The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 25, 1929, Image 5

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The Southern Israelite Page 5 o c in €irir Miss Levison and Mr. Meyerhardt To Wed At Home October 3 1 ( ,,niial interest to a wide circle , nds in Atlanta and throughout „ !ate i s the announcement of the a! ,,,r„ a chinp marriage of Miss Repina , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levison. of Atlanta, to Mr. j. Meyerhardt, the ceremony • , h,. performed at the home of the s parents on October 31, Rabbi Marx, officiating. The bride will have as her brides- ,j and only attendant, a sister, , Paula Levison and the bride- will have as his best man, Mr. Walt* r S. Nathan, of Brunswick, Ga., a '.r"ther-in-law. Mrs. Bertram Kauf- • ar n. a sister of the bridegroom will '.rder appropriate music. A note of entimerit is attached to the date of • eeremony, it being the GOth birth- ,,f the bride-elect’s mother. M;ss Lveison and Mr. Meyerhardt are being extensively entertained at a number of pre-nuptial affairs, among •hem being a bridge-kitchen shower f,.r the bride, given by Mrs. Hillman, Fish, a sister of the bride. A small gr up of intimate friends of the bride- e'.eet enjoyed this occasion. Mrs. A. Robert Hornik entertained at a buffet supper at her home at 633 N. Moreland Avenue, in honor of Miss Levison and Mr. Meyerhardt. There were about twenty guests present. Mrs. Bertram Kaufmann will enter tain at tea at her home on October 19. Miss Gladys Asher will entertain at bridge the evening of Tuesday, Octo ber 22, at her home on Briarcliff Road, in honor of Miss Levison and Mr. Meyerhardt. The mother of the bride will be hostess at the trousseau tea on Octo ber 26. A group of close personal friends have been invited for this oc casion. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Samuels, uncle and aunt of the bride-elect will honor Miss Levison and Mr. Meyerhardt at a family dinner on October 27, at their home on Fourteenth Street. Miss Paula Levison and Mrs. Hill man Fish, sister of the bride-elect, will entertain at an informal dinner October 30, immediately following the wedding rehearsal. About twenty-five close friends of the bridal couple will be included as guests. Hirsch-Strauss Engagement Ot Interest Of outstanding interest in Atlanta and throughout the state, is the an- ■ umfment by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ib-rman Hirsch of the engagement of their daughter. Miss Margaret Pa ha Hirsch, to Mr. Oscar Richard Strauss, Jr. M.'S Hirsch is the youngest daugh- t*' r - and is a graduate of the Girls’ School, also attended Agnes ’t College, and has had the ad- ’agc of wide travel in America and European countries. Her father, "f the upbuilders of Atlanta, is a ung manufacturer of the South, will always be known for his in- in the work of the Steiner Clin- having held the office of president tht board of trustees of that insti- n since its foundation, and to '■ h he has contributed most gener- '■> of his time. Her mother, for- ■ Miss Hattie Weil, of Savannah, "f a group of sisters known for ‘" ,r beauty and charm, the others - Mrs. Ralph Wood, of New York; I >uv i (1 Stern and Mrs. Jack M h, of ( hicago; Mrs. Aaron Ferst, : Baltimore; Mrs. I. H. Hirsch, of anta, and another sister is Mrs. r.hur Weil, of Baltimore. B- B. Lilienthal is her aunt • e paternal side, and her uncles M r - M. L. Hirsch, Mr. M. R. MI>S WlLENSKY WEDS MR. FINE "uncement of the marriage of * da Wilensky, formerly of Sa- v * a ’ and Mr. Jake Fine, of States- v v ‘. r . a ” W B1 be read with interest •' irh* ^ many ^ r * en ds throughout the •• their return from their wed- Hirsch and Mr. Harold Hirsch. The young bride-elect’s sisters are Mrs. Eugene Oberdorfer, Jr., and Mrs. Gabriel Schoen. She is also the great- niece of the late Mr. Joseph Hirsch, an outstanding figure in the life of this city, and president of the board of trustees of Grady Hospital for many years. Mr. Strauss is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Richard Strauss, his fath er prominent in the manufacturing world, and his mother having for merly been Miss Ruby Rich, belle and beauty. His sister is Miss Clare Strauss, lovely young subdeb. Mr. Strauss is a member of the lngleside Country Club and the Stand ard Club. He was educated at Roxbury School, in Massachusetts; Emory Uni versity and New York University. He now holds a prominent position with Rich’s Inc., of which his grand father, the late Mr. Emanuel Rich, was one of the founders with his brothers, the late Mr. Morris Rich, and the late Mr. Daniel Rich, and of which his uncle, Mr. Walter Rich, is president. His paternal aunt and un cles are Mrs. Morris Eiseman, Mr. David Strauss, Mr. Louis Strauss, of Atlanta, and Mr. Emil Strauss, of New York. ding trip to New York and Philadel phia, Mr. and Mrs. Fine will be at home in Vedado Way. Miss Florette Visanska has return ed to Baltimore to resume her studies at Goucher College. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Well house Give Dinner At lngleside Club Mr. and Mrs. Eli Meyer, their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wellhouse, Jr., entertained at an ele gantly-appointed dinner recently at lngleside Country Club. The center of the table was adorned with a mound of pastel-shaded flowers, and a Yo-Yo contest followed the dinner, in which Mrs. Milton Liebman won first prize for being most proficient in the art of handling a Yo-Yo, the award being a pedigreed fox-terrier with a red ribbon bow tied on his neck, with a wooden dog being given Mrs. Frank Ferst for consolation, while the booby prize, a mechanical toy, a goose that laid the golden egg, being won by Mrs. Norman Elsas. Mr. Louis Elsas and Mr. Marion Rosenberg acted as contest referees and Mr. William Ka- lespa made a humorous address on the “Use of Yo-Yo’s.” Mrs. Meyer wore a gown of Inde pendence blue chiffon and Mrs. Well- house was costumed in black taffeta and were assisted in entertaining by their husbands. Their guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wellhouse, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Loeb, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Wiseherg, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Strausberger, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hirsch, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Rosen berg, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. Max Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobus, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferst, Mr. and Mrs. William King- don, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Leibman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cerf, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elsas, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Regenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bowles, Mrs. Sam Wiseberg, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Arenstan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haas, Mr. and Mrs. William, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elsas, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adler, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Selig, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oberdorfer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Epstein, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rice, Mr. and Mrs. William Kalespa, Mrs. Ben Phillips, Mrs. Louis Troutman, of New York City; Miss Clemmie Haas, Miss Josie Strauss, Miss Helen Leibman, Miss Albert Meyer and Miss Fred Soloshin. Kamper Specials! Wild Rice, Lb. 95c I’he “nutty’' flavor of wild rice lends itself well to such dishes as baked fowl! Ibis is a new shipment—fresh front the rice fields of Michigan. Use it in varying your next dinner menu! Creole Coffee 45c lb. Each 1*01111(1 Crouml Enpe- daily for Your Coffee. l*ot! If you haven’t tasted this delicous Kamper coffee, you don’t know how good coffee can be! Just a whiff of it will make you hungry! <5^ All Green Asparagus large cans 60c each 12 for $7 a Mary Washington product! Luxury Brand Garden Peas No. 1 cans 20c ea.-$2.25 do/. No. 2 cans 25c ea.-$2.90 doz, Four Pure Food Department Stores