Newspaper Page Text
r«p Nlneteea
Friday, September 9, 1966
1745 PeacbtrM SL,
N.E., Atlanta, 6a.
Look for thli
weekly to keep in
formed about AJCC
programs. For detail#
not covered call:
TR. 5-7881
Frank Fierman
Executive Director
What does Ben Gurion Think About —
When he’s standing on his head?
Many of you have noticed that a rather large amount of space on
our AJCC Page for the past two weeks has been given to our ad
vertising our forthcoming Yoga classes at the Center.
I confess that I felt uncomfortable about this possibly because
of the lack of Jewish content in a Yoga class. I want you to know
that I feel much better now.
Last week I enjoyed the privilege of being in the company of
our new Consul General Zev Boneh and his associate from the
Washington Embassy, Mr. Benad Avital. In the course of a very
pleasant chat, I asked about the health of David Ben Gurion who
is soon to celebrate his 80th birthday.
Mr. Avital proceeded to tell me that Mr. Ben Gurion, kina-
horrah, was in excellent good health; in fact in much better health
than when he was a mere 60-65 years of age.
At that time he complained of many of the aches and pains one
associates with retirement age. Fortunately however, he came under
the influence of a prominent Israeli physicist who took him in
hand and taught him Yoga and proceeded to initiate him to a pro
gram of walking and running five miles each day. As a result I
was assured that he, today, is in excellent health and physical con
So, dear member, what has worked for Mr. Ben Gurion can
benefit you as well, and I hope to see many of you when our new
Yoga classes begin this Fall.
(Child must be at least 3 during
semester in which he is register
ed) on Monday or Wednesday—
or—Monday AND Wednesday—
choose either or both days.
Hours from 2:45 to 4:15.
Fall Semester:
Mon. Sept. 19—Mon. Dec. 12
Wed. Sept. 21—Wed. Dec. 14
Winter Semester:
Mon. Jan. 9—Mon. Mar. 13
Wed. Jan. 11—Wed. Mar. 15
Spring Semester:
Mon. Mar. 20—Mon. May 22
Wed. Mar. 22—Wed. 24 (Cen-
AJCC MEMBERSHIP No. Classification: Pre-School
ACTIVITY DAY (please circle)
Monday Wednesday
ADDRESS Zone Home Phone
For Children: Bus. Phone
Amount Class Fee Paid: Insurance Paid:
Please complete and Return To:
Atlanta Jewish Community Center
1745 Peachtree Rd., N.E.
Atlanta, Ga. 30309
ter closed on April 24, April 26,
and May 1)
Fee: $6.50 per term for 1 day
weekly. $13.00 per term for 2
days weekly.
Indoors & outdoors, using
Nursery School facilities
Music, Crafts, Stories, Drama
tics, Snacks, . . .Program super
vised by Mrs. Ralph Sacks—Pre-
School Dept. Director
Staff consists of qualified
teachers: Mrs. Reuben Cohen,
Mrs. Jacob Robinson, and assis
tants—Miss Terry Feldman, Miss
Judy Moldow.
News Of The
Life Begins At 50 Club
Our club enjoyed a wonder
ful picnic Sunday, Aug. 28, at
Zaban Park. Most of the mem
bers came, and they all had a
very nice time. The weather was
lovely, and we also played
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Saul Rich on their Golden
Wedding Anniversary. We all
wish you both to enjoy your
your Diamond Wedding Anni
versary together with your chil
dren and grandchildren. Mazol
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs..
S. Adiger on the marriage of
your granddaughter. We all wish
you to have a lot of pleasure
from them.
Congratulations to the grand
mothers, Mrs. Gussie Gottfelt
and Mrs. Ella Stone on the oc
casion of their granddaughter’s
marriage. We wish you both lots
of “Naches” .from them. Con
gratulations, Mrs. Rose Leibling
on the birth of your great-
granddaughter. Also, Mazol Tov
to the baby’s parents, and grand
parents. We all wish them lots
of good luck, and may they all
have lots of pleasure.
We are very happy to say that
Mrs. J. Horowitz is getting along
nicely. We also wish all of our
members who are sick a speedy
A very Happy New Year to
Mollie Tontak
We are asking for families who
are interested in providing
home hospitality for Jewish
Military Personnel during
High Holy Days of Rosh
Hashana and Yom Kippur to
call Jerry Melman, Adult
Activity Director—AJCC
Trinity 5-7881
Physical Education Programs Begin
Center Members
Starting Sept. 6th the indoor
pool will be open three morn
ings a week for your swimming
Monday, Tuesday &
Thursday 10:30 to noon
During this time on Tuesday &
Thursday mornings adults may
receive free swimming instruc
Come on in and enjoy a re
laxing dip while the children are
in school and the man of the
house is at work.
The other family swim times:
Sundays—10:00-12:30, 1:30-5:30
Mondays — 1:30-3:00, 4:30-6:00,
Tuesdays—1:30-2:30, 4:30-6:00,
Wednesdays— 1:30-3:30, 4:30-
6:00, 7:30-9:00
Thursdays—Same as Tuesday
Remember— Swimming is the
ideal exercise.
Sundays—Week of
September 11th:
9-10:30 Adult Open Gym
From 9 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. ex
citing and stimulating half court
basketball games provide exer
cise and enjoyment for adult
Center members. On October 9
from 10:30 a. m. to 12:00 p. m.
the adults can still continue
using one-half of the court.
Ladies Slim Gym
Starts September 12th— Mon
day, Tuesday, Thursday— 10:30
a. m. to 12:00 p. m.
Instructors: Harold Post, Jer
ry Weissman.
One of the largest ladies ac
tivities (enrollment of last year
54—original attendance 25) be
gins in September.
Vigorous exercise and excit
ing volleyball games make up a
stimulating hour and a half of
Week of September 13th
Ladies Slim Gym
Time—8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Instructor—Dan Kennerly
It’s that time again for all those
women who can’t make our
morning classess to swing along
with Dan. Yes, Dan Kennerly is
back for the umpteenth year and
in better shape than ever. Join
his class and be in condition. He
offers a vigorous exercise rou
tine designed to trim off those
extra pounds and to redistribute
body weight. Feel good and ex
Water Ballet Added to
Fall Swim Program
Synchronized swimming in
volves performing aquatic move
ments to synchronize “or
agree with’’ a specific accom
paniment. In this program the
strokes, the stunts are done to
gether. The action is determined
by the music or rhythms used.
Those who participate will
learn to scull head first, top or
tub, pike surface dive, front
somersault, dolphin, ballet leg,
shark and others.
This program is being offered
to members who have passed
their Red Cross Intermediate
tests, 10 years of age & over,
limited to ten students. Fee for
the course is $10.00. Register
now at the reception desk. Class
will meet every Thursday, 7:30-
8:30 p. m. starting Sept. 22nd &
terminating Nov. 13th.
Gold Cup Winner
Dick Planer, playing a steady
well rounded game defeated Irv
Levine 6-4 and 6-2. Planer using
fine placements constantly kept
Levine off balance. Whenever
Levine would rally with beauti
ful defensive play. Planer would
quelch the rally by a line place
The 25 to 30 people who
watched the match were excited
and appreciated the excellent
play of both players.
Tournament chairman, Manuel
Wolbe would like to thank all
participants and believes next
year’s tournament will be bigger
and better.
Center will be closed Wed., Sept. 14 at 5 P.M.
Closed Thursday all day, Sept. 15 and Friday, Sept. 16—
all day. The Center will open Saturday, Sept. 17 at
7 P.M.
Center will be closed Friday, Sept. 23, 5 P.M. Will
be closed all day Saturday and open Saturday even
ing, Sept. 24, for special program only upon request.
Center will be closed Wed., Sept. 28 at 5 P.M.
and will be closed Thursday and Friday, Sept. 29 and
30 all day. The Center will open Saturday, Oct. 7—
7 P.M.
The Center will be closed Wed. Oct. 5—at 5 P.M.
and will be closed all day Thursday and Friday, open
ing on Saturday, Oct. 8 at 7 P.M.
S.P.A.P Welcomes
Sunday, Sept. 11, 1966
8:30 P.M. at the Center
S.P.A.P. invites all single
adults over 35 to attend their
first “open" meeting of the year.
They are understandably proud
to be able to have Consul Boneh
speak at the opening of their
third year of programming. The
program will also Include Israeli
songs by Sybil Horowitz, and
folk dancing.
Several years ago, a group of
single people met at the Com
munity Center, determined to
formulate plans and goals for
a successful club, in an attempt
to meet the needs of that seg
ment of the Atlanta Jewish com
munity commonly referred as
the “Single Adult.” That they
have attained a great measure of
success is obvious, due to the
efforts and imaginative pro
gramming of the dedicated
“charter members” and the Cen
ter’s professional staff.
Thus, Sunday’s meeting be
comes in effect a double cele
bration — Welcome and good
luck, Consul Boneh; congratu-
tions and continued success,
Ladder Tournament
Manuel Wolbe announces the
first ladder tournament in AJCC
The tournament is posted on
a schedule opposite the basket-
room. If you wish to join call
Harold Post at Trinity 5-7881.
This tournament will run the
remainder of the year.
Men’s All-Star
Softball Game
Twenty four players repres
enting all the teams in the lea
gue, were divided into two
teams to set the stage for the
men’s all star softball game.
Mound opponents saw young
Joel Lobell against seasoned
veteran Pete Morris.
The game was won by the
team captained by Fred Benamy
by a score of 11-6. Captain
Bernie Kahn’s team had a gol
den opportunity to draw first
blood when they loaded the
bases with no one out in the
first inning. Steady clutch pitch
ing by Pete Morris, ably sup
ported by fine fielding, got them
out of the inning with no runs
scored against them.
In a wild third inning, Ben-
amy’s all-stars put the game on
ice with some solid hitting and
when the dust settled they
scored big runs. It was “catch
up” from then on and Kahn’s
team never could make it des
pite a home run by Ken
Schwartz. Herb Slotin finished
up for Kahn’s team pitching well
in the last few innings.
Fielding stickouts were slick
shortstop Stan Wells and cen
ter fielder, Barry Berman.
Participants in the game were
from Bernie Kahn’s team: Ber
nie Kahn, Mort Gilner, Ken
Schwartz and Joel Lobell. Rep
resenting Benamy’s Bulls were
Fred Benamy, Jerry So be Ison,
Bobby Ney and Larry Frank.
From Moose’s Miees come Don
“Moose” Miller, .Marvin Silver-
tnan, Stan Wells, Dick Weisner
and Jim Cloncy. From Leb’s
Lions: Norm Lebeden and Hal
Kraftchick, and Herb Slotin.
Ralph’s Hot Dogs provided
Larry Cohen, Pete Morris, Bobby
Silverman, Randy Feinberg and
Lester Breen. Represen ting
Field’s Falcons were: Don Dia
mond, Howard Newman, Alvin
Verner, Barry Berman, Willi*
Green and Morton Grosswald.