daugh
ter, Estelle, to Mr. M. Harry Gold
man of Rochester, N. Y.
Friends will he glad to know r that
Enita Berman is recuperating from
a recent operation at the Piedmont
Mr. Lyons Joel, II. is home again.
Mr. Joel visited his brother, Mr. Ben
jamin Joel in New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Sig Pappenheimer are
enjoying an extensive trip through
Miss Ozna Tontak was hostess to
the members of the B. F. J. Young
Judaean Club and their friends at a
dance on September 3rd. The affair
was given in celebration of the club’s
Miss Cecile Maier of Chattanooga,
Tenn., will be a student at Agnes
Scott College this year.
Miss Dot Shuman of Atlanta is the
popular guest of Miss Edith Lebo-
vitz of Chattanooga.
Miss Clarice Guthman spent a few
days in the city.
Miss Celeste Eiseman of New Or
leans is visiting Miss Anne Cohen.
Miss Sara Shuman and Miss Marie
Scheur are in Atlanta after having
spent two weeks in Syracuse, N. Y.
as the guests of friends and relatives.
The many friends of Miss Anita
Berman will be pleased to learn that
she is convalescing after a recent ap
pendix operation.
Mr. Dave Effron of Chattanooga,
Tenn., spent the week-end in Atlanta.
Mrs. Julius Simon has returned u
the city.
The many friends of Mr. Clarence
Wenar are happy to hear of his rapid
Miss Evelyn Rose was hostess at a
delightfhl bridge tea at the Winecof?
Hotel on the afternoon of August 31st
in compliment to her guest, Mis?
Esther Lipman of Chicago, Ill., and
Miss Hannah Cohen, a bride-elect ol
The honor guests were presented
with lovely prizes. Top score was won
by Miss Mary Tesler, and Miss Ida
Cohen received the consolation prize.
Those sharing Miss Rose’s gracious
hospitality were the Misses Hannah
Cohen, Esther Lipman, Cecilia Tesler
Ida Cohen, Sara Freeman, Perle Bok-
ritzky, Sara Spahr, Mary Tesler
Perle Eplan, and Sibyl Kartus f
Phoenix, Arizona.
Mr. Sol Levin of New Orleans. La
w r as in the city on a business trip.
Dr. Benjamin Coleman of Birming
ham, was visiting friends in Atlanta.
Miss Sibyl Kartus of Phoenix.
Ariz., is the charming guest of her
aunt, Mrs. J. Cohen and of Miss Ida
Cohen. While here she will be de
lightfully entertained at a series
Mrs. Edgar Bodenheimer of 10$
Ponce de Leon Avenue has estab is ^
a library at Battle Hill Sanitarium
This library, just in its inception, ha-
added quite a bit of happiness a 1 ] 1
told pleasure to the inmates o t
Institution. The establishment o - u '-
a library affords an opportunity *
those who have novels, c 1 . ^
books, and toys, and who do no w ^
to keep them, to dispose of tJ « en .
a most beneficial manner. Mrs.
heimer will be glad to receive
at her home.
Dr. Louis Silver of Ta ” pa, s j lve J
was a visitor in the city. r - lians
is the son of Mr. and M r --
Silver of Elmwood Drive.