Spelman reflections. ([Atlanta, Georgia]) 1956-195?, February 01, 1956, Image 3

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I10S ' AITYTHI1TG— (c ont inuo d) POLLY” TIC miTG VJill any of the mice concerned bo looking Tor THE PERFECT HOHE ? According to an Iowa newspaper- ’A house big enough to keep the wife from going homo out small enough to keep llothcr-in-law from visiting,' By no means do wo intend to overlook those young ladies wear ing those lovely fraternity pins. At any moment now we expect to hear that they have been further honored with diamonds. That is something to look forward to , girls, work toward it 11 We can’t help expressing our congratulations to a former mem ber of the Senior class,'Ilrs, Catherine Adams, nee Brooks, who finished this past semester and is presently housekeeping and teaching. Congratulations to the winners of the 1 You-ITamc-It ’ contest. 1st prise goes to Garandl Swanson 2nd to Rebecca Gordon and 3rd to Helen Langford, Hay your prises be well spent. Better luck next time to those many and wonderful people who responded and made the contest a sucoss, Today ’beam’. a radio building; prossion, manifests our beam. Hr. Kat we often use the word It may be used to mean frequency or a part of a It may bo a slang ox- or a ’vision’ which itself in art. This is Loo Katz is our man. s came to Spolman In September as Artist in Residence Since then, his job has expanded to Include teacher, confidant, guide, slide-maker and collector, wit, o slide-maker ye-opener and peace-maker. Above a 13- Mr, ICatz is a sincere devoted norson. Ho knows , co lic ves in, ana loves what he teaches, Almost everyone who saw Hr. Katz’s recent exhibit at the At lanta Art Association Gallery was one11bound by the craftsman shin and strength of his graphic work and his painting Vortex. When explaining nroat Katz has often said a while a creative, son gets a quick' like a radio beam, him a now idea.. Perhaps it was the Whitney Found.- Mr. Katz to Spcl- coning in loud and Hr, Katz, and we’ll bo to "develop "our vision, to YOU. fy ■'-o V . /|V» U1 U ^ * J-J.# » that once in sensitive per- insp 5-ration, ives which such a 'beam that inspirod ation to send man, 'You arc clear +- -v-> —7-y) n thanks Do you know Harilyn Fran cis? If not, get to know her...She is A wonderful little person who comes to our campus from the Vir gin Islands, Harilyn, we hope your school life at Spolman will be one of your richest experiences. Only the pure in heart can make a good soup, -Beethoven - O'- ”As a man is' judged by the com pany he keeps, so is ho judged by the English he speaks.” "When you get right down to it, how will algebra help us find a husband?"