Spelman reflections. ([Atlanta, Georgia]) 1956-195?, February 01, 1956, Image 9

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« 31ISEIOLE3 A1TD SILKS-( continued) Chinese reds and other Oriental colors in prints and sari that give- owelament to .silks. The whisper of thin paper taffetas, c.isponed versions of sill: surah, and th.c dopant mur mur of pcau do sole will bo en ticing to the sonsc of sound*. Sometimes the sound cones from a petticoat underlining the full silhouettes, or a deep floundo circling tho hemline. Even the sense of taste will be livened by confetti pink and white combinations that reminds one of peppermint sticks, or a bonbon yellow sweetening a patio dress of boldly striped shantung and a pretty dance organza. More taste enjoyment will come from crystal embroidery that re sembles party cake icing on summer gowns. A little stretch of the imagi nation can apply tho sense of smell to spring and summer silk fashions. Flower prints look so realistic that you can almost smell their perfume fragrance. Some of the roses and poppies arc life size and color perfect. Other prints look like a garden of mixed floxrcrs. Prints are not restricted to party clothes. They put a fern- nine accent' in tailored silk sport shirts, spectator dressed and siin daytimo cos tunes. The feminine sense of women will certainly be attracted by the many soft, silkened evening fabrics for spring and summon, A few to watch for arc: chiffon ombre drifts, rcsestrown tissue taffeta, jewel - encrusted net, flower and coin-dotted silk, or ganza, silk embroidered organdy, silk marquisette and crepe, EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Rose Harris Assistant Editor»,.Sylvia Beverly Feature Editor..... Jeanne Jackson- Art Editor. Oaranoll Swanson Advisor Mr. W.L. Wallace Obstacles are those things you see when you take your eyes off tho goal. -Hannah Moore The reason so few reach the top is because no successful method has yet been devised ’077 which a person may sit down and slide up hill. -Tony Wons Scrapbook KOS 1 AITYTHIKG ( cont 1 d. ) Tho Freshmen are boasting .about their' wondc.ful produetion, (It’s a poor dog that doesn’t wag Its own tail). The show was superb, 17o doubt the big time talent scouts will bo - down here any day. (Hozo11 Turner, Morehouse’s big eleven really need you to cheer then on...) A/ '* ‘ /, /* /\ /\ l\ The president of our student body is such a glorious person space won’t permit all that she’s done, out did you know that she is a vice-chairman of the nation al YWCA, chairman of the Southern Region YWCA, and has recently been elected a representative of our school at the Intercollegiate Council here in Atlanta?There are two other able representatives from our campus on the Council, Mamie Russell and Jeanne Jackson,