Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, April 10, 1832, Image 1

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■ 1 THE FERME.YT OF A FREE, IS PREFERABLE TO TIIF. TORV-uR dF .1 DESPOTIC, (lOFERXMJ.XT. VOL. I. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1832. - PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, By iilbon <Dhaso. Terms.—Three, dollars per year, payable in advance, , )r four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. The latter amount will bs rigidly exacted of all who fail to Meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for less thin one year, tin J ACKSON Sheriff** Sale.—On the first Tuesday in .MAY next, will hr sold at the Court-house in th* town ol leflersnn, Jackson county, w ithin the usual hours of sale, t lie following property, to xvit: f‘ne Tract of Lnnd, containin'* Two Hun 1 seventy-two Acres, more or I j M^OUR months after date, application will bo made for ! *• to tho honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY, W II EliT. AS Richard Richardson applies to me for . . . letters of Dismission from the further adminis- | c,,, | n, >*» w *»«n sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to t rat ion on the estate of Sarah Perkins, deceased : 1} IH nul estate of Urlha.o Harnett, dec cased ; These are therefore to cite »nd ndmopish all and sirv ,,„i money is paid in advance; and no paper will I Bryant and Oliver : levied on to satisfy Bve fi. fa he discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at sued from a Justice’s Court m favour ol Samuel A. Wilson, vs. George K, Brazcil. Property pointed out bv Brazed. Lew made and returned to me bv » Con stable. ’ G. 1\ ADAMS, I). Sh’ff. March 27. . the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify umf their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied witli the amount due, will he con sidered ns equivalent to a new engagement, and pa-1 jH)rs sent accordingly. Advkrtisbmkst# willb** inserted nt the usual rates. ]t L.'T^AU Letters to the Editor on matters connected j with the establish incut, must be post paid in order to i t eccuro a’tentimi. ‘df & Notice of the vile of Land and Negroes by Ad- f ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish- j l ,,n pe**y, to wit: ud si tty dau* previous lotb« day «*f sale. On<* Hundred Acres of Land, more of less, etalo of Pen 1 “ ‘ gulur, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to . be and appear at my office within the time prescribed adjoining j j,y jj| W| („ shew cause, if any they have, why said let- r. c..~ • j era fl | 10U j c j no i he granted. Given under my band thin 9th Nov. 1831 JOSEPH MUON, c co. Nov. 13.—40.—tnCtn. ulso, lot No, 100, in tin; eleventh district of Monroe county, draw n b\ the orphans of \\ illiam Burnett, de cked. ' SAMUEL BARNETT, AdinV. Feb. 2i.—8—tv4m. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. 't«nir.IlK.\S Rcnjuititi Clrvulaml applies to me, ' » for lol«.*rs ofuilmiliistraliuli on tlie estate ot'i PROSPECTUS (IE TIIU GEORCUA. QJX.ZZTT3: A FAPKK TO HE l'l lll lSIIUn WEEKLY, AT S ' inning proposals lor publishing a new paper if this section of the country, reason and buy w«uiid seem to combine, to invite from ih. H-one exposih.. of tho circumstances which have urged us to the attempt, ns well ns a brief out line of tlio prinriple; bv which w u il! he govr rued in our course. This tusk we peribrv.\ The tale of Personal Property, in like manner, must hr published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty dayi i I i ♦ Ann! Notice p.ot Application will be mruin to the Court of! m . ldo on .l ‘rofirnptl to me by a constable. Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must hr published four months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must bn published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. "TEaEHiE , rs’ s.&Lm € "~ I.ARK SHERIFF’S SALE.—Ott il>« first Tuesday in MAY next, will he t»o>d, ct • e Court-house in tho town of Wutkiu-ville Clark conn •, within the usual hour? of sale, the following pro perty, to wit: Twelve and a Ifnlf Acre? nf Land, more or lew, well improved, situated on tho road leading from Watkinsville to the Scud Slmal?, whereon Joseph Durham now liver;, adjoining Huff and others, and one hay mare with four white feet, about fix yearn old: levied on as the property ofJpseph Durham, to saiisfv j*i ft. in favor of Stevens Thomas, vs. Joseph Dur ham and David Elder. One Negro Girl hy tho name of Ann about Sixteen years old : levied on as the property of James Shaw, to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor of Ansolmn L. Har rier v« James Shaw and Joshua Stevens. * March 27. ISAAC S. VINCENT,Sir’IT. C 1L A RK Sheriff’s Sale.-On the first Tties- f day in MAY next, will be sold at the Court House in she town of Watkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property,to w it: Oi e House and Lot tn tho town of Athens, •veil improved,occupied at present by thud* fondant as n public Tavern; one Negro boy by the name of Shop hard, about 21 years of age; also, Ellis a man, 33 or fartv years of age; one four horse Stage and barium, one’four wheel Carriage and harness, one two horse wagon, two hay horses, 10 or 12 Years old, seven fca- Ihei bed-*, beadsteds and furniture, five mattress*:-, ono dnz. windsor chairs, half dot* split bottom chms, >2 pine tables, two folding tables 'of cherry,) a walnut sub b<*tii>f, on*’ d* z. kniv* c anti folks, one doz. ami a bull* ounhen plates, nr,e doz. cups and sauci-ra, six dish- os, fi pitcher#*, 2 decanters, 4 bowls, two jugs, und one jar: levied on as tho property ot John A Byrd, to sn ’isfv twofi. fas. one in favor of Joint Marlin, the ether in fnv r of Elisur L. NewL n, vs. paid Byrd. March 27* JAMES IIENDO D. Sh’ff. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. \DISON SliorifTfl Sale.—On tho first. 'M^H’HEnEAS Etheldred Sorrel, administrator on .. . ’ ▼ T the estate of Low'd Barnett, deceased, applies Tuesday in MAV next, will he sold 11 0 >nc p or letter-* ofTroui the Turtber nctmin- ho Court-House m the town of Damelaville, Madison ,^, r „#: nn county, within the usual hours of sale, the following . . r 7 . , . •in . • These arc therefore to cite and admonish nlln.'d sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time i rev-nib. d by law, to shew cause, if anv they have, wli\ said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this Cist day of Jan. 1332. JOSEPH I.JGON, c. c. o. Ian. 21.—4—niGm. adjoining Wm, Mitchel and others: levied on as the propeity of John P. Vann, to satisfy two fi. fa«. issued fro *i a lust ice’s court i>i favour of ’Villiam Lucre, vs. 1 Vann. Pr*»perty pointed miii by John Gilbert. Levy RICHARD B. GHOLSTON, Sli’ffi ■AT, NOTICES. g LARK SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will l»«* *1 sold, on tho first Tuesday in MAV next, n '.liu Court House ill tlio town of '.Vatkinsville, Clmk iouiiiy, within the lawful hours of sail-, (tie follnwinf property, to wit: ,Si\ Nogrocs, to wit: Amy a woman about twenty-five years of age; Lizy n girl, about four years old; George a boy, about two years old; Joe a boy, about six vottr** »ld ; Lindy a girt, about four years old; nnd Nelson a !»«*y, about five years old : levied on of 'die pt-ty ot Gabriel A. Moffett, to satisfy a li. la. tstiirdon the forec.osuro ofa mortgage in favor of Ste- vcth Thomas, vs. haul Moffett. Feb. Cd. JAMES HENDON. D.Sh'tr e \LL ShcrifTs Sulc.—On thu first Tues day in MAY next, will be fold, -at the House in the Town of Guincsville,ll;ill coun ty, within tho usual hours of sale, Ilia following pro- perty, to wit: Two Hunt!rod and Fifty Acres of Lund. more or less, w hereon Jesse Clayton now lives : levied on as the property of Jesse Clatlon, to fatinlv n fi. fit. issued from 11 all inferior Court in favor of J. IV. Jones & Oo.vs. said Clayton. Two Hundred und Fifty Acrcn of Land. morn or less, w hereon Pleasant Hulsey now lives : _ le vied on ns the property of Pleasant Hulsey, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Hall Superior Court in favor of 1*. .1. Murray, vs.said Hulsey.. Property pointed out by plaintiff. One. Hundred nnd Fifty Acres of I.nnd. mare or loss, whereon Gabriel G. Colev now lives : Ir vied on as tho property of John Chambers; to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior Court in favor ofP dip Wade, for the use of Robert Mitchell, vs William Moore and John Chambers, his security. Property pointed out by Mitchell. Ono Hundred nnd Fifty Acres of Land,' more or less, being part of Lot m. 41, in the 8ih Dis trict ofUalt county : lovied on as the property of Mar. tin Evans, to satisfy a fi, fa. issued from a Justice’s, Court in favor of John Barnwell, va. paid Evans. I.evv made and returned to ine by a Constable. Fifty Acres of Land, more or loss, whereon w iilinni Wallin now lives: levied on as the proprr»y <*f William allis, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Jusm- c»‘*s Court io favor W. D. Martin, va. said * Vullis. Pro* pert\ pointed out by Robert Mitchell. Levy mode and returned to me by a Constable. ( '<>/))/ o f a Lost Note. xittniKN I receive .Mic tian Bond’s d* ed tof.ot No. v 6, on -quare W. in (ha town of Eafonton, thou ! owe John RadclifTfiltv dollars. (Signal) ' HENRY BRANHAM. (On the la”k:) I cndor*e the within Note. (Signed) GEORGE HUGHS. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. P ERSONA1XY cam" before me, ! A. Parker, nnd being duly swrorn, this deponent suit I* the Note ol winch the above is a copy, has been destroyed by fire, accidentally, and that ho haa no errtain rccollec- lion of lit#* dav or date of said note or endorsement.— Sworn to nnd subscribed before me this 11th dav ot Jan uary, 1832. ISAAC A. PARKER. Ethklduf.p Sorrell, J. P. Jon. 17 3— m3m. Copy of a Lost Note. O NE day after "date I promise to pay William S. VViDon, or hearer, thirteen dollars and fifty cents, tor value received. C. C. COLWELL. 3th August, 1827. GEORGIY OGLETHORPK COUNTY. Superior Coin rtril Term, 1 S31. RULE NISI. S T appearing to the Court that William S. Wilaon u haa lest or mislaid the original 'nte, of which the above is in substance a truo copy: Ordered, that the above copy be, at the next term of tliia Court, estab lished in lieu of said lo*? original, unless cause be shewn to (lie contrary. And that this Rule he publish ed once a month for three monins previous to the next term oft hit* Court, in the Athenian. A true extract from the minutea of said Court. JOHN LANDRUM, Clerk. Inn 17.--3— rn3m. Oglethorpe Inferior Court, Feb. adjourned Term. 1832. S T appearing t« the Court upon the affidavit of Wil- v* Iih A Jordan, that the following note is cither lost n mislnid, viz : Ono note on Robert Maxwell, due January 1st, 1831. for the sum of fourteen Dollars,with credit on tlm same, 2d January, 1831, for 011c dollar rv-six ami a quarter cents,and one other credit on the Pith Mnv, 1831, for fifteen!*. Ordered, th t all persons interested shew cause on or before the hrst day of the next term of this Court, why a copy o»* said note should not be established in lout of said original so lost or mislaid, that mud copy be filed with t he Clerk, and this rule published monthly in one of the public Gazette* of this State. A true extract from the minute* 1 Cth 'larch, 1832. JOHN LANDRUM, Clk. Vnrrh 20. —12.—m3m. GKORGI A. H ABLUSH A M COUNTY. To the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes. S T appearing to said Court from the petition of An- derson Watson, that John Black in hia life time executed with ono 'Thomas Turner, a bond to the .said Anderson ’A nbmn, for titles to Lot No. 239, in tho 4lh Dlniiict of Uuscorce county, now Marion, and il fur ther appearing, tha» the said Anderson Watson has paid up Ibr said land, and that the said John Black de parted this life without making titles to the same; It is ordeicd, that the administrators i»f said deceased, do execute title* to paid laud, unto the said Anderson ataon, unless good cnu*»e ho shewn to the contrary within the time prescribed by law, and ‘hit this rule be published accordingly. Given under my hand this third day of March, l g 32. JOHN II. JONES, d. c. c. o. March 20.—10—m3m. GF.ORGI \, H ALL COUNTY. In the Superior Court, March Term, 1S32. • ,,*•* ’■* 1 me*, Co GEORGIA, J VCKSON COUNTY. W r HERE \S William Knox, ad .ii.i*lrat**r dr Ms uon'c WiUiaui Patton, deceased, .t; lmstouie for letti is of dismission from the further administration on said <vdafc : Thoacare therefore to cite andnnmonish,nll nnd /lin gular the kindred ami creditor* of said deceased, (•» he and appear at my «»tfice, within the time prescribed hy law, to shew cause, if any they have, why *uid Letters hould net be granted. Given under my hund this fitli day of March, 1832. WILLIAM COW AN, c. t. n. March 13.—11.— mG’n GEORGIA, CLARK COUN'tVT W HEREAS Cliarfes Strong, *<• *i*ir, executor on the estate of William Strong, senior, lute Clark county, deceased, applies to ine tor letters of dis mission from the further administration «>f Mud estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and sin gular the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at within the time prescribed by law, to sliew cause, if any they have, why aaid let ters should not be granted. Given under mv hund this 5th of March, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 13.—11—mGin. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE. 'VM7ILI. be sold at the Court House in Jarksoi tv county, on the first Tuesday in May next,# Negro woman named Mane, belonging to the estate *.f William Shaw, deceased. Sold for the benefit of th creditors ami legatee* of said estate. Terms math known on the dav of sale SUSANNA// S//AW, Exr’x. Feb. 7.—6—tds. ADMIN1STR ATOR’S SALE. V OREEABLY to an order of the honorable the !n- feri*u Court «>f I• all comity, ulum fitting a* u Court of Ordinary, will be Fold at the Court-House ir* Hall county, on the first Tuesday in June next, ••i.\ likely negroes, to wit: Rose, a ncgr«» woman ; Ishiua- el, a negro man; Austin, n hoy, 17 or 18 years old ; Leah a girl, fifteen or sixteen years old, Betty n girl, 5 year* old, and Mahnla a girl, 3 years old, belonging to the estate of Elizabeth Guilon., dm M. Sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditor*. LEROY GUTHRIE, Adm’r. March 13.—11—tds. Cunninghaiir.Mlison, dec’d. j cheerfully. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin-1 The population of the State i* rapidly increasing-hr.- gulnthe kindred and eredttor* of said deceased, to he system of Internal Improvement at its nascent period * P r * scribed hy I of exigence; her jurisdictional limits actu d»y mn-' p M »F- ttr is j pectively extending; her chartered rights nnd lnd:»i;: relationships nst-mnmg new nnd deeply inter# sting ,j. pects; and ln*r tiunncia r< , t*onfc.u* presentinn to In r ■I'm* the appalling alternative ofoppfe/-sion in futmoh. huith'*U8omc tuxes, or bankruptey without some Palo. ami appear nt my office within the time ,. law, to aheiy cause, if any they have, why ; should not he granted. Given Under mv hand this 5th dav of March, 1833. JONATHAN 1). CHASTAIN, c. c. o. March 13.—11—3«)d GEORGIA, RABUN COUNTY. WW^HERE AS Rose Ktewait applies tome for let- if v letters of Adnunislration on the estate of Jolm Johnston, late of said count y, deceased. 'These nre therefore to cite nnd admonish nil and singular, the kindred and creditor* of mid deceased, to he nnd appear nt ny office v uhin the time, pioncii- lied »> law, to shew eause if any they Imve, whv sanl letters should not ho grunted. (iiveu under mv hand thin fitli March, 1832. J. CAPE 11 ART, e. c. # March 20.—12— 30d. GEORGI A, HALL COUNTY. W r llEREVS Kiclianl Wiun applies for letter* of administration with ttic will annexed, on the estate of George Downing late of Hall county, decea sed. These are therefore to cite and admonish all mid sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he ami appear at iny office within the time prescribed h\ law, !#> shew cause if any they have, why raid letter* should not he granted. Given under my hand lhi* 22d March, 1032. GEORGE HAM PT., c. c. o. March 27.-2— 3od. O N Thursday the 10th »f M«v • he residei»c#‘ #*f John Clark* EXECUTOR’S SALE. vt, will bo sold at , late o Franklin county, deceased, «he following properly to wit: one Ox Carl, and Yoke ot Steer*,, Cattle, Hogs. Sheep; a qimn’itT of Seed Cotton, Com, Bacon. Me. Plantation Tool#. Smith’s Tool*, Household and Kitch- Furniture,'witb other article* too tcdimi* to men. (ion. Sold u° th** property of tliu d« eea°e I. Thenah' continue from dav to day until all is sold. Terms made know n on the dav. I AMES HARGROVE. Kxo’r. March ?7 -2 td*. George VV. Wae.ascr, nnd Mdrid-jtc Kean. IlUlfer Discovery HdicJ and Injunction. I T appearing to the Court, that the defendants re- 8'd,. without tho County of Hall, so that «ervice cannot he perfected in the. usual way: It is ordered bv the Court, that the said GcorgoMV. Wau ser, and Ah fW Tract ofLnnrf. known as Lot No. CG. i ! lr “ , e < ' plead answer or d«,..,ir to rai.l bill or. or •; n -I , 12,1, DihUicI of si i.l county . I,v. £ .l n as ,!,<• I U,,! “ f IICIt r, ' rm - or ” lt! fame wl11 bc pr.^rlv F.w*. to r.i, f v ,, ii. ft. ft„, r „f taken Pro wnl.**«. P> * r Grinrwll, Daniel Giant arid Thomas Grant, Otor*-. &c. vs. aaid East. March 27. A. CHASTAIN. Mfitr ] ALL Sheriff's Sulr.—On the first 'Fur*. •Iiy in MAY next, will be *"M, at the Court Ho- se i i the town ofGaincpville, Hull county, within lb# jura 1 hours of pale, the follow iug proju-i ty, to wit ; Two Hundred mid Sixty-nino Amts of Laml. more or le*?, lying on the Pond Foik of the Oeonco river: levied on <ia the property of Mi lian* B*.. dwell, to eatisfy aundrv (i. fa*, ixaned fr^m a usti- o#.**- Court i.i favour of Joseph T Cunningham, and oil-'* v*. -aid B rod well. Prop# 1 "y pointed out lo the dr t. I.erv rna«Ie ,md reti»' , ii« d t#» nti* hy a Bailiff, JACOB EB£il!!ART P 1^. Sb’fF. March 27. A truo copv from tlie minute*. JAMES LAW, Clerk. March 27—2 -m3m. GKORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. TIIF.REAS lame* Meriwether administrator < w he estate of Duncan G. Campbell, deceased, applies for Iftter* of Dismission from the further ad- minist ration of said eptnie : These, aro therefore m cite and admonibh all up<1 singular the kindred and credif*>rs of said deceased, to he and appear ot my office within the time prescribed bylaw, to shew cause if any they have, why said let ter* should not be granted. Given und»r rnv hand thh 13th Oct. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. \ o. Ocf. 2S.—4?—mftrr. ADM1NISTR A roiUS S vLE. ‘fLWTIl.l. be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, r f at Mm Court house in Mu* town of Monroe, Walton county, agreeably to an #rdc*r ol’lhe llimoi.ihlc the Inferior Court, of said county when sitting for <"• dinary purposes, all Mm Real Estate of Grant Taylor, deceased, situated in Wall on county: consislingof tw >. parcels of Land, lying on tho water* of the Appnlnrhic river, oim piece containing Four llundied nnd Fifi\ Acre*, more, or loss, nd|#»iuiug land* < f Tinioihy (’. Wood, Gideon f lend lick, and other*, th** other piece, of One Hundred and Thirty and a half Acies, adjoining Archibald Tanner, Win. Thurmond, nnd others. Sold for the benefit of the creditor* of said Estate. RICHARD BUTLER, Adm’r March 27—2—tds. Inin Notice. /JpllR partnership of Nisbet & Hold, in tho prac- S tterjol Law, is this day dissolved. Tho business of the firm will he settled by them jointly. Morgan county, Ca. Jail. 2U. 3. tL.VL, r ILL practice law in the following cminties, to ? f ’»if: Morgan, Greene, Pirfo im, /isper, NVw- !on, Clark, Unpeoek, Tnllinli-rro, and U niton. He will tevote his undivided attention to the profession; and \ill attend promptly to the collection tTiumn v in any ■»f tlm counties of the Oakmulgee, W#5*t**rn, i'litit, or k'iiaMiihooehce circuits. Madison, Morgan, Ga. Jan. 31—5- -3in eL. SAVANNAH JOCKEY CI.IJJ) a c c s. r lin llapr., nvi-r Ihp ll(tn;i(lvpniurc ftvir miles dftttiiil from Iho «:iiy, ivill nonimoncc on Wednesday the 18th dny of April n*xt, iirolor (ho oxo!u- sivc: control unrl direction ot tint .Stownnltt nml Otficorrr oftlio Clitb. Kri:ft for any Mitro, Ilor.rr or GoldinCi in the In it or! •t.itCi'. wist day—APnn. 1-3. *t mile liontfl, lot it [tLtr.o ot* Jt.tOO SKCO.ND l>.\Y— \PI1II. I!). 3 tnilo heat!*, for a jmrsn of 5 Jih) Tilint) D4Y—APIUI. CO. •2 mile Itoftli, for n |inr‘*o of $230 FOURTH AM) FAST DAY-APR1L 21. 3 in 5 oi l mile litinttt, for plOO (anti Rato money nf that titty.) WeioltI.i. Jtc. t!fCoriliti(i to this rules of (ho Savannah Jockey Chib. March 20.- 10 — .31. lory rhangc in her reprosentativn nl combine to rcmlof an additional Herald of intslliaoncr," In the prcnenl miotkor nltoyeiher proper.' “ But these hy no moans romuilute lliotvhnle cat.-■ Incite of inrtileenioi.ta. Ours ispnlpahtvnpoveriiinet ! in experiment. Tito principles nml terms upon jvhir.ii it was based, were professedly novel, nor! hy conse quence it would be lair to assort that they wort notr.' together understood. The progress of events tins dr ■ luonstrated this truth. The cniipiiltilionality. of pa tinted Bank; a system of Interna! Improvement h r (Inegress; the power to tax forcion imports for llt f piottction ofdetneatic indnstiy; in short the whole fa bric of implication, remains yet to undergo itafmr.l and legitimate analysis. They are tepies whir!, inilst ap*' lute, and that deeply, every patriotic bosom ml tie can- ledoiacy. To maintain the loeinr nn-l rights of tlm Slate tinder her constitutional reservation ; to strain with promptitude tindfirjnnessofpeiptweag;.ttpt all infractions nf the compart, and to pretervo 1I1 r Union hy enlightened discussion or rational compr* mise, acmditijr to the plan nfjcfli*rann and Jackso". sleill be our constant aim. Our cormniis shall nl.o rontniti as far as practicable, important itenis ofinle! licence in the departments of nmrals, htorotime, am!’ In mtr State polities it would lie impossible present impressions, lo adopt the miiiuiuke of the Trottp parly in most of its mcaaurca, ' CONDITIONS. The Gkohoia Oajbttr will he issued about the fort of’Jitly next, ,m 11 large super-royal sheet, with type entirely new, nnd we hopo splendid, nt *33 01) per "nn . ntim, pntsbte within six months after the receipt * f the (irst number, or St flO if not paid within (ho teat. Advertisements \< dl tin inserted at the usual rales. . Athena, March 20.—'t2 — Other Georgia papers will be pleased to insert tl..' n!i(»ve. ~PROPOSALS Southern JL*anner \ Wr.hlil.Y NEWSrAn.ll 1*UBU rll.U IN THE TOWN OF ATHENS, GF.I/i.tilA, Coach Making. ' " v - Ol® hue • '*2 9 tothoNi* ubscriber* have rainoycJ their e*l.ihli*hnipnt building(lirtTlly ogponito their old 1, where they intrnd continuing their hu«inc*ga up on u more extensive scale. Having experienced work* int’u, arid beinu writ nupplh*#) ivitli th»* beat mal#»rin!.*, t'icy arc prepared to build to order, either Carnages, T7~j— ' j Barouclits, Gigs,-Stdkici nnd Tilbcrrien, #»r«nyoth- GUA RDl AIN’S nALL. I »*r aitielc* ufeonveynnee in their line of business. The) A GREEABLY to no order of tlm honorable the In- j intend hy strict attention to business, and tho laithlhl ferior Court of llaberahani c«mnty, when pitting j .nar.ncr in which their work shall bo executed, to eon for ordinary purpose*, will he sold, on (he first Tuesda) t tmiio to deserve that patronage they have heretofore iu June next, in Grec.i7»i!*», Meriwether county, Lot j M , liberally received. Repairing done in tho runlcst of Lan#l No. 112, in tlm 3d District of formerly Troup, j manner, und at the shortent notice. All kinds of Sad- now Merivv#»th#*r county. Sold for the benefit of Dan- dlery and linrriena making, mid repairing done in the icl MrDof.gT day ni oule April 3.- Orphans Ter ins n.ode known on »bc JONATHAN D. CHASTAIN, Guard. I—td*. Jj^OUR mnntiiA after iliit*’ apphertion will l.e made to the Honorable the Inferior Court #» Hall c >untv, when Bitting fi»r ordinary purnofies; for leav. to H**li all the Ken! F.Btatw of Jo**-pli MeCut# hen, #1* • cea-ed. ROBERT M’CUTCHEN. Adm’r. Dec. 27—52— win. best manner. Sign aitd ornamental painting will continue to b executed m their usual aty le. CLARIC & YOUNG. Ian. 3.-1- tf. F OUR month* afier date application will he intdc to the honorable the Inferior emirt of Jackson co. when sitting for ordinary purposes, fi>r leave to m !1 the real estate of Joim Thornton, la»o of said county de ceased. JACOB KILLING, Guardian. Jan. 24.—w4m. F OUR month# otlcr date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson countv, w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part oftlic Negroes belonging to the Ov’talc of F.liiah Shaw, deceased. DELILA SHAW, Admr’x. Feb, 7 —fi—w4m, F OUR months after date application Will l.e undo. to the honorable the Inferior Courln.f \!adi*i n Bounty, when Bitting for ordinaly purposes, for leave fo sell the Deal Estate of Seaborn Smith, orphan of l*«i#-r Bmith, '.t’eofaahl county, decea^etl. JAMES B, BOND, Gordian. Met eh 117— Weekly Georgia Courier. The nn onragemenigw'iich the CoUhikr has receiv ed from the Public, demand* from u* no effort to in- cr<-as« its u«efulne** nnd adaptation to the wants of its patron*. We are now publishing it Thrice n week, the additional cunt at our own expanse; hut there are so many of its friends badly situated in relation to the facility of receiving it by tho Mail*, that wc intend lo issue imiiif diatciy a IVeekly Pvper for those, who cnmmt, from the cause mentioned, receivo it hut once a week. This will bo issued at a period in I ho week, best ouited to the mails, and most favora ble for the transmission .ffthc earliest intelligence to it* country readers, Went present think of Saturday morning, so as to embrace tho transaction* of the whole week, with ull tho new Advertisement*. It* contents will bo made up from the Tri-\eetkly paper, and from ihe Unity after October next. It will thus contain more intelligence of every kind, than otiy other weekly paper in tin: Slate. In Addition lo the nb'ivc, n hold ourselves hound to transmit, to its Patrons, Slips containing nil the imu* t rlant intelligence during »h»* v #•* k, by lh*» mad* first succeeding itx reception, v*- shall u » postpone u-c-ounmnernuunt longer than i: ’i •’ »f > rifil text. • ;■> . ;rn* oj'the fVe’Vp oh if {'•''tJ in nd- rsnrc—5 s ifr.ot. ALBON CHASE AND ALFRED M. I SUET V; Dim ns. O N uflHiiniine the duties nnd rcspunNihiliiirR of tl •, publication of tlm Sotithcin Bann#*r, tiioE«it# i<t!via hiniiid hy #*vtry sense *#l duly, hum the fonuor pulronaoi tin Adu niuu, and thoFu #.i tin - friend* w.idsc aid they confidently anticipate— in mo# » tu retain flic one and me lit the offier-fu lay hefure tim , a lair und candid, but succinct expobitiou ol tin prii ciple? by which they .ire to tie governed und direct# * in tliu prosecution of their arduous and rcaponsdue nr delinking. They do not think il neccssnre at this lat day—-a day which is shedding its light un*f glory, uitJ. such general and invigorating power over our who.*, body politic, to «*ntei elaborately nnd minutely ml#* .j detail of tlinr political view* und opinions. Indecu, !*» do ho, would he virtually olioung ail inPtllt to Itio g io ? srn»e of tho coiimiuiiity. To prolchs tbo tiamt of u.. blessed frunder ofourholy religion, is in itscli a sub oient guarantee of tin principles ot the genuine * hri Gun,so do limy li Id a only ncccMsury to own and pr*- tert* lilt: nanus nt the three great anoetlefl ol corn-#’, ptincipl#**, in order to sutisfyun cnlighietied coinn.* • nily of the nature of their pniitinil/aM, and tin iiim table tendency ol t/ieir future practice. I he SoijRm . Banner,then, will rest liereulier for support and patro* age, on the bioud, firm, urid irnuaUahiu rock J lo pul. heuruam. Alt those ptm* and Hullo wed duct lines utu- < oiigmally Bashed upon the world from the pi n ot JejjtrsQH—v\ Licit have been cherished and handed dov . to us by our venerated Crawford, and profopt.d so ii.- flexibly, and ho triumphantly praitwed, tn many re • ped*, hy our I'uvoiim Troup, wjii in it find a chnmpm. . however humble, yet olatcrn and uncomproou.-ir.-p ), tegrily. V arioiiH causes will, they believe, tend to render »|. Banner hereafter, (and tli#?y say it without m:«:nai..,# the h ast reflection on the course puremed hy m* i, >v , thy predecessor, llio late proprietor of tho Ailu* m , ol more general interest and of greater value »o t ^ paity, than it h-ts been ol late, and none of w hicn h#*v„j * to them, so well * al*;u)ated to pcoducc tin* icmiM, ;.x the opposition wmc-i will bn nhoitiy exerted, in place, to their pi ess, ami m their principles. Tins a * they do not dnpmeate, hui ratlrnr cherish, knowi. g toui unhonorabtc and liberal op/,will lend touin ,'- ulat i* them to me performance of I heir doty, wbiint tt.» hope it will rttliy to th *ir ruipport, their friends, and t- • friend* of tlm party, for whoso inter* H and prospen* . llu*y are determirud to devote every honorable lx# iti*. 'The editors have engaged among Uio r eoiicspoii- dent*, Hevcinl good* m o ot • “iMtrlisoed ».it# :m\ a:, i Political charucti r, wuose rnmmunictti ms wi i m n it. ter serve to «*imoh and. adorn the column*, ot #»-: Southern Banner. And with regard to the.'other <!. . partment* ot the jmper, they run hut add, that if* * beste.\#:r!ior»H will ho *levoied t.i render th#»ui u*, lt.| amt amusing to their patrons and readers. Great prulniw* we, however, at beat, bnt chvuo’ commodities, and of courao tin y ft*#.-| tltemseivra h#*»eo! to say as little, and promitmaa charily a* possible; to.; lininching toriM their little barque upon t!. k stormy wave** of public opinion, they inu#»i uu-d t»lo».e to their Hkililiil pilotage t**r meriting, amt a inning, tv, it, inooringH sale und snug in the heart*ofthuir fellow- citizens. CONDITIONS. The South*.an is puhli*li« d every Tucsd. rn#»rning, at Three DMars pet ann'iiii, payable in a* r vanet*,*ir four Dollars alter the expiration ot the yea . Advertisements 1 i.sertnl on the u*ual terms. **♦ Leticia on tho *bu*ir.*J* of the olfiqo, post pj ■, addressed to the K«I»ior», or to At bos Ciiail, Frojui tor, will he pr#»mptiy attended to. Athens, Starch 22, IP32. Editors nf papers in Georgia wid confer a»» ligation by giving the nb*n •? a few insertioiip v F(hT"sAI>?'^ A N excellent j lautatio.i . u e. .,H ut i.\* fSb. old, A credit #>f 12»» r i ? Vrthut!i « # wilj lit* tlesbcd. F.n«]utrc at lb<*offi# , % far.'h ■' - :t>3rffi. . ■ * >.xg ..J msse« ■ *.-. - >&# r A 1 -; 1 .>