The new Spelman spotlight. (Atlanta , Georgia) 1980-1980, September 12, 1980, Image 4

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4 Spelmart Spotlight, Page 4 September 12,1980 HIGHLIGHTS OF Freshman Relates Experiences Freshman Week Instilled Confidence By Nancy Bowman We came by cars, trains, planes and buses each with mixed feelings about what was in store for us. We are Spel- man’s class of 84. Each of us brings with her memories of homes and places held dear. Buzzing with excitement and full of anticipation we enter the places that will house us—our dormitories. Instead of seeing the interior of a room holding trinkets of affairs in the past we are faced with rooms cold, emotionless, sparsely furnished with desks, beds, and burrows. The reactions to these strange new surroundings vary from person to person. For some a desire to return to the comforts of home persist while others eagerly await their next new ad ventures. The next one is meeting for the first time the inhabitants of these close in timate quarters—your roommates. Within time you discover that these strangers really aren’t quite that different for you are now sharing the same experi ence. The most emotional and memorable moment in this new quest for indepen dence is when the departure from your parents no longer is a horrid dream but a present reality. As the days of our first weekend at Spelman progresses, seen throughout the campus are tear filled farewells. Lingering in the minds of all in volved in these emotional times is the notion that these days are to be cherished ones. Perhaps the most awaited moment during our first weekend at Spelman was the arrival of the Morehouse Man. These future black males leaders of which ranged from egotistical maniacs to sweet sincere gentlemen converged on the Morehouse campus on Sunday, a day awaited by all. Their arrival made the Spelman ex perience complete for we know that that was a drawing source for many. As freshman week comes to a close, present is a confidence in the un derclassmen that was there in the begin ning. It has come after discovering new things and dealing with new situation each of which will make us grow and un derstand Spelman College. “We came by cars, trains, planes and buses.” Parent unloads luggage along with daughter from U-Haul. “Within time you discover that these strangers really aren’t that quite different, for you are now sharing the same experience.” i Parents and students browse during first day of orientation. “Lingering in the minds of all involved in these emotional times is the notion that these days are to be cherished ones.”