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Newly installed B’nai B’rith Women chapter presidents for the 1986-87 year are (left to right) Terri
Heyman, Young Professionals; Ruth Glass, Northwest Evening; Vivian Hershey, Havanah; Roz Win
ston, Dunwoody; Barbara Balser, installer; Dorothy Muchnick, Nashe Shalom; Shelly Brailowsky,
Mitzvah. Not shown a*e Leslie Weiner, Nashe Shalom co-president, Ben Boksenberg, Shalom Unit,
Roberta Simonelli is the new council president.
BBW’s Regional Retreat
to hit ‘C’ note May 16-18
B’nai B’rith Women chapters in
Atlanta, Savannah, Birmingham
and Memphis will hold a South
eastern Regional Retreat in Atlanta
May 16-18 at the Ramada Renais
sance Hotel.
“Take The ‘C’ Train—Choices,
Challenges, Changes” is the retreat’s
Featured speakers will include:
Dr. Michael Mescon, dean of the
College of Business Administration,
Georgia State University; Bebe
Emerman, consumer reporter for
Atlanta's WSB-TV; Atlanta astrol
oger Maxine Taylor; and Lynne
Pearson and Linda Kaplan from
BBW’s national office in Washing
ton. D.C.
Cost of the retreat, including
two nights at the Ramada Renais
sance Hotel, Shabbat dinner, Sat
urday lunch with a fashion show,
Sunday brunch and two continen
tal breakfasts, is $135 a person. A
meals only package is $50.
For more information, call B’nai
B’rith Women’s regional office,
Gate City B’nai B’rith
plans picnic for May 18
On Sunday, May 18, Gate City
I odge, B’nai B’rith, will commem
orate Israel’s Independence Day
with a family picnic at Zaban Park
(5342 Tilly Mill Road) in Dun-
For the admission fee of $5 per
tamily, the lodge will provide lunch,
entertainment, and activities for
the entire family. Children will be
treated to free pony rides, and the
adults will participate in a raffle for
prizes, which will feature “weekend
packages” at well-known hotels as
Grand Prizes. The lodge has also
scheduled a performance by a pro
fessional magician.
I he picnic is for members and
prospective members of Gate City.
I he arrangements committee is
headed by Ken Levy and Arie
Kohn. The picnic begins at 1:30
p m. Reservations can be made by
calling Ken Levy at 458-0162,
Bernard Kornmehl at 266-1022, or
Beth Cohen at the lodge office,
Etz Chaim Sisterhood
to hold installation
The Sisterhood of Congregation
Etz Chaim will hold its installation
of officers at a dinner at 7 p.m.
Monday, May 12, at the synagogue.
Entertainment will be provided by
the musical group “Touch of Class.”
Tickets are $18. For more infor
mation, call Susan Avren at 973-
Elly Welt
Author of “Berlin Wild”
has Atlanta connection
Author Elly Welt, whose novel
“Berlin Wild” is a Book-of-the-
Month Club selection, will speak
at Shabbat service at The Temple
at 8:15 p.m. Friday, May 16.
Her topic is “Surviving the
Holocaust: A personal approach."
Mrs. Welt is the daughter of
Mrs. Pauline Haykin of Atlanta
and the sister of Atlanta play
wright Bonnie Pike.
Wildwood Pines Club
to hold installation lunch
The Wildwood Pines Garden
Club will hold its installation of
officers at a luncheon at 12:15 p.m.
Monday, May 12, in the Dogwood
Room of the Terrace Garden Inn.
Eleanor Parks, Flota Glaser and
Mae Reich will be hostesses.
For more information, call Kate
Saks, 355-5841.
Yom Hazikaron program
slated May 12 at AJCC
The Consulate General of Israel,
Israel Aliyah Center and Israel
Program Center will jointly spon
sor Yom Hazikaron an Israel
Memorial Day ceremony, at 8 p.m.
Monday. May 12, at the Atlanta
Jewish Community Center/ Peach
The program will be in Hebrew
and English and will feature an
Israeli chorale and readings.
Beth Jacob Men’s Club to
breakfast Mother’s Day
Beth Jacob Men’s Club will host
a Mother's Day breakfast at 10
a.m. Sunday, May 11, at the syn
agogue. Cost is nominal.
Everyone in the community is
Putt-Putt party planned
by Young Couples Club
The Atlanta Young Couples
Club will hold a Putt-Putt party at
7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 10 at the
course across from Merchant’s Walk
in Marietta. Cost for 18 holes is
$2.60 a person.
Following the game will be a
gathering at Applebee’s at Mer
chant’s Walk. For more informa
tion, call Ron and Bonnie Draluck
at 992-4555.
North Suburban chapter
will meet at Neiman’s
The North Suburban Chapter of
Women’s American ORT will
recognize its honor roll members
and those members who have become
Parent-to-Another at 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday. May 20. The meeting will
be held at the Kaleidoscope Room
of Neiman Marcus.
Elections for 1986-87 officers
w ill be held. A “Table Top” presen
tation w ill be given, and coffee and
Danish will be served. Donation is
Reservations, by May 13, can be
made with Lenore Green, 971-9700,
or Carol Brull, 394-3338.
What’s Happening
j comprehensive community calendar
MAY 10, Saturday:
7:30 p.m.—Young Couples Club Putt-Putt Party, Merchant’s Walk.
8 p.m. —Peachtree Unit B’nai B’rith, BBW, District Five Office, 7001
Peachtree Industrial Boulevard.
9:15 p.m.—AJCC Adult Theatre, “Music and Lyrics By...,” AJCC/
MAY 11, Sunday:
10 a.m.—Beth Jacob Men’s Club Mother’s Day Breakfast, the
5 p.m.—WGTV Channel 8 airs “Memory of the Camps.”
6 p.m. — Mother’s Day Bazaar, Congregation Or VeShalom.
MAY 12, Monday:
12:15 p.m. — Wildwood Pines Garden Club Luncheon, Terrace
Garden Inn.
6 p.m.—American Jewish Committee Annual Dinner, Westin Peach
tree Plaza Hotel.
7 p.m.—ABJE Holocaust Education Program, Ebenezer Baptist
7 p.m.—Etz Chaim Sisterhood Dinner, the Synagogue.
8 p.m.—Yom Hazikaron Ceremony, AJCC/Peachtree.
MAY 14, Wednesday:
11:30 a.m.—Or VeShalom Sisterhood Closing Meeting, the Syna
7:30 p.m.—Jewish National Fund Hosts Bingo, the Jewish Home.
7:30 p.m.—Symposium, “The Culture of Israel: Reflections on Amer
ican Life,” Congregation Beth Jacob.
MAY 15, Thursday:
1 p.m.—Pioneer Women’s Tea, Barclay Club House.
6:30 p.m. — B’nai B’rith Atlanta Lodge Meeting, Steak and Ale, Cor
porate Square.
6:30 p.m.—ADI. Torch of Liberty Award Dinner, Atlanta Apparel
MAY 16-18:
— B’nai B’rith Women Regional Retreat, Ramada Renaissance
MAY 16, Friday:
8:15 p.m.—Author Elly Welt Speaks at The Temple.
MAY 17, Saturday:
8:30 p.m.—Club 50 Spring Dinner Dance, Club Savoy.
9 p.m.—Israel Bonds New Leadership Party, Hyatt Regency Ravinia
(MAY 18, Sunday:
10 a.m.—Israel Independence Day, “Passport to Israel” Gala,
AJCC/ Peachtree.
10 a.m.—City College Alumni Breakfast Buffet, Famous Deli.
10:30 a.m.—Jewish Children’s Service Annual Meeting, Standard
1:30 p.m.—Gate City Lodge Family Picnic, Zaban Park.
3 p.m.—Ahavath Achim Recital, the Synagogue.
7:30 p.m.—Samuel B. Chyatte Memorial Lecture, Temple Sinai.
MAY 19, Monday:
7:30 p.m.—G1PAN Debate Candidates’ Forum, The Temple.
MAY 20, Monday:
10:30a.m.—North Suburban ORT Chapter Meeting, Neiman Marcus.
7:30 p.m. — Debate on Arab/lsraeli Conflict sponsored by Atlanta
Jewish Federation, Congregation Etz Chaim.
* * *
How their garden grows
Jewish National Fund Blue Box chairman Jay Zandman
presents a plaque to the children of Temple Emanu-El acknowl
edging the recent completion of their fourth garden containing 200
trees. Representing the Temple Emanu-El Religious School are
(left to right) Marci Brandenburg, Mitzi Zieve, Whitney Cahoy
and Leigh Becker.