Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, March 27, 1832, Image 3

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osJ luiiiresecJ m<j ilouso The furnipr gi'iitleman proposed as no amend' tfienf, thol I ho Select G'nrnnnfee should ho chosen tiv luillot. At Tour o’clock, Mr. Brnd- ley gave wily lo a motion for an adjournment, and is entitled to the floor to day. In the Senate on tho 8lh, alter tho usual moraine business, the Apportionment Bill was taken up, and Messrs. Clavton,Forsyth. Inzn- well, Foot, Mnrcy and Webster, continued the debate thereon, until adjournment/ In (lie House of Representatives, the reso lution in relation to an inquiry into the affairs of the Bank of the United States, was further discussed by Messrs. Beardsley, Root and Bell. The amendment which proposed that (bo 'ielact Committee should he chosen by ballot, was rejected—Yeas, 88; Nays, 92— Mr. W ayno then submitted an amendment, that n Select Committee be appointed to make sundry inquiries, in the recess nf Congress, touching the general management of the Bank of tho United Stutes, with instructions to re port the result of their inquiries on or before '.lie third Monday of December next. Mr. Burges proposed to amend tins amendment, hut before tho Speaker had decided whether the latter proposition was in order, tho House udjourned. in the Senntc on the 9th, many private bills were passed, and others matured. The ap portionment hill was luken up, the question being on Mr. Forsyth's motion to amend the substitute offered by Mr. Webster, by striking out therefrom tho provision for the represen tation of fractions. Mr. Holmes, Mr. Silsbee, and Mr. Sprague, spoke in opposition to the motion, and Mr. White in its support. Mr. Dickerson lias the floor for Monday. Tho Senate adjourned over to monday. In the House of Representatives, Mr. Ver- plunck reported a bill making an appropriation for the publication of certain diplomatic cor respondence. On motion of Mr. Barstoiv. the vote of Thursday, rejecting the ninnnd- mond offered to Mr. Clayton’s resolution for on enquiry into the affairs of tho Bank nf the United Status, which proposed that the Select Committee lie chosen bv ballot, was reconsi dered—Yeas, 98; Nays, 93. The further consideration of the subject was arrested, by the expiration of the hour allotted to morning business. Some timo was spent in commit tee on the bill for the benefit of Mrs. Susan Decatur, et. al. Tho Committee finally rose mid reported the bill without amendment. The several amendments proposed m Committee, wuro renewed in tho House and rejected. Tile question was thon taken on engrossing tho hill for a third rending, which was decided in tile negative—Yeas, 78; Nays, 95, and so the bill was rejected. Tho Senate did not sit on Saturday the 10th. The House of Representatives on motion of Mr. Johnson of Kentucky, took up (ho Post Office hill, which was read a third time and passed. Mr. Dodtidgo "moved n ro-consider- iiiion of the vote of Friday on Mrs. Decatur’s bill; but, before the question ivas taken on tho proposition the Ilouso ndjourned. In tim Son,ale on the 13th, the apportion ment bill catnc tip as the unfinished business, end the question on tho pending amendment was debated.' Oil taking the question, on Mr. Forsyth’s motion, it wns carried, yens 24, nnys, 23. Mr.'Webster then abandoned his amendment; and it ivas rejected without a di vision; when Mr. Ilill moved lo amend the bill by striking out 47,700, tho ratio of repre sentation, and insulting 44,000. This mo tion was also lost without a division. The bill was then ordered -to a third reading by yens and nays, 27 in the affirmative, and 20 in the negative. Tho Senate then adjourned. The House of Representatives, resumed tlio consideration of Mr. Clayton’s resolution for (lie appointment of a select committee to inquire into the affairs of the Bank of Ihn U. Slates. The question was on the nmendment of Mr. Root, to choose tho committee by bal lot. Mr. Drayton made an ineffectual mo tion for the previous question, and was follow ed by Mr. Everett of Mass, who expressed his intention lo vote for the amendment. Mr. uhaosl humbled our country;bul Anitrev; Jack- om and a bond of heroes resc.jed her from dishonor. I.-r.loug will it be, before the American people ivill believe, that the ene mies of Andrew J u ksioi, possess a hundrolh pnrt of that regaid for the true honor and glo ry of our country, which animates bis bosom They «ill continue their support to the man who promptly repels our enemies in timo of war, and in peace, nsjls of “ Jordan notions nothing which is not dearly right, and sub- mite to nothing thol il wrong.”—IK. Globe. Tim Freshman Class of Harvard College have qcen dismissed until such timo ns they may tie recalled, in consequence of insubor dination. A quantity of gunpowder wus blown op in the chapel, when, one of the stu dents knowing the offender mid refusing to mime him. the matter was handed ever lo the Grand Jury of the countv. This exasperated the class, who were guilty of disturbances at prayers, and other annoyances.—Situ. Gear. PROPOSALS FOR THE Southern Banner, A VVEEKI.Y NRWKi’AFKil PUBLISHt'.l) IN THE TOWN OP ATHENS, UF.tlltCIA. The letter of iLe Coimoolce biculnea that fervid spirit which animates the friends ofthi President from one end of the Union lo the other; and it cannot he read by friends without exciting m sbent a neiv.glow ofenthu- siasm in defence nf our injured Chief Magis trate and a persecuted statesman. Tho letter ofilm President is characteristic of himself. Instead of shrinking from respon sibility like n manccnvering politician, and suf fering his minister and friend to sink beneath the blows of n coalition of interested men, lie steps forward and assumes upon himself the acts which have hern so bitterly denounced, and justifies them before his country. It will be remembered, tbnt the two branch es of tim Opposition in tho Senate presented different reasons for their votes against Mr. Van Huron. Tho Webster and Clay divis ion rosled their votes upon the alledged de gradation of the couotry in the instructions given to Mr. McLano by Mr. Van Burcn, which resulted in the recovery of tho direct (redo with tho British West Indies. The Calhoun auxiliaries rested their voles unnn the nlledged intrigues of M r. Van Burcn,alien ating tho mind of the President from the Virc President, and producing the disruption of the Cnbinet. How completely does this letter of the President put to flight both these reasons, and leave the enemies of Mr. Van Burcn wholly without excuse The President declares to the nation, that lie dictated tho clause of the instructions com-! . , , . , ..... , . plained of HIMSELF; that Mr. Van Bure,,: O’SEK out obeyed Iih directions in writing and trails- fi*,.! rhmuselvea bound by every senna of duly, both to milting them to Mr. JVTeLnno; that he gnvn {the former patrons of tho Athenian, and those of tb nr these instructions because it was Ins dutv lo Wends whose aid they oulidently snlicipaie-iu order , . . .,1 , to retain the ane and imint too othor-tii.l*y.Delure them his country; because, while he was detcmin- , u fnir aai cam |j,i,but ion of ihcprin- ed to ask only wiial is clearly right and sub-- ciplesbv whi-h they are to be governed and directed nut to nothing that is wrong, lie was deter- .in tim proseculi.iiioftlieir arduous ami responsible un- —!r "... um • ."s tzstz sraasrss attempt on hi* pift. to dcftuiJ u policy whitdi : such general and invigorating power over our whole ho and tho panjiln had condemned. ibtvjy politic, lo enter elaborately amt miuutvlv into a On what ground will tho WnbMer division I detail of thoir political views and opinion?. Indeed, to oflhn opposition now rest their justification ?! ‘ “n'e'o'fih^ouimunUv^ "To’im.fe.iTlie UteJHho Tlio President dmtnted the pari of the mslruc-1 blessed thunder •■four'hnly religimi. is in its.dt a milli- lions assailed; Mf. Van Buren was but his eiont guarantee of the principled oftho gcinuno cli ris agent lo transmit them t.> Air. Me Latin; niidi** an »!!“ : >ey h-'ldii uuly ueee.sary toownand pru- • ,!oss.h. 'itmrxofilis throe eeM .p.milcs ..I correct Mr. Me Lime carrmd > .cm into exec Mm. K, r ,.„., itl0r d.. r i, M „,iy on nnlitlciui.d cmnnin- They do not assail the President wiio dictated .i,v ,.fthe nature of their political faith, and ibn inevi- flic instructions: they have advised nod eon- 'abletendency oft.ieir funiro practice. Tho Southern Bunted to tho appointment as Secretary of the “ mnor.the", will rest hereafter f..r .upporl and patron- , _ r , T /. ■ ng.», on the bru.d, firm, and imuiut.ble ruck of llepiib. Treasury ot Mr. McLane, who executed them;! i„ :,„i n \|| those pure ami hallows J doctrines which and they have seized upon and punished Mr. j orisim-tlly flashed upon the world fro.n the pen of a Van Burcn, who neither originated nor -onsn- leffemn—which have hse.i dim ished and handed down mated the alleged offence against the unity i ,r of our country ! Is there justice or eomislen- j by our favorite Troup. ,vi!| in it find a champion, cy in this ? Is it not the President, who origi- icnv-vci liumMe, >ci of stern and uncompromising in- nntod the indignity, tho greatest nffonder, and i , ... Mr McLane who consummated it .be next 1 wbt.'uhtdl'g If Inn President could not he readied try • * .. .. ALBON CHASE AND ALFRED 51. NISBBT, EDlTOltS. ]V«t ice. WIfE Subscriber will if Htilile the Hcroum? •liu in town a few dayr M ie lul«* firm of.l. \MIITK ft Co. All persona indebted, uro carncs'ly »c«|ue*u <1 to« mM nml M'ltlr burnt tlulcly, J. H Ui l'K. Atli.i.f* Mrtnbtf7.—3». NOTICE A tlmnn linviup domarulR a»:ain?t tlic Estate of Jtilin Clarkfloii, late of FrauUlin county, decc&s fid, are r«qtiire«l to rundar in their accuunta nccor- diiii* to law • arid nil those indrhtud to the Kt*tote of thr deccum-d, are required to come forward and arttle ofTtheir accounts iumiediatelv. JAMES HARGROVE, Ex’r. March 87-2-40.1. NOTICK. F OUR months after date application will ho made to tho honorable tho Inferior Court of Mndia-m count v, when •ottiui* for ordinnry piirposen, for loovo to poll tho Rout Estate of Soulrorn Smi'li, orphan of Peter Smith, lute of said countv, doooaund. JAMES 11. 110NP, Guardian. March 27—2—u lm. Fitly Acres of Land, nauro o»les», wberoc* William Wallis now lives : levied on as th- proper! v of William V nlln. to rstisty a fi. fa. is»ticd f..t ceV Court i-, favor W. H. Marlin, v*. «aid'*• ai ie. Pro* ;»« i t v pointed oof hy Robert Mitchell. I.ev> nia«L*.tnd 'Honied to me hy a Constable. Or.o l*rnet of Land, known ns Lot N«>. 60 t in the 12th District of eaid county: levin) on »h he property of Stephon iVst, to eathfv u fi. fa. in favor of IVtcr Grinnell, Dooic' Grant and Tbomua Cirout, exec utors, &c. vs, said East. March 27. * A. CHASTAIN,5»,»(T. | | ALL Slierifl’ , a Solo.—On the tir>t Tm»s. ™ • day in MAY next, will l»e sold, at the Com? House in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, 'v.iihsu the iipua! boms of Fair*, ttie following property, to wit : Two Flmulrod and Stxly-n»n« Acre* o# hand, ninro'or lv»f t lying on the pond E< ik ot the Oeooeo river: levied on ns flie.propftity of U iilimn Hrodivell, to salisly Btindrv ti. tas- issued from a Justi cc’h Court .in favour of Joseph T. Ciinnmgluiii.. .»mf others, v*. said Hrodivell, properly (mioteii out hy lb** defendant. I.cvv mode nnd returned to me bv a lihililf, JACOB LUEKHAUr, I). Sh’ff. Mnrr!| 27. ADMINISTR \TOR\S S ALK. AVTII.l. be sold the first Tuesday in June next, Vw at »he Court hoove in the town ot Monroe, Walton eon, ty, agreeably to an «rder of the Honorable tho Inferior Court, .f said comity when silting for or' ilinary |»urp >aei», uii «he Real Estate of Grant Tax lor, deceased, situated in Walton county: consisting oftu parcels of (.and, lying on tho waters of the Appalachia liver, one piece contuinmg Four Hundred nml Efiv Acres, more or less, udinining lands of Tnnolbv C. \\ ood, Gitlcnii Hendrick, and others, die other piece, of One Hundred and Thiityandn ball'Acics, adjoining Arehihiild Tanner, Wm. Thurmond, and others. Sold for tire benefit of the creditors of said Estate. RICHARD dUTt.ER, Adai*r. March 27—2—tds. j AC'KSON Sheriff’* Sale.—On the firt. i tb., "to l?asi r.‘fli:c»i«Mi try l he course pursued by their wor thy predecessor, f'ie late proprietor of tlifl Athenian,) of .’oortt ifMtierut interest and of greater value to tne party, than it has he*»n oflaic, and none of which seems t*» Ijem, ho wt*Ucalenluted »o produce this icsulf, as the. opposition which will be shortly excited, in this place, to their press, and to their principles. Tliisid'-a they d » .ini .lopre<*ate, Uni rather cherish, knowing that an honorable and libtral opposition, will t*nd tost ini* ulato them to*h*i perf irmaneo of their duty, vvliilst they Senate, whv did they spare Mr. MeLann ? Why not punish him for bcun^* the itHimnent of the all“tre<] dislionnr to our country, Thu reason is plain. Mr. MeLune \v *s not fear»*d hy rival aspiratns, to Die Presiden cy; Air. Van Burcn teas ! lienee tho impu nity of tho one and tho punishment of the other. j hope it will rally to thoir support, thoir.frienda, and tho The reusoii nssigned by (lie Calhoun mix- «"• »'*u«e imor«i and i;rn.pcrity , n j i theyarudolor i»mrd to devote every honorable t*\er- tiinrie.-* are equally dissipated by the President’*? letter.—The President declares, that Hr. Van i The editors have engaged atnong the r correspon- Huron had no agency in producing the rupture I denis, several gentleman of established i-itcrary and between him nnd the Prosbleut, tlmt he w I clwnie.ier whuxe cnmnimiicti.,,,, »i!l hereab , . . . , , | ter« rve to inch and adorn the column’* o! the a ponce mak*»r in lu« Cabinet, and when he! s^Hhcrn Banner. And with regard to the other do- found it impossible to prevent dissensions,tlio | partinents ofihe paper, they can hut add, that their root of which was palpably enough* nothing [ ^ CMt exertions will bo dovntn.1 to. render tlnmi u-u.ful but jealousy of him, lie resigned his high sin- ,l,, d aomaing to thuirpatrnus and readers. . J . - . . H Great promise* are, however, at best, but cheap tion with the hone of giving pea »* *o the Pre- j commiditie^. and ofc ourso they feel themselves bound sident, and harmony to tiis administration. — ^ay os little, and jiroinisoas charily a? |Hw«iblc; hut At tho urgent request of the President, who* 10 * a uaclni»c f*rtli t.'icir little harquo upon tho not heiug sn intrvxicateil with .ho glory ac -1 ZSSW Tn big'Z quired hy him in the lust war as to wish to see; it, KXKCUTOR’S SALE. O N Thursday the lOlli of Mav mix', will ha Hold at tin* mail once of John Clark son, latent Franklin county, deceased, *hu following property to wit: one Ox 4'art, and Yoke of Steers, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep; a quantity of Seed Cotton, Corn, Bacon. Also, Plantation Tools, Smith’s Tools, I l-mio liohl and Kilch- «n Furniture, wit It other articles too tedious to men. lion. Sold as the property of the deceased. The sale to continue from day to day until all in sold. Terms mado known on the day. JAMES HARGROVE, Exo’r. March 27-2—tds. tiKOftCVA, HALL f-OUNTY. In the Superior Court, Alarch Term, 1832. Janies \V. Jones, & Co. ) vs. S Dill for Discovery, Relief Goorgo W. Wacascr, > ami and i Injunction. Aldiidgo Kean. > I T appearing to the Court, that the defendants re- Aide without the County of Hall,.so that service cannot he perfected in 1 lie usual way: Il is ordered hv the Court, that the said Georgo'jVV. Wacascr, nnd Al dridge Kean, plead answer or demur to raid bill on or before the first day of iml Term, or the some will be taken pro confesso. A true copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Cleih. March 27—2—m3tn. GHORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W lIF.RaS Kiclioril Winn applies fur letirrn nf ttdinlntstratton with the will annexed, on the • slate of George Downing lute of Hall county, decea sed. TUene nte therefore to cite and admonish all and sin. giilur the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and uppear at my otlice within the time prescrilu’*! b\ law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted. Given under my bund tin's 22d March, 1S32. GEORGE 11A WEE, c. c. March 27. -2-3od. SH13HIPPS’ SALES. Tnewday in MAY next, will hr s» Court-hmre in file town of Jefferson, Jneksnn countv. within (be usual hour* of sale, the /b.'loumg property, to wit: f’nc Tract of Lnnd, rontnining Two He"- dred and »eventy-two Acres, more or |es«, a^j- 'nin^ Bryant ami Oliver: levied on to satisfy five fi. fnn. i§71 sued from «'* Justice’a Court in favour of Samuel A. Wilson, vs. George R, Bra/.eil. Property pointed ol! by 11 razril. Levy made and returned to *. e hv n Con stable, G. F. ADAMS, I).’ Sh’if. Match 07. MADISON SlicrilTd Sale.—On tho fnv Tuesday in MAV next, will be pnld rr the Court-Hottsn in the town of Danielgville, ^ , ndiant; county, within tho usual hours of sale, the following pioperty, to wit: Dno Hundred Arm* nf Lund, more or Ic*?. adjoining Win. Miteh**| and • tlirrg: levied on ns iIm properly of John P. Vann, to snti>fy two fi. fas. fro n a Justice’s court in favour of William Lucre, vs said Vanu. Property pointed out by John Gilbert. Lev* made and returned to rne bv a constable. RICHARD B. GHOLSTON, Sh’ff. March 27. PROSPECTUS of. run GKOapiA GAZETTE, A PAPEIl TO DP. l'Uni.lKIlHl) WCCKI.T, AT ATlieS'ii, G A. 1 < issuing proposals lor publishing n new paper i-t this soil ion ofihe country, reason and doty would seem to combine, to invite from iih sums exposition o' tho circumstances which have urged iih to the aitcmp*. ns well ns a brief outline of the principles by which in will he gov« roed in our course. This task we perform cheerfully. The population ot the j>iatoi« rapidly increasing; hr * system of Internal Improvement at its nascent poiio*. of existence; her jurisdictional limits actually and p o>. pet lively extending; her chartered rights and India:* relationships mistiming new nnd deeply interesting ,** • pecle; and her financial resources prerenting to In * sons the appalling alternative of of pression in fin me ! / hurthensome taxes, or hui krtiplry will.out somr rub* lary change in her representative oppoi ti'mincni, e’ combine lo lendci an additional llendtl of intelligent, to the present miiober nltr.gethcr proper. But these hy no iochi.f constitute the whole rate ' login: ot inducements. Ours is palpably a governmn ' in experiment. The principles and terms upon whii it was hnsed, were professedly novel, nnd bv con*' qiUJilee it would he lair to assert that they were not a'* •oget her understood. The progress of events box if# nioiiritratcr! this truth. The roimtituti* nnlity of a rv. ■ tional Bank; a system of Internal Iniprov’cnifoi t « Congress; the power to inx foreign imports for t* » proiec’ion of domestic industry; in short the wholr* f. brie of implication, remains yet to undergo its final in •' legitimate analysis. They are topics which must ay • late, and Hint deeply, every patriotic hosotn in tlo* r racy. Toinuintnin tho honor and rights of i .U thr*; citixen.s. sale and snug in the hearts of thoir fellow* CONDITIONS. Elm Southern Rawer is publish# d ts scenes nctod over nguin, he tind mission to tJrcmt Drtiiiiu. with ins ro adjust, if possible, thn lonjj-vexed <j *e«ti''n ol* ' Tlio Southern Hawf.r is publish# #1 every Tuesday impressment. He .-ertnitily did not exp.-.»the i ,w,n ""«' rl ' r ' t J ,Mar ? ! m ', •*•*>“»>''; * .. .! ■ » . ' vane , ** r Four iW'trs after the expiration »>t the year, arm of faction to reach (um there; nor was it; \fv#*.tiscmo:its inserted .m ttie umal terms, to be antieipated, tlmt tho**? who worn ho mtmli I.etliTS on the husima* of the office, j tost pail, opposed In fighting for sudors’ rights, during! «d«bessed to the Eddo-s, or to 'lcqn Cis.ysr., Eroprin- tho last war, would be opposod to securing I j/'/ * - them by negotiation. Hut he was m:i Oambreleng urged the appointment of the j Thorn was no escaping the socret manage-1 ligan ’Committoo. in the usual mode; as also did Air. j meat which Inis pursued his steps like n ma- j —'— Anpel. At half pact 4 o'clock the Ilouso ad* i lignant spirit, from the hour that tho illustri- upt’y atiomfid to. the ns, March 22,1632. Editor m by go ot pap forgiu wid confer uu ob« i f**w i i mrlimis. jouroed < • IlmiBo of Representatives on the ]3lh nKain resumed tho eulijoct of Mr. Clnyton’H resolution for an enquiry into tlio coneertiB of the United States.Bunk- Mr. Collier of Noiv York, addressed the Ilonse nt a considerable length, eliiefly in reply to List collenqueB. Messrs Beardsley and Anne], and Mr. Lea vitt,in their attack on Mr. Root—he went in to a dissection of the machinery of party poli tics in New York, which occasioned n fre quent laugh throughout the House. Mr. McDuffie now roso nnd appealed to the House «n the subject of -the lime this de'.mtn had con-umcd, nnd proposed that this House Should ‘ ait out,’ and {bring il to n close this ftighl. Mr. Adams pavo notice that ho should of • an amendment, which was read at the Clerk’s lahlo. (It vnred the phrnseolooy of the resolution, and added a clause rostrictino ihe Committee as to tho lime within which they shall report.) On motion of Mr. Lamar there was now a call of tho House, when 201 Rtombers answered to their names. Tho ques tion was then put on Mr. Root’s nmendment. Tho Y< as and Nays were called, hut before the cult was announced from the Chair, Mr. Plummer of Mississippi, who had voted ay, Oskud leave to change his vote. Ho then vo ted no. Upon which the voles-were declared lo stand. Yeas 100. Nays, 100. There being tt lie, the Speaker voted in the negative; so tho umendmenment was rejected. .Tachion and Fan Burcn.—In nnr columns, this morning, will he found nn interesting cor respondents between a Committee of tlio Re publican Momt ir» of the New York Legisla ture nnd the President of the United States, rol. nii^ io the revert rejection of Mr. Vnn UsHt!. oils Clinton’s death was known in H’nslnng- ton. He was then denounced in whispers nnd confidential loiters, cliargine that lie wns the future rallying point of tho federal pnrlv, nnd destined to form n coalition with Mr. Webster'nnd the men of the Hartford Conven tion. In as ninny shapes us Proteus ever ns- Mimed, thn sprit of political chivalry and nn nnworly jen|ousy has pursued him ever since. Scarcely was the present administration form ed, when, in the same secret munner, lie wns charged with sinister designs and unfair at tempts to transfer the President’s popularity to himself. \t length tlo* charge was openly made. Mr- Calhoun insinuated it, nnd his friends proclaimed it aloud. Mr. Van Boren denied it, and called for the proof. None has ever been produced. It is repeated hy Sena, tors in secret session, w ithout other evidence then tlmt which they now disavow and seek to discredit. At lencth the President himself, in responding to the indignant voice of Ins fel low citizens, pronounced tho charge unfound ed. What will ho the next resort ? Shall we now have the. proof ? No!—assertions, direct charges, and malignant insinuation*, will be redoubled. The enemies of Mr. Van Burcn will continue In make up bv such resorts what they want in proof and in fact. The pcopln will now see that the blow which has struck Mr. Van Burcn. wns aimed Ot the President. General Smith informed the Scnntors, in secret session, that he had received from thn President the information which tho letter now gives to (lie world, it is Andrew Jackson, therefore wteon Mr. Web ster and bis nssociatn* charge with humbling our country at tho fool of the British ihr-m. - - ' There wns a time, when the conduct h samaMr. Walmter and other pxsnriMosj had To Rent. A E the tiuiiRf* ol .fiihn Jackson in Athena, on Salur- .‘■L ‘lay, the 31st mat. lor the preiuuil war, tlio lloiifm n»i*i Lot in the Town »»f Athens, hrli.iioin^ fo the Kb* tat#* of Koiltnau Sanson, ib #eaai*#l. A credit will, be yiveu iiini( tlo* 23th December next, unci approved ae> entity required. JOSEPH LIGON, AJio'r. #ie Duma lion, March 27—2 —It. 7; ol d e .\ r 7) EPOFnliN rn es To parch 1 tie Faluolile i.ands U5 ?T Jithout Money t-CC On a credit of One nnd. Two Years ! 4. ilREEABLY f«» an order of tli#: H morabb: the In- * o*ri#)r G’Mirl of# lark county, when hit line for #»r#li- iw v purposes, will be sold on the first Tncrday in June n ’.xi, before tins Court Home door in the town*of Mon* roe. Walton countv, the following tracts of Land, ris the property of Alien Bonner, late of Clark county d<*- e#:as«’«!—to wit: Lot No, 21—Third district Walton county, on Ileaver- dam creek, well improved, now containing one hundred and fifi\*ffix acres, bavinybetm reriuc# d by thf* Nettingon*of the widow’d (lower; joinins Li ullcy and others. Lot N«t. 170—Tbr»! district Walton county, joining Adam■« and otlusra. Lot No. 241— 1 Third district Walton .county,on the. wa ters of the Apalatcliie river, joining Shepherd, Tread wall and other* —two hundred acres. Fraction No. 255—Third district Waflnti Apalatcliie river, j lining Low and Treadwell-cghty-four ncr^s. Fraction No. Third district Walton, ^palatchic river, joining Shepherd—one hundred and forty- sit acres. Fraction No. 258—Third district Walton A palate hie riv#*r, joining Oriffitli—ten arid tlwee quarter ucrcs. Jllso—$0 t'.rrea more or lex?, well itrpMvcd, lying on Mirhurv*? ereck, orrainaliy )irk«'*n, now Wal- lon county; sold lor the l»<*ii«-fit «>f the heirs of said deceased. ISAAC S. VINCENT, JtttofiiCy **) frrt tyr the.mlor. 27.—’J—f: 1 ”. ( "1 LARK SHERIFF'S SALK.—On ll. , J Hr.l Tuesdsy in MAYnnxt, will l.o m’il, I>"' r von.liluiinnsl r.mTVnliiu. ; to rnnwi at the Court-house in tho town #*f Watkiii j ville Clark county, within the usual hour? of Hale, Ihefidtowinu pro perty, to wit: Twelve and a Half Acres of Land, more or less, well improved, situated on tb#’ road leading from Walkinsville to the Scu'l 8h#»nls, wli#*re#m Joseph Durham nmv live*, udioinini! Ilii.Taad other*, and one bayrnare with four white feet, about six year? old: levie<f #»n aatha property oflpseph Durham, i#» snil-f> a fi. fa. in favor of Steven? Thomas, v». Joseph Dur ham ami David Elder.„ One Negro Girl l»y the name of Ann about sixteen yean* #d#l : levied on ns tho property of James Shaw, to satisfy a fi. (n. in favor of Ansclinn L. Har per, vs. .lame? Shaw and Joshun Stevens. March 27. ISAAC. S. VINCENT, Sh’ffi C 1LAI1K ShcTifT’wSalo.—On the first Tuph- * day in MAV next, will bn sold at the Court tloiiseiu tin* town of VV ntivinsville, Clark e#mnty, within the ijhijuI lioui? of Mill*, the folloxviug propr*rty,to wit: One f Inline and Lot in the town of Athens*, well improved, occupied ut present by the defendant as n public 'I'avern; one Negro boy by the name of .Shop herd, about 21 years of age; also, Kill? a man, 35 nr forty year? of a tre; one four horse Slug#* amt hamoM#, one four wheel Carrisge and harness, nn« two liorfte wagon, two hay hors#*?, in or 12 years old, seven lea ther beds, bendsieds and furniture, fivo rnattresa#?, oho do/, u iridaor chair*, half doz. split bottom chair?, 12 pine table?, lw#j folding tab!#’* (of cherry,) a walnut sidi4ioar#l, one do?, knive? and fo#ks, our d«*x. and a half #*nr»hen [date?, one doz. cup? anil saucers, six dish es, 5 pitchers, 2 decanters, 4 bowl>, two jn^-, and one jar: levied on cs the property cf John A. Byrd, to sa ti.sfv twofi. fits, one in favor of John Martin, the other in fuvor of Klizur L. New ten, v* said Byrd. March 27. JAMES HEN DON, D.Sh’lT. MB ALL ShcrilTH Sale.—On the first Tiich* *■“* day in MAY next, will be Bold, at the Court House in the Town of Gaine?vi!te,I!a!l coun ty, within tim usual hour* of aalo, tin: following pro pel ty, to wit: Two Hundred nnd Fifty Acres of Land. *.mr#j or !chp, whereon Jess#* Clayton now live? : levied on as the property of Jesse Clayton, to satisfy % fi. fa. issued front Mill inferior Court in favor of J, \V. Jonct»& Co. vs. rttd Clayton. - Two (iundred and Fifty Acres of Land. m«re or li?a«. whereon Pleasant ITuNey now lives : le vied on as the property ot Pb aeant I Inbev, to satisfy two fi. fr?. issued from Hall Superior Court in fuvor ot i*. J. Murray, va.foid Hulsey. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Ono Hundred nnd Fifty Acres nf Lnnd. m-ire or lo-*?, whereun Gabriel G. Culev now live? : le- vied on as the property of John Chambers; to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior Court in favor of P ilip Wade, for the u?#r #*f Robert Mitchell, va. William Moore aud John Chambers, hi? security. Property [minted out by Mitchell, One Hundred and Fifty A cron nf Lnnd, more or less,*Heine part nfl.ot o. 41, m the 8<h Dis- tri*‘f of Hall eonniy : levied on a* flic property of Mar* tin Evan-, io»tit»-fy a fi.. fn. bmied from a J »sii#-e*s Conn in fnvt/r ui John Barnwell, vs. sod E?fi •. »»;ttdeand M’urfStd ft? rzA by a Cu:?9t*blcr strain with prompt it min and firnm#**?«>f pm[>o?eaca:n t nil infraction# of llu* compact, and lo preserve t!.*• Union hy cnlightenrd #liscu«fion er rational rempi* mis#*, according t#> tin* plan of Jcfferenri and Jnckso.., shall be our constant aiiii. Our colmmi? piiail air. t contain as far n? prac.ticnble, important bum* of inti# licence in the department? o( morals, literature, and science. In our Sta*c politic? it would he intpossihL; under our present impr#*?nons, to ndopf tho prinripl# jt • *f tlio Troup party iu mo*! «»fil» «uea*ioc*. CONDITIONS. The Groroia Gazrttr will hr* issued about their: * of Jill v next, on n large super- royal ?li#*p», with tip,* entirely new, and we hope wpleiidid, at *|.1 On per in, ninn, pavable within six month? after the receipt • f the firr»t number, or $1 00 if not paid within the year* Advertisements «vit|b#» inserted at tho usual ratts, Athens, March 20.—12— Other Georgia pnjiers will be pleased tn insert th * above. R. 15. Martin, DENTIST, Al .Mr. Jackson's Hotel, Athens, Gu March 90.—IS-if. To the District Surveyors in tlo Cherokee Country # B^HE Subscriber vyoiild inform tlicm that ha w.'t fl furuisli them witli Htipplies of Bacon, Meal, a *.* Corn, !cdicuie3, &c* &c. upou rc&Fimablu terins. l.'j ha? about I2,U00 |H>umiu tmcoii for sal**, WM. J. TARVIN. N»*w F.cbota,Cherokee Nation, March21).-—12- U*. Coach Making* 0 f 4" rf: - -.r v fRltfi: ?ub«crib'*rs have removed their cslutdibhior ; 4 .IL to the ^icw building directly oppo*-ito their r’.j stand, where they intend continuing their l*n.-ine«s uy. on a m«»re ev»cn?ive flavine experienced woif - men, •»n#l h.-iugwell supplied with the be§t materials, they are prepared to bond to order, eiilier Carriij*#* . Barouches, Gigt, Siilkia? ami Tillioiri#»fi, ornnyo* * cr article * femveyaoce m their line of luudnc?-' TL* , intend hy atrh t a>t«:ntioii 1o buaircF?, and the faith; manner in which their work shall be executed, toe# ^ tinue to <!c«crvc that patrni».ig«‘ they Iwve herit«*fi :o so liberally reciived. Repairing done in the e«sit .4. manner, and at ihc jhtnta-n ret ice. All kinds #«f ?>,. dlery and bar u*«s tiiakin^, and repairing don*; tu It. best mao;;?r. Sign ami urnamen'dl jiainting wil* continua to executed Hi their iihual siylc. CLuUU & YOUNCi. 'All. 3.-1—tw