Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, June 26, 1832, Image 1
Southern Banner. 1 1 = —~ ■ II 1 1 —' . ■■ j.=uugg- a. “THE FERMFMT OF Jt FREE, IS PREFERABLE TO THE TORPOR OF A DESPOTIC, GOVERXMEM'T." =*- 'U,lUi .:.•; - ... ...... j - VOL. I :: - ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1832. No. 15. .PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, By Albon Chase. Tkkus.—Three dollar, per year, payable in advance, or Four dollar, if delayed to the end of the year. The lalter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for Las than one year, un less tlm money is paid in advance; and no paper will lie discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, except ai the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa pers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. i'-'T’AII Letters to the F.dilor on matters connected with the establishment, must bo post paid in order to secure attention. Id® Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must bo publish ed silly days previous lo the day of sale. The .-ale of Personal Property, in like manner, must bo published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that \pplicatinn will be made lo the Court of Ordinary for Leavo to sell Land or Negroes, must be publ jshed/iur months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. SHERIFFS’ SAL ESS. C LARK SHERIFF’S SALE—On the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be so'd, at the Court-house in tho town of Watkinsville. Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, tho fi diowing pro perty, to wit: One Road Waggon, and 4 Horses nnd Har ness- levied on as as the property of tVilliam Yar brough to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor of John Neabit, vs. William Yarbrough, Anselum I. Harper, John W. Harper and Abruuain Doolittle, securities on stay. One Road Waggon and 4 Pair Harness, two bay horses, one sorrel horse, and one sorrel roan horse: levied on as tho property of Henry Glosson, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of John Nesbtt, the ntliein favor of George Dent, vs. Henry Glasson, Jons than Lea and Marcus A Sears, securities on Slav. Mav 29. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’ff. I Kt A BUN Sheriff’s Sale.—On trio first Tuesday in JULY next, will bo sold it the Court-house in the town of Clayton, Itnbun county, within the usual hours of sale, the following pruperty, to wit: Two Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, being part of lot, No. 58, in the 5th district of Rabun county: levied on us the property uf Zebidee Slaton, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Jacob Capiiart, issued from a Justice, court. Property pointed out by tho defen dant, Levy made and returned to me by a constable, Ono Lot of Land, No. 7G, containing 250 Acres, more or less, in the 2d district of Rabun county: levied on as the property of IViley Ballard, to satisfy a ft. fa. issued from a Justices court, in favor of Josialt >1. Carter. Property pointed out by tho plaintiff'. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. T. M. HENSON, D. Sit'd 1 . May 29. LE&AL NOTICES. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. To William Gilbert and Mitchell Pooh T AKE notice that I shall apply to the Superior Court, to be held in and for said county, on the second Monday in September next, to appoint fit and proper persona, in conformity to the statute in such cases nude and provided, to lay of! and assign lo me, my dower in the Real Estate of William Gilbert, latoof said county, deceased. TAMER GILBERT. June 12—13—m3jn. here shewn to the Court; and your petitioner further sheweth, that there is now due oneuitl note, the whole of the principal and interest, and therefore prays that unless the said Elijah II. Hied, James P. Heath und Michael Brown, do pay into tho Clerks Office of this Court, the amount of the principal and interest now due, or which may become due on said note and mort gage, together with all cost which hath or may accrue herein, within six months from the date hereof, that the equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged pre mises bo henceforth nnd forever burred ami foreclosed. Whereupon, on motion of Samuel A. Wales, attorney for petitioners, it is ordered by the Court, that unless the amount of principal, interest and coat, now due or to become due on said note and mortgage, he paid into tho Clerks Office of this Court within the time afore EXECUTOR'S SALE. W ILL ho aold on the first Tuesday in August, at the Court house in Jetferaon, Jackson county, by order ot the Honorable the Inferior court of said county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, two Negro boys, by the name ot l\ ifcy ami Tom, belonging to the Estate of Ohudiah Watson, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. J03EPH LANDRUM, Executor, May 29—11— ids. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. t GREEABI.V to an order of tho Honorable the In ferior court of thu county of Clark, when Bitting said, that the equity of redemption in, nnd to raid for ordinary purpoaea, will be Mold on the first Tuesday mortgaged premises, be (henceforth and forever bar red and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule be published once a month for six mouths in sonic one of the public esrf t!;is Slate, or be personally served on the said Elijah II. Ricd, James P. Heath, and Michael Brown, three months be fore the expiration of thin rule. A true extract from the minutes this 18ih April,1832. J. T. CARPER, Clk. April 24.-6—mCm. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. In tlte Superior Court, Feb. Tpnn, 1832. Jeremiah Spice, vs. Rachel Wallace, William Wallace, Nicholas Wallace. Bill for Discovery, and Distribution of Estate. c LARK Postponed Sheriff’s Sale.—On *he first Tuesday in AUGUST next, will be sold he Court house in •' ttkinsville, Clark county, in the usual hours ofsate, the following property to Six Negroes, to wit: Amy a woman about twenty-five years of age; Lizy a girl, about four years old ; George a hoy, about two years old , Joe a boy, about six years old ; Lindy a girl, about four years old ; and Nelrfon a hoy, about five years old : levied on its the property of Gabriel A* Moffett, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued m the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Ste vens Thomas, vs. haul MofTett. JAMES HENDON, D. Sh’ff May 29. J ACKSON Sheriff** Sale.—On the, firm Tuesday in JULY next, will hr sold ai the ^Joiirt-houso in tho town ot Jefferson, Jackson county, •within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Negro Girl named Belly, about Twelve yea-a old : levied on as the property of Joseph Lan- drum, Executor of Obadiah Watson, dcccoscJ, lo satis fy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices court. Proper ty pointed out by Joa« ph Landrum. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. One Tract of Land, containing 220 Arrett, more or less, adjoining McNecs and other*: levied on •s the property of John Oiler, to aatisly two fi. fas. is sued fro.n a Justices court, in favor of Wood & Hob- ion, vs. raid Oiler. Levy made and returned to me by a constable, G. F. ADAMS, D. Sh’ff. Mav 29. I T appearing to the court from tho return of the Sheriff, in the above case, that two of the defen dants, William Wallace and Nicholas Wallace, reside out of the county; it is therefore ordered, that service of said bill, be perfected on the said tVilliam and Nich olas Wallace, by publishing this Rule once * month •tree months, in ono of the public Gazettes of this St •. # »true copy from tho minutes, March 30th, 1832. SYLVAN US RIPLEY, Clerk. May 15—9—ni3ni. ii M ADISON Sheriff’s Sale.— On 'he first Tuesday in JULY next, will bo sold at tho Court House in tho tmvn of Dnniel.ville, Madison county, within tho usual hours of sale, tho following property, to wit: On** Tract of Land, containing 114 Acres, morn or loss, adjoining A. G. Bullock and others: le vied on as tho properly of Jnlm W. Gusset, to »atialy four fi. fas- issued from a Justices court in favor of Jehu Wilhito. vs. said Gosset. Property pointed out by the defendant. Levy made and returned to me by a colt- ® Ubl ®' JOHN BONE. D. Slt’K May 29. \LL Sheriff's Sale.—On the first Tues day in JULY next, will be boIj, at the < jourl Hou-t. in tlte town ofGaincaville, Hall cuunty, within tho usual hours of sale, the following properly, to wit : Ono Sorrell Horae, 4 or 5 Years old, Saddlp nnd blanket: levied on as the property of Aton B. Harden, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior court, in favor James . Jones, & Co. vs -aid Harden* One Lot of Land, No. 88. to the 12th Dis trict of Hall county, and 9U Acres more or less, being part of Lot, No 62, in lhel2<h .listnctof said cuunty : levied on as the property of Aron B. Harden, to satisfy Sundry fi. fas. issued frnm Hall Superior coutt, in favor of Oliver P. Shaw, and others, vs. s.«id Harden. Pro perty pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney One Hslf of Forty Acres of Land, adjoin ing tho Town of Gainesville, in I tall county- Icviedan as the property of Thomas Haines, in satisfy i fi. fa. issued from tVshon Superior Court, in favor of Joseph Dinks, sen. and others, vs. said I laities. One Negro Man named David, about 35 years old: Levied ou as the property of James C. Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Franklin Superior Court, in favor of Bouro k Baird, for tlto use of John Banks, vs, James Edtnundson and Janies C. Tate, One Lot of Land, containing 200 Acres, wore or less, being part of lot, No. 70 id the 10th dis trict ox'Hall: levied on as the property of Shadrack Dean, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Solomon Hunt- pltries, and the officers of Hall Superior court,vs. James Dein and Shadrack Dean, and other fi-las.against Shadrack Dean. All the Interest that George H. Owens has in a House tad Lot, near Gainesville, in Hall county: levied on as tha property of Georgs 11. Owens, to at- liafy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Stephen Reed, v*. said Owen*. Levr made and relumed to «.»e bv a ci nsta- tic. A. CHASTAIN, Sh’ff. May 29. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary Purposes, J\Iay Term, 1832. Present their Honors, James l*ng. James Anderson, Ao- ah IP. Pittman, John J1Itrony, and Robert Groves, Justices. RULE NISl’S. W HEREAS Henry llarufield, Guardian of the peraoii and Estate of Thomas House. * And Iteheccu York, Guardian of the person and Es- tare ot Lucy York, insane, have applied to the Court aioresaid, fur letters of dismission. Ordered, that after forty days publication of these Rules, in oac of the public Gazetts of this state, the said Guardians will bo dismissed, unless cause be shewn to tho contrary, of which all concerned is here* by notified. A true extract from the minutes of said court, this 8th day of May, 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o, May 15—9—40d. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. To the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes. I T appearing to said Court from the petition of An derson Watson, that John Black in his life time executed with one Thomas Turner, n bond to tho said Anderson Watson, for titles to Lot No. 238, in the 4th District of Muscogee county, now Marion, and it fur ther appearing, that the said Anderson 'utson has paid up for said land, and that the said John Gluck de parted this life without making titles to the same; It is ordered, that the administrators of said deceased, do execute titles to said land, unto the said Anderson Vatson, unless good cause he shewn to the contrary within the time prescribed by law, and that this rule be published accordingly. Given tinder my hand this third day of March, 1832. JOHN H. JONES,d. c. c. o. March 20.—12—m3m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. In the Superior Court, March Term, 1S32. James W. Jones, & C >. ) vs. J Dill for Discovery, Relief George W. Wacaser, > and and # Injunction. Aldridge Kean. ) I T appearing to tho Court, that the defendants re side without the County of Hall, so that service cannot bo perfected in the usual way: U is ordered by the Court, that the said George W. Wacaser, and Al dridge Kean plead answer or de our to taid bill on or before the first day of next Term, or the same will be taken pro confesso. A truo copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Clerk March 27—2—ro3m. in August next, before the court house door in the town of Watkinsville, oil the Real Estate (except the widow's dower) in suid county, belonging to tho Estate of Allen Bonner, late of said comity, deceased, then being between Eleven ami Twelve Hundred Acre.-, of Lund, in three several Tracis, though all joining, well improved, on tho waters of tho App&lacliee river und Barber's creek, joining Boling, Stewart, Greer, Arthur und others, which will be sold in parcels to suit pm cha sers, ami u credit of one ami two years. Sold fur the benefit of the heirs of suid deceased. Those wishing ii handsome situation in this county, will do well tocall and examine the premises previous to that day. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Attorney in fad for the Administrator. Mav 22 —II—ids. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. 4 GREEABLY to an order of tho Honorable the In- feriorcourt of Oglethorpe county, when sitting f>r »rdinary purposes, (nnd by the consent of the parties in interest) will be sold in Lexington, on I lie first Tuesday iu August next. Lot No. 186, in tha 21st district, origi nally Lee county, also. Lot No. 79, in the 12th uistrict originally Early county. Sold as the property of Jane Bradshaw, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs und creditors of the deceased. Terms made knoyvn on the day of sale. ' JOHN LANDRUM. Atlm’r. May 39—11—Ids. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, Sitting for Ordinary Purpo ses, May Term, 1832. Present their Honors, James Long, James Anderson, ,NWt IF. Pittman, John Meroney, and Ro bert Groves, Justices, RULE NISI. W HEREAS Henry Mansfield, administrator do bonis nun uf Brinkly House, deceased, have petitioned the court, for letters of dhinission. Where upon it is ordered,that a copy of this Rule be published once a month, for six months in one uf the public Gs- zetts of this State, that all parlios concerned may have due notice, and file their exceptions (if any they have) to tho issuing of said letters distnissory. A true extract Irom the minutea of said courl, this 8th day of May 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o, May 15—9—mCm. Oglethorpe Inferior Court, Feb. adjourned Term, 1832. I T appearing lo the Court upon the affidavit of Wil lis A. Jordan, that the following note is cither lost or mislaid, viz: One nole on Robert Maxwell, due January 1st,1831, for the sum of fourteen Dollars,with a credit on tho same, 2d January, 1831, tor one dollar tifiy-six and a quarter cents,and one other credit on the 6th May, 1831, lor 50 cents. Ordered, thnt all persons interested show cause on or before the first day of the next term of this Court, why a copy of said note should not be established in lieu of said original so lost ot mislaid, that said copy be filed with the Clerk, and this rule published monthly in one of the public Gazettes of this State. A truo extractfrom tho minutes 12th March, 1832. JOHN LANDRUM, Clk. March 20.—12.—m3m. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. Superior Court, April Term, 1832. Thompson Collins, l Elijah H. Reid, James P. Heath, Michael Brown. For Foreclosure. J RULE NISI. FBHIE petition of Thompson Collins sheweth, that l Elijah 11. Reid, James P. Heath, and Michael Brown, heretofore, to wit: on the 9th of February eigh teen hundred and thirty-one, made, executed, and de livered to your petitioner their entire deed of mortgage, conveying thereby to your petitioner, all those two tracts of land, situate, lying and being in the fourth Dialrict of asid county, and known andaistinguished in the plan of the aatne, aa Lots No, 27, and 28, in the fourth District, containing lour hundred, eighty-seven and one half Acres, more or less, which Lots of Land were mortgaged lo your petitioner for the better eecur- ing the payment of a certain promissory note, mode by the said Elijah H. Rted to your petitioner for the eum of two thousend dollars, payable on the first of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and dated the r , “‘ L of September, eighteen hundred and thirty, and GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. HKIL .AS William Knox, administrator ofSam- Y Y ui-l Y. Pulton, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said Estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the litno prescribed by law, to shew cuuse if uny they have, why suid letteis should not be granted. Given under my hand this 9tl> May, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, e.c. May 22 -10—inCni. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Thomas Moore anti James Hampton, Executors of William Malone, sen. deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration on said Estate: These are therefore tn cite and admonish all and sin' gular ilia kindred and creditors of said deceased, tube and appear at my office within the tinto prescribed by law to shew cause if any they have, whv Mid letters should not be granted. Given under my band this 21st May, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. May 22—10—tnGin. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W ’HERE AS Ethrhlri-il Sorrel, administrator on the estate nf Lewis Barnett, deceased, upplies to mo for letters nf dismission from the further admin- isttttion of said estate: These arc therefore to cite and admonish ail and sin gular the kindred and creditors of suid deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, lo shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. ' Given under my Hand this 21st .lay nf Jan. 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. < Jan. 24.—4—ni6m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTV. W HEREAS Charles Strong, senior, executor on the estate of William Strong, senior, late ol Clark county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dis mission front the further administration of said estate: These are therefore tn cite and admonish all nnd sin gular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my band this 5tli of March, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 13.—11—mBin. ninth now GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS William Knox, administrator de bonis mm nf William Patom, deceased, applies tome for letters of dismission frnmthe further administration on Mid eatate: These are therefore Incite and admonish, nil and sin gular the kindredand creditors of raid deceased, to bo and appear at my office, within the timo proscribed by law, tn shew es use, if any they have, why said Letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand this Slh day of March, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c.c.o. March 13.—11.—m6ni. EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on Saturday, the 30th June next, in the town of Athena, a part of the Personal property of George W. Lumpkin, d- ceased, consisting of Horaes, Cattle, Barouche, Ox cart, Ac. tee. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms—Credit until25tb December next. WM. LUMPKIN, F.x’r. May 15—9—Ids. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in July next, at tbe court house in tile town of Clay ton, Ult imo county, agreeable to an order of tiiu honorable the Inferior eouit of said county, when sitting for urdi. nary purposes, the following property, to wit. ennai*. ting of tinee parcels of Land, lying’ on the water* of Chattooga River; one piece or part of Lot, No. 11, in tbe 3d district Rabun cuunty, containing 5 1 ) Acres more or less; also Lot, No. 10, adjoining the same, containing Two Hundred und fifty Acres morn nr less: Lot No. 7, adjoining tho same, containing 50 Acres. On the same day, at the Court house in llcnnl county, will be offered lor sule, a Lot of Land, No. 212, in the 3d district, originally Coweta, now Heard county. Also, oil tlte same diyo at tile Coutt bouse in Marion county, will bo offered for sale one Lot of Land, No. 36, in the 1st district, originally Muscogee now Mori on county All sold as tlte Real Estate i.f James Strother, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased.— Terms made known on the dav of sale. JAMES I*.' HENSON, > . , . A. MILLER, J Admr 8 - May 15—9—Ids. F OUR*months after date iipplicntiun a ill b* t« od* to the Honorable the Interior court ot’ Madison county, when sitting for ordinary purposea, for le*vo to sell part of tho Real laslnte of Allen Daniel, lunatic ol *ai«J county, tn wit: ono Tract of I .nnd tn said court ly, cnnifiiuiu^ 1.59 Acres, more or It*-*, adjoining Kur- sel .1. Daniel, William Morton and others; one Tract ofLand No. 199, in tho 22d district of Muscogee, Lot No. 263, in 36th district formerly Lru, one Lot ofLand No. 114, in the 28fl» district Early. Also at tho saiiio time and pfnee, application will he made f«r leave to sell part nf the Slave* belonging to suid Allen Duiml, Lunutic a* a for* said, ••AMES DANIEL, Guardian. June 19—14—w4tn. I ^jVtUU month* alter date application will bo nmdo • to the hoiinrabh) the Inferior Court of Mafinuit county, when sit!ini’ for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Iteul Estate of Seaborn Smi: h, orphan of fetor Smith, late of said countv, deceased. JAMES U. BOND, Guardian. March 27—2—w4»n. NOTICE. qnilF. first number ..f the GEORGIA GAZETTE, ™ will be issued on Tuesday, the 3d nf July next.— And all persons who have in their possession subscrip tions to lb'll paper, n-c respectfully requested to Ihr- ward them lo the office of tho Gazette, in Athens, bv Ibo 25lh inst. ■C7 1 * Editors within the Slate arc requested to gtvo the abovenn insertion. June 5—12—31. SALEM ACADEMY. T HE semi-annual examination of the student* of this Academy, will commenco on Tuesday, the 5th inat. anil close on the evening of the Slh. Parents and Guardians are requested to attend The second session will cmnmem-o on Monday, the 25th of June; all persons wishing to enjoy the benefits of this instil lotion, aro requested to pay Ilia tuition fees and enter their children by the commencement of the session. A. II. SCO I T, Rector. Salem, Juno 5- 12—3t. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREEABI.Y to an order of the Honorable the In- ferior court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will ba sold un the first Tuesday in August next, at the court house in tho county of De- Kalb, Lot of Land, No. 50, in tha 17th district nf (for merly Henryjnow DeKalb county,containing Two Hun dred two ami a half acres, it being part of the Real Estate ot Joseph Harrison, deceased. Sold for the benefit uf the heirs of said deceased. Terms cash. TILMAN HARRISON, Executor. May 15—9—tds. F OUR months after datf application will be made to tho Honorable the Inlorior Court nf Jackson • minty, wuile sitting fir ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Patrick Cash, uf said county deceased. SAuUF.L BARNET, I.UDWELI. HORSHAM. Mminislralors with the will annexed Juno 19—14- w4m. €J.gI!RJ.IGD MAKING. 1 3IIE subscriber thankful for past favours, take* . this method In inform his cu.totmiis and (lie pub- lie in general, that he has enlarged Iris estabhshe ri,t, where ho intend, carrying on the above named him. ness on a more extensive scale than formerly; haring provided himself w ith pond materials and experieni i d Northern workmen, he flutters himself that ho will Ire able lo have made lo general saiirfiiction, all kinds r t' riding and pleasnro carriages, also jersey and detrbnn wagons ; repairing done at lire shortest notice, linr- iichh made anil repaired. Sign painting as usual. All orders from adtsiunce to with punctuality etui despatch. JOHN REYNOLDS. id*’Two or three apprentices betw een the ages of fourteen and sixteen, would he taken at the alro've c» tablisliinent. j. R. Athens, ,Vay 29—11—w3tn. dNOUIt months after date application will be made JC to the Honorable the Interior court nf Franklin county, w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leavo to sell all tlte Real Estate belonging to the Estate of John Clarkson, deceased. JAMES HARGROVE, Executor. June 5—12—tv4m. F OUR months after data application will be made to tlru Hnnorablo the Inferior court of Clark county, when silting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell a Tract of Land, lying in formetly Troup now Me riwether county, belonging io the Estate of Richard Meriwether, late of Dallas county, Alabama, decea sed. Sold for t he benefit of the creditors nf said dcoea- scd. JOSEPH LIUON, Adm'i ?"ay 22—10—w4m. F OUR months after date, application will be made to tlm Honorable the Inferior court of Madison county, when witting for ordinary purposes, for leave to seil a part of the Real Estate; also a part of the Slaves belonging to the Estate of Allen Daniel,Lunilic, I-ot of Land, No. 199, in the 22d district, formerly Muscogee; and Lot of Land, No. 203, in the 30th dis trict formerly Leo. JAMES DANIEL, Guard. May 15—9—w4m. I NCUR months after dato application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior court of Jackson county, for leave to sell a Tract of Land, No. 204 first diilrict of Coweta county, belonging to Robert Wil liam*, inline. ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, Guardian. April 24—6—w4m. NOTICE. F OUR month* after date application w ill Ire made to the honorable the Inferior Court ofOgletlmrpe countv, when sitting (or ordinary purposes, I r (rave tn sell the Negroes belonging lo tho estate of Cynthia Ann llagan, dcc’d. for the purpose of a division. ABRAHAft B. RAGAN, Adm'r. M«y 8‘—S—w4m. F OUR months after dste application will be marie to the honorable the Inferior court ofClark coun ty, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a Lot of Und. No. 54, in the 13th District ol Monroe county, containing Two Hundred two and. hslf acre*, belonging to the Orphans of Henry Durham, deceased, "old tor the benefit of said Orphan*. LINDSEY DURIIAN, Guardian. April 10—4—wlm. PROSPECTUS OP THE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES AND L1FF. IN NEW YORK. I N undertaking the pi.blicition of* paper, dovntrd, a* this isdetugned to bo, to the pit.‘•Mure*, tmut r. m«-Ml*, laRliionn and diverts < menta of life, theeubitu* b«.*r* have betm animated by the persuasive encourage irn'tils and gratuitous proiaiseacdsupporf, of many of the most influential, riili^htenctl and rrapcctublo men • burn of the New York community. It is to a certain extent, a field unoccupied by others, and one which m deemed iui|H>rtant to be filled. For while the politi cians, tho theologian! and the litcrutt nf out country have each their separate oraclr*, which (like that of Delplioe) proclaim aloud and defend their several opn.. ions and inter cats ; the couvo of fashion, pleasurable en- tcrtainmcniH, of tnste and recreation, tiud but few pull, lications of a periodical kind, appropriated solely to their encouragement and suppott. To paint " lile as it is,’’ without the artificial embellishments of romance; to speak or its propensities for enjoyment, ita tppetnu for pleasure ana indulgence, and its tendency to enter into occasional follies, is tn do what many must up. prove, and no one can condemn. For it it certainly no more improper lo racord the acre of nten than lo pri nt'.Igalc them orally to tho World. “ Pleasure," sa\a the noble Frenchman,"is tho chief business of lilt-',” and however seemingly incorrect tho maxim may bo in the estimation ol'sorne.yct it is literally true, lor lim durutee certainly takes pleasure in the cxerciao of hit religion, the men bunt and mechanic in their several branches of employment, anti the men of letlert in bis books; while the sporlsinin who ebaeos the hare, stiff attends the ring or tlto race, is only pursuing pleasures in congeniality with Ilia natural or cultivated taste. In presenting this new candidate for Favor and pa tronage to the public, it is tho intention of the publish ers to render it aa interesting ns possible, and to please all if they can, without wounding the feelings or dis turbing the prejudices ft ferry. Tire language will be always chaste, so that the most delicate may approve. The paper w ill treat of Fdihion, Taste end .Scenes of Real Life, gatIrcreri from the every day exhibitions of the world. Theatres, Museums, and other fashiona ble places of resort, will receive sppropristo notices, while the Sporlsofthe Turf tiro Ring, to* Pit, of Ibo Fisher and tiro Fowler, will engross no incnnaiderabla portion ..f attention. Tho proceeding* of the Counr, civil amt criminal, will*s far as possible be given,when matters ol internet occur, and more especially those nf the Police, where life in all ita forma and coloring i* so faithfully portrayed.—It is also the intention of Ihecdt- tors to devotes considerable portion of etch paper lo tbe compilation and dissemination of the news of tha ■lay, in m suminariel form, which will serve as a brief and faithful recortl of all important and ptuaingerents, condensing a largo nttsa into a comparatively tRialF'. compass. *• IVitb these intentions, fully and fairly proclaimed, and with the imisl perfect good feelings towards all mir co-laborer* in the same vocation, we present ourselves ■refine an enlighteii community, aa candidate* for their patronage and smiles. WM. T. PORTER. JAMES HOWE. iCT* Post-Maater*. and other Gentlemen who will act as Agents liar our paper, by giving us notice, can have forwardi.i to them subscription papers and ecus copie#.—April 1832.