The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 04, 1929, Image 13

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The Southern Israelite 4 New Year’s Message From LUDWIG VOGELSTEIN ( hair man of the Executive Board The Union of American Hehreic Congregations ® th< beginning of a new year imerican Israel stands with mingled of sorrow and hope. Our »ar?s go forth to those who have and our hopes dwell upon a brighter future. Israel’s far flung line i* march encounters many vicissi- .j,.*. Looking for sources of encour- Lm merit we view the following: The Union of American Hebrew pations looks with satisfaction , pon the year 5689 which has run its , u rsi' {Hiring this period the first i>al was reached in the effort to place the Hebrew Union College on a per- unent basis by raising an Endow- U'DWIG VOGELSTEIN Ini-nt Fund. During this year a num- f generous men also contributed for a new Library Build- lir g. adding another unit to the Col- llege group. During the same period congregations of the Union have been inspired to greater participation in our undertakings. We rejoice in this evidence that our liberal Jewish Cause stirs the hearts of our constitu ents and induces them to make sacri fices in money, time and service. These are palpable proofs of the fact that we appreciate the blessings of relig ious liberty and are willing also to assume its obligations. A new year is now being ushered in. Let us resolve to make this year as memorable in the annuls of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations as the one that has just closed. Great tasks and duties are still to be per formed if we desire to gather the har vest resulting from the seed sown by the graduates of our College. The large Jewish population in this country, particularly in the rural and the small town districts, needs our spiritual and moral support and added efforts are necessary in this direction. In behalf of the Executive Board I send greetings and good wishes to all our member congregations and their constituents. I appeal to you to rally around the great institution which binds us together, which upholds our traditions and adapts our time hon ored customs to our new environment. Modern psychologists claim that our religious life is based largely upon the impressions gained in childhood. Let us unite to bring the Jewish mes sage of God’s fatherhood and men’s brotherhood to our children. With a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings of liberty and material prosperity which God has bestowed upon our beloved country let us enter upon the new year in the devotional service of our synagogues in accord ance with the Psalmist’s word, “Bless ed is the man who harkens to the sound of the Shofar.” Grand Mufti's Proclamation Probably Cause of Jewish Outbreaks The Grand Mufti in a letter ad- J*lre»ed to Pierre Van Paassor special ^pondent of the New York “Eve- un * w °rld” and the Jewish Tele- Igraphic Agency, quoted Lord Melchett l,, *ng said, “I will consecrate the [remainder of my life to the rebuilding “I the Jewish Temple.” It was this "hich was spread among the 'lems of Palestine which was said r ^ responsible for gathering the I rn ^Hagers to Jerusalem on * Ueu>t an ^ causing the outbreaks. 1 -hould like to make it clear that ’ r made any statement of the r.. r. terred to in connection with h * m a ' ns °* the Temple in Jerusa- * ^° rd Melchett declared. “Any - jmp. to connect any words which L*: , <th suc ^ an *dea is merely un- j ^puUus propaganda, which is to be 1 rom the man who was con demned to seven years’ imprisonment by a British tribunal for endeavoring to stir up racial strife and who mis used the amnesty extended to him to go on repeating his tactics of the past. “I frequently stated I would conse crate such strength and force as re mained during my life to rebuilding Erotz Israel and the development of Palestine, which is as much in the in terest of the Arab population as that of the Jews. From my very earliest connections with Palestine matters, I always stressed the necessity of friendly co-operation between the two branches of the Semitic race—the Jews and Arabs. I think it is most disastrous that certain unscrupulous agitators should for their own person al reasons, which are well known, con tinually interfere with what could be a most fruitful and friendly working together,” Lord Melchett declared. Page 13 —— To the Jewish People of ATLANTA ON THE RECURRENCE OF THE HIGH HOLIDAY SEASON MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING YOU ALL A FULL MEASURE OF PROSPERITY ANI) HAPPINESS 60 Whitehall St. ATLANTA, GA. The New Quiet Cabinet Kelvinator Surprisingly quiet and free from vibration, these qualities, combined with its proven durability, make KELVINATOR the outstanding ELEC TRICAL REFRIGERATOR of today. A size and type for every family, A price for every purse. KELVINATOR .348 Peachtree Street ATLANTA, GA. Best Wishes For The Netc Year JOHN W. BOYKIN SOLICITOR GENERAL Atlanta Judicial Circuit