Savannah Mercury. (Savannah, Ga.) 1828-1829, July 15, 1829, Image 1

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[CO SAM EM I R BA RTLET T— EDITOR. ] THE sz aaru2s.oiris.s ----...0 published every day in Savannah, Geo. , ni r the business season, and three times a ‘ ’ Jr during the summer months, at Eight Dollars > atKanco -, rJ jE SAVANNAH MERCURY , (FOR THE COUNTRV,) bc published every Monday, Wednesday, at Six Dollars per annum. This sheet \, e uKtde up of the two inner forms es the J/ v inner, containing all tlie news, pew adver gSJLi Ac. .... bc compiled from the Savannah Mercury, ’ j contain a selection of the leading and most “V, min<r articles of the Daily papers. Advor- K-nts”will be generally excluded, and the ’ t vii’ he principally filled with reading matter. ri ,e( y OU r Dollars per annum, or Three Doi if in advance. ** ? 'r jjvertisements will b& published inhothpa -75 cents per square of 14 lines for the first U (ion and 37 i cents for each continuation. r .911 Communications respecting the business I the Ojficc, must bc addussccl to the Editor,post ‘ land and negroes by Administrators locators or Guardians, are required by law, to v. held on the first Tuesday in the month, between ’■ j, ours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and three afternoon, at the Court-House of theCoun i.- in which the property is situated. Notice of ‘these saes must be given in a public Gazette days previous to the day of sale. >l Notice of the sale of personal property must be in like manner, forty days previous so the fiT of sale. % ” Notice to the debtors and creditors of an, estate, pns t be published lot forty days. ‘js'otioe that application wall be made to the court r s Ordinary for Jcr>vc to sell fond, must be pub i shod four months. .PROPOSALS, BV .I LLXANDEII CAMPBELL , fOU rViJUSUING uy subscription, A DEDATE ON the EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY, j Btlibttveen Robert’ Owen, of New Lanark, Scut- J land, and AUxr. Campbell, of Beth ny, Virgin ia the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, beginning on the \‘Jh , and with the intermission of one Sunday, continued till the evening of the 21st April, 1829. VJOBERT Owen read and spoke J 5 hours on f JA the side ofScepticism—Alexander Campbell nnl’.c side of Christianity, spoke 25 hours, making jn all o h>urs pel day for .8 days. discussion was taken down in short l v ir. Charles H. Sims, of Cincinnati, a very qtfienl stenographer, who preferred an inline- , i.lie remuneration for his services tOjthe right ot publication; it therefore devolved upon the parties •o remunerate Mr. Sims, and to undertake the publication themselves. Having agreed to givs km 500 dollars for his report; and Mr. Owen, about to return to Europe, having sold his inter- BfiutUe work, I have become the solo propri etor. Avery imperfect outline of this discussion can bc given in any prospectus. To say the least of t, it was perhaps the most interesting discussion vhicli has occurred since the Reformation, or wimps before that memorable epoch ‘J'he cele rity of Mr. Owen, and his bold attack on all re- Ilians, gave great expectations to the sceptical v rid. Having myself expected much, I accu mulated a iaige variety of documents and argu -nents in defence ot Revelation, and explored all ’.he systems of scepticisms of ancient and modern hues. The social system, too, so ably plead fcy Mr. Owen, came in review. No woi kof the same endear. ho found in any language or country.— > bulwarks of Christianity and Scepticism are -iearly and tully exposed side hy side. And many Aliments, inaccessible to the great mass of man foil, will be made accessible and intelligible to ail readers who are desirous to understand these s- jects. Mr. Owen and myself have agreed to >r. Appendix to the Debate, for the purpose of asking the work still more satisfactory. This -T|*pendix will present from both parties their best b ‘uglits on such matters as were not so fully examined in the discussiou. In a word, we may > y that this work will be in itself a little library tn the subjects on which it treats; and he that i os from a faithful perusal of it. unconvinced of h? truth ot the side which he may have previously 1 ibtod or opposed, may, we think, be supposed • Wyimd the reach of rational conviction. * A, CAMPBELL. T _ CONDITIONS. • This work will be printed on anew type, prrhasejJ tor the purpose, and on good paper. .11 h is expected that it will contain 000 large tiiodecuno or small octavo pages; and ;! ea substantially bound, be otfereii for less than ‘•fo bound in boards, $ l 50. 11l To who subscribe for ten copies, one c.ali (>e allowed—three for twenjty—■-eight for fif —aiid twenty for one hundred. These allow- arc made on the express condition that the f-'noy will g e p a jj V j ien t j ie books are delivered, ciul other cases only ten per cent, will be allowed . ai ‘d collection. /’• It is hoped that care will bc taken to obtain y such subscribers as will pay, and that the ‘V euts will make return of the list of subscribers r two months, or sooner if possible. The be ;>ut to press in a few days; and as \ L yCiiiot throw off a very large impression in a, and as all possible despatch is aimed ■ ‘/? l * le first edition, those who apply first will . -i;s * su .pp!ied: and sheuld the edition fail bofore <■’. L Ascription is tilled, those who are latest in , •.■ ndiag their list of subscribers may have to |, ora second edition. Brooke county, May 6, 1829. , // Subscriptions for the above work will bo s,- 1 at the Heading -Room of the Savannah * ■ July 3 , Af Eresh Sulphate nf Quinine. JSIOUNC ill genuine Sulphate of Quinine, just received frarn the importer iq Char “ r ‘> au d for sale at wholesale price, by Hall , Simpler A* Tapper. may 20 * ■ r J VOl Li'.’S PATFNT SHOT. j EK subscribers have just received a lurtber supply of ‘ “ p. .. 400 Bags, T'fising Cull assortment of all sizes—Landing ’ ‘ “bip Statira and for sale by HALL, SHATTER. &. TUPPER. , TAIL PALMES At LEE. V ALSO, •,,, ’ lrr H.’ first quality pickled* Herring for plan ’hitch \ r Baltimore hams. Hundred prime Baltitnorc, for salo low. .. A l l i , ly to -** If ALL, SMARTER At TUPPER. . 1 £ HALL, SIIAPTER & TUPPER, OFFER for sale, on the most accoinmodatimr terms, the following GROCERIES, ‘ ° 25 hhds. St Croix Sugar 10 U bags very prime green Porto 9K 10 bids V ‘do °do do 20 do do St Jago do .10 hags do do do 20 tons Swedes Iron, square bar3 50 kegs Baltimore No J Lard 200 Baltimora Hams 10 kegs Nails, 100 lbs each o H bags ‘-Youls {latent Shot,all sizes 20 bbis Mess Pork, N Y city inspection JO do Boston Beef, cargo No 1 20 half bbLs canal flour F S B & Co’s brand for families 20 catty boxes’ fresh Hyson tea 13 lbs each 100 bbis. No. 3 Mackerel 25 boxes best Y ellow Soup 1 hhd old Irish whiskey 20 bags old Java cofle 50 bbis Loaf sugar 200 coils Bale rope II pipes Cogniac brandy, “Scignett’s,’’ “/reiss,” and Dttpuy Co’s brands 5 pipes Holland Gin, Swan’s brand 10 do do “Cogswell’s” 20 quarter casks old Canary 5 eights do wine. 100 bbis northern gin “Phelp’s,” Jcnckeg, and “double anchor” brands 250 Grind stones, small sizes may li JO HN W. LONG orrens for sale, 50,000 Segais, (Sylvia’s Drand) 50 bags Java Coffee 15 catty boxes Ilyson Tea latest import -5 chests do. <lo aliens. JO bags Pimento and Pepper 4 hairpipos \ Br4ni 'y> (Soignetffl brand) 2 pipes London Dock Brandy 7 do (Swan) Gin 75 Keg3 No 1 Tobacco approved brands 300 Demijohns 20 Doz (Brown) Sherry I fine 10 Boxes Champaign 40. Doz English Mustard april 22 M. PREN&ERGAST HAS received, by the ship Fioriap and schooner Francos, . Superior Pono-ecs Brqjvn G ro. do Naples. Blue and Black do Stripe Gro. de I tides Ilorse Skin Glo\ es (boudards) Parasols Ladies and Gentlemen’s Umbrella# Elegant needle work Robes Sarcenets, Senchews, h'C. Ac. Nos. 3 and 15 Cibbon’s Range. april 15 JUST RECEIVED, boxes Muscatel Royal Raisins 10 do, fresh Capers 10 boxes preserved Fruits in syrup of brandy 200 fresh Sausage# Smoked Tongues And for sale bv GAUDRY & LEG RIEL nprii 7 CHARLES A. Offers for sale , LEACOCK an v j Olireiraold Madeira WINE London Dock Brandy. Rum and Gin, very choice 45 cases Medoc Claiot 30 dozen old crusted Port. PnU, Qolden and Brown Sherries 30 dozen Philadelphia Porter and Ale 60 boxes superior Crab Cider Hibbcrt’s London Porter and Brown stout april 7 Bay street. JUST RECEIVED, By Schr Glide, IRQX super East India carved shell Combs 15 pieces super colorej Gros de Naples Fine striped nnl dotted Prints, buff yellow & bluo Blue and yellow Nankeens Marseilles Vestings India Luvantincs, brown and black Super horseskm Mitts and Gloves English white silk do Super plaid silk Cravats’ “ black Lasting For sale Jow by M. PRENDERGAST, 3 and 14 Gibbon's Range. april 3Q M PRENDERGAST. No. 3 4’ 14, Gibbon $ Range , HAS just received per sbooner Oregon, Taney willow travelling baskets & reticules India carved shell combs, “ Plain do do Elegant Barogc silk & gauze scarfs, Do do do dress h’kfij Black, blue and brown Italianctts, Super blue Sc yellow Nankeens Swiss & jaconet needle-work tßess robe 9, Do do do Collars A Palaiines. may 15 PORTLAND RUM. BBLS Portland Rum, (colored) —LamL V/ ic.£ from ship Florian, and for sale by /fall, Shapicr Tapper. may 18 SYRRUP. riTIIIS Syrrup is recommended by the Faculty J- as an excellent Depurative medicine, and has been successfully employed in those anomo lous cases of disease, which semetimes occur in scorfulous liadils, produced by an improper and irregular use of mercury.—A fresh supply, care fully prepared, has just been received, and for sale, by LAYHENDRICKSON, Druggists, No. 2 V 15, Gibbons’ Building. may 12 “TToURTTTaMS ANDTBUTTERr -6 \ BARRELS Howard 9t. sup. FLOUR l t )U 25 do fine do 24 do rye do COO small choice Hams in bags 15 kegs Rutter Landino- from schr Agenmia, and tor sale by McELHfNE V, GIRVIN fy CO. march 5 CAYENE-PEPPER, AND MUSTARD. A full supply, 1 /suitable for the table just re ceived and for sale by ’ - T may 4 LAY & HENDRICKSON. ENGLISH SEIDLITZ POWDERS. OF verv superior quality, and warranted gon uimriust received and for sale by J LAY 4’ HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Gibbon’s Buildings may 19. [SAVANNAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING , JULY 15, 1829. NEW SPRING GOODS f CHICHESTER A SCRANTON, Drapers , Tailors and Clothiers , HAVE just received from New York, by late arrivals, a choice selection of GOODS, I calculated for the Spring truHc, which they will sell on the most reasonable terms, AMONG WHICH A HE, Extra superfine blue and black Velvet Cloths. ALSO, Blue, black, olive, green and mix’d Queens’ cloths, anew article, well adapted for summor wear; Wellington Cassiinero for pantaloons; anew ar ticle in this market; - l * f "’ Also, fancy drab Cassimeres cf a variety of shades. VESTINGS: A handsome assortment of Silk, Velvet, Toilinett, Valentia and Marseilles, of the latest London spring patterns. FANCY ARTICLES: Such an Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Cossack and Apjorm Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves and Ho siery. READY MADE CLOATHING, of all descriptions, in every variety of style and pattern, made up at the North, under ths.superin tendance of one of the firm. ffS 3 C. A S. tender their acknowledgements to, their friends and the public for past favors they have received, and hope by their endeavors to picrit a continuance, april 2 Flour , Provisions , Liquors , dye. 4 X bbis. E. S. B. A Co’s, brand canal flour 20 half do. do. do. .do. 50 bbis. Howard street superfine flour 25 do. mess pork, N. Y- City Inspection 25 no. mess beef do. do. 30 do. pfime pork do. do. GO do. d<>> do. Baltimore Inspection 10 pipes seignette’s brandy (warranted fine) 10 dp. Dupuy A Co’s. do. 5 do. Holland gin, swan 1 Puncheon old Ja.maica rum 100 bids. Northern gin (Phelp’s Jenckes A White’s brands) . 20 do. Portland rum 10 pipes Cogswell's old canary wine 20 quarter casks do. do. 10 eighths do. do. do. 20 bbis. Albany beer 25 bags, old Java coffee 100 drums fresh Smyrna Figs 2000 bis. new Baltimore bacon (shoulders) , 50 kegs Baltimore larj 200 coils bale rope 1 500 casks lime 300 grind stones small sizes 25 tons Sweeds iron Eor sale on accommodating terms by HALL, SHATTER A TUPPER. march 12 ■ ‘ M. PRENDERGAST, lias just received per schooner Exact , SUPER Blue Cloth 4 Ilalianetto Bl’k and. mixed Camblets Super fancy Silk Dress H’kf# “ “ Gauze do do “ “ Smyrna do do “ Ilorseskin Gloves “ Sliaded A printed Scarfs (Gauze) “ Plain A, fig’d Swiss Muslin Gentlemen's plaid silk Cravats French Casuaeje and Drills Russia do With a handsome asortment of Kensington, Gimp, Bobinet and English yiiread Laces. No. 3 4’ 14, Gibbon's Range. may 6. BOOTS AND SHOES! f UNUSUALLY CHEAP. CFjjp j Men’s boots at $2 to $3. 10 cases ?legro slioes and bootees from 40 to 70 cents per pair, 1 case Ladies’ Morocco shoes TANARUS, S. LUTHER. feb 2 DUPONT’S GUNPOWDER. THE subscribers have been appointed agents ; in this place for the sale of the above Powder, manufactured by Messrs. E. F. Dupont, De No moms A co. of Wilmington, (Del.) and will keep a constant, supply at the public magazine ; they will sell at tho Philadelphia price and charges, for cash only. A. LE BAR BIER fy CO. Mongin’s brick buildings, octls 62 , SYRRUP OF SARSAPARILLE. riIHE subscriber has received, and will keep J3L constantly on hand, the Syryup of fsarsapa rillm. It is recommended as being a great puffi er of the blood, and strengthens the digestive or gans, and invigorates the system generally. And in soqie instances is found to answer better than the Panacea.’ A. Parsons, At the Eagle, No. 8, Gibbon's Building. may 6. SMOKED HERRING. A O BOXES Smoked Herring, sos sale by PALMES A LEE, Exchange Dock. april 9 ~ WHITELEAD. fDIE subscribers having been appointed agents iL for u Pcabadi/s White Lead,” (which is war ranted a very superior article) will be constantly supplied, and now offers for sale at manufacturers’ prices. J. 50 kegs landing from schooner Adams, from Boston. HALL, SHAPTER U & TUPPER. may 21 SEIDLITZ & SODA POWDERS. Aesh supply of very superior Seidlitz and Soda Powders, iust received and for sale by LAY 4- HENDRICKSON, april 10 FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, JUST received per schooner Glide, and for sale, by LAY A HENDRICKSON, Druggists , Nos 2 and 15 Gibbon’s Buildings march 24 SNUFF. LORILLARD’S superior Maccoboy J Snuff, just received and for sale by Lay dy Iltnjrickson. may 27 r - - „ -- - r - M. PRENDERGAST, Na. 3 4’ H, Gibbon's Range, Has just received, and offers for sale, 10 BALES Osnaburgs, 10 do bl’ch’d 4’ br’n siftings A shirtings, 5 do Plaids, Blue 4 1 black cloth, hangup cords, Linen drills, Ac. Ac, r may 12. ,;H- i\EVY YORK LINE OF PACKETS. > Ship MACON, D. L. Porter, Master. STATIRA, Thos. Wood, “ “ EMPEROR, J. H. Bennett, “ “ HENRY, Geo. Moore, “ ‘ FLORIAN, F Harrison, “ “ HELEN MAII, T. Harrison, 11 ID 3 -The owners of the Established Line tak pleasure in announcing to the public, that it-is again permanently completed with the above six first class vessels. They are all New York built ships, of the best materials, having elegant and spacious accommodations for passengers, and all commanded by masters of well known experience in the trade. They will sail from New York six days, and from this as often. This arrangement will* her punctually adhered to; and as insurance can bc effected on shipment# by them at the very lowest rates, it is hoped that | such a share of patrionage will be extended to this j line as it may merit, from the great Expense in curred in running t, and from its utility to tlic public. Half Shaptcr dy Tupper. jan 15 CITY HOTEL. ~ THE CITY aOTKL having been thoroughly repaired, the subscriber, Agent, resiActffully informs his friends and the public, that, he will be prepared to receive Boarders on sth October.— He has made arrangements to accommodate gen tlemen travelling with their families, and every attention will be given, to insiire the comfort of those who may call. It is needless to say the ad vantages the establishment possesses in ifs locality to business. There has been no expenses spared jn procuring the best Bedding, Servants, Ac. Ac. The Bay will be furnished with the best Liquors and Wines that can be procured, and there wdi be attached to the establishment a Stable and tar ring e House, sufficiently large to accommodate thirty Horses, and provided with careful Ostlers. HENRY W LUBBOCK, Aglnt. Savannah, Sept. 19,1828. 51* - ITF The Constitutionalist, Augusta ; Journal, Milledgeville ; Courier and Mercury, Charleston, ppd Morning Courier, Now York, will insert the abovp twice a week fbr three weeks, and forward their accounts to the subscriber. ITT* THU Relish Rocim at the City |lotel is now ready for reception of visitors, oct 10 • • “7 nqtiCeT” T j HIE Reward of Twenty Dojis rs, offered for I the apprehending the Negro PAUL, by tho Subscriber, is this day with drawn; THOMAS CAVANAI'GJI. may 21 NOTICK. THE subscriber will he absent from the state for a few months. His business will be con ducted by Mx. Wilton, who, together with Mr. Stephen C. Wheeler, will act as Jiis (awful attor niee - A. PARSONS, may 12 NOTICE-. “* ‘PHL business heretofore conducted under A the firm of M’Elhmey, Girvin A co. will he continued on the individual account of the sub scriber. JAMES GIRVJN. may 9 FOR SALE, ’ ~ A WELL broke BAY HORSE, perfectly gen tle under saddle, and in harness. ALSO, A first rate New 11-tVeu made GlG—with Ifar sness complete.—Apply tp A Parsons. april 29. FLUSH BRUSHES'” A Ge noral assortment just Received, and for sale, by LAY fyHENDRICKSON, Druggists, Gibbon's Buildings. inay 13 FRESH TAMARINDS! ‘ JUST received and put up in Jars, half Gallon, one Quart, Pint and half Pint. “ For sale hy A. PARSON^, At the Eagle No. 8 Gibbon's Range. april 9 NIGHT TAPERS. A Supply of superior Tapers for burning in oil, < in great variety, just leceived and for sale )>y “ LA V HENDRICKSON, Pruggists, Gibbon’s Buildings, june 3 9 ’ COMBS. \ N assortment of very superior Dressing, Fine JY Teeth, and Pocket Combs, and Comb'Brush es, just received and for sale by LA Y <?/ HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Gibbon's Buildings. june 3 GOLD BEATERS SKIN. FOR sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, at the pagle, Nc 8 Gibbons’Ttangg march 2C Saratoga Spring Water. dozen Saratoga Congress Spring W.> - ter, fresh bottled by Lynch A Ciarke, and direct from the spring, just received and for sale lo w by LAY A HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Nos. 2 and 15 Gibbon's Buildings, april 20 bAS TOR OIL AND SALTS. ’ ‘ B £ HI Dozen Castor Oil JL x3 \ * 300 boxes Glauber Salts of 20 lbs each, suitable for plantations. Just received, and for sale low, by LAY & HENDRICKSON. Druggists, Gibbons’ Buildings. may 21 SHOE "BLACKING.' ~ • DAY & MARTIN’S Liquid Blacking, just im ported and for sale by the cask or dozen, by A: Parsons , Druggist, No 8 Gibbons’ range march 5 THERMOMETERS ‘ * N assortment of London Thermometers in box-wood, morocco and Japanned Tin Cases, iust *eccived and for sale, bv JLAY A HENDRICKSON. Druggists, Gibbons’ Buildings. may 28 PRESTON S SMELLING SALTS, JUST received, and for sale by k LAY A HENDRICKSON. march 20 PUBLIC SALES. SHERIFF’S^SALES!! On the First Tuesday in August ne.if. ! WH.L le sold, before Uto - Court f/otisc, jn ▼ ▼ the city of Savannah, between the usual ! hours ot sale, the following property, viz : Three Negroes, Tom, William and Nancy, one . dining table, with cuds, one piaiu Chairs, one do. straw do. one carpet, two bcadsleads with beds, four pillows aud two Bolsters, one pair and * shovel aud longs, one Bureau, two metres ses, and five boadsteads. levied on under an i by virtue of an execution on foreclosure of mort gage, as the property of-A-nn Taylor, in favoi of W.S. Taylor. GEORGE MILLEN, S. C. C. junp 8 -- •>’ ~ suerTff s'sale. On the first Tuesday in August next, TIIILL be -Bold, before tho Court House, in “the city of Savannah, between the usual < hours of sale, the following property, viz: One negro fellow nameu York, levied on as j the property of John Harris, jun. to satisfy an execution in fayor of Bradley, Claghom Wood, against said John Harris, jun. One negro woman named Mary, levied on as the propert y of James Saunderlin dec. to sathty executions in favor of Moses Carter, and Morde cai Sheffall, property pointed out by the administrator, —levy made and returned to mq my a constable. : . july 3- GEORGE MILLEN, s. c. c. SHERIFF’S SALeT On the first Tuesday in August next, WJILL be sold in front of the- Court House, in the cilv of Darien, between the hours of 10 A. M.and'4 P. M. ’ - ‘ All those tracts or parcels of land h no ' v n hy i the numbers (3) three anfi > six, in a plat anj ! survey'made by Thomas M’Cail, Eh<p situate oiy | General’s Island, in tho river Altamaha, in M tosh county, lately the property Gen. Lachlan j M’lntosh, containing together seven hundred tor i tj T -nme and a half acres, and allotted to Archibald Bulloch, in pursuance of a w rit of pai lil ien . levied on under execution upon foreclosure cf mortgage, the Bank of the Slate of Georgia vs. A. Bulloch and wife, issued from the superior Court OfiYl’lntosh countv. THOMAS RING, a. hi. c. june 29 SHERIFF S SALE On the first Tuesday in September next % VA/ r ILL be sold before the Court House in thq ▼ v - city of Savannah, betw’een the usual hours of sale the following property, viz : One negro named William, levied on under and by virtue of a foreclosure of a mortgage in fa vor of William Joyner against J. E. YVolis - GEORGE MILLEN, s. c< c. 4 ttI y3 EXECUTOR’S SALE. ON the first Tuesday in July next will he sold before the court house in this city, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, the following three Negipes, viz: Jeftney, fliillis, and Sarah. Said Negroes part of the personal estate of YVm* Cooper, deceaseu, sold for the benefit of the heirs arid creditors of said estate. •*. EDWARD COFFEE, Ex’r. FRANCES E. C’OOFER, Ex’rx. may 6 224 r ~'~ J - - “ ~ ■’ ~ - ~~ r ’ Negroes lor hale. THE following Negroes, from the country, aro offered for salepviz : A negro boy aged about 16 years. A negro boy aged about 15 “ * very likely A negro boy aged about 15 “ do * do., A negro boy aged about 12 “ A liegro girl aged about 12 “ A negro man aged about 45 “ a field hand’ A negro man aged about 47 “ do do r ’ ALSO, ‘ * A negro girl aged 10 years. A negfo man aged 24 “ a prime field hand. A negfo boy aged 17 “ do do do. A negro maw aged 35 “ do do do. A negro maq mid wife,>nd thoir child about 5 years old. Apply to J EPPINGER. march 28 FOR SALE~ fi Plantation situated on Bryan Neck-Creek, in the connty of Bryan, containing 255 acres, being part o| the tract known by the name ot Golden Grove. It adjoins lands of Lee BiacUsell and Wm. Brailsford, and is suffi ciently fertile for the cultivation of Cotton or Corn. Apply to J. EPPENGER. march H . ~~~~lce7 X opposite the City Hotel, will be opened this day for tho delivery of Ice. The hours for keep ing open, will be from sun-rise until sun-set, ex cept meiil-tlmes, Sundays until one o’clock P. M. if no objections by tire City authority, being by particular request. - N- B. the house in Rockwell’s Buildings will, bo closed for the present. ‘ EPHRAIM SPEAR. march 31 - UNION QUESTIONS^ A LATE and improved Edition of Questions L\. for Sunday Schools, arid Bible Classes, pub lished by the American Sunday School Union just received and for sale by George W. Coe . may 15 COW PE is: A FEW bushels just’ received “of the first quality suitable for Planting. Apply to • PALMES AND LEE, Exchange Duck. H4V. ‘ 1 BUNDLES Prime Hay, for sale. _g UIF ‘ Apply to PALMES 4- LEE. june 16. Exchange 1 Xicki NOTICE. THE Savannah Steam Rice Mill (at the Ituvcr part of the city.) is now in readiness m re ceive Rice to beat op toll—but as the proprietory are not as yet prepared to furnish Casks, it will be necessary for those grinding Rice to bc beat, to provide them. For terms apply to Henry Me Alpin, .or to HALE, SIIAFTER * TUfPER. march 17 ’ , ’ a BARGAIN. ’ ‘ r THOSE two unimproved, foe simple LOTS known by the Nos. 33 and 34, in*-Washing ton Ward, on Broughton at. are offered for $ 700 Cash—apply to J. EPPINGER. niay 32 WANTED TO HIRE, FOR a small family, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer— Good recommendations of char&o ter will be required. Apply at this office. may 19/ [No. 43 —V01. 11.