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Single Scene, a Cincinnati non
profit social group invites all Jew
ish singles 35 and up to its annual
singles weekend, being held this
year over Memorial Day weekend.
Beginning Friday, May 23 through
noon Monday, May 26, the event
will be held at the new Hyatt
Regency Hotel in downtown Cin
cinnati with a high school gradua
tion theme.
The cost of $130 per person
(hotel additional) includes seven
meals, “Senior Prom,” sock hop,
open hospitality room, indoor swim
ming and health club.
Within walking distance
through the enclosed Skywalk sys
tem are shopping malls, museums
and the historic Isaac M. Wise
Temple. Tours of the city are avail
able. The annual “Taste of Cincin
nati" street fair will be going on
during the weekend in a nearby
For reservations and further in
formation contact Judy Altenberg,
2934 Losantiridge Ave., Cincin
nati, OH 45213 or Emily Loewen-
stein, 15 Evergreen Circle, Cincin
nati, OH 45215. Phones are Judy:
(513) 531-7356; Emily: (513) 771-
& & &
Atlanta Jewish Parents Without
Partners invites all singles and
their children to a hike at the Chat
tahoochee Nature Center at 1 I
a.m. Sunday, May 18. Participants
will meet at the Information House
at the Nature Center.
R.S.V.P. by Thursday, May 15,
to Renee Scabis, 634-5045, or
Patsy, 875-7881.
The Patio Restaurant
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Enjoy bagels, lox, hash browns,
eggs, blintzes and Danish at the
next “Big, Bountiful, Beautiful
Brunch” at 11.30 a.m. Sunday,
May 1 1, at the AJCC/Peachtree.
Cost is $4 for members, $6 for non
members. For details call Patsy,
Baby-sitting by Carolyn Kessler
is available during the brunch at
$1.50 an hour per child. R.S.V.P.
to Carolyn, 874-4351, by Wednes
day, May 7.
& & &
Kaleidoscope invites all singles
to a lecture on “Special Aspects of
the Holocaust” at 8 p.m. Tuesday,
May 13, at the AJCC/Peachtree.
Speaking will be Dr. Philip Wend-
kos, instructor of Arabic lan
guages and literature at Georgia
State University, and instructor at
the Atlanta High School of Jewish
The lecture is free for members,
$1 for non-members. For details
call Patsy, 875-7881.
People Meeting People invites
all singles to a discussion of “The
science of astrology” at 8 p.m.
Thursday, May 15, at the AJCC/
Peachtree. Kathryn Silverton, M.A.,
licensed professional astrologer,
will speak.
The event is free for members, $ 1
for non-members. For details, call
Patsy, 875-7881.
& & &
Kaleidoscope invites all singles
to hear Channel IPs early news
anchors, Elyse Wolfman and Kerry
Kilbride, at 8 p.m. Tuesday, May
20 at the AJCC/Peachtree. They
will speak on how stories are
selected for the news.
The evening is free for members,
$1 for non-members. For details
call Patsy, 875-7881.
& & &
Singles go to Hawaii June 24-
July 3. Basic price of $1299 per
person double occupancy includes
round trip airfare, four nights in
the Sheraton Moana Hotel and
three in the Kaanaoali Beach Hotel
in Maui.
For further information, call
Patsy, 875-7881.
Rita invites all singles over 22 to
a party at 8 p.m. Sunday, May 18,
at Smuggler’s Cove, located in Per
imeter Mall, lower level, front
There will be food, cash bar, and
music for dancing. Cost is $5 a
To place your name on the party
list or for additional information,
call Rita, 458-4584.
& & &
All singles are invited to join
People Meeting People for a choc
olate orgy at 8 p.m. Thursday,
May 22 at the home of Judy Kra-
vetz, 304 Natches Trace, Dun-
woody. Participants should bring
something made with chocolate
and its recipe.
For more information call Judy,
587-5802 before 9:30 p.m., or
Patsy, 875-7881.
& & &
The Atlanta L.eisure Club invites
all singles to happy hour at Horace
Greeley’s, Ramada Inn Central, at
5:30 p.m., Monday, May 12.
R.S.V.P. by Sunday, May 1 1, to
Marilyn Pearlman, 633-5590(h), or
Patsy Goldberg, 875-7881.
by Norma Barach
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Turkey In
Cream Puff’
Left-over turkey can be used to
make an elegant first course for the
following Friday night Shabbat
2 bay leaves
4 lb. pickled brisket
6 carrots, cut into quarters
2 medium onions, quartered
8 medium potatoes, cut into
medium head of cabbage,
Mushroom Barley Soup
1 medium onion, diced
1/2 cup celery, diced
1 cup mushrooms, sliced
2 tbsps. oil
3 cups cooked turkey, cut into
small cubes
1 tbsp. corn starch
1 1/4 cups chicken soup
8 puff pastry shells
Saute vegetables in oil until
onions are golden. Add chicken.
Dilute corn starch in cold water
and mix until smooth. Add to the
chicken soup, mixing well. Add
this soup mix to the chicken and
vegetables. Cook over a low heat,
stirring occasionally. Make sure it
does not stick. Cook until sauce
has thickened. Serve very hot in
cold puff pastry shells.
3 onions diced
5 tbsps. margarine
1 cup canned or fresh mush
rooms, sliced
1/2 cup barley
2 carrots, diced
1/4 cup white lima beans
3 1/2 qts. water
salt, pepper, garlic powder to
2 beef bouillon cubes or chicken
cubes (dissolved)
Brown mushrooms and onions
in margarine until onions are
transparent. To a large soup pot,
add onions and mushrooms and
remaining ingredients. Bring to a
boil. Lower flame, simmer for
three hours, or until soup is thick.
Serves eight.
Place brisket in a large pot;
cover with cold water, cover pot.
Cook for 3 1/2 hours. Remove
corned beef from pan, wrap in alu
minum foil and refrigerate. Save
liquid in refrigerator until next
day. Remove chilled liquid, re
move fat from top. Place in a large
pot. Add the vegetables and cook
40 minutes or until all the vegeta
bles are tender. While the vegeta
bles are cooking, slice meat, put
back in aluminum foil and heat in
the oven. Place the meat on a plat
ter, surrounded by vegetables.
Serves six to eight.
Skillet Chicken and Corn
Here’s a recipe for a quick skillet
dish which can be served with a
cucumber salad and over hot fluffy
rice to make a complete meal.
4 tsps. corn oil
1 and 1/4 lb. boned chicken
breast, cut into small pieces
1 large green pepper, thinly sliced
2 large red peppers, thinly sliced
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3 tbsps. soy sauce
5 tbsps. Sangria wine
1 15-oz. can of corn, drained
Heat oil in a large skillet. Lightly
brown chicken and peppers. Add
remaining ingredients and cook
over low heat until chicken is tender,
for about 15 minutes. Add a little
water as it cooks, if necessary.
Serve immediately over a hot bed
or rice. Serves four.
H lir JW.
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