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1)111 RIM W RANI
In Israel
KATZ’S is in the process of remodeling for greater seating
capacity. Our new parking lot is ready for use. Please bear with us
through our construction and any inconvenience to our customers.
Veteran’s parade
for anniversary
2205 Cheshire Bridge Road, N.E.
TAKE — OUT ORDERS Call in advance: 321-7444
A feature celebration of the 30th
Anniversary of the State of Israel
will be the Veterans Parade, which
will take place in Jerusalem on
Thursday, May 11. The parade will
include the various military
formations who defended the
Jewish State before and after its
The Palestine Jewish Legion
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Veterans who served in the First
World War as part of General
Allenby British Forces, will be in
the lead of this march. It was the
first Jewish identified military
formation since the days of Bar
Kochba, 1900 years ago.
Following them will be the
Veterans of the Palmach,
Hagannah, Etzel, Lechi,
the Jewish Brigade of World War
II and the present day Israel
Defense Forces who defended in
Israel in the past 30 years.
Those who volunteered in the
Palestine Jewish Legion in 1917-
1918 provided the State of Israel,
which was formed 30 years later,
with its outstanding military
leaders as well as the key political
figures. David Ben Gurion,
Itzhack Ben Zvi, Levi Eshkol,
Gershon Agron are some of the
better known. Even today the sons
of those who volunteered in the
Jewish Legion are prominent
military, political, and social
figures in the State of Israel.
Itzhack Rabin, former Prime
Minister of Israel and Moteh Gur,
chief of staff of the Israel Defense
Forces, are the sons whose fathers
joined the Jewish Legion.
Every year the Veterans of the
Jewish Legion and the surviving
relatives of those who passed
away, gather in Israel to re-live the
days of the First World War and
keep alive the cherished memories
of the courage and valor that
prevailed in those early days of
Jewish statehood. Only 350 former
members of the Jewish Legion are
still living all over the world.
wooden gifts...
Come see them at
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April 2-8, 9:30-9:30
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