The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 15, 1930, Image 2

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TOUR This Summer in Royal Luxury with SPLIT COACT 1 mm The illustrations at the right show how SPLIT COACH can be expanded to three times its traveling size—by raising roof and extending side walls. (When closed, SPLIT COACH is just the width of your car.) Daytime living room with convenient table and couches. The new, luxurious traveling home .. .nothing else like it anywhere... all the comforts of home . . . with a change of scene J UST what you’ve been waiting for! The most completely equipped traveling home ever! Whether you’ve a ‘yen’ for mountains, shore or countryside, take SPLIT COACH—the lightest car pulls it easily, smoothly! More fun than you ever imagined! No upkeep—no hotel bills—no restaurant bills—no need to ‘make the next town’—just settle down for the night in SPLIT COACH—sleeps four! You can treble its size when stationary—a snug, cozy home with cupboards, tables, lights, pillows—everything! Parlor, bedroom, kitchen, dining room! Joy—by the day, by the week! Safe! Comfort able ! Economical! Use SPLIT COACH for your vacations, for touring, for week-ends. Make money—rent it the rest of the time! SPLIT COACH is sold on convenient monthly payments. Nighttime bedroom — •leepe four comfortably. Now On Display In Our Store Sears, Roebuck and Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT STORE Ponce de Leon at Glen Iris