The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 25, 1929, Image 4

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Page 4 The Southern Israelite Extra Edition rh* £outlifr&J?r4clttp Exacutlv* Offices: 161 Spring St., N. W. Published In Atlants Monthly by THE SOUTHERN NEWSPAPERS ENTERPRISES, Inc., M. STEPHEN SCHIFFER, Managing Editor Subscription Rates: 15 Cents Single Copy, $1.50 Per Year In Advance. Entered as second class matter at the Postoffice at Atlanta, Ga., under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. All communications for publication should reach this office not later than 1st and 15th of each month. The Southern Israelite Invites correspondence and literary contributions, but the Editor Is not to be considered as sharing the views expressed by the wrltere except those enunciated In the Editorial columns. Loyalty Loyalty to their faith is one of the characteristic heritages of our people, and no illustration more convincing could be asked than the history of a colony of brown skinned Jews in south India. This colony has thrived for centuries, and it seems to us that out side of being interestingly unique the colony shows remarkable endurance in its growth and perpetuation. According to beliefs prevalent in Cochin, Jews began to visit the west coast of India fyr the purpose of commerce as early as the time of Solomon. There can be no dispute whatever that the first Jewish settlement in Cranganore, a town of historical impor tance in the state of Cochin, took place in 70 A. I)., for on that point all historians agree. The most outstanding features of the group are undoubtedly their political and social relationships with the royal families of Cochin. In return for their generous financial aid which they gave the kings in times of financial distress, they received certain privi leges and held great influence over the kings and royal families of Cochin. Now their political influence has become almost negligible, although until a few years ago some of the Jewish leaders were held in high esteem by the Cochin Durbar. With regard to the social status of the Jews, they still remain a distinct class, follow ing their ancient customs and observing their religious principles. That a colony of Jews should have existed and prospered for nearly 2,000 years in the midst of a people so alien from them in race and religion is a phenomenon as interesting as it is unique. But that this group of people should have preserved intact the heritage of Israel throughout all these centuries and under their peculiar conditions reveals a glorious faithfulness and loyalty of which Israel should be proudly aware. The Future of American Judaism By RABBI I)AVII) I.Kl'kOWITZ Editor of The Jewish Monitor, Fort II orth 9 Texas Julius Rosenwald, while a most generous and open-handed benefactor, is also a careful and wise and thoughtful giver. He does not throw out his largess thoughtlessly. He studies many deeds and causes, he picks and chooses very cannily those which he shall help. And when he helps it is done in princely and adequate fashion. Once a cause is mentioned as a favorite of Rosenwald, we may be sure that it has sound merits to recommend it. And so when it is announced that this prince of givers in Israel has offered a prize of $10,000 for the best essay on the Future of American Judaism we may be sure he is not making a mere l't gesture or expressing a rich man’s whim. And we are assured oT^ wisdom of this prize offer when we note what Mr. Rosenw°M^ e seeking, when we read that the essay is to answer the n u e “How can Jewish life best adjust itself to and influence mode p 0 * 1 with respect to beliefs and theories, institutions (as the home th* synagog, the school and other communal agencies) and j l education for the child, youth and adult?” We hope that the best minds will set themselves to this me- serious task in American Israel, that of foreshadowing the futrr trend of Israel in America along the best line of self-developmerr rather than in haphazard and hit-and-miss way which so frequently marks the course of national and religious adjustment to each new age. We need a safe and sane blueprint of Jewish American develop ment in religious, social and educational lines. Julius Rosenwald will have put American and w'orld Israel under another heavy del to him if his prize offer brings to us some such fine study. Jewish Leader Is Lost In Death of Rabbi B rowne Rabbi Edward M. Browne outstanding figure in international rabbinical circles, author, lecturer, and one time head of a Hebrew Benevolent Congregation of Atlanta, has passed to the great be yond. He died in Columbus, Ga., on October 25th, at the age of 86. He had for the last four years been making his home with his daugh ter, Mrs. I). S. Goldberg. Death was the result of a lingering ill ness and weakness caused by advanced age. He held degrees from several European universities, The University of Wisconsin and the University of Cincinnati. He was an internationally recognize authority on the Talmud and had written a number of books < that subject. For many years he was active on the lecture plat form and had a wide reputation as an orator of marked ability. An intimate friend of the late President Grant and his family. Dr. Browne was the last surviving pall-bearer at the Grant funeral. Actuated by the true pioneering spirit in all his earthly deeds. Dr. Browne came an unknown youth from Austria-Hungary and eventually received the greatest of honors in this country. Doctor, lawyer, Rabbi, and intimate of the great, Docto Browne lead his people thru troublous times. If at any time he perplexed by the infinite doubts—all things now to him are clear. Hail to the great and peace to his spirit. Jewish Calendar Rosh (.liodoh Cheshvan •Rosh Chodesh kislev First Dav Chanukah 5689-1929 Mondav. November j Tuesday, December .1 Fridav, December -• * Hush Chodesh Tebeth Fast of Tebeth Rosh Chodesh Shebat * Rosh Chodesh Adar _ . Purim Rosh Chodesh Nissan First Dav Pesach Seventh Dav Pesach *Rosh Chodesh Ivar •Rosh Chodesh Ellul 5690-1930 Wednesday, January 1 Fridav, January n Thursday, January J Saturday, February Friday, March 1* Sundav, March ™ Sunday, Aprt Jj* Saturday, April Tuesday. April & Monday, August * Also observed the day previous to Rosh Chodesh• All Jeivish holidays begin at sunset the preceding secular day•