The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 26, 1966, Image 2
Treat yourself to an oasis of cool comfort Add zest to warm-weather living. Keep cool the modern, low-cost way . . . Electrically. Electric air conditioners, dehumidifiers and fans take the stifling heat out of hot sultry days. They help you sleep better, work better and relax in refreshing cool comfort. Don’t simmer! Stay cool . . . Electrically. GEORGIA POWER COMPANY THE SOUTH'S THREE MOST BEAUTIFUL GARDEN SHOWING CENTERS H. G. HASTINGS CO. ATLANTA 2350 Cheshire Bridge Road, N.E. AND Cascade at Fairburn Roads, S.W. CHARLOTTE 4500 E. Independence Boulevard IN THIS ISSUE FEATURES ROGOSIN MILLS by Adolph Rosenberg 7 COPENHAGEN, TOURIST’S PARADISE by David Horowit: 13 NEW BEGINNINGS by Ben Nathan . . 17 SANDERS & B’NAI B’RITH by Governor Carl Sanders . . 27 ARTICLES JEWISH SCHOOLS & NEGRO STRUGGLE by James Roberts 4 AUSTRIAN JEWRY by Shin Fey . . . 5 ANGUISH OF THE JEWS Book Review by Harnj Simonhoff 21 THE INCREDIBLE “MR. PRESIDENT” by Bernard Postal 18 DIARY OF ADAM CZERNIAK by S. L. Schneiderman . . 23 RABBI VS SOCIAL WORKER by Fred A. Stein 31 THE RABBI by Rabbi Morris Adler 33 TRANSLATED YIDDISH LITERATURE by Philip Rubin . 36 MAN IS NOT A THING by Rabbi Morris Umen 38 SHORT STORY INHUMANITY KNOWS NO BOUNDARY by Philip Bak . . 40 Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Atlanta, Ga., under the set of March 3, 1879. Published weekly by the Southern Newspaper Enterprises, Inc. Sub scription rates: *5.00 per year in advance. The Southern Israelite Invites cor respondence and literary contributions, but the editor is not to be considered as sharing the views expressed by the writers except those enunciated in the editorial columns—without contributors' names. Established 1935. Adolph Rosenberg, Editor and Publisher; Executive offices, 390 Courtland Street, N. E., Atlanta, Ceorgia 30303; Advisory Board: Hyman Jacobs, Harry Spitier, P. Wolkin Est., Joe Cohen, A. L. Feldman, Kalman Sunshine, Sam Levy, Gustav Oppenheimer, Dr. Jack Bleich, Dr. Irving Goldstein, Thomas Makover, Abe Goldberg, Hyman Morris, Edward Krick, Meyer Balser, Sol Benamy, Reuben Cohen, Sam Weinberg, Eugene Oberdorfer A. D. Srochi, David Gershon, Harry Harrison, Dr. Nathan Blass, Irving Libowsky. Berry Rittenbaum, Meyer Rosenberg, Harold Marcus, Dr. Irving Greenberg, Leon Kletiky, Dr. E. Reismen and Arthur Weiss. 2 The Southern Israelite