Newspaper Page Text
In Israel
Enjoy This Passover
Trees as vacuum cleaners!
Kosher L’Pesach Products
by A. Priel
translated by Ronald Buford
Of 1,700 different types of trees
that Prof. Israel Gindel has tried to
grow in Israel, 300 are now
thriving without irrigation. Some
have been found to be suitable for
the timber industry and other
commercial uses.
Prof. Gindel, a well known
forest engineer who has specialized
in cultivating trees that will grow in
the desert, immigrated to Israel
from the Ukraine in 1935. One of
his avowed aims in life is to
combine the beautiful with the
Recently, Prof. Gindel
completed a comprehensive
research project which found that
12 types of trees growing in Israel
act as natural absorbers of air
pollution caused by heavy
industry, power stations and
motor vehicles.
“Air pollution is a serious health
hazard, especially to people living
in proximity to factories and busy
traffic routes. Pollution is not only
injurious to health, but also
damages fruit trees, flowers, grass
and vegetable gardens,” Gindel
Some of the trees which absorb
pollution are Kermes Oak,
Terebinth, Letisk, Phillyrea, Olive,
Carob, and Blue Acacia. It is still
not completely understood
precisely how the absorption
process works, except that the
pollutants in the air are absorbed
through the leaves and somehow
are utilized for the physiological
needs of the trees. The research
showed that despite the large
Passion play
may retain
anti-Jewish text
MUNICH (JCNS)—The newly
elected council in Oberammergau,
the Bavarian village which stages
a passion play every 10 years, has
reversed the decision by the
outgoing council to replace the
Daisenberger text of the play.
This represents a victory for
Ernst Zwink, the mayor, and his
supporters, who want the text used
at the next performance in 1980.
The text, written by Father
Daisenberger, a former parish
priest, and performed since I860,
has been severely criticized as anti-
Semitic by Jewish and other
organizations, including Catholic
Village “reformers,” led by
Helmut Fischer, the deputy
mayor, want it replaced by a text
performed between 1750 and 1850,
which was written by Ferdinand
Rosner, a Benedictine monk. They
temporarily won the day last
month by nine votes to six.
Jewish organizations in the
United States were prominent in a
campaign for modification or
substitution of the Daisenberger
text in the 1960s.
However, the Daisenberger text
was used in the 1970 performance
of the passion play, and a number
of Americans were reported to
have cancelled their attendance.
A village referendum on the
choice of text in December was
inconclusive. Although the council
has voted on the issue, a
spokesman has said that the matter
would be considered in May.
amount of pollution the trees were
exposed to, they flourished and
remained green.
Prof. Gindel recommends
planting the trees close to homes
situated near factories, and around
the factories themselves, to act as a
natural vacuum cleaner which
would absorb the poisons released
into the air. Two or three rows of
trees in proximity to homes would
not only help prevent damage
caused by pollution, but would
also improve the landscape.
Prof. Gindel suggests that the
electric company which is building
a new power station near Hadera
should plant trees around the
station. Even if the smokestacks
are higher than the trees, many of
the poisonous elements would drift
down and be taken in by the trees.
The dozen types of trees which
absorb pollution can make a very
real contribution to the quality of
life in Israel if they are planted in
suitable locations. As Israeli
society becomes more industrial
ized, there is increasing need to
control air pollution. What better
remedy than one that is both
functional and beautiful.
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P*** 15 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE April 7, 197*