The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, December 26, 1986, Image 1

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o i^ifiqnHo Ov jMMV IJV'Ml.] ^~~ """ ■■ ■■!««>«<» J^fi^rnlsraellfa H t> Georgia, Friday, December in his fighl Wiesel, tfP n for Holocai champioj hts canjr The Southern 1 sraelit&'***^^^ \ ^^000^^ VAMf Hitler “Explains 1 / An Exclusive Interview With Germany’s Fascist Chieftain / By MAX FRAENKEL I , m i» 1 .. .L. (~Znr rn/lOl I R 1 * $ Germany’s Fascist Chieftain By MAX FRAENKEL L *. In this sensational mtervtew, the only one rtMGsnomf' n£""*" anti-Semitic leader has ever granted to a Jewish par e Cornered by a fen- c/.recr yuesf.ons by the fearless in iemy toJ&A"'*' who introduced himself unceremoniously m a cestau- ffer^r>*7 Nazis' chief candidly lays hare his onogan^ |“*r reasoning hatred of the Jews and rfrfm're/y swmps tarns r ,.,i. Their fls an intolerant ignoramus. (lllt'lKllltCll ‘ '"■1,1 /, **®©n - . r ‘, #***7®!« ■ 'm v : "■'•'eir^-hon “y-'nn ‘ :■r^ ( " at© -SSSjj *‘>o? Per '•'on , Syt l*Mu- tho m / »h P ** -W ••no": .<0,, „ ■■■■“ ’“‘"o'ero' ""'■n,’ 'he it. ** the ''til ‘‘"an. IV,,,"" u: 'tho., r< ‘‘ e . '” a j "* a 1"*" u, '* ">< ' ’hou, , 'lUrft. ; ‘he nl ' *~**t ft. rsibw. ’ !* u *sia n S et f c N^ eat ens° u * e *-Bor Se ° w , 4>< * ^ jf r' 7"i “"v 1 v ' t ' / f/„. /|s Me H tirr,n H /off 3 A , H„. , ' h -i ,J"h !h r n f/idny ■ I ' j '&,v* t:sr v*J $Sai53%5g9 >■ e, „r f " r r s ' /»v # J *u. "“I i rent Jrrentf [hold! ‘•VJV Url AW » - ssrcfSTj^-j-s: °9S5VSr?Sf ^ t ° eW ’ SS'S^'Si&f ^5.41-“,: AUnwV, te \ept'°W 0 5ilerun8 suterh ^* i » w> pupU* h»<J ®°5 >0 P B«h8' 0US T ^ > D 7*^ - i ofeT*t TV. tb* * CiU r^ve W- inW Wtn» <1 ^port* v over '*k «o .c.u.n to •»* CXI ^ , c Vance Kion sund“> v , nlW d drba,c ' '•: f ; Town, s— At * b in i»** ,n „ h Mnet't* 1 ' , x»c»* * h -*outd nol .p—’ h h /n.c bodied ih« mcni un»* , 4gr etmeni' He ien'"’" h 'T * va.h.n omen, «>' \ auc « ut Tj f% ‘,o P m.n“ t±Z ,„v.d '“'P' 1 ^ -nut" ot Ssoan p , A Assad t\/ crfifcal ana u \s n« w **' ^botfs **' iiillftil S T *h,ch*W>'r.ngto,eih« l)nlted S „tes. H>» thtlve d >he lumm" "yroni f° f u,rvottedh- l ^ cx , , 0It c loi the fivt-me . t - on (,ont»t M,n by a ytrc"i, J' s v,htch Ste»dls 1 ' inciS a lotmed >*“ me being '> ht , poWw ' ht H ° n l svna l.Pva.Sou'P * h « h ,vt b««" * J^ H '“■rc.™ m-., •« - * :=r Monday n| g h> ■w* - J, cla'ped «, Sada> >"\VXo^" ni 4 TzrtS""' Cong«» rocn „ l0 Congress, in h" a ' 11 , ul ,hat hJ ' C arte. ^ years stnee been more th. cnf gyptand there »as P 1 ®' n It our pte'er" 3 lice Je's'sd jjiued tlt'C'-f®' expectations a ag3 ,„ • a,c shad see »“*" P . l . #lW d States Noting IP 1 *' lo he deeplyt. has had m's^'^ iht . Mld dle concerned a , nflu ence«nd ■ Bd ' U,,V ' See Pe^J^Jl 3 ^ * ^ .I-?-' ^ r* ft. t « S O O "O % *1X3 5 ^ r ( ^ r , < f» It B c f 4^ ~fe ? 5 s ,5*5 « w 5<a!l*-51^ 5 ?S^=.S'°^ S2o5 ' eb "- 1 OQ