Newspaper Page Text
No. U.
By Albon Chase.
Thus-—Three dollar, per year, payable in advance,
»r Four dollart if delayed to the end of the year. The
latter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to
meet their payment* in advance.
No subscription received for leas than one year, un
less the money is paid in advance; and no paper will
be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at
the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of
subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish
ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con
sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa
pers sent accordingly.
AnvaaTtscHKSTS will be inserted at the usual rates.
;3*\\ll Letters to the Editor on matters connected
with the establishment, must bejwrl paid in order to-
secure attention.
rC7* Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad-
ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish
ed stily days previous to the day of sale.
The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must
be published forty days previous to the day of sale.
Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be
published/orty days.
Notice that Application will be made to the Court of
Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be
published/air months.
Noiioothat Application will be made for Letters of
Administration, must bo published thirty days, and for
Letlere of Dismission, six months.
first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold,
at the Court-house in the town of Watkinsville. Clark
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following pro
perty, to wit:
One Road Wnggnn, and 4 Horses and Har
ness. levied on as as the property of William Yar
brough to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Neshit, vs.
William Yarbrough, Ansalum L. Harper, John W
Harper and Abraham Doolittle, securities on stay.
One Road Waggon and 4 Pair Harness,
two bay horses, one aorret horse, and one sorrel roao
horse: levied oo ss the property of Henry Glasson, to
satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of John Neabit, the
othe in favor of George Dent, ve. Henry Glssson, Jona.
than Lea and Marcus A. Sears, securities on star.
May 39. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’ff.
C LARK Postponed Sheriff's Sale.—On
‘he firit Tuesday in AUGUST next, will be sold
at the Court house in atkinsville, Clark counly,
within tho usual hours ofsale, the following property to
Six Negroes, to wit: Amy a woman about
twenty-five years of age; l.izv a girl, about four years
old ; George a bov, about two years old, Joe a boy,
about six years old ; Lindy agirl, about four years old ;
and Nelson a boy, about fivo years old: levied on as
the property of Gabriel A - Molfett, to satisfy a fi. fa is
sued on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor or Ste
vens Thomas, vs. said Moffett. _
May 29.
J ACKSON Sheriffs Sale—On the first
Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold at the
Court-house in the town of Jefferson, Isckson county,
within theusual hours of sale, the following property,
to wit:
One Negro Girl named Betly, about Twelve
veers old : levied on as the property of Joseph lam-
arum, Executor of Obadish Watson, ilccoosod. to satis
fy sundry fi. las. is'urd from a Justices court. Proper
ty pointed out by Joseph Landrum. Levy made and
returned to mo by a constable.
Ono Trncl of Land, containing 220 Acres,
more or less, adjoining McNecs and thers: levied on
is i ho property »f John Oiler,-to satisfy two (i. fas. is
sued from a Justice* court, in favor of Wood & Hob
son, vs. said Oiler. Levy made and returned to me by
a constable. _
G. F. ADAM3, D. Sh’ff.
May 29.
ADISON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first
LTJL Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold at the
lourt House in the town of Danielsvillr, Madison
■maty, within the usual hours of sale, the following
rjperty, to wit: N
One Tract of Land, containing 114 Acres,
lore or less, adjoining A. G. Bullock and others : lr.
ied on as the properly of John W. Cosset, to satisfy
rnr fi. (as- issued Irom a Justices court in favor ol Jehu
Vilhito, vs. said Gossnt. Property pointed nut by the
elendant. Levy made and returned to mo by a con-
JOHN BONE. D. Sli’ff.
May 90.
# ALL Sheriffs Sale.—On the first Tues
day in JULY next, wHI be sold, at the Court
»u-o in the town ofUainesville, Hall counly, within
s usual hour* ofsale, the following property, to wit :
One Sorrell Horse, 4 nr 5 Years old, Saddle
d blanket: levied on aa the property of Aion B.
irden, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior
urt, in favor James '- v . Jones, &Co. vs. said Harden.
One Lot of Land, No. 88. in the 12th Dis
ci of Hall county, and 90 Acres mors or less, being
rtufLot,No. 62, in thelSih district of said counly:
ried on as the property of Aron B. Harden, to aatfsfy
ndry fi. fas. issued fruin Hall Superior couit, in favor
Oliver P. Shaw, and others, vs. said Harden. Pro.
rty pointed out by PlaintitPs Attorney
One Half of Forty Acres of Land, ndjoin-
gthe Town of Gainesville, in Hall county- levied on
the property of Thomas Haines, lo satisfy a fi. fa.
lued from Walton Superior Court, in favur of Joseph
inks, ee*. and others, vs. said Haines.
One Negro Man named David, about 35
srs old: Levied ou as the properly of James C.
ite, to satisfy a fi. fa. isened from Franklin Superior
urt, in favor of Bonn tt Baird, for the use of John
inks, vs. Jamas Edmondson and Janies C. Tats.
Ono Lot of Land, containing 200 Acre*,
jra or less, being part of lot, No. 70 ia the 10th die.
ct of Hall: levied on as the property of shad rack
sen, to satisfy a fi. ft. in favor of Solomon Hunt-
rics and the officers of Hall Superior court,vs. James
Ban’and Sbsdtsck Dean, and other fi- las. against
ltd rack Dean.
All the Interest that George H. Owen* has
a Homo and Lot, not* Gaineofill**, in Hall county:
ried on as the property of Hoof*® H. Owgo^io ft
ify sundry fi. fas. in fetor of Stephen Reed, aaid
lay fit*
IIJ U* IU. Id IlfUl «*1 •^as paauis
Levy mads and ((turned o « by * const*-
R ABUN Sheriffs Sale.—On tho first
Tuesday in. JULY next, will be sold at the
Court-house in the town of Clayton, Rabun county,
within the usual hours of s*le, the following property,
to wit: 1
Two Hundred Acres of Land, more or less,
being part of lot, No. 58, in the 5th district of Rabun
county: levied on os the property of Zebidee Slaton, to
satisfy a 6. fa. in favor of Jacob Caphart, issued from a
Justices court. Property pointed out by the defen
dant, Levy made and returned lo me by a constable.
One Lot of Land, No. 76, containing 250
Acres, more or less, in the 2d district of Rabun county:
levied on us the property of Wiley Ballard, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justices court, in favor of Josiah H.
Carter. Property pointed out by the plaintiff. Levy
made and returned to me by a constable.
T. M. HENSON, D. Sh’ff.
May 29.
To William Gilbert and Mitchell .Pool.
T AKE notice that I shall apply to the Superior
Court, lo be held in and for said county, on the
second Monday in September next, to appoint fit and
proper persons, in conformity to the statute in such
cases made and provided, to lay ofi and assign to me,
my dower in the Real Estate of William Gilbert, lato of
said county, deceased.
June 12—13—m3m.
Georgia, jackson county.
In the Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1832.
Bill for Discovery,
Distribution of Estate.
Jeremiah Spice,
Rachel Wallace,
William Wallace,
Nicholas Wallace.. _
I T appearing to the court from the return of the
Sheriff, in the above eaae, that two of the defen
dants, William Wallace and Nicholas Wallace, reside
out of the county; it ia therefore ordered, that servico
of said bill, be perfected on the said William and Nich
olas Wallace, by publishing this Rule once a month
for three mouths, in one ofthe public Gixettes of this
A true copy from the minutes, March 30th, 1832.
May 15—9—m3m.
Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary Purposes,
May Tsrm, 1832.
Present their Honors, James Long. James Anderson, No
ah tV. Pittman, John Merony, and Robert
Grotee, Justices.
W HEREAS Henry Hartsficld, Guardian of the
person and Eslnts of Thomas House.
And Rebecca York, Guardian of the person and Es
tate of Lucy York, insane, have applied to the Court
aforesaid, for letters of diamiesion.
Ordered, that altar forty days publication of these
Rules, in one of the public Gazette of this sltto.the
said Guardians will be dismissed, unless cause bo
shewn to tho contrary, of which all concerned is here
by notified,
A true extract from tho minutes of said court, this
8th day of May, 1832.
May IS*—9—40d.
Inferior Court, Sitting for Ordinary Purpo
ses, May Term, 1832.
Present their Hancre, James Long, James Anderson,
Noah W. Pittman, John Meroney, and Ro
bert Groves, Justices.
W HEREAS Henry Harlsfield, administrator do
bonis non of Brinkly House, deceased, have
petitioned ibo court, for letters of dismission. Where
upon it is ordered,that a copy of this Rule be published
once a month, for aix months in one of the public Ga
zette of this Slate, that all parties concerned may have
due notice, and file their exceptions (if any they have)
lo the issuing of said letters dismissory.
A true extract from the minutes of said court, this
8th day of May 1832.
May 15—9—m6m.
here shewn to the Court; and your petitioner further
ahewelh, that there is now due on aaid note, the whole
of the principal and interest, and therefore prays that
unless the said Elijah H. Ried, James P. Heath and
Michael Brown, do pay into the Clerks Officn of this
Court, the amount of the principal end interest now
due, or which may become due on said note and mort
gage, together with all cost which hath or may accrue
icrein, within six months from the date hereof, that the
equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged pre
mises be henceforth and forever barred and foreclosed.
Whereupon, on motion of Samuel A. Woles, attorney
for petitioners, it ia ordered by the Court, that unless
the amount of principal, interest and cost, now due or
to become due an said note and mortgage, be paid into
Ihe Clerks Offipeofthis Court within the time afore,
said, that the equity of redemption in, and to,said
mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever bar
red and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that a
copy of this rule be published once a month for six
months in some one of the public Gazelles of this Slate,
or be personally served on the said Elijah H. Ried,
James P. Heath, and Michael Brown, three months be
fore the expiration of this rule.
A true extract from thominu’.es this 18th April,1832.
J. T. CARTER, Clk.
April 24.—6—m6m.
To the Inferior Court of said county, when
silling for ordinary purposes.
I T appearing to said Court from the petition of An
derson Watson, that John Black in his life lime
executed with one Thomas Turner, a bond to the said
Anderson Watson, for titles to Lot No. 938, in the 4th
District of Muscogee county, nowMarion, and it fur
ther appearing, that the said Anderson Watson ho*
paid up for said land, and that the said John Black de
parted this life without making titles to the same: It is
ordered, that the administrators of said deceased, do
execute titles to said land, unto the said Anderson
Watson, unless good causo be shewn to the contrary
within the time prescribed by law, and that this rule
be published accordingly.
Given under my hand this third day of March, 1832.
JOHN H. JONES, d. c. c. o.
March 20.—12—mSm.
In the Superior Court, March Term, 1832.
James W. Jones, & Cn. )
vs. S Bill for Discovery, Relief
George W. Wscasor, > and
and ) Injunction.
Aldridge Kean. )
I T appearing to the Court, that the defendants re*
side without tho County of Hall, so that service
cannot be perfected ill the usual way: It is ordered by
the Court, that the said George W. Wscasor, and At*
dridgo Kean, plead answer or demur to said bill on or
before the first day of next Term, or tho same will be
taken pro ennfewo.
A true copy from the minutes.
March 27—2—ni3m.
W ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in August, at
the Court house in Jefferson, Jackson county,
by older of the Honorable tho Inferior court nf said
county, when silting for ordinary purposes, two Negro
boys, by the name of Wiley and Tom, belonging to the
Estate of Obadiuh Watson, deceased. Sold for the
benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms essh.
Mny 29—11—tds.
A GREEABLY to an order Afthe Honorable the In
ferior court of the county of Clark, when sitting
for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday
in Angus* next, before the court houso door in the
town of Watkinsville, all tho Real Estate (except the'
widow’s dower) in said county, belonging to the Estate
of Allen Bonner, lata of said county, deceased, there
being between Eleven and Twelve Hundred Acres of
Land, in three several Tracts, llimigh all joining, well
improved, on the waters of tho Appalacnee river and
Barber’s creek, joining Boling,,Stewart, Greer, Arthur
and olliers,which will be sold in parcels lo suit purcha
sers, and n credit of one and two years. Sold for the
benefit of the heirs of snid deceased. Those wishing
a handsome) situation in this county, will do well toeaii
and examine the premises previous to that day.
Attorney in fact for the Administrator.
May 29—11—tds.
A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable tho In
ferior court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting for
ordinary purposes, (and by the consent of the parties in
interest) will he sold in Lnxington, on the first Tuesday
in August next, Lol No. 186, in tho Sim district, origi
nally I.en county, also. Lot No. 79, in the 12th district
originally Early county. Sold as the properly of Jane
Bradshaw, deceased, for tho benefit nf the heirs ami
creditors of the deceased. Terms made known on the
day ofsale.
May 29—11—tds.
W HEREAS William Knox, administrator ofSam-
Usl Y. Patton, deceased, applies to me lor
letters of Dismission from the further administration of
cold Estate:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin 1
gular the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased, lo be
end appear at my office within the time prescribed bj
law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters
should not begranted.
Given under my hand this 9th May, 1832.
May 22—10—in6m.
W HEREAS Thomas Moore and James Hampton,
Executors of William Malone, sen. deceased,
applies to me for letters nf Dismission from the further
administration on said Estate:
These are therefore tn cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office within the time prescribed by
law lo shew cause if any they have, why said letters
should not be granted. Given under my hand this 21st
May, 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
Oglethorpe Inferior Court, Feb. adjourned
Term, 1832.
I T appearing to the Court upon the affidavit of Wil
lis A. Jordan, that the following note is either lost
,11 mislaid; vix: One note on Robert Maxwell, due
January 1*1,1631, for the sum of fourteen Dollars,wilh
a credit on the same, id January, 1831, fur one duller
Alt.-six and a quarter ceots,and one othei credit on the
6th May, 1831, tor 50 cents. ,
, Ordered, th-il all persons interested shew cause on
or before the first day of the next term of thia Court,
why a copy of said note should not be established in
lieu of said original so lost or mislaid, that said copy be
filed with the Clerk, and thia rule published monthly in
one of the public Gazettes of thiaStale.
A truo extract from the minutes 12th March, 1832.
March 20.—19.—m3m.
Superior Court, April Term, 1832.
Thompson Collins, "1
For Foreclosure.
Elijah H. Reid, j
James P. Heath,
Michael Brown. , J
fffiYHE petition of Thompson Collins sbeweth, that
JL Elijah 11. Reid, James P. Heath, and Michael
Brown, heretofore, lo Wit: on the 9th of February eigh
teen hundred and thirty-one, made, executed, and de
livered to your petitioner their entire deed ofmort|tge,
conveying thereby to your petitioner, all thoae two
tract* of fond, mutate, lying and being in Ibo fourth
District of aaid county, and known and distinguished in
the plan of theaame, aa Lots No, 27, and 28, in the
fourth District, containing lour hundred, eighty-seven
and one half Acres, more or lew, which Lola of Land
were mortgaged to your petitioner for the better secur
ing the payment of« certain promissory note, made by
the said Elijah H. Ried lo your petitioner for the sum
of two thousand dollars, payable on the first of July,
eighteen hundred aod thirty one, and dated the niath
of September, eighteen hundred and thirty, and now
W HEREAS Etheldred Sorrel, administrator nn
the estate of Lewie Barnett, deceased, applies
lo mo for letters of dismission from the further admin
istration of said estate:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular tha kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased,to bo
and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by
law, to shew’imse, if any they have, why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand this 21it day of Jan. 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
Ian. 24.-4—m6m.
W HEREAS Charles Strong, senior, executor on
the estate of William Strong, senior, late of
Clark county,deccaaed, opplieo to incfor letters nfdis.
mission from the lurther administration of Mid estate :
These are therefore to cito and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office within the time prescribed by
law, to shew causo, if any they have, why said let
ters should not be granted.
Given under my hand this 5th of Mareh, 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
March 13.—11—m6m.
W HEREAS William Knox, administrator de bonis
non of William Patton, deceased, applies to me
for letters of dismission from the farther administration
on said estate:
Theseare therefore Indie and admonish, all and sin-
gular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law, tn shew cause, if any they have^wliy said Letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand this 5th dsy of March, 1832.
March IS.—11.—m6ro. -
W ILL be sold on Saturday, theSOth June next, in
the lowri of Athens, a part of the Personal
property of George W. Lumpkin, deceased, consisting
of Horeet, Cattle, Barouche, Ox cart, lie. Ac. Sold for
the benefit of the heir* and creditor* of said deceased.
Term*—Crodit until 25tb December next.
May 15—9—tds.
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next,
at the court house inthetnwnofClaylon, Ra
bun county, agreeable to an order of tho honorable
tho Inferior court of aaid county, when sitting for ordi
nary purports, tho following property,to wit. consis
ting of thiee parcels of Land, lying on tho waters nf
Chattooga River; one piece nr part of Lot, No. II, in
the 3d district Rabun cuunty, containing 59 Acres
more or Icsr.; also Lot, No. 10, adjoining the same,
containing Two Hundred and fifty Acres more or less:
Lot No. 7, adjoining tha same, containing 50 Acres.
On the same day, at the Court house in Heard cannly,
will be offered for sale, a Lot of Land, No. 242, in the
3d district, originally Coweta, now Heard county.
Also, on the same day. at the Court houac in Marion
county, will be offered for sale one Lot of Land, Nn.
36, in the'lnt district, originally Muscogee now Mari
on county. All sold aa tho Real Estate 'nf James
Strother, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the-
benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased.—
Terms made known on the day ofsale.
A. MILLER, JAdmrs.
May 15—9—tds.
A GREEABLY to an order of Hie Honorable the In
ferior court of Jackson county, when sitting fur
ordinary purposos, will be sold on the first Tuesday in
August next, at the court house in the county of Do-
Kalb, Lot pf Land, No. 50, in tho 17th district of (for
merly Henryjnow DsKalb county,contalningTwo Hun
dred two and u half acres, it being part of tlio Real
Eslato of Joseph Harrison, deceased. Sold for the
benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms cash.
May 15—9—tds.
F OUR months after date application will be made
to ihe Honorable the Interior court of Franklin
county, when silling for ordinary purposea, for leave to
sell all the Real Estate belonging to the Estate of John
Juno 5—12—w 4m.
F OUR months after date applii
to the Honorable the Inferior court of Clark
icalion will be made
to the Honorable the
county, when lilting for ordinary purposes, for leavn to
sell a Traci of Land, lying in formerly Troup now Me.
riwether county, belonging io the Estate of Richard
Meriwether, late of Dallas county, Alabama, decea
sed. Hold for tho benefit ofthe creditors nf said drcea-
sed. JOSEPH MOON, Adm’r.
May 22—10—w4m.
F OUR months after dale, application will lie made
tn the Hnnorabls the Inferior court of Madison
county, whon silting for ordinary purposes, for leave
lo sell a part of the Real Estate; also a part of the
Slaves belonging to the Estate of Allen Daniel,Lunitie,
Lol of Lnnd, No. 199> in the 22d district, formerly
Muscogee; and Lot of Land, No. 203, in tho 30th dis
trict formerly Lee. JAMES DANIEL, Guard.
Mny 15—9—w4m.
F OUR months after date application will bo made
tn the Honorable Ihe Inferior court of Jackson
county, for leave lo sell a Tract of Land, Nn. 294 first
distiict of Cowota county, belonging to Robert Wil
liams, insane.
April 24—C—w4m.
F OUR month* after date application will he made
to tho honorable the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
tell ihe Negrons belonging to the estate of Cynthia
Ann Kagan, dec’d..(br the purpose of a division.
F OUR months after date application will be made
to tha honorable the Inferior court nfClark coun
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
a Lot of Land, No. 64, in the 13th District of Monroe
county, containing Two Hundred two and a half scree,
belonging to the Orphans of Henry Durham, deceased,
for the ‘ *' ” ’" ~ ‘
The New Line of Stages
W ILL run THREE TIMES a week-leaving
Mseon and Savannah on Mondays, Wednes
days and Friday*, st three o’clock in the morning and
arriving at Macon and Savannah on Tuesday*, Thurs
day* and Saturdays, at eight o’clock in Ihe evening.—
Rates as usual. Q. LONGSTREET.
ICFTersone Wishing seat* will apply at the Wash
ington Hall, Macon.
Fch. 21.—8—m4m.
O NE House and Lot in the town of Athens, where.
on the (iib.-criber now lives; together with a
small tract of land adjacent, containing 130 acres, 6b
of which is woodland.
ALSO, a Plantation nn the Ocone* river, in Jackson
countv, sixteen miles from Athens, with good improve-
monte, and valuable Grist Mills on the river. Tho
trac t contains about 700 Acres of Lind, with 950 in
cultivation. Terms mty be known by application to
the subscriber. STEPHEN BORDERS.
Ms.v 15-9-tf.
T HE subscriber thankful for past favours, takes
this method to inform his customers sod the pub*
lie in general, that he has enlarged his establishment,
where ho intends carrying on tho above named buai.
MOSS on a more extensive scele than formerly; having
pruvidod himself with good materials and experienced
Northern workmen, ha flatten himself that he will be
able to have mado to general eatiifaetion, all kinds of
riding nod pleasure carriages, also jersey and dearbon
wagons; repairing done at the shortest notice. liar,
ness made and repaired. Sign painting t* usual. All
orders from a distance attended to with punctuality and
deipatch. JOHN REYNOLDS.
Two or three apprentices between Ihe ages of'
fourteen and aixteen, would be taken at the above es
tablishment. j, j{,
Athens, May 29—11—w3m.
A LL Persons indebted to tho Estate of Andrew On.
ham, deceased, are requested lo come forward
by i hi. first of July next, and make payment, as further
indulgence cannot begiven. '
May 29-1 l-4t.
Admr’s. '
benefit of said Orphan*.
April 10—4—w4m.
F OUR month* after date application will be mode
to the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lea ve to
sell the Real Estate of Seaborn Smith, orphan of Peter
Smith, lato ofsaid county, deceased.
JAMES B. BOND, Guardian.
March 27—9—w4m.
Hoot and Job Printing neatly and accurate
ly executed at this office.
I N undertaking the publication of a paper, devoted,
as this is designed to be, to tbs pleasures, amust -
manta, fashions and divertiseinenls of life, the subscri
ber* havir been animated by the persuasive encourage-
mentsand gratuitous promise*ofiupporl,of many of
the most influential, enlightened and respectable mem
bers of tho New York community. It is to a certain
extent, a field unoccupied by qtliera, and ono'which is
deemed important lobe filled. For while the politi
cians, the theologians and tire literati of our country
have each their separate oracles, which (like that of
Delphoa) proclaim aloud and defend (heir several opin
ions and interests; the cause of fashion, pleasurable cn*
tertainmenfe, of taste and recreation, find but fewpiiii-
lication* of a periodical kind, appropriated solely to
their .encouragement and support. To paint “ life aa
it is,” without the artificial embellishments of romance;
to apeak of its propensities for enjoyment, it* appetite
for pleasure and indulgence, and its tendency to enter
into occasional follies, is to do what many must ap
prove, and no onectn condemn. For it ia certainly no
more improper to record tho acts of men than to pro.
mnlgate them orally to tho World. '* Pleasure,’’ says
tho nobla Frenchman, “ ia tho chief business of life,”
and however seemingly incorrect Ihe maxim may be
in the estimation of opine,yet it is literally tree, for the
devotee certainly takes pleasure in tha exercise of bis
religion, the merchant and mechanic in their several
branches of employment, and tho man of leltera in his
books; while the sportsman who cliasea tha bare, and
attends tha ring or the race, is only pursuing pleasures
in congeniality with hie natural or cultivated Lisle.
In preaenting this new candidate for favor and pa
tronage to the public, it is ihe intention of ihe publish
er* to render ii at interesting es possible, and to please
all if they can, without wounding the feelings or dia.
turbing the prejudices of any. The language will bo
always chaste, so that the rnoat delicate mty approve.
The paper will treat of Fashion, Taste and Scenes of
Real Life, gathered from the every day exhibitions of
the world. Theatres, Museuma, and other fashions-
bio places of retort, will receive appropriate notice*,
while the Sport* of tho Turfi tbs Ring, the Pit, of the
Fisher and the Fowler, will engross no ioconaiderablo
portion ufailention. The proceeding* of the Courts,
civil and criminal, wills* far as possible be given,when
matters of internet occur, and more especially those of
tho Police, where life in all it* forms and coloring i* so
faithfully portrayed.—ft is also the intention of the edi
tors to devote a considerable portion of each paper to
the compilation and disteminatioD ofthe news of the •
day, in asummaricl form, which will serve t* s brief
and faithfnl record of all important and pasaingaventc
condensing* large mass into a comparatively small
With these intentions, fully and fairly ptoclaimtd,
and tvith the most perfect good feelings towarde all out
co-laborers ip the same vocation, we present owelvet
before an enlighted community, aa candidate* fortbeir
patronage and smiles.
IC/' Poet-Masters, and other Urntlemen who wiH
sets* Agents for our paper, by giving os notice, csiy
have forwarded tu > hem subscription paper* ami extra'
copies.—.dprif1832. ^