The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 26, 1966, Image 10
l COMPLIMENTS OF - THOMAS MILLS INC MANUFACTURERS OF - Broadloom Room Size and Area Rugs Bath Sets Carpet Cushion - Bedspreads Blankets Dalton, Ga. Calhoun, Ga. Division of Fulton Industries, Inc. INCORPORATED Phone 226-2325 P. O. Box 4*6 Whitfiold Industrial Part, DALTON. GEORGIA 30720 A COMPLETE CARPET FINISHING SERVICE Hardwick Bank and Trust Co. Conversion of C. L. Hardwick & Co. Established 1873 Dalton, Georgia Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Dalton Federal Savings & Loan Association DALTON, GEORGIA Liberal Dividends on INSURED SAVINGS COMPLETE HOME FINANCING 101 N. Hamilton St. DALTON, GA. Phone BR.f-lCM 10 Huge trucks loading the finished products from Rogosin Mills for shipment. upon massive equipment through which the giant rolls of fabric wind through chem icals which anneal and coat the material until it is ready for shipment to some other fac tory. Many of these other factories are located outside of Israel and the products of the Rogosin Mills are shipped through the new port facilities at Ashdod or via truck to other locations. The export of the product has become a great part of the trading capacity of the new Jewish State. Stockholders have been told that the reason the factory has not paid dividends for the last two years is due to the expan sion of the facilities, the rein vestment of capital into new equipment. We saw these facilities. A huge three-story wing addition to the general factory. Here we saw the new equipment, the latest available from American know-how and in use in the United States. This new equipment will greatly in crease the capacity of the mill, manufacturing rayon it self, which until now has had to be brought into the facility for processing. Now Rogosin Mills will create its own rayon threads—and use much of it on the spot. Some of the rayon may go to other factories where it will eventually find usefulness in fabrics intended for the sheerest and loveliest of feminine wear. The creative chemical part of the process will take place on one floor, the threading passing to machinery on the lower floor for more attention in the hardening stage, finally winding onto spools on the lower floor. The production capacity of the factory running at full capacity for two shifts is stag gering in proportion to the slow hand-crafted manufac turing processes in use in Israel until a few years ago and still in use in many areas of the country. The new expanded facilities were almost in operation when we inspected them. By now they might already be in pro duction. In time, the stock holders will surely receive di vidends. Meanwhile, the State of Israel itself through the energizing effects of the mill at Ashdod, where now live close ta 40,000 persons, is already feeling the benefits of the establishment’s creativity These will grow greatly as the new enlarged facilities get in to operation. We had to turn down a per sonal invitation of the foreman to have coffee at his apartmen - and to meet his family. ThL will have to wait for a latei visit. We have it on our list ot things to do next time. The Southern Israelit>