The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, December 23, 1977, Image 23
The Southern Israelite The Classifieds RATES: $4.00 for the first 15 words; $. 15 for each word after that, phone numbers and abbreviations count as one word; $2.00 charge for use of a Southern Israelite Box Number; and $1.00 extra for boldfacing more than three words. DEADLINES: 3:30 p.m. each Wednesday ERRORS: Must be reported promptly. This newspaper is responsible only for the first incorrect insertion. REAL ESTATE 1. FOR SALE. Real Estate 2. WANT TO RENT .Real Estate 3 FOR RENT. Real Estate CALL 876-8248 to place your classified OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS 4 FOR SALE, Miscellaneous 5. FOR RENT. Miscellaneous 6. FOR SWAP OR FREE 7. HELP WANTED (fulWime) 8. HELP WANTED (part-time) 9. POSITIONS WANTED 10 SERVICES 11. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 12. ROOMMATES 13. LOST 14 FOUND 15. PERSONALS 16. CARD OF THANKS 17 MISCELLANEOUS 18. LEGAL SERVICES 19 LEGAL NOTICES 20 PUBLIC NOTICES 1. FOR SALE, Real Estate FOR SALE: By owner near CDC, walking distance Beth Jacob Synagogue, located on cul-de-sac, on % acre lot, 2 car carport-turn around, 3 bedrooms & den, 2'h baths, breakfast room, study with built in desk, library, 2 fireplaces with gas logs, recreation room with bar, lower level kitchen bar, large laundry room w/cabinets off kitchen, swimming pool with bubble for winter use, fenced in back yard, newly installed burglar alarm (Westinghouse), bedroom suite includes walk-in-closet, powder room w/built in vanity, all wall covering vinyl or wood panel. By appointment only 325-1713 or 634-1588 FOR SALE: By Owner Brick and stone paneled den, three bedrooms, two baths, full basement. Move-in condition, loaded with extras. Convenient to Emory, DeKalb schools, private schools and Beth Jacob. Low 50's. By appoint ment 634-0466. 7. HELP WANTED, Full Time DUE TO EMPLOYER demands, the Jewish Vocational Service is in continual need of secretaries who type a least 50 wpm. Shorthand helpful, but not necessary. For further information, please call 873- 3747. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MGR.: Eight years experience in economic development policy, budget evaluation, human resource allocations. Worked Independently, reporting to chief executive. Has 3 years supervisory responsibility of 16-person staff. B.A. and post-graduate work in applied sciences. 873- 3747. DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Accomplished problem solver, can take complete charge, implement policies and introduce time and money saving methods to increase efficiency of operation. Has been in charge of complete direction of distribution- warehouse. Seeking related position. 873-3747. 7, HELP WANTED, Full ti me CHEMICAL SALESMAN WANTED: Local 50-year-old chemical company looking for two salesmen. One for the Atlanta area and one for the Augusta area. An opportunity to earn $25,000 or more with a complete benefit package. We pay a high draw versus commission. For more information or to set up an interview call Neil Levin at Hill Manufacturing Company. (404) 522-8364, call collect. WOMAN WANTED TO care for ll-year-old girl, in exchange for room and board, while father travels. Stone Mountain area. 296-9712. 9. POSITIONS WANTED I NEED A JOB, I am Jewish. References and experience. I will work 1f given a chance. Type of work— stock clerk, package store, deli, grocery, or warehouse. I can be bonded. Won't you help me locate a job? I am very desperate. Contact Joe. Early a m. or late p.m. 636-3707 or 634-4605. THE FOLLOWING “POSITION WANTED” ARE REGISTERED WITH THE JEWISH VOCA TIONAL SERVICE OF THE ATLANTA JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION. THE AGENCY IS A NO—FEE SERVICE. PRIOR TO PURCHASING NEW CAR, CONSULT US! We deal In all makea and models. You will get a price you can’t reject guaranteed savings!!! CALL TODAY THE A MERCIAN AUTO PURCHASING CONSULTANTS at 321-5435 WE WILL ADVISE YOU ON TRADE-INS A FINANCING. ALL THROUGH DIRECT CONNECTIONS WITH LOCAL DEALERS. ROOMMATE WANTED to share a two bedroom apartment in Willowlake Apartments. $114 a month plus half phone and utilities. 634-9025 after 6 p.m. 18. LEGAL SERVICES CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT: Desires nursing- assistant related work. Seeking full-time position, preferably on busline. 873-3747. BUSINESSMAN EXECUTIVE: B.S. degree in Marketing and Retailing, with seven years experience. Desires sales, management, or marketing. Has been president of mail order division, president-owner of retail clothing operation and store manager for national retail chain. 87^-3747. 10. SERVICES GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Scheinfeld Construction Company. General repair, storm windows, insulation, painting, new additions, Burglar Alarms. Guarantee. 872-0681 TO FLY OR SAIL WORLD OVER OR IN U S A. For Personal Service call SOL BENAMY TEPLIS TRAVEL 404-233-6727 3565 Piedmont Rd., N.E. Atlanta, Ga. VERY REASONABLE FEES SIMPLE WILLS - $35. DIVORCES (uncontested) $150.00 plus cost BUSINESS INCORPORATIONS $250 plus court cost BANKRUPTCIES (personal end uncontested) $250.00 plus cost Fees tor other services available on request Ask for Raymond H. Stein Attorney at Law 6065 Roswell Rd. NE Atlanta, Ga. 30328 256-5225 DON’T SMOKE It’s a matter of life and breath!!!!! ^^Jh^^merican^Ujn^Association^ “PROPER MANAGEMENT. INC. ha* been duly incoryoruled oil IRccmkr 6, 1077, by the ■bounce of a Certiflcau of Incorporation by the Secretary of Slate, in accordance with the applicable provmont of lha Ocorfia Butincst Corporation Coda The initial reftrlered office of the corporal ion ii located at 3230 Chcmin De Vie N.E., Atlanta, Georgia .10342, and itt initial regulared agem at luch addren n JAMES C. BEHNKE." 12/lb. 23, 30. 1/6 Aten bib A Alctnbik Attorneys at Law Suite 680 - fOO Nofthcrtek 3713 Northaidt Parkway. N W Atlanta, Georpa 30327 IRA EISENBERG A ASSOCIATES, INC M* been duly lacorporafd on the 30tli day ot November, 1977 By the muaace ad a cwrtMfctt* of mcorporabon By the Secretary at 9m*, im accordance with the applicable prxmmom of the Georgia Bmimm Corporation Code The initial registered office of the corporatioa »located at f 12 Peachtree Center, Cain Tower, 229 Peachtree Street, N.E. Atlanta. Georgia 30303, and itt iwtigi registered agent at such addrtne ia Harry S. K unleash y " 12/23, 12/30. 1/6, 1/13 Kuniaoeky and Begner Attorney! at Law 912 Peachtree Center Cain Tower 229 Peachtree Street. N.E. Atlanta, Oeorgia 30303 -SILVER WHEELS SRAT1NO CENTER. INC. ha* been defy incorporated on Dae. lit, 1977. by the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Secretary of State, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Georgia Buttncsa Corporatioa Code The initial registered office of the corporatioa is located at 980 Northside Drive, N.W., Atlanta. Georgia 30318, and itt initial registered agent at such addreu is ALVIN R McADOO. JR." 12/23 12/30 1/6 1/13 Alembik Jk Atembik Attorneys at Law Suite 610-100 Northcreek " 3713 Northside Parkway. N.W. Burdened By Delinquent Accounts? Let our confidential, discreet, collections service lift the “wait” from your shoulders. We handle both com mercial and personal accounts. S. David Reznick & Associates 2285 Peachtree Road N.E. Suite 216 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 (404) 355-3023 Now Interviewing Staff ...for an exciting, challenging, worthwhile, and altogether nice summer job, working with Jewish children—apply today. Positions Available Include: Unit leaders and head specialists,- counselors,- ravers; nurses (AN.),- food service manager,- and dieffdon. SPECIALISTS In the Following Areas: Swimming Canoeing Arts A Crafts Rock Climbing Water Skiing Horsemanahlp Judalcs Ceramics Nature Crafts Athletics Leather Crafts Photography Dance Music Archary Tennis Sailing Backpacking Also: kitchen staff, babysitters, office staff; canteen workers, maintenance staff; and various aide positions. All applicanta must be at leett High School Seniors unlees applying for kitchen or babysitter positions, then High School Junior status Is required. Staff Season: June 12 - August 13 Write or Call for an Application and Interview CAMP BARNEY MEDINTZ c/o Larry Melnlck, Director 1745 Peachtree Rd. Camper Applications Now Being Accepted lor All Age Groups Atlanta, Ga. 30309 (404) 875-7881 C.B.M. Reunion Dec. 25 - AJCC 1:30 P.M. UTHERN ISRAELITE December 23, 1977