The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 25, 1929, Image 10

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Page 10 The Southern Israelite fiiKissas X 51 51 51 51 51 51 5( 51 it K 5: 51 51 51 It 5{ 5t 51 51 It 51 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X SX SX 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 5( 51 51 51 5{ 5X 5X 5X 5X 5( 5X 5X 5( 5X 5X 5X 51 51 51 5X 5X 51 51 5! 5! 5X 5X 5X 5X 5X 51 51 51 51 5! 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 ALFRED M. COHEN, former Ohio GEORGE R. CLARK, a sophomore at Harvard University, while being initiated into the Hasty Pudding Club, an exclusive organization, nearly star ted a race riot when, posting himself at the entrance of the Art Museum, refused admittance to Jewish and Chinese students. The outrage was penetrated at the order of members higher up in the organization. SIR HERBERT SAMUEL, former High Commissioner, in an address be fore a meeting of the Friends of the Hebrew University, urged that peace exist in Palestine and a reconciliation be affected between the Arabs and the Jews. “If we are to be led by our intelligence and not by our emotions, we must remember that since the two races are in the same land they must live together,” he said. SIR JOHN CHANCELLOR, High Commissioner of Palestine, has can celled the naturalization papers of three Jews. It was said that citizen ship was withdrawn because of mem bership in an illegal organization. State Senator and international presi dent of the Independent Order B’nai B’rith, was seventy years old on Oc tober It). Mr. Cohen has been the head of the I. B. B. since 1925, was secre tary of Rockdage Avenue Temple from the age of 24 to 50, and is past president of the Temple. FELIX M. WARBURG, Chairman of the Administrative Committee of the Jewish Agency Council, was visi ted by Prime Minister J. Ramsay Mac Donald of Great Britain, accompanied by his daughter, Ishbel. Mr. Warburg made the following statement: “It is a very beautiful compliment paid by the Prime Minister which I had no reason to expect. SHOLOM ASCH, noted Jewish nov elist, has left Paris on his way to the United States. While in America, Mrs. Asch will participate in the workers’ campaign for Palestine. HAROLD WIENER, British barris ter, who was killed during the first days of the Palestine riots, bequeath ed the whole of his estate amounting to 25,000 pounds to the Spanish and Portugese Jews’ Congregation of Lon don. It was first reported that Mr. Wiener who was known as a friend of the Arabs, had left 10,000 pounds for Arab institutions. RABBI LOUIS J. SCHWOFEL, of Adath Israel Congregation, the larg est Orthodox congregation in Wash ington, in delivering his sermon on Kil Nidre night, declared that “un less the Orthodox synagogue becomes more liberal there is no future for that synagogue in America.” Rabbi Schwo- fel is severing his relations with the congregation soon, but insisted that he was not speaking with any malice in his heart. MITZI RONA, the 18-year old daughter of the Chief Inspector of the Roumanian State trains, committed suicide by jumping from the fourth floor of her apartment because her father would not allow her to take examinations in the medical college of the University of Clausenberg, which were scheduled for the Day of Atonement. The father went insane upon seeing his daughter’s body, and had to be removed to a sanatarium. CHARLES A. DAVILA, new Rou manian Minister, gave assurance that racial minorities in Roumania will re ceive the full guaranty of the law. This point was included in formal re marks addressed to the President by the new Minister in the customary ceremony attending presentation of credentials. PIERRE VAN PAASSEN, well- known American newspaper corres pondent, who went to Palestine to re port on the Palestine situation, came dangerously near losing his life when he was fired upon by unknown assail ants on the Hebron-Jerusalem road, and again on the Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem road. He also received anonymous messages vowing: “You will not leave the country alive.” SIR WALTER SHAW, chairman of the English Parlimentary Commission of Enquiry, left England for Pales tine. He and other members of the Commission, R. Hopkin Morris, Lib eral; Henry Snell, Laborite; and the secretary to the Commission, T. I. K. Lloyd, will investigate the causes of the recent Arab outbreak in Palestine. MR. WILLIAM Z. SHEGELMAV well-known in the JewLh l itw ," field, has resigned as editor of r' Jewish Daily Bulletin and the Jewi Telegraphic Agency. Mr. Spieg e |J will engage in the develop ment 0 ' Jewish Biographical Bureau wh „ publishes “Who’s Who i„ Ame / Jewry” and the “Jewish Com™, Directory” of the United State, ABRAHAM REIZEN, Jewish writ,, who resigned from the editorial iut of the “Freiheit”, New York Comm* ist daily, was excluded from honor ary membership in the Pioneer You** Organization which was granted hi® during his visit in Moscow, becau* 0 f his attitude with regard to the rectr: Palestine events. A school which h been named in his honor, also decid ed to change its name. OSCAR COHEN, industrialist o Lodz, Poland, gave machinery w rth $30,000 to the Haifa Technicum a< * gift. The gift was made by Mr. Coher, in memory of his son, Albert, who w r as killed several months ago by a workman in his father’s factory. DR. ISMAR ELBOGEN, well- known German Jewish scholar, decid ed the invitation of Columbia Univer sity to occupy the Chair for Jewish History, Literature and Institution Dr. Elbogen stated that he prefem to remain in Berlin. JACOB EPSTEIN, noted sculptor, was the subject of ridicule when the marble panel of Rima, the character in W. H. Hudson’s book “Green Man sions,” was disfigured by unknown vandals who tarred and feathered it In 1925 unknown vandals disfigure: the panel with green paint. LOUIS ROTHSCHILD, powerful capitalist of Europe, at the urgent re quest of Austria’s Prime Minister, returned from a hunting trip to sa>f one of the leading Austrian credit stitutions which was formerly the Im perial Court Bank, from ankrup-0 The bank, which specialized in l^u credit, was beset by difficulties, a-- Rothschild with the co-operation o American business friends, was arc More than ever you need ICE VV HEN the frost is on the pumpkin” there should l>e plenty of ice in the ice box, for fall days are very tricky—one day hot, the next cold. The prudent housewife knows that to keep food sweet and safe requires the constant protection of ICE. And what she saves in food more than pays her ice bill. Why not see for yourself this fall and winter what great saving as well as enjoyment there is in having plenty of ice oil hand. Just tell us to keep you well supplied. City Ice Delivery Company WITH ICE 267 Peachtree WAlnut 1287 to save it. (Continued on Page ■; BUY YOUR ICE FROM FULTON ICE CO T. A. KNIGHT, President THE SERV ICE CO. East Fair Street MAin 2400 Plants Located: Berkele Street MAin 3941 Lee Street WEst K42 All Modern Plants—300 Tons Capacity