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Pag* 9
Cincinnati, Ohio—Reports received
. , hl , office of the National Federa-
. , n , f Temple Sisterhoods, Union of
American Hebrew Congregations, in-
that the annual “Sisterhood Va-
i :ion 1 »ay,” held on August 8th this
.car, was the occasion for many
; and worth-while gatherings
throughout the country.
Tr.c day is celebrated not only in the
cities of the member Sister-
cbut also in the summer resorts,
thereby providing an opportunity for
luaintanceship among the guests as-
M . m bled there from various cities.
. sponsored by the Sisterhood
r ough its Committee on Co-opera-
,f which Mrs. J. S. Jaffa, Denver,
is national chairman.
Cincinnati, Ohio, August 15th—
Tuesday. August 27th, the anniver
sary of the signing of the Kellogg
Trace Tact, has been designated by
r National Committee of Peace, of
the National Federation of Temple
Htcrhoods, under the chairmanship
Mrs, Hen Loewenstein, Cincinnati,
i day of celebration by the Temple
. rhoods throughout the country.
The committee has also recommend-
iiiat each Sisterhood organize class-
for the study of peace with the
ok. “between War and Peace" as
the text; this book can be obtained
from the Executive Office, National
Federation of Temple Sisterhoods,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mrs. Loewenstein has also recom
mended that the rabbis make the
ludy of peace a regular part of the
Heligious School work of their congre-
• >°ris, and that the Sisterhoods ar-
tige a Peace Day Program in their
early calendars, preferably at the
November meeting.
1 he first regular meeting of the
M>n of the Jewish Woman’s Club
s held recently. Mrs. M. L. Kahn
Nt-w oflcers, who have been elected
the board to fill the vacancies cre
ed by the resignation of former of-
• were introduced at this meeting.
A. A. Bearman, who was form-
Second Vice-President was the
^ r 1 ^ ice-President, taking Mrs. S.
"ffice. Mrs. Leaf is just recu-
'■■lig from a severe illness.
Mr>. M. Rich was Second Vice-Pres-
■’ thus filling Mrs. Bearman’s
m ‘ r office. Mrs. Harry Axelrod
’ a ' elected Corresponding Secretary,
l ' Miss Esther Segal, the former sec
ary resigned because of illness in
family. Mrs. Victor Bock was
e*tw.ed Assistant Corresponding Sec
retary. The Treasurer was Mrs. B.
■Ltein. Upon recommendation of
physician Mrs. F. Gottesman re
ad from the office of Treasurer.
t this meeting plans were adopted
fall program of the club. Many
■'ting activities were recom-
^ ded by the Executive Board.
! • ’-reshments were served by Mrs.
^ • de, the Chairman, and a pro-
pram Wa s presented.
The Southern Israelite
— Activities
The first regular monthly meeting
of Gate City Lodge No. 144, I. O. B.
B. was held Thursday, September 12,
at the Standard Club on Ponce de
Leon avenue. The purpose of the meet
ing was to inaugurate a drive in this
district for new members, and from
appearances favorable results will be
obtained. Mr. Joseph Fromberg of
Charleston, S. C., President of the
Fifth District of the Independent Or
der B’nai B’rith, was the principle
speaker, and gave a very interesting
talk. Bearing in mind the recent disas
ter in Palestine, a motion was made
and carried to donate $100.00 to the
Palestine Relief Fund. Several resolu
tions were passed regarding the deaths
of Louis Marshall and R. Jacobs, both
members of the organization. The
meeting was presided over by Mr. J.
S. Brail, President, and a very large
crowd attended.
The T. E. L. Young Judaean Club
celebrated its second anniversary with
a dance given at the home of Miss
Rosalie Hirsh.
The Atlanta Chapter Junior lladas-
sah will hold its initial meeting on
Sunday, September 20th. Important
plans for the year will be discussed
as well as the appointment of com
mittee chairmanships. All members
and friends of the organization are
requested to be present.
Samuel Geffen announces the open
ing of the Modern Hebrew School tem
porarily at his home 593 Washington
St., S. W. The Modern Hebrew School
offers instruction in Hebrew, Yiddish
anti the general knowledge required
of the Jewish child of today. Mr. Gef
fen has for the past two years super
vised the Hebrew School of the Bay-
side Jewish Center, New York City.
He brings with him the more recent
methods in Jewish education. The
school will be moved over into the new
Synagogue immediately upon comple
tion of the new building on Washing
ton street. This will occur immedi
ately after the High Holidays. Aside
from the regular subjects which will
be taught in the school, Mr. Geffen
will give special attention to Bar-
Mitzvahs. All those who are interest
ed in sending their children to this
school may call Main 2152-W. All
necessary information as to tuition
and schedule of classes may be ob
tained at the office of the school, 593
Washington street, S. W.
A few of the Reasons
Why You Should Own a
When it comes to actually selecting a particular mod'
cm electric refrigerator, a prospect wants reasons.
Here are a few suggestions that will guide you—rea-
sons why you should select the “Years Ahead” re'
The only refrigerator with hermetically sealed mech'
anism. That means no oiling—ever. And no dirt, air
or moisture in the working parts. Banishment of
trouble. Quietness. Elimination of repairs and servicing
—proved by the fact that there are more then 300,000
owners and not one has spent a single dollar for repairs
or service!
The all' steel,
enameled cabi'
net, durable,
warp ' proof,
non-rusting, is
another good
reason. Maxi
mum food stor-
Whatever you do, do it now. Make up your
mind to act promptly — or miss this oppor
tunity, for these terms will be withdrawn
very soon. Investigate today without faiL
to payj
age capacity,
easily acces*
sible tempera'
ture control...
these are add'
ed superiorities
only the G. E.
can give you.
cuit-riding” rabbi, discovered recently,
on his trip to an island outside Beau
fort, S. C. in behalf of the Union of
American Hebrew Congregations, one
white family that has lived alone
among 7,000 negroes for fifteen years.
The family is that of William Kyser-
ling. Mrs. Kyserling was reared in
New York and came to the island
home upon her marriage. She is a
leader among her Beaufort co-relig
ionists, being President of a Sister
hood there. Rabbi Falk aided in or
ganization of the Sisterhood and in
reorganization of the Sunday School
Jewish religious school .