Spelman reflections. ([Atlanta, Georgia]) 1956-195?, February 01, 1956, Image 1

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MOS' ANYTHING A NEW GLEAM Today your SSA brings you the first issue of SPSLMAN REFLEC TIONS in a hopeful and deter mined effort to help build a co-operative spirit among Spel- man students based upon sharing our experiences and :deas u SR will bring you student viev/s on interesting items concerning students, faculty, staff, and regional, national, and world affairs. We hope that this newspaper will grow into an enjoyable and permanent part of life at Spel- man» But it can. only do so if you, our readers, help us make it truly your newspaper. We have put up SR boxes around campus and in future issues we will publish your letters to ihe editors. We welcome all suggestions , criticisms ( and they don’t have to be complimentary )., new ideas, drawings, cartoons, odd bits of nows, jokes and just plain com ments about anything at all. Remember this is your newspa- ' -p er--SF ELI IAN REFLECTIONS, The Editors Our campus has been graced in the past month with new faces. Some of those ’ now ’ students returning home again and fresh s tarters. Welcome and We1c ome back to all of you.. *»; ******* Those lucky, lucky Juniors!I Some of them have been so fortu nate since January 2>0, to sit in the honored Chapel seats of the Seniors .... Why 9 Thirty--eight seniors - are now doing their practice teaching in schools in and around. Atlanta. Let’s take our hats off to those who have completed their work and give our" best wishes to those in the process now. ’Wedding bolls are breaking up that old gang of mine’ .... This wil■ especially be true following graduation in June. Those one, two, throe, four and maybe more diamonds sported on the third fingers, left hands of many seni ors" leave no doubt in our minds. John A. Brody says (who is ho 9 ) ’A man is only half a success until he has a good wife. 1 From this wo can bet the fiances of Anna Brookins, Catherine Minor, and Carolyn Faire will soon make their first millions 111 Statistics concerning Young American marriages show that 76% of the married people are asleep by 11 pm each night and the average couple is up be tween 6; 49 and 7°-l5 each morning has breakfast before WOO, gener ally goes visiting friends only between 4 and 5 pm and 8 and 9 pm. But don’t let this scare you Marion Jackson, Pearl Taylor, and Emogene Clark, these are only statistics. (cont’d on page I)