The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 25, 1929, Image 13

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Page 18 The Southern Israelite :: :: :: :: :< 55 5; 5555 55 55 « « » » k 55 k x JJ 55 « x x n x « a a a a a a a a a a a 5 j,- « a a a Oriitt nization — Activities .. .. W W ;; w K ;j 5 ; ~ w « >' y. it X ;< ;; }; j; ~ 55 55 55 a a it 55 55 55 a a 55 55 55 55 a 55 55 55 55 a a Hadassah Will Give Annual Ball In November event recently was the luncheon bv Mrs. L. J. Levitas, presi- t v nt , f the Atlanta Chapter of Ha- da .. a h to the executive board. \bout forty ladies were present, ea 'h one an enthusiastic worker for 'n!- \:reat medical organization that i,, m g much noble work in Palestine. After luncheon a business session , va , held when plans were set for the mammoth annual ball which will take a0 e nn November 12 at the Biltmore H u-l. Mrs. A. Cohen was assigned in h arp ,» of the program and Mrs. S. j-jomm was given the chairmanship of Air*. I.evitas’s plea for greater en- • husiasm and work this year due to •n, terrible conditions in Palestine rnupht about by the recent uprisings, r ,,upht creditable response. Every pledged support and the board :\em!«-rs displayed a desire to put ' r:h their finest efforts to make this ; ball the most successful from a maneiai as well as social standpoint • has been known in its history. Mrs. Levitas also reminded the board •fa - had already been sent to Palestine toward the year’s quota on strength of the expected income f 'his affair. The announcement of the chairman- • r..| - disclosed a rare selection and : :* M utation of the body. The officers for the years 1929-30 a:* a> follows: President. Mrs. L. J. Levitas; first • -president, Mrs. .J. J. Heilman; ice-president, Mrs. Hubert Taylor; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. M. Rosenfeld; assistant correspond ing secretary, Mrs. H. Goodman; treasurer, Mrs. I. M. Weinstein; as sistant treasurer, Mrs. E. H. Lipp- man; recording secretary, Mrs. I. Ku- niansky; financial secretary, Mrs. P. Koplin. The chairmanships are as follows: Entertainment, Mrs. B. M. Brodie, Mrs. Fanny Goldstein; publicity, Mrs. Herbert Taylor, Mrs. M. B. Copeloft; cultural, Mrs. H. Epstein, Mrs. J. Yampolsky; Jewish National Fund, Mrs. L. Isaacson, Mrs. A. Hirsch; Penny Luncheon Fund, Mrs. A. Gold stein, Mrs. N. Sinko; infant welfare, Mrs. J. Weiss, Mrs. J. L. Saul; Happy Day memorial, Mrs. A. D. SchucofT, Mrs. E. Fogelson; courtesy, Mrs. J. Cohn; telephone, Mrs. I. M. Wein stein, Mrs. I. Wilensky; resolutions, Mrs. J. M. Rosenfeld, Mrs. I. Kunian- sky; parliamentarian, Mrs. S. E. Levy; motor corps, Mrs. J. L. Saul; membership, Mrs. E. H. Lippman, Mrs. P. Koplin; membership drive, Mrs. S. Schur, Mrs. H. S. Jacobs; ways and means, Mrs. L. Romm, Mrs. A. Cohn; senior-junior relationship, Mrs. J. Heilman; united Palestine ap peal, Mrs. D. Meyer, Mrs. Constanzy; reception Mrs. B. Wildauer, Mrs. M. J. Greenblatt; donor’s fund, Mrs. J. Heilman; sewing, Mrs. J. M. Cohn, Mrs. I. Clein; shipping, Mrs. J. Fried man; purchasing, Mrs. I. Wilensky, Mrs. H. Mendel; cutting, Mrs. S. R. Greenblatt; refreshments, Mrs. S. J. Cohn, Mrs. M. Friedman. National President of Jewish Council To Visit Atlanta luncheon meeting to be held at k at the Standard Club Thurs- 1 htnber 31, the Atlanta section • ! Jewish Women, will be sig- > honored by having as its guest " M ‘Ph E. I- riend, national presi- Mi >. h riend has a long record standing council and civic having been at the helm of the "nai ( ouncil (if Jewish Women ■ 1 friend is a woman of broad " • nee and has had a distinguish- ' '•r in public service and has for • ' ears been a member of the r al committee of the democratic ir ‘*; and was a member of the con- ' na l convention of the state of >!ana , having been appointed by * governor of that state. She is a member of the board of directors of the General Federation of Womens Clubs, serving as the arts chairman. Mrs. Friend will be introduced by Mrs. Alfred Myers, president of the Atlanta Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. Friend visited Atlanta in 1928 to attend the interstate convention. For reservations members are request ed to telephone Mrs. Alex Dittler, II Em lock f>774. Other officers of the Atlanta coun cil are Mrs. Alfred Myers, president; Mrs. Armand Wyle, first vice presi dent; Mrs. Herman Heyman, second vice president; Mrs. Cecil Alexander, recording secretary; Mrs. Louis Aron- stam, corresponding secretary; Mrs. John Herzfeld, treasurer and Mrs. William Bauer, auditor. ' ■ O. J. Young Judean Elects Officers The first fall meeting of the F. O. J ‘ g Judean Club of Atlanta was 4 at the home of Miss Julia Gold- * r *’ 306 Logan Street, S. E. ^°^ 0W ' n K "’ere elected to serve {or th ® coming year: Miss Perm Mein ’ President; Miss Lillian enK n * Vlce *P res ident; Miss Rose her* t ’ Secretar y; Miss Julia Gold- ^mberl a8Ure u r; . Miss Anne Sie * e1 ’ °*rship chairman. Tne active members of this club are: Miss Jennie Klein, Miss Lil lian Reisman, Miss Rose Greenberg, Miss Julia Goldberg, Miss Anne Sie gel, Miss Mollie Klein, Miss Fannie Siegel, Miss Dora Fineroff, Miss Sa rah Gordon and Miss Fannie Ber- chenko. Miss Louise Lichtenstein, now is in Los Angeles, Cal., and Miss Beatrice Reisman, now attending the Univer sity of Alabama, have both been elected honorary members of the F. O. J. Club. Active Temple Sisterhood Worker MRS. CHARLES COHEN Mrs. Charles (Reba Blustein) Co hen, of 2023 Quarrier Street, Char leston, W. Va., president of the West Virginia section of the National Fed eration of Temple Sisterhoods, is di recting the administration of eight to ten Hebrew Union College Teachers’ Institute annual scholarships. The scholarships will be awarded for the first time this year by Alpha Epsilon Phi, women’s national Jew ish fraternity, of which Mrs. Cohen is an alumna from Syracuse Univer sity. She was president of her chapter at Syracuse, first girl ever to be cho sen editor of the Onadagan, Syracuse year book, taught Sunday School at the Temple of Concord in Syracuse and was a member of the girls’ track team. She has continued in activities with unabated vigor since graduation. Be sides bein^ president of the West Vir ginia section of the National Federa tion of Temple Sisterhoods, she has also organized the Big Sister move ment in Charleston; headed the Char leston Council of Jewish Women 1923- 25; was national student activities di rector of Alpha Epsilon Phi 1921-23; was alumni secretary of that frater nity from 1923-25; started a sister hood bulletin, The Messenger; con ducts a dramatic school, and is on the board of directors of the Kanawha Players, a “little theater.” Mrs. Cohen is the wife of an attor ney and they are the parents of two girls. She is co-operating with the De partment of Synagogue and School Extension, of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, in awarding the scholarships. ISRAEL BELKIND, ZIONIST PIO NEER, DIES IN BERLIN Berlin (J. T. A.)—Israel Belkind, Russian Zionist leader and one of the early pioneers in Palestine, died here today in the hospital of the Jewish community. He was 69 years old. The late Mr. Belkind was one of the founders of the Bilu group, the group of Russian Zionist student pioneers who settled in Palestine following the Russian pogroms of 1881. He was ac tive in many Zionist enterprises, in cluding the establishment of a colony for the orphans of the pogrom vic tims. -f H h M w M H • ■ White Plumbing & Heating Company • Sanitary Plumbing, Steam, ri H it Hr Hot W ater and V apor Heating Repairing and Remodeling Both Phones 2727 414 Union Ave. KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE Lxrrrr cmmrttt I Minting —and— Decorating BY RalphS. Freer Phone Hemlock 1561 KNOXVILLE, TEfoN. ::::::::::::::::::::: • • n f'i IF ITS TILE SEE John Beretta 11 Em. 3816 217 Walnut Street KNOXVILLE l l I >• Oliver King | Sand & Lime j Co. ! i Island Home Park Sand, Gravel, Lime, j and other Building Materials For the New ! Community Center KNOXVILLE, TENN.