Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, April 24, 1832, Image 3

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Extracts from a V.'aahington letter of the so called,on the great square,to pilluge;vras an PbiiaUoljJiiia Enquirer: The two House* ore truly in u log—». • mint—in the midst of Newfoundland weath'-i Mr. Ctuy in groping hi* way in the dark, ntur the Presidency ! He hold* iu hi* huiid a rush light* called the “ System !” ftlr. Celhoun is also stumbling over slocks and stones, unci complaining of a certain New York Dutchman. Mr. Hayne blazes out u light occasionally, and then tall* Uat into nullification. Mr. Bou ton wraps un Indian blanket round hun, and roars out, •• alum soil !” *' alum saltI” Mr. Buckner lets oil'groat quantities of steam, and is ever anti-Benton. General Smith threatens to write a picture of ilr. Cluy', und falls not exactly into outer durkness. Mr. Holmes puts me m mind of the man in the play, who erics out eternally, “ pap n shilling—pap a shilling—pap a shilling.” But amiable—In dian-eyed—steady-poised—shaggy-browed— cool-headed Air. Webster, stands stock still in his pluce—neither turns to the right nor thu left—fixes Ins foot down, and hears untouched the hurricane roar around him. lie never speaks, unless it is on a subject that no one feels an interest in to hear, lie cheerlutly re grets, and sadly rejoices, ut his having voted iff'r-act, in which m *ra lives were lost than *ii all the battles of ine »hr»st*. days.” IVo saw it slated somo days ago in n New York paper, that the object of Air. Biddle’s recent visit to Washington wns, to obtain from the Government some favor, for which he was to withdraw (he application at present be fore Congress, for a renewal of the charier to the Bank of the United States; but, we set it down among thu numberless calumnies uguinst Tito Emperor of Russia, foowuver he may dislike the recognition of popular rights im plied by tho Treaty *>f tho Conference, is nei ther disposed nor n.rparud to sustain a war with Great Brituin and Frame, lint having pledged his word to the King of Holland not to ratify the Treaty without thu concurrence of tho latter, he is endeavoring to bring about an accommodation which would extriento him from the position in which he has placed him self. Count Orlofi’is to endeavor to induce the King of Hnllund to accept the Treaty, whilst Prince Lievcn is to Use his influence here with Lord Puimcislon and Prince Tul- GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. Superior Court, .Ipril Term, 1032. Tht* llJt^OII CulilHB, ) [ for I^rtclcturr. * he Administration, which may well be left lo lime und to the good aepse of the people,, , , , • for refutation. * * * We have taken pains l , eyra " d - 'h, 8 ° f certain mo- to inform ourselves upon the subject, and we wind, are to be taken as co,.cos- are now authorized to state, that tho whole j 8 ’ on8 from r««llior than as front the story is a sheer fabrication. Conference, so that there may be it saving Air. Biddle’s visit to Washington, we are I compromise, by .1.0 onu-r.ilifying parties assured, had no reference whutevur, to newal of the Bank charter, nor, we will add, to the investigation now making by the Com mittee of Congress. It is related exclusively to business, altogether distinct from either; of which Alessrs. Al’Duflio and Camhreleng were fully informed, und winch they both earnestly favored. . _ We uro authorized to state further, that du- agaiust Air. Vun Buren: hut he could not; r i„ g in 8 stay m this city, Mr. Biddlo did not help it; ho wus compelled to go with ins par- * converse, diieclly or indirectly, with any mean ly ; and liu tools restive under tho party disci- her ol'tlie Administration, respecting thu uppli- pl.ue organized mid enforced by Mr. Clay.— 1 cation of tho Bank for a renewal of tho charter Look at Mr. Webster s face, und you can loll ul me present session of Congress, or at any wltat he Unnks—it is a •• ihiukug” lace, what- • 0l |, er time Washington Globe. ever inay ho said of Mr. Biancii s monopoly of tiiuught. “ Ah !” thinks lie, " what an uii- fortuimie man ! 1 must vino with liu Sucli is the course determined by thu Russian Cabinet. We shall see how it will work with Holland and the Conference. At llm date of Elijah 11. Itriil, Jump. |». lieutli, Miciittol Blown. 1 RULE NISI. > r Kl! IE petition of Thompson Collins ahoweth, (lint JL Elijah II. licit], Janu s P. Heath, ami Michael Brown, heretofore, to wit: on the 9th of February cigh- teen bundled and ihirty-one, made, executed, and de livered to your petitioner their entire deed of mortgage, ennveying thereby to your petitioner, all those Iwo tracts of land, situate, lying and being iu the fourth District of said county, ami known and distinguished in Die plan of the same, us Lots No, 97, and 28, in the fourth District, containing lour hundred, eighty-seven and one half Acres, more or less, which Lola of Land were mortgaged to your petitioner for the better secur ot mg the pay ment of a certain promissory note, made by tho said Elijah II. Hied to your petitioner li»r the sum of twu thousand dollars, payable on the first of July, eighteen hundred ami thirty, and dated the ninth ot September, eighteen hundred and thirty, and now here shewn to the Court; and your petitioner further tho lust udvices from tlm llugue, tho King sl'^wcth, that there m now due on said note, the whole . .. . , ii i 4 - .. v I ol me principal and interest, and theiefaro nravs that was not disposed to yield either o! (he great ull | tM lhn 8aj(l E | Ijall u JtllIleg Pt Strayed F rom the aumdSino the irt!, ■n*t a clirsrut nurreil nurse, at veu rivlii > ai.nld, star in tlie lorlicad, luo:: mum »:»l rail,- >1.0*1 all round, ncnili 6(ini) in limn tiie hook*, winch have ti«o ■ laieiy ini. 11*- is in tolerable order, any information of Sapl liurse, wili be thankfully rectivi d by T. ADAMS, • Near Crawfordvillo, Taliaferro county. - April 24 - 6—3t. Hunk Committee.—*• Wo are informed from ors'agaius't'vii'ti B*ure“n-i"mu*'t lorego al7"o.e “ B,,ur< -° om,,led ‘j r8d : t ’ tb ‘" lhu " om,, ' iUet) «<«l und every praise 1 received at New York now s.ttmg at Phtla.Ielphtu, are working men. or opposing nullification: I must now pUy prov.ded themsolves with a room at - - aiiion he- 10 they devote then whole time, cx- •uto their hands and lose my just position, lie- . . , „ , 0 - . muse Clay and Calhoun are fierce und v.i.dic- ? C P' «l»‘ •» ‘ecp.ired for meals, &c. to the ob* live. It is ton bad-too bud. ’ ject ot their mission. Ihey decline ull tnv.ta- h. the House of Representatives, there is l, °" 8 - h? 1 ' P ubl ' c “ nd P nva ' 8 * to d,n8 ou *’ and dhe same density of atmosphere. No man cat.! ^ r08 1 ccu,e he,r labor8 wlth ,b8 '*“" 08 ‘ z eul.- dee ms way, or bis notg.ibur. Boor Air. Dan- lNo,1 “"«»'. “ 8ald ’ t,U8 8 *. ca P ed “ 18m » 1,18 ids does not know exactly whether he stands P r0 « reM °* ‘ ,c,r 8 * a ‘ a ‘ aa '' 8 n. ° “>0 results ot on his head or h.s heels! If Air. Everett 1 •« ,r rese,relies, or tho probable time when would sermouize, he would he ut home, sir' 1 , c oso ! .. Tiercy bhafion, of Illtode island, intends to* the nbovc is Irom the New-York Daily run another nit ut Brooklyn. Sir Tristram, Adver "f er - 1,8 dotemeM is true, rhe Bank the Burgess Knight, lias broken oat m a new:' ““ lm ' U0u buvo been " ld,, [ al, « al,le lb , e,r place, uSu actually poured molasses up*... the ittboM », r .? m “ ,e momcnt lhB,r a,,,val . ,n V 1 " 8 ■waves ... the .south. General iilu.r, ot South i C !‘ y - 1 " e >' aIe en 8 a f d ,n ,be •nve.I.gut.on Carolina, is loading ins pistols and talking ; lbou ‘ sove “ hours eacfl day, and what, with :powder. Air. Alcrcer is to tun. every river ,,a8 ' y v,s,l,, <r l 0,n ‘ rlend ''’ aod 11 S>«»« ■“ ‘he MUo a cunu!, und every hill mlo a .ail road- " 0W *P“F««. lie >- have not a moment to spare, •at present ho is in die Dismal Swamp. Gen- Nol, " , « bu '' ,ra “ s l”"* d « “> “>e "suits ‘he era! Root has swamped himself in New York lnvu8 ‘ , « a “ on - A f eal , mnny rum( ’ r8 ar “ ,n pol.ucs-no 0.10 knows where he is uow-a- u P°, n the subject, but all ol them days ; please lo offer a reward lo any man who are v *o ue an< * probably uutounded. Tho will uiscovcr which side he ts now supporting. I ' rul " i9 ’ " 18 ,bo , dul Y ' b e Committee to Air. Branch h,is withered und droonod sadly ; '’ ,,re over ,h ;' b " ok * °* lho ,n »‘'“ ,, i on ' cmcc Colonel White, of Florida, stripped the ! P xa "“ ne m, ° 1 mar | a 6 B merit of iu affairt, batk offhts back, and loft him branchless, j bu “ ba ‘ lb, »B =“n be discovered dtscredt- breathless, und, what is more extraordinary, ,ab 8 to ,ha ‘ 8a »®Sement, or any important “ thmkingless,” if 1 may use such u word. Air. •.«»«« nolalreadyknown to the public, we l’hmeas Tracy, und tbo Anti-Masons, uro in line trum—Morgan, snys he, “ Shako not thy hoary lucks ai ino—” do not believe.—Philadelphia Inquirer. The “ London Chronicle” is right in what . it says of Air. Van Buren’s rejection : “As the Doctor Sutherland is very busy administering: Democratic puny arc all powerful in the Uni- Ciiliiuiin pills lo several ol Ins colleagues— j tet j Staten. Air. Van Buren will gain by this at- cut wry mouths,cough uud hiccough but J>jr . taliioun is supposed to have acted do luke them. 1 here id u secret urraii^ctnuni vcr y mconsidoraiely-We suspucl that bo huiwecn the tioutli Curulttm and Tuunsyivaiiiu j begins to make this discovery himself—ditto, Calhoun members, who are determined to car- ! ft j r . C | ay . ttlld ditto, Alessrs. Poindexter and ry Culnoan in lti36. Look sharp at them tor ; xvioore. you Know and con tell more ubout it than 1 do. j H ovv Mr. Clay bus missed the path! Had- lliey uro perfectly right lo cheat the peoplo it: | )0 magnanimously supported Air. V. Buren, they can. i like to sco the poor public Chen- notwithstanding lie wus un opponent and a rival, ted—it is a goose, aud deserves nothing hotter. When lhu Bunk Coniuntoe lell Washington for Philadelphia, it was u sad tluy ter the House of Representatives. Three-fourihs of tho lat he would huvu much improved m public estima. lion. It would have been an evidence of gen erous feeling, not to say of good sense, which would have sunk deep even in the hearts of his out- nine-tenths of thu produce, one-hulf of' enemies. But his whole course sinco lie tho ambition, and u large slice ut the self-con-1 reached the senate,'has been wrong and unfor- ceil ol tnn house, lell us us liiu stage rode up j tunato. There, he ought, in the first instuncu, the cupitol lull. We have been pluymg ball or, not to have gone. He should huvu kept ulool shuttlecock ever since. But tbu greatest mis- i from the struggles of the day. Fur better for .foriuue of all is tlie fact, tlml the ludics, tho I him if he hud remained iu retirement. The vi.tiers, (lie beau monde, ouu-hulfat least, ac ccmpuiiii’d the committee. 1 pruy you send • us back the committee as soon us possible.— Don’t dino them, or wine them, or stuff them too much. Wo want m gut a little out of them Dictatorship lound Cinciuaius at his plough.- How many able men have been defeated in this country by their own precocious und hoadioug ambition-! They could not wail. Tlioy wero for plucking the fruit before it was ripe. Tltey .for tiro re*l of lho session, and you know,that: eagerly sought the peobtc, instead of trusting too well fed dogs ure useless for the stag hunt, j ||,eir own merits.and wailing for the people to | seek them—By Ibis course, showing that they - j- , .. .Icath am] points on which lie has made his stand. Should Michael Brou n, do pay into the Clerks OlBesof this be persist, one of three thing* must happen. Coun.the an,ouat nl'ihe principal and interest now Nicholas must descend from Ins stills, unJ ""rh'' '"‘■y'"< j '*>'nc'l™m. S ro,l „„,e nn.l *nnn- ....... , ’ . ! tojjfiner with all coal which hath or may accrue Inck With bis oily, or openly eur-ourajjt^ tils j |ierein t within six iiioiiiIh Irom flu- Hatuhercol, that the pretension.** to Belgium; or France anti Eng- j equity of redemption in nml to the *oul inortgsgtT) pre- land must give way, and purriiueio raliticalioii I bo henceforth and forever barred and f..ret:lo«etl. t.u mrulifinniU.. \\litreupuii, on motion of Sninuel A. Wales, attorney liy mouinration. I«r petiuanera, it id onlurul by tho Court, that unless Greece. — Just ns w« wen* p*> n** lt> press,' tlu 1 amount of principal, interest and cost, now i!u»* or we received from our Malta Gorres|»‘»ndeiil a j tt» become «ltit? unsaid note Olid Mortgage, be paid info long account of the unfortunate orcurrenco ' "'p CK'k. Oaicoofthia Cnurt within the time otW. r. , , . . ... • .. .. HUid, that tlm equity of rcucmpliou in, nml In raid that touk place at Aronson tlie 1 r * ! *d j mortgaged premises, bn thenccforih and forever bar* cumber last. It is An*d ill the conflict between ri >d and forccli>a«il. And it m furtiicr ortlurcri, that a the Government troops und the ({‘itinlint par- copy of this rule bo ptihli.«hid onrn n month lor six ly, the former had 40 killed arid 60 wmimlcd, ll, ° l n,h ’ in , <’"'o ° n ''«l'' l, ci" , l> l| o‘hi-SintB. J I ori>- personally srrvrd mi tlm nai.l F.lijuli II. Itou, und the latter six kilhol and mu** w** . oted. .fan*esV, ttcatfi, and Miclaiet Drown, threeinontlisbe- Several of the peaceable inhabitants oftim ei-j fore tho expirstion of this rule, ty bad ulsu lust their live* on *1* ..* -...-*i*>ri. , A true extract from ihemimitmlii* IHtlj April.1332. The Humcliots evunttially retired from lrg**s, and succeeded in possessing thcmsclve- uf all April 34.—8—mCm. J. T. CAltTBIt, Clk. Eastern Greece. Sir Stratford Cunning hud nrrivt .l st Non- plm on the 20ili of Decemhur, and left that place on lho 14lli of January by lam!, for Eptdnurus. The Albion summer wont round to meet him liter-. The Acton frigate, wt:h hi* Excellency’s suite, had prei ceded him to C onslanlinoplu. The King of Greece.—The uceept.ince of the prolercd honour by thu King •>! Bavaria, in the name of his soil (Otho) will prouabiy bu ii more matter of form. Tlm Conference wero pretty sure of his willingness to accede to their plan before they communicated their decision to the Court of Bavaria. London, Feb. 29.—The Reform Bill will pas* the lower House in tho course of a few duva. Last evening no attempt of lho most sturdy character wns made to deprive the me tropolis of the additioui.l member* in contem plation. Even some of the Reformers joined the opposition for the occnsinn. It is the last serious effort of tho Anti-Reformers in the Commons. In the upper House, I cannot help thinking that Minister* will prevail. Lord Harrowby’i circular to his friends, winch you will seo in the papers indicates us much, and I kn»w that many of tho Tone* do not intend to eX' pose themselves to tlm rago of tho peoplo But tho Duke of Wellington und the Bishops, and Ultras with him, will fight it out to the hist. Tho Cholera i* increasing a little, und the alarm subsiding. It is more fatal than usual, hut the number of cases hear* a very smnll proportion to that of the inhabitants, aud at the same time it is ascertained that in the grout parish of Alary hone, the mortality is less for the last mouth or six weeks thou it was last year at the same period. Business is niu.Ti -.fleeted by tho present slate of tilings, and i*i consequence uf lho for eign quarantines, will probably be much more in the course ofcevi-riil mouths to come. MEXICO. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE. Extract of a Letter received in Philadelphia, j themselves doubted whether they hud merits —*• You can form no sort oi'itieu, without liv- 1 enough lo bn sought out. any u%n iug among them, of what sort of people the ■ doubt, that Aarou ilurr would huvo beon llto Mexicans arc. Their buttles with each other j President, hut lor his inordiosnte ambition ?— ore not a* severe as the occasional eudgeilmgs t'WM »"y °" 8 do,,bl lba ‘ «• Ua y would have at a—wedding. And in the two revolutions j ‘.'I-' 0 " l,< ’ '* bo bad P urifU0 d the proper path f of which I have Extract of a letter received by a respectable house in this city, l*y IMo sclir. C'olneta.—A". Orleans ('ourier. Campeche, March 22, 1.S32. — 11 As ymi may not be as y. t in possession ufuew* from Vera Cruz, we copy for your ml -, *romlion lho following paragraph of a Idler fr*i*n a person who arrived on tlio 16:h tilt, ut ll* laguna do Terminus having come from tliai port. *• I have tins mom* lit arrived from Vera Cruz, after a passugo of 48 hour*. On ihc morning of our leaving that pi n e, tin Govern ment troops were in front of the town w ith llitj intention of attn-king it. Sunni Anna a tremendous ba"le at Tolomn, •*) that out of W It.L lie sold at the late residence of John John- slen, in It a hun county, on Friday, tho 25lh day May nust, lho toil.,wing properly, to wit: one Still, d uil iu tubs, and nppnralira; Plains, Hill**, and f'oopcrs Tool*. Term* made known on the day of sale. ItuSAN,A 8TKIV.UIT, Admr’x April 2t—G—ids. Notice to Stockholders. BANK STATE OP GEORGIA, ) Savannah, 7, 1832. } A N election for six directors, un the part of the Stockiioldi’rt* in this* Hunk, wili bo lit'ld at the IlankinjLw I Ioiisb in Savaimuh on Vlomlay tho 7llt tlay of May nrxl, to nerve for twelve months from that date. The poll will bo opened at 19 A. M. and clone at 2 o'clock, 1*. M. A. FOHTF.K, Cashier. Savannah, April 2*1—6—21. Notice. STRAYED I place, oil Saturday night d ‘ htmiii hiqh,mixy * ayhor^e, about 10 „ . •hi* Spring, hap not entirely fh*ii MV half, «t alar lit ilia forehead, and one white hind i«»«it.— Any information reapfatini* n-iid home w ill be thm-klui* ty received; and any person either (Akiti P tip van. or dcliverini; him to the aulwcriber, will be t>*ti lit d fo# bin trouble. ALEXANDLK LIN I ON. Athena, April 21—0—3t, LIST ‘OP LETTERS D1 EMAININU in i!.e Foat Office at tiainetvifle; Oa jia on the In- day uf April 1832, uhich ll not taken, nut by me Ut July next, will l>e returned to the Geuuru! Post Office as dead letters. Larkin Ledford, 9 Anthony Latin rtn,2 fjnilK. Copartneraliipliitliert i existing Imtun nCI .0. &. Youii^, of this plac';, in tiicCoucInmakiii^ bu- Mino«u>, wus mutually ditMoIvt’.d on the 9tl» »t‘Ht. Tilt?, subscriber will collect all dnbtft duo Him establishment, ‘ •ami settlu ull demands uyainst it. ELI K. CLARK. Athens, April 2!—C—if. Coach Making. fyillB sub#crib«?r has removed his (istahSishiiirnt lo the New building direvily nppu»*itD his old vi<tntl, where he intonda continuing the husinvaa upmt u mote extensive scale, llttvinp experienced wotkim ii, and being well supplied with tlm i>*‘st matpriuls, he is j*rn pared to build to order, oil her Cmriaj!c?, Uafomdi. s, Gtp», Hulkios uud Tilberriea, or un\ oilier aitiflool* conveyance m his line ofbuHimtM. lie intC'fl- by strict ttttculion to htiHinesii, und tlie luitliinl ma tneriii whiih his work shall be executed, to cimtiiiuo to deserve that patronage which lie has heretofore bo liberally receiv ed. Repairing done in the neatest niintitr, and nt the ahertesl notice. All kinds i f Smldlery and humesa uiakiiij, and repairing ditn*t iii lho ht st inuuner. Nii»n*»"<1 ornamental painting will coutimto to bu executed in hts usual style. ELI K. CLARK. Atlirns, April—24 - C—tf. lacward. AN nw»y from ilu* G*>!J niinr*, A. Tliomn, Angfl, Rev. Irvin Alkcn*on,2 Elitis und Win. Aired, Fletcher A»W>!w. B. ISsnjninin Bryant, John Buie*. 4 O. liiilliiigtoii, 2 Wm. tluHiriyion, Dani.'l or dolor Butler. John Brunei, IhuiuIi Brllew, Johit Brown, Gcorgo tV, Itovd, lleitoroy Brock. C. Atlilnm Clentoin*, W illimn Cehb, Jnmea Collins, Sarah Caluhan, Archabeld Cockbortt, George C**x, 2 llctnrrey Clarke, Archabeld Carpenter. D. Clson Davis, loaepit Duuagan, 2 John Denton, Wm. F.. Davis, J. Duncan. F.. Tho*. C. Evans, Josiah Ellrrtgloit, Min Roiu I.. Everett, Charles A. Ellis. F. Ruth Frost, William Fcudlcy. 0. John Gilbert. II. Micajira Halil bey. Major lUhdcuck, Moses Hendrix, Johit Hicks, Thorn,s I tri ncr*, 3 Duct. j. Hill*, *ial* HioUtmrn, J. A. Rclltm, Milton iloll, - Elhri.lg.. h. Harris, Hoh. ii Hamilton, B-fjatntr. Mi,to, I-a it. I tape, •(■•i... Ha,mil.>n, sec. Eaton Hum*. J. .fanrss H. Jones. K. Ii*'ig, tlugll Kerr. L. Join It I.iglif, Jnli ■ l.utti y, John G, Lott. M April 17. Jarrctt P. M i.'dj, 8 George Mtr. k, sen. Hugh McDaiint, E. * ladur, Mr. Moi.n-, Mnr.luck .artic, Mitbeiy Mii/nr. N. Nathaniel N... kull.% John NiclioUriii. O. IT. Ogles, S. K Glaver, Robert Otar. r. John II. I'ryor, Henry Foot. K. James M. Reed. Heed W. Itork, Hasten Reynolds, W, Rake.traw, Win. D. Hired. 8. Joshua Simmons, John Sullivan, Janie* Sunif ml, Reuben Slalim, James J. Srnilli, Mr. Matthew*, Mrs. Elisa Simmon)*, Alexander Seddrth, g Elixa mill Shu.-ii i, Ileridi rson Sniiln, William Smith. T. r. G. Terrill, Alsa Taylor, . Mrs. C. J houl*. Thomas Turner, George Tippens. J. B. Underwood, Milion Underwood, 13 W. JauienC Wrlptiv Havie VVhili hel, 2 William Wallace, Jliley Wiluon, Mohi i* Win lehr!, Jaim e Wood, J. a**., v. urn.- 3 Frii/ci, WlTloek, I.. VVm„, . I.eo.iuril ..nod, Tlioiimx H :l*on, I*a»<* WlMirtoi), M. or T. Wilton, John VV. v.chHtsr. V. It- hert Vo ii.g. WII.KV itARBE V. Pint- Mailer. 5—3 1 , Auction. fV ho»> late n ail.- net: in Ath«>n& ( lie witlfotf . public sale*, hi i finn-lMJine and valuahl* lot uf Itouh'Jioki Kiiruiiiirt’, 5 .DokoVVhLoTe^nt d by Hisgomg Intotbe.ennto..another ms.ance ul 800 he took will. him. sc*r,*.„. J thS fighUng did oot eond ‘he nttstuken system which he h.s persued.-1 ly »».!•»« horned, nod hemp w**,,,,. contested Kentucky election. liul > a f ,er hB bad g°* ‘here, if lie had acted, hs ! dl ' d * " l,b “ rt “ u ‘ dl ®' l,1 ’. v < ’ !,l ,| "' d ** ,bu such u man ought to have acted—risen above i pfesenl I’uriod. the govrrmnunt troop* have the little, potty passions of ordinary men—il'ho 8,,,n '' off vielorious. I lie day before l lell, Imd consiilled uii'y what was due to his countiy | ^ a,l,a Anna pur. hosed for the sum ol Sid,- -if he hud displayed any mugnoniimly lo hw ®°°“ A.rier..-n.. brig, which wus armed l-r oppnuents—soothed insleud of ubusiug such * ,be P l,r P ,me hlockudmg your ;* nee. An distinguished men as Gon. Smith and Albert 8n,ba '«° hus lt!>n ,ald 0,1 " ll ,h ‘‘ ves8rl8 d, ‘- oye-vvitnesses that that .at a warmly contested Kentucky Mr. Ward, the British author, gives n very ex aggerated account of tho overthrow of Pedrozn, and of the battles in the rtiy of .Mexico on tlm*. occasion. A friend of miuo was llicro ull ihc lime, and saw all the bullies. He has de- ■acribed to me the position of tlm hostile armies. They stood ofl’at a distance of more than half ‘a mile from each other, and for three days con tinued firing with small arms ; ut the end of which time tho troops in the palace surren dered, by force of a bribe. Ol the army, about seven men were killed. The loss of’lifo fell upon tho Leperos or Lnzzarotu, of whom tho streets wero constantly full, and whom it wns impossible to keep out of the way, us they were pressing to the scene of action in the hope of plunder. The officers and men would go to bed at their usual hour, get up in the morning, cat their breakfast and fire away till dinner time. Then they would stop, cook their din ners, cat, nnd go ct it again ; and so on until dusk, when they would retire to rest, as tf they had nothing to apprehend from each other. The whole affair was a matter of amusement, and strangers used to go ont and stand by to see them fight, nnd to laugh nt litem for hours. At the same tune, every body went on with their business a* usual, am! only avoided the street in which the firing was going on. The giving up of the Furiau, a collcuitun of store*, Gulliiiiu—gone forth in the imposing pan of ui " ned ''> r ,bc88 l ,,,r ' 8 ’ but W8 8 ' , ‘ :,:e,!dud ib *"'• Mediator—relaxed the chain* of the south- j ou *’ bv B,car,n 8 ‘'"““S 1 * " ,0 cus,om l,OU8,! poured oil upon ihe agitated waves—perhaps I * r ’ r Liverpool spoken pence to his country—such a diameter j Of the 800 men whom Santa Anon took vioirld have softened Ihe prejudices against turn, M* b,m, ’> 1db0 h “ ve b ““ b,l,cd - and would have commanded the respect, lfi ,'end the same number ol prisoners. Nearly the could not have w on the votes of hi. opponent.. « f ,lolc * f " 8 9,h ba " ,lb ‘» n « » 8 destroyed. It would not probably have made him thel*res- *' 8 wa8 8 "»'" !“»'«" of the castle and idem—but how much would .1 have raised him ,be } own < 8, | d »“ determined to deietid .t o in the opinion of the world l-Rich. Enq. ' bo ,as '> w,,h ,hc . f8W J* 0 " who remarned with • 1 I him; hut it is my, in the end, he will LATEST FOREIGN. be obliged to yield.” .Veie York, Jlpril 7.—By the packet ship Ontario, Cnpt. Sebor, arrived Ibis morning from London, we have received tlie London evening papers of 29th February, nnd the Shipping List of the date. Our former advices were tn the morning of thn 29th. IVe do not find any political event of mo ment. The Peace of Europe.—The London Cou rier of the 29;h any.*, *• Wo believe that the mission of Count Orloff is decidedly pacific. SSA71RIED OnTliiirsilsvcveiiinu.ihe 12*1* inxl. by A.bury Hull, F.mi. st ihc liotisr •■( Mr. Samuel Ware, near this place, Mr. CHARLES KINNEY, to Miaa LOGISA WARE. IjtOtiR month* after ctata applicl-r.a witt^b. mid* __ to the iion'irahle lh* Inferior court nT .iarkrau county, far leave lo nrlln Tract of I,sod. No. 2t)l first di.tiici of Coweta county, bc!oa*:ott io Robert Wil* liaio*, •osano. ABIlAtlAMWlbUAMS, Guardian, April 21—6--w4m. Hi in Curiollcounty, a Nc^ro man by tlie name of \ ED. NwJ if »Ih*ii1 31 years of age, thick, stou^ black, And very inlelfiijeiil. Tli« miv? negro And very inlclli|;cnl. The suiJ negro it id fuppoi'tl wax inv« iylpd oir by a man named John Smith, wh<» Art off in company with Raid nrpro 0How from the Uold mines, for tlm Cheat*- Hall county; neither of whom have been heard of fine. Smith i» »b..ul 27 year* old, aix feel high. B „,l w..-rtfl,a about 180 lb*., Iii* complexion ia light, and *,l*o Iii* Imir. The above reward will be given lo any person, for either delivering laid negro to the euhreri- her living 4 mdei above Leather 1 ! ford, oa theChcs- •aiee, in Hall county, or for*e*urir*g him in any jail, ap Ihs* i*.* ran get him, and *11 neco**»ry expense* paid. AIh.i tiic sum of ten dollaiawilt In- paid for the appro- iicn«i**n of said Smilii. JAMBS II. 11 April 21—6—31. 0= NOTICE. JJ) ^I.L person* arc hereby cautioned ngninrf trading 2% for a certain not** of hand, given by Isaiah A Po*i hat, William Brail, nnd Henry Curtiss ; imdor.ed by E. D. McKiulry, and nmde payable to Slnvcna Tlioma* or brarer, i'or the emu of nno imndrrd and thirty-five dollar*, due on or about thr foal day of Jan uary, 1833; a* said nnln wa* improperly obtained, anil for a consideration illegal. WILLIAM BEALL, HENRY CURTISS. April 24—«—2t. NOTICE. T HF. Copartnership heretofore i;xiatin« between the und raigned And Mr. John Johnamn, in th»* Cotton tnantifuciurinp busine«» t w as mutually dicaol* ved on the 15th Feb. last. All dehl* due lo the ealab. lishment, will be paid to the |H>o«eiit acreul, Mr. I' m. W, Clayton, who. ia Authoriaod to receive them; or to the pmprietora. Orders executed on tliHidiortfsl notice. . W. DRAKINO, J. NISBI-.T, A. S. rr.VYI’ON, A. valkcu, P.topr.iKTons; A?hcn?», April Consi-linir of «loi»«nt Btirraii*, Sideboard, Dii*w»(f Tt hit s, Bieak’ARt I’ubh'R, tf* Tabh'it, Caid TaUU s, Chaira, Bnnwda mid common Flour CirpeU,,s*u.-» .... petr and HotL, Farioii- hiv; loiloi (jl«*acr>, Fi.d t»9 of Cut Cilaita, labln and T«a Chino, Bra*' A.-n t/ Fenders, Shovel* mid Tonfia, HrtMcliand I'imr it etirkri, Cnnille-hliAdeM and Caiidle-almifli*, II- ti«* Hvt!- aleadrt and lli.’rtiliny, Window unddled (’mtaiiia. a Si. 11 Ten Set, a finely toned Piano Foitn, 8eer»lu* ufl liniik-cnac, itiHide Venititn lilinda, Toilet a^d • • n.nj Tuhlea, Crockery and cninn.1111 Glaaa Ware, and a Va riety of oilier article* neceaaaty to a well tiirnij»!i<*«3 house—With an exi'wiaivc h*l of Kitchen Furniture. On tho day following, at hia Plantation, one u.ifo and a quarter frum town, hia stock of Cattle and Uog», 200 to 300 Barrels tf < ortlj and u Quunlilt/ of Fodder. Term* m&ds known ut tlio sale. lie offers, alio, at Pritate £s.’r, his flmi.u arid Lot, lift late residence in Allicus. Thu II»usu is lu*g*- a.•*! convenient, and the eligibility and pleasunlni a. of in location render it a* dceirahlo a temdenee a* any in ii.. place. It ia believed to be well ralculaled for a Fut.l; 1 House also. There are in it ton;teen rooiu>, ten which arc twenty feet square, and **ne forty by txt’eni ’ with a twelve fact passage> above slsif;. Two of Ihc twenty fret louine are sepa.uted by roUiilp doors, and can bo united at pleasure. Nine have fuy. place*, and sight, with the passage*, srj naiid.omf*. finished. Also, hi* plantation on tha Walkinsvllfe mad', on* sisting of five hundred aerap, Ita vicinity lo town, wilt I7C or 180 acrcaof caWvable land under goodFn’ine,. and plenty of firewood, would render it valuable in *:•? person residing In Allien*. The term* for cither '.| both, shall be inadu acceptable to tlie purchaser. H A. WALKER , April l7.-5-.4t. A.TT31TT1C1T i Georgia Guards. Y OU *re lierehy commanded to appear in U'alki* * ' ' ‘ *’ ville on "Vdnewlay Ihe 2ri of Vtty, pieeis. ly at 11 o’clock A. M. armed and equipped oa rh> taw. dr. rec', for (lie annual inspection anu review. The Coin.' missioned and Non-Cmnmi*-ienni nllrtos will .1-**a;*, pear at said time and place,e*, Tiiesdny the 1ft of M .*-, tor instruction and drill. Bv order of Roiaur B. tlnocuxos, 1st L'enl. s ik acting Captain G. G. JOHN J. CtlEATIfA** . S, I'h*. whole cumpuay will appear in Wliile tab***... April 17—J—9t. M : : *