The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, November 15, 1929, Image 14

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Page 14 BUY YOU It ICE FH(»1 FULTON ICE CO. Ka.l I'air >lrrct >1 Ain 2100 T. A. K NIC I IT, President THE SERV ICE CO. 1*1 anl. I.<irntt*«l: llrrkrlr Str.M-t M \ in 30 11 All Modern Plants—300 Tons Capacity The Southern Israelite EXECUTIVE ^owrtd ^(qg. 56an/ie/*J c^iirm£er*i 4eit' Vcr/i CSloc/f £xcJianyo v XjJccJalrJ<ern/wri Aeu VcrA'Ctit6C xcJianyi Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Listed and Local Stocks Underwriters of Southern Securities E BOARD OF CENTRAL CONFEREE OF AMERICAN RABBIES The above are members of the executive board of the Central Conferee of American Rabbis, the president of which, Rabbi David Lefkowiu, written a letter to all member rabbis, urging their co-operation on the N >'•" her Tour soon to be undertaken on behalf of the Union of American Hebr Congregations. Officers of the C. C. A. R. are Dr. David Philipson, Bene Israel, Cincinna.- Ohio, honorary president; Rabbi David Lefkowitz, Emanuel, Dallas, Tex< president; Dr. Morris Newfield, Emanuel, Birmingham, Ala., vice-pre>.’ Dr. Felix A. Levy, Emanuel, Chicago, Ill., treasurer; Rabbi Isaac E. M;*’ Beth Israel, Macon, (la., recording secretary; and James G. Heller, K. K * Yeshurun, Cincinnati, Ohio, corresponding secretary. The chairman of the November Tour is Mr. David A. Brown, ba>- and lay leader, of New York, N. Y., and will visit some 280 congrega,. in a four week period starting with Friday, November loth. VIENNA PAPER OPENS PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION FOR PALESTINE VICTIMS Hakenkreuzler Post Anti-Jewish Bills Vienna (J. T. A.)—A public sub scription for funds to aid the victims of the Palestine outbreak was opened by the “Neue Freie Presse.” The newspaper publishes a list of contri butions which have so far reached 11,000 schilling. With the relief funds of the Zionist and the Jewish com munity, the total is expected to reach 100,000 schillings. The Palestine Arabs are praised and congratulated “for their heroic ac tions against Jewish insolence” in bills posted throughout Vienna by the Hakenkrouzler, anti-Semitic organiza tion. The bills urge the Christian population of Austria to “take a les son from the Arabs and similarly set tle these Jews in Austria.” GERM AN STUDENT GR0I P> 1 AVOW ANTI-SEMITISM. HK-B- FROM ASSOCIATION Berlin (J. T. A.)—Disavowing ar-> Semitism as a part of their P r °U^ a conference of German \ olkspart students, in session here with - e L^ sentatives from 15 universities attend ing, decided to secede from the a ^ Semitic German Student s s tion. The step was determined upon when the Association declined U inate anti-Semitism from its P*°* declared that the P«*n#* German Volkspartei » ^ groups in this stand i> 0 ®' ficial recognition from the PAUL LEVIN. NOVELIST. DlE: IN COPENHAGEN / t t- a t—Paul l*** Copenhagen (J. T. A- histor ? 0 f novelist and writer on tne ^ literature, died here toe a> ^ aVor ite of 61. Levin was one ot pupils of George Brandes. It was the groups in Private Wires to Otis ft Co., N. Y.—Post ft Flagg, N. Y. HURT BUILDING, ATLANTA TEL. WAlnut 9110 Or DAVID P441UPSON 4* t* DrULIX A L4VY DAVID A BROWN RABBI li.MARCUSON' Dv. MORRIS NtWfltLD —when sold and serviced by a music store. Come to Cable’s, where you are sure of highest quality. A half century of musical experi ence has fitted us to give you expert service that will mean complete satisfaction from your radio. Many leading makes including: VICTOR CABLE ERLA R.C.A. RADIOLAi Easy to Own tiff /'VOO Per Only JL V/ Month Piano Company ATLANTA, GA.