The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 07, 1978, Image 3
PLO watches U.N. troops Palestinian guerrillas, armed with Soviet-made rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47 machine guns, watch from foreground as United Nations peacekeeping forces move through Tyre, Lebanon. ____ -,,, ATLANTA CENTRAL M3m introducing Dor Mitzvoh - Wedding Packages Including - * Appetizers • Entrees Vegetables • Salad • Dessert Plus A Fabulous Sweet Table Dar Mitzvah Cake or Wedding Cake Two Hours Open Dar FROM $16.50 For Further Information CALL Lasse Donesen »404 /873-4661 Or One Of His Catering Staff Interstate 85 North at Monroe Drive in Atlanta, Georgia. Phone 404 /873-4061 Israel thins forces in S. Lebanon TEL AVIV, (JTA)—Israel has begun to thin out its armed forces and to withdraw significantly in south Lebanon as the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon 4UNIFfLF mavad wto place* long the south bank of the Litani River, an army spokesman said Tuesday. The spokesman said the withdrawal timetable has been discussed with Gen. Ensio Siilasvuo, supreme commander of UN forces in the Middle East, and that a preliminary proposal has already been transmitted to him. Siilasvuo said the plan for Israel’s pull-back from the area would be published only after details are worked out with the UN. The French have not succeeded so far in taking control of the Kasmiyeh Bridge commanding the approaches to Tyre which remains in terrorist hands. They have dug in about a mile south of the bridge. The French apparently will try to persuade the terrorists to turn over the bridge but do not contemplate using force. Further south, meanwhile, Israeli units continued to help rebuild Lebanese villages severely damaged in last month's Fighting. JQChC We join with the women of Brandeis in honoring DORAVILLE 5265 BUFORD HI WAY PINETREE PLAZA SO-LO FOODS ATLANTA CHESHIRE BRIDGE at LA VISTA ROAD SPECIALS FOR PASSOVER at this year’s BRANDEIS CREATIVE ARTS FESTIVAL Tuesday, April ll l h Jackie H Slutrky Designs Inc 1101 Swathmcire Driva • 231 ten Graphic Designer A Consultant GOODMAN'S. STRUTS, or MANISCHEWITZ MATZOH caqq 5 LB. BOXES / dJ ONLY WHILE SUPPLY LASTS' EACH 1 "OfHERS each BORSCHT r-7/N UNSALTE6,(32 oz. Btls.) -| / OR EGG (24 oz. Btls.) W " MRS. SUNSHINE'S HORSE- 69$ RADISH 80zjars | MOTHER'S OLD FASHIONED , GEFILTE $399„ FISH 4 LB JAR WHOLE WHEAT matzoh 7 7$ WHILE NON-PASSOVER SPECIALS thW^'TS. TaT IDORAVILLE ONLY! PETER PAN <b 4 1 n RED SOCKEYE J, ] N | SALMON * 1 7,02 cans | BOTH STORES: RUBINSTEIN S OVAL CANS^ _ REO SOCKEYE \ 1 QQ SALMON * 1 Page 3 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE April 7