The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 26, 1966, Image 22
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This man of vast learning held that the alleged cries of the mob at the crucifixion: “His blood will be upon us and our children” were heard above and adopted in heaven. But these besmirches were mild if compared with the vil ifications of St. John Chrysos tom. the troublemaker not only for Jews and Queen Eudoxia but even for some priests and monks. This Syrian preacher and ecclesiastic, who died in exile, reached a height in venomous vituperation that places him in the category of Hitler, Torquemada, Paul IV, and the Nazi genocides. It must have been distressing for the devout Flannery to quote out of Chrysostom’s eight sermons against the Jews such morsels about the synagogue as: “a theatre and house of prostitu tion. a cavern of brigands, a repair of wild beasts, the domi cile of the devil, a place of shame and ridicule, an asylum of perdition,” and so on. (Page ■48 "The Anguish of the Jews.”) As for the Jews themselves according to this bishop from Antioch, they "are lustful, rapacious, greedy, perfidious bandits inveterate mur derers, destroyers, impure and impious men possessed by the devil. . . . How can Christians dare have the slightest con verse with them, the most mis erable of all men, who know only one thing, to satisfy their gullets, get drunk, to kill and maim one another? .... They have surpassed the ferocity of wild beasts, for they murder their offspring and immolate them to the devil. . . . Indeed Jews worship the devil: their rites are criminal and impure; their religion is a disease.” Is it possible that this holy man believed his own pious false hoods, which were magnified in the Christian world for many centuries? Hitler no doubt read these eight serm ons and discovered that the big lie is far more effective than (he simple, unadorned truth. But what brought on such vicious sniping in the fourth century bv the most articulate of Christian theologians? Fath er Flannery states: “The most ominous development for the history of anti-Semitism in Christian antiquity was with out question the definitive ela boration of the theme of a di vine curse or punishment up on Jews for their role in the crucifixion of Christ. The theme broached in the third century was fully elaborated in the fourth. Chrysostom, whose influence was great, added much authority to the deicidal theme by making it central to his theology of Jud aism.” Yet why didn’t this deicide charge come earlier? Christi anity had already been in exis tence for three centuries. The answer lies on the surface rath er than concealed in the womb of history. When Christians were weak and persecuted the accusation of killing a, god would have sounded absurd to Jews and even to pagans. But after Constantine' granted pre ference status to Christianity its leaders began to envisage a church-state modeled after the empire of the Caesars. Yet the great victory seemed incom plete without the participation of the Jew’s, the people of the Torah to w’hom God appeared on Mt. Sinai. The church lead ers, who became powerful, were galled by the refusal of the Jews to join them. Power corrupts. The leadership, now triumphant, decided to declare W’ar upon pagans, and all in transigents. In war the propo nents utilize the weapons they possess. It became a capital of fense to worship the gods in pagan temples. Yet Christians could not, Hitler fashion, anni hilate the brethren of Jesus with fire and sword. The theologians formulated a weapon that would either bring the Jew’s into their camp or brand them as the most, de spicable people on earth. Their w'eapon became “the odious assassination of Christ" for which Chrysostom declares “no expiation possible, no in dulgence, no pardon — Ven geance without end — Thus the Jews, hated by God. will live under the yoke of servi tude without end — On Judg ment Day God will say Depart from me for you have had in tercourse with my murderers.” Flannery goes on to state: “After Chrysostom, the theme of deicidal punishment gained wide currency and although never accepted as a universal dogmatic tradition in the church. . . . for centuries it was to supply a pseudo-theological basis for myriad oppressions and degradations of Jews. On its basis misguided men con sidered themselves called to as sist the Almighty in effectu ating His ‘curse’ and free to in dulge their hostilities with a divine seal of approval." Should anyone question how the ancient, respectful and honorable word JEW became in the Christian world a term of reproach, a vile name, an insult, he can find the answer in Father Flannery’s most in formative study, THE AGONY OF THE JEWS. 22 The Southern Israelite