The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, December 14, 1929, Image 8

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The Southern Israelite Page 8 Society and Personals Fritz and Kurt Uhlmann are motor ing to New York to he pone until af ter January 1st. Mrs. Ernest Morrison is convales cing at the home of her mother, Mrs. Sol Clarke, on Myrtle Street. Mr. Ed Cohn is spending a few days in New York. Rabbi Marx Guest at Jacksonville, bla. Rabbi David Marx was the guest of the Jacksonville, Fla., congregation. Rabbi Marx visited there in connec tion with the Good Will Tour conduc ted by the Union of American He brew Conprepations durinp the month of November and December. Mrs. Ike Hirsch is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Haas in Mem phis. Tenn. Mrs. A. D. Greenfield has returned home fronj a short visit in Savannah, Ga. Miss Dorothy Selip spent the week end in Athens, Ga. Miss Josephine Wachtal, of Savan nah, is the guest of Mrs. Arthur Shul- hafer. Mrs. Arthur Weil, of Richmond, Va., has returned home having been cal led here by the death of her father, Mr. J. F. Banks. Mi's. David Goldberg of New \ ork, has leturned home. Mrs. Charles Adler is convalescing from a recent operation. Mis. Alex Marcus has recovered from a slight illness. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Byck are spending the winter in Florida. Miss l’erie Bokritzky was a recent vis,tor in Chattanooga, Tenn. Miss Gladys Shuman and Miss Lil lian Esserman were guests in Rome, Ga.. dining the Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Anne Minsk, formerly of At lanta, who is making her home in Mi ami. Ha., was a recent guest in the city. Miss Irene Bernath left for an ex tended trip through the west. She will spend several months in Los An geles. Miss Bernath, who is a very popular member of Junior Hadassah, was tendered a beautiful send-off and her ft iends wish her a most pleasant journey. Miss Rose Fierman, of Macon, was a popular visitor in the city. Mr. Jake Spitz and Master Jack Spitz of Richmond, Va., spent Thanks giving in the city as the guests of rel atives. Little Miss Caroline Eichberg has recovetod from a tonsil operation. The friends of the family of Mrs. Ida Kaplan are sympathizing with them in the death of their mother in Asheville. N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Strauss are spending a few weeks in Florida. Mrs. Minnie Isaacs of New York, is the guest of Mrs. Joe Price. Mrs. Henry V ellhouse has returned trom an extended motor trip through the state of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Regenstein have returned from a delightful stay in Florida. Miss C harlotte Weinkle, of Jackson ville. Fla., was the charming guest of Miss Sara Gershon. Miss Weinkle has a host of friends in Atlanta who are always happy to greet her. Mr. and Mrs H. Ri„ e „ba um „ tertained at a beautiful dinnerV day, December 1st, at their hr North Avenue, in honor of Shuman, who leaves the Lt' * ri nf the month f„ r Los M "' she will be married and make T home. Miss Shuman was pre , fn ^ with a gold coin as a wedding f , Mrs. Rittenbaum was assisted j n tertaining by her daughter Miss U Rittenbaum and Mrs. Joseph Brown** Miss Leah Stone, of Harrimar. Tenn., was the recent guest of Shumans, at their home on Place. U Mrs. Pauline S. Katz has recovered, from her recent illness. Mrs. M. Rosenberg, of Albany. f; t is ill at the Piedmont Sanitarium Mr. David Greenfield is i n York. Mr. Jos. Brown has returned frr Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Ike May, Mr. and Mrs. J R Sielzbacher, Joel Sielzbacher, Jr., Rome, Ga., spent Thanksgiving v Mr. and Mrs. Ben May on Springdale Road. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hirsch ha\e returned home after spending the week-end in Birmingham, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Liebman are enjoying a short stay in New York Mrs. Irving Greenspan, of Nash\ * Tenn.. has returned home, having been called here by the illness/>f her mother, Mrs. Joseph Gershon. Mr. and Mrs. Marks of Spartan burg, S. C., spent a few days in the city recently. Miss Clara Bernard ha> recovered from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Wolfe and daughter, Joan, have returned from * short visit in Albany, Ga. Miss Rebecca Cecil Rosenberg visiting Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Ro*e r berg on Briarcliff Road. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Franklin have returned from a pleasant trip to Se* York. r. and Mrs. M. Flatauer and fan" iave moved to Orlando, Ha., t ire home. [»s Rae Winer, of ChattanwP; n., was the guest of ° . shon during the Thanks?" 1 days. Miss Winer was delight u •. Hiss Mary Frank. Chattanooga, in., president of the Sout ern >n of Junior Hadassah, " a , . jst of Miss Rae Rosenberg d J n ^ Executive Board meeting o it hern Region, which "'as . lanta at the Henry Grady 0 „. ss Frank, whose magneto P _ ty makes her one of the most F and greatly admired ? ues S , bv ita, was delightfully tntertame< • • hosts of friends. (Continued on Page ^