The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 26, 1966, Image 28

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Dothan, Alabama
series of crises: A new demand
for reapportionment, . . . and a
squalid fleecing of visitors
passing through a few of Geor
gia’s counties . . . among others.
We must place these prob
lems in perspective.
First . . . additional reappor
tionment may or may not be
ordered by the Federal Court
meeting tomorrow . . . but I
know the possibility is regard
ed with uncertainty by the ma
jority of a Legislature that . . .
after all . . . has had more re
apportionment plans accepted
by the Federal courts than any
other in the Nation. Second . . .
local citizens nave a natural
reluctance to become involved
in an unpleasant affair that
seems to be hurting only “out
siders” . . . and, at that, out
siders who are willing to bend
or break the laws against
We do not know what the
solution to these individual
problems will be . . . but we do
know that when Georgians
come face to face with a choice
between acceptance or disre
gard of the law . . . they will
come down on the side of the
law every time.
You of B’nai B’rith, Sons of
Covenant, have for almost a
century and a quarter support
ed the ideal of “Benevolence,
Brotherly Love and Harmo
This ideal is implied in the
very existence of a covenant
. . for lacking faith, trust, and
sincerity, the concept itself is
This ideal must be based
upon reason and law. We can
take instruction from the
words of Justice Felix P'rank-
“Fragile as reason is . . . and
limited as law is ... as the ex
pression of the institutional
ized medium of reason . . .
P.O. Box 370
Dothan, Alabama
Telephone 792-4151
that’s all we have standing
between us and the tyranny of
mere will . . . and the cruelty
of unbridled . . . unprincip
led. . . undiciplined feeling.”
Our beloved State has pour
ed its resources and its deter
mination into a concerted ef
fort to build for the future.
We have a student popula
tion that is growing by the
thousands every year . . . and
requiring millions in addi
tional. dollars.
We have a labor force that
will match any in the world
in skill and in a willingness to
adapt their skills to changing
We have vibrant industries
meeting new challenges and
new opportunities.
Our labors are succeeding
because we have not been
sterile and blind' adherents of
the status quo. We have real
ized that a “lost cause” is one
that deserves no new victims.
We have supported those
leaders in politics ... in busi
ness, and in our voluntary
organizations. . . . who realize
that a new age is upon us . . .
an age that demands not a
mournful admission of change,
but rather a joyous assurance
that change can be directed for
our own purposes and our own
I say to you here today that
as long as Georgia remains on
a course of courageous mastery
of change and obedience to
law . . . her future will be in
our hands.
But when we abandon what
is right in a cowardly surren
der to emotionalism or apathy
. . . when we leave wisdom be
hind . . . we forsake our heri
tage as Americans, and leave
the fate of our Georgia to the
dictates of others.
As Governor, I have pledged
to myself that I will act in ac
cordance with what I think is
right for Georgia’s long-term
interests . . . and not to satisfy
the emotional demands of the
And today, I call upon you
of B’nai B’rith to reforge the
covenant that binds you to
gether in service to your
Join together to strengthen
respect for law and to help
lead our State into the future
that she deserves.
Remember the wisdom of
David Ben-Gurion, who said.
“The real happiness of man
(is) creative life, conquest of
nature, and a great purpose.”
Through mutual effort and
creative endeavor, we can
achieve our purpose . . . and, in
so doing, bring our State to
true greatness.
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The Southern Israelite