Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, July 13, 1832, Image 4

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degradation stronger and mnro powerful; for Idonable to despots, of having dared to vindi- it was vet in the nam« of liberty the! ber bet- cate the right* of freemen. Ah gentlemen! talion* marched to the combat. A man ap.> when .feeble infants, trembling and timid fe. paared, who, emerging from the rank* of the republicans, bowed the boads of monarch* to the dust, and placed France at the head of Europe. Child of liberty, he stifled hi* mo- ther. Ob. Washington I why had be not thy matingt virtue, thine humble patriotism ? A empire brilliant with glory, ’(is true, came to the roaselBtion of unfortunato Franco; but chains covered with laurels, captivated a peo ple. whose virtues I am proud to say are grea- terihno their faults,—Do not suppose gentlo- rtten, that we weroall accomplices in his am bitious project*. No I there nre yet generous lienrtN ivhicli throb at the namn of liberty, whi'li sigh for the moment when tliov shall be able in enfranchise (heir country and disem barrass ber from the rust of lb» olden time. The mighty conqueror who had wearied and harrasied the goddesa of victory, fell from his glorious throne without sympathy. Dying France, whose bleeding wounds attested her bravery—saw—I will not say with joy, no •icn'lrmen, but with tlio feelings of the wen- tber-beaten sailor who doserios the port alter the tempest, the return of kings whose voices were raised to proclaim liberty. Strange nnnmuly I as if liberty could be born in a royal cradle- Hut these kings reigned, nnd shutting their cars to the voice of experience, man’s best counsellor, they enveloped Franco in one vast net of fanatiejam and hypocrisy. Violators of plighted faith, again they essayed to en chain a free nation, but the sun of July, that *nn which had shed his darzling lustro on your independence, rose brilliant and radiant on the immortal 11 threo days” as a visible sign of the union and sympathy between the two nations. A veteran of freedom, whoso blood had flowed on the hattle-fieldn of America, whose courage had shone in your ranks, the friend of Washington, the guest of America, the idol of France, Lafayette, dreamed in a moment of enthusiasm of a mnunreh’s throne surrounded by republican institutions. Through him we havo now a king who takes the title o| citi zen, ’tie true, but who since #**«**#«***, I atop here gentlemen, a sentiment of propriety forbids me to pursue this description. It only remains that I pay my vows to mv beloved country, to France, your faithful ally. Happy citizens of a country whore wise in- eiitntions have made you the equals of kings, where the poor man can, by the power of his vote, balance the efforts of intrigue and nullify the secret machinations of political chicanery, at tho same lime that he ran raise up or over throw, even his chief magistrate; live to in struct the people by your example, to prove that a nation can exist without a crown or a sceptre, and that Deity, in his paternal benifi- cenre has created oil men equal. Liberty, that mother of the human voce, whose nimosphnro elevates the soul and enlar ges the intellect, establishes betwixt us indis soluble bonds of sympathy and friendship, which time cannot break; and mnugre the idle deeliimations of the apostles of regal pre rogative, this moral elevation ia full of power nnd infliienre. Intolerance and superstition always guard against her light, and ignorance implacablo enemy of all she cannot compre bend, groans at the idea of freemen, whose constant aim ia to destroy her altars, by pro- pagnting principles sacred to reason and hu- manttv. Tea I we can now say with truth that the human intellect ha* made gigantic atride* towards its ultimate summit. The philosophy of the olden time, with its long term* and sophistical arguments, has given place to a scienro which secures to man the emancipation of mind, which teaches him to acknowledge none other than God, the immor tal dtapenaer of justice and mercy,a* the con troller of hi* thought* and actions. Liberty ha's now become the companion of rtinsr n; flow it i* that she place# men on the same le vel and CNinhliaheano difference hut that which merit uiul virtuo originate. I define liberty, gpiiiinnicu, to be an obedience to wise and wholesome laws, discussed without passion genius and patriotism to the cause of the com for I ho Common wants of the people. I do- mon weal; you should follow the example of fino liberty to be a tranquil controversy and a your predecessor* who hate honored this in- tessonnhlo criticism in regard to the nets of stitulion, in order that it tnuy herealW be said government. I give the name of liberty to of you with pfido nnd enthusiasm, “ he wu« of the University of Georgia.” You should stu that which give* office to merit, to indepen dence, to patriotism; and not to ignoranco, in trigue or favorite* of the powers that bo. Hut at an impartial stranger, permit me to say, that I cannot give the name of liberty to on tin- tqual partition of tarn and benefits, entirety in duprofHtrlion to want and locality. No! but liberty is the frank manifestation of those doc- Irinas so preservative of social order which are baaed on ibo love and reveren :o which overt good citizen owes to God, the sovereign Author of all thing* ; on that principle of fra ternal love which attaches ua to our fellow men ; and on ihat protection which is the right of the feeble and helpless, of whatsoever kind or character. May thosn distinctions, gsntlemen, which gre so often humiliating to religion and na tional character, be pul far from us hereafter; that, a tier* ver we shall find men boneal, vir tuous and free, they may become member* of the great human family.. The time has arri ved when the sovereign people will no longei famish their generous blood, in those san guinary feuds of despots, where the conqueror tails exhausted on the conquered. The time in fine, has arrived when man will no longer Submit to any other power that) that which is sanctioned by reason, wisdom, and justice. But turn your eyes towards the unhappy country where daapntiam, that m dent Poly- phamus, sits on a bloody throne, counting and re-counting those human flocks whose sub stance he devours. Torn your eyes towards undo, the brazen skies of Siberia, and into the bowels of the earth, that anticipated Pand£ momum of Dante; to expiate Urn crime, unpar- malee, old men bending under the weight of years, and patriots full of life and vigour, all oxpire under tho bayonets of royalty, let us drop the tear of sympathy for their misfortunes and pay a just tribute of admiration to their courage nnd pairiolism. From these icy and barbarous regions which make the soul recoil, tu n your eyes to the flowery banks of the Tagus, to the Innd of Fumnena nnd the Albuquerquot; there you will see o monster who repeats with impunity tho crimes of that Roman Emperor, whose name alone stains tyranny itself with a deeper, darker hue. You will shrink with horror from the spectacle of the innocent citiznn condemn ed to death, and of the child executed under the eye- of its parJfita ; while the monster, as though he wished to quench with human gore, the cruel thirst that devour* him, wades with stoic indifforence through a river of Portu guese blood. There all is despair, terror and fanaticism ; there every thing is a disgusting parody on ur sublime religion. It is thnro that the Priests—did I say the Priests ? No, gentlemen, tho assassins, clothed in the sa cred garb of Heaven, draw up the fatal death lists ; it ia there that fanaticism, Invested with triple power, and standing betwixt the throne and the altar, points with the finger to tho vic tims of the tyrant. Shall I fix your attention on the kingdom founded by Pelugus, which of old extended its conquests over both hemis pheres? Where the light of liberty once flashed for a moment, but where nil is now de generated into the darknoss and barbarism of the fifteenth century? It ie there likewise that fanaticism has redoubled her vigilant guards, it ia thcro that by a systom of mute espionage, a word, a look, a gesture, a thought, ia interpreted into treason ; sentence is passed and a judgement written in lood, in the name of that Saviour who was so prodigal of his own, for our salvation. Tell me gentlemen, in what stnte of pros perity or grandour do wo find those kingdoms ? VVliul progress in science, reason and philoso phy, hnvc that unhuppy people made, who bow to the sceptre of ignorance and supersti tion } where man, hat creation of Heaven, fallen from hia primitive elevation, obtuins on ly the sad privilege of perp turning a miserable, race, tin whose foreheads the seal of misfor tune has imprinted ill letters deep and bloody, these words, superstition, slavery degrada tion Ah, wo can truly say, that it is nly in a free stale with republican institutions, it is only whero equal order and liberty, those enemies of licence dwell, that knowledge can elevate the intellect, nssiinilutu man to his Creator, and inspire him with those religious principles, which, as a beacon light, warn him to avoid the quicksand* of lifo. It belongs to you, children of liberty, to propagate the work of reason. Yon will find the noblest sympathy in every part of this vast globe, and the unhappy foreigners to whom you grant your hospitality, will he indebted to you for that por ion of happiness which they enjoy on oarth. Yes, gontloinen, I dare to hopo tliut n commission confided to you hy that Being who sooms to regard your country with eyes of peculiar fnvnr, will occupy our thoughts as well in private as in publir life, in tho midst of pleasure, in the midst of toil Fostered by tho caro of your ancestors, the principles of right, of duty and of justice, will germinate amongst you, and you most devel- ope and propagate, in ordor to spread them every where. Animated hy a noble ardor to do good, you must put in opperation the pow ers of that energy which reason and virtue give, and united in a phalanx around the a*, cred altar whose firee are kindled by liberty you will burst the shackles of the human mind. This emancipation is reserved for the children of America HEXSSBLLiLlTT. Extracts from the Alhambra by Washington Irving. REVERIES ON THE SUMMIT OF THE TOWER OF COMARES. '* The airy palace with its tall white towers and long arcades, which breast yon mountain, among pompous grove* and hanging gardens, ia the Generaliffe, a summer palace of the Moorish Kings, to which they resorted during: the sultry months, to enjoy a still more breezy region than that of the Alhambra. The naked summit of the height above it, where you be hold some shapeless ruins, ia the Silla del Mn ro, or seat of the Moor ; so called from having been a retreat of the unfortunate Boabdil, du ring tho time of an insurrection, where he sea ted himself and looked down mournfully upon his rebellious city. “ A murmuring sound of w ater now and then rises from the valley. It is from the aqueduct of yon Moorish mill, nearly at the foot of the hill. Tho avenue of tree- beyond, is the Al- meda, along the bank of the Darro, a favorite resort in evenings, and a rendezvous of lovers in tho summer nights, when the guitar may be heard at a late bour from the benches along its walks. At present there me but a few loi- terring monks to be seen there, and a group of waier-carriers from the fountain of Avellauoa. You start! ’tis nothing but a hawk we have frightened from his nest. This old tower is a magical power, and, like the evening sun .learning on these mouldering towers, sends <, ick her retrospective rays to light up the glo ties of the past.” ' SUNRISE IN SPAIN. 11 Scarce had the gray dawn streaked the sky, and the earliest cock crowed from the •■ullages of the hill-side, when the suburbs gave sign of reviving animation ; for the fresh hours of dawning are precious in the summer season in a sultry climate. All are anxious to get the start of the sun in the business of the day. The muleteer drives forth his load ed train for I he journey; the traveler slings his carbine behind his saddle, and mounts his steed at the gates of the hotel. The brown peasant urges his loitering donkeys, laden with panniers of sunny fruit and fresh dewy vegeta bles ; for already the thrifty housewives are hastening to the market. “ The sun is up and sparkles along the val ley, lopping the transparent foliage of the groves. The matin bell resounds melodious ly through tho pure bright air, announcing the hour of devotion. The muleteer halts his burdened animals before the chapel,thrusts his staff through his bell behind, and enters with hat in hand, smoothing his coal black hair, to hear a mass and put up a prayer fora prosper ous wayfaring across the Sierra.” A New. England country paper tells the fol- eomXThZZ ,B, ! e,, 'r ,n ‘ 8 ° la,0 1 wc ) r,sa low,ag story of a travelling dandy, who ouar- WHKSrts? sss !riz - *• «•*» The swallow and martlet abound io every chink and cranny, and circle about it the whole day long ; while at night, when all other birds havo gone to rest, tho moping owl comos out of its lurking place, and utters its boding cry from the battlements. See how the hawk we have dislodged sweeps away below us, skim ming over the tops of the trees, and sailing up to ruins above the Generaliffe. Let us leave this side of the tower and turn our eyes to the west. Here you behold in the distance, a range of mountains bounding the Vega, the ancient barrier between Moslem Granada and the land of the Christians.— Among the heights yon may still discern war rior towns, whose gray walls and battlements seem of a piece with the rocks on which they are built; while horn and there is a solitary st ain v a or watch-tower, mounted on some lofty point, and looking down an if it wore ftnm the sky, into the valleys on on her side. It was down the defiles of these mountains, by the pass «I Lope, that tho Christian armies dneen ded into the Vega. It was round the bnse of yon gray and naked mountain, almost insulated from the rest, and stretching its bald rooky promontory into the bosom of the plain, that the invading squndronu would come bursting into view, with flaun'ing banners and the clan gor <>f drums and trumpets. How changod is the Beene I Instead of tho glittering line of mailed warriors, we behold the patient Irnm ol tho toilful muleteer, slowly moving along the skirts of the mountain. “ Behind that promontory is the eventful bridge ol Pinos, renowned for many a bloody airile between Moora and Christians ; but still more renowned as being the place where Co lumbus Was overtaken and called back by the messenger of queen Isabella, just as Ha was departing in despair to carry his project of dis covery to the court ol France. *' Behold another place famous in the histo ry of the discoverer; yon line of walls and lowers, j learning in the morning sun in the ver - . — bui siege pared fiimself to attend church, but not posses sing that very important chattel, 8 watch, and being particularly desirous to cut a dash, he applied to the landlord for the loan of one The landlord,possessing a very powerful alarm watch, readily complied with the request, but previously wound up the alarm, and set it at the hour which he supposed would be about the middle of the first prayer. The dandy re paired to church—he arose with all the grace of a finished exquisite at the commencement of the prayer, and stood playing very gracefully with the borrowed seals, when suddenly he jumped as if he had discovered a den of rattle snakes ; the whizzing of the alarm had com menced, the people started, the dandy made a furious grab at the offending watch with both hands outside of the pocket, and he attempted to squeeze it into silence, but all in vain; it kept its tir-r-r-r-r-r—and it seemed to him as if it would never cease. The sweat rolled oft* the poor fellow, he seized his hat, nnd, ma king one effort for the door, hurried off with his watch pocket in ono hand, and his hat in the other, amid the suppressed laughter of the whole congregation.” Early Rising—I hold to be one of the car dinal virtues. The mind and body are both invigorated by the morning air—aye, reader, the mind—your mind would be roused lo grea ter action, and put ibrlh increased energies by the healthful, inspiring exercise and scenes of the morning. The morning I why it is the birth of the day, when all nature is fresh and redolent of swentness and beauty. How de lightful to contemplate the sun mounting above Iho horizon and shedding its tinted beams aslant on tho hill and thu wood-tops—the wa ter and the land. How gracefully the mist of the night < urls awav in all manner of shapes and hues, growing fainter and fainter till it dis- solves in airy nothings .and blends itself wiih the clear blue sky. Arid (hen that sky, lit up PROPOSALS FOR TUG Southern Banner A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED iv * THE TOWN OF ATHEN8, GEORGIA. ALBON CHASE AND ALFRED M. NISBET EDITORS, ’ O N assuming the duties and responsibilities of n publication of the Southern Banner, the Edit, 1! feel themselves bound by every eense of duty hoih, the former patrons of tho A<i,enian. and tlioee friends whose tid they confidently anticipate- in . to retain tho one and merit the other*to iay before th. m s lair and candid, but soccinct exposition of . • ciples by which they are to be governed and dire,w in the prosecution oftheir arduous and respuneiM „ dertsking. They do not think it necessar* at >hi, ■IT day—a day which ie shedding its light an<f glory ' i,i such general and invigorating jiower over our whnl. body politic, to enter elaborately and minutely j„ to ' detail of their political views and opinions. Indeed m do so, would be virtually offering an insult to the iw aenee of the community. To profess the name of Z blessed founder of our holy religion, is in itself a tuffi cient guarantee of the principle, of the genuine chriT tun; so do they hold it only neceasary to own and pm. tees the nanus of the three great apostles of correct principles, in order to satisfy an enlightened ceim-m! nityoMhe nature of their politieal/drA, end I he inev>. table tendency of their future practice. The Southern Banner,then, will rest hereafter for eupport and petton age, on the broad, firm, and immutable rock licanism. All those pure and hallowed doctrines which onginally flashed upon the world from the pen of a Jeffertm— which have been cherished su handed down to ue by our venerated Crawford, an t I utesaed so in, flexibly, end so tnumphaiilly practised, in many res. poets, by our favorite Troup, will in it find a champion however humble, yet ofaiern aud uncompromising ip! XL. cause* will, they believe, tend to render the Banner hereafter, (and they tay it without intending the least reflection on the course pursued by their nor. thy predecessor, the late proprietor of the Athenian 1 or more general interest and of greater valoe lo the party, than it hi* been oflate, and none of which or. me to them, so well calculated to produce thia remit, ( g the opposition which will be shortly exerted, in ’this place, to their preia, and to ibeir principle*. Thi* idea they do not deprecate, but rather cherish, know ins that an honorable and liberal oppotilimMU tend to *iinf. ulate them to the performance of their duty, whilst they hope it will roily to their support, their friends, and the mends of the party, for whose interest and prosperity they are determined lo devote every honorable exertion. The editors ha7e engaged among the r corri rpon- dents, several gentlemen of established Literary end Political character, whoso cuMmumoationi will hereaf. ter serve to enrich and adorn the columns of ihc Southern Banner. And with regard to tho other dc- nrlinents of the paper, they can hot add, that their best exertions will be devoted to render them useful snd amusing to their patron* and read ere. Great promieos arc, however, at best, but cheap commodities, and ol course they reel themselves bound to say as little-, and promise a* charily as possible: but in launching forth their little barque upon ihc stormy waves of public opinion, they must trust slone to their skillful pilotage for meriting, and winning for it, mooring* eale and anug in the hearlsoftheir fellow- citizens. CONDITIONS. The Soutoebn Banner is publiahrd every Finlay morning, at Three Dollars per annum, payable in ad vance, or Four Dollars after the expiration of tne year Advertisements inserted on the usual torms. *** Lcttors on the business of the office, noil paid, addressed lo tho Editors, or to Albon Chase, Propri<> tor, will be promptly attended to. r, March 22,1832. uvrmo, j loumiiijt hi me morning suo in the at i * - , — u r e.ty centre of the Vega; the city of Santa Fe, i * h .* ho e ; J * ?f nt of . ! he , ,nor l mn £* how tuilt by the raiholi. sovereigns during lho d o«”"‘ oxli tu t, and enuoblo the thoughts in iego of Grnnudn,after » conflagration bed do- * contemplalioo-.o clear. so beautiful and To you,- gentlemen, towards whom your countrymen look, in the midst of your studies, wiih pride nnd with tne hopo that you will,' one day, lend the strength of your youthful talents, dy with a generous application, with a mind formed in the school of independence, with a spirit of order and perseverance, those princi ples of social good, without which all is cha os, and luextricable confusion. Lift up your eyes and your thoughts to God, the eternal, immutable principle of wisdom and goudneas. Ask religion for consolation in your troubles, strength in your toils, and that constancy ne cessary for your support m all. As a recompenue you will obtain the appro- baiion of your country, tho esteem of your fellow citizens and the affection of that love liest portion of our race, who in infancy lend u* their tutelary care, in our riper age become our tonder and faithful companion*, our devo ted friends, and even our good counsellors; and who in declining life, aid us with a trem bling hand in bearing up under the burden of infirmity. Finally, you will render a just tri bute of respect and gratitude to those honora- ble, learned, and distinguished men, who, charged with the duly of instructing your youth and inexperience, apply themselves at the same time to foster tbnse virtues which nature has implanted in your breasts, and which your own good dispositions and the ten der solicitude of yo r parents, have already developed. For myself, gentlemen, I shall obtain the object of my most ardent wishes, if you deign to grant me your indulgence, jn ur friendship, •od your approbation. I shall esteem my self happy, if you have heard with good will, the testimony of my respect for the anniversa ry we celebrate, and if you have already for gotten such of my thoughts and expressions •a have been defective. stroyed their camp. It wns to these walls Ihoi CulumbuN was called hack by the heroic queen, and wilhm them the treaty was conclu ded thot led to the discovery of the western world. THE SIERRA NEVADA “ Now raise your oyee to the snowy sum mil of yon pilo of mountains, shining tike a white summer cloud on the blue aky. It is the Sierra Nevada, the pride and delight of Grenada; the source of her cooling breezes and perpotual verdure, of her gushing fountains nnd perennial streams. It is ibis glorious pile of mountains that gives lo Granada that com bination of delights so rare in a southern city. The fresh vegiiation, and the temperate airs of a northern climate, with the vivifying ardor of a tropical sun, and the cloudless azure of a southern aky. It is Use aerial treasury of snow, which melting in proportion to the in- croaao of the summer heat, send down rivulets and streams through overy glen and gorge of tho Alpuxarres. diffusing emerald verdue and fertility throughout a chain of happy and so- questored valleys. “ These mountains may well ha called the glory of Granada. They dominate the whole extent ot Andalusia, and may be seen from its moat distant parts. The muleteer bails them as he view* their frosty peak* from the sultry level of the plain; and the Spanish mariner on tho deck of hia bark, far, far off, on the bosom of the blue Mediterranean, watches them with a pensive eye, thinks of delightftil Granada, aud chants in low voice some old romance about the Moora.” HALL OF AMBASSADORS. “ One of my favorite resorts is the balcony of the central window of the Hall of Ambassa dors, in the lofty tower of Comares. I have just been seated there, enjoying tho close of a long brilliant day. The sun, he sank be hind the purple mountains of Alhama, sant a stream of effulgence up the valley of the Dar ro, that spread a melancholy pomp over the ruddy towers of tho Alhambra, while the Ve ga, covered- with a alight aultry vapor that caught the setting ray, seemed spread out in the distance like a golden sea. Not a breath of air disturbed tho atillnesa of the hour, and though the faint eound of music and merriment now and then -arose from the gardens of the Darro, it but rendered more impressive the monumental silence of the pile which over shadowed me. It was one of those hours and scenes in which memory assert* an almost serene, well may it seom the abode of our heavenly bonefactor and of the spirits of tho biased. And how delicious is the atmos- phero I Oh come, let us inhale it, let us no more slumber away the mornings and loose the richest hours of the day.—Consultation. informed me that a friend of his, an officer .. thb forty-fourth regiment, who had occasion, when in Paris, to pass one of the bridgesacross the Seine, had hi* boots, which had been pre viously well polished, d.rlied by a poodle-dog rubbing against them. He in consequence went to a man who was stationed on the bridge, and had them cleaned. The same circum- d stance having occurred more than once, his curiosity waa excited, and he watched the dog. Ho saw him roll himself in the mud of artifice s and, after a little hesitation, be con leased that be had taught the dog the trick, it order to procure customers for himself. The officer* being much struck with the dog’s uga. city, purehaaedhimat a high price, and brought him to England. He kept him tied up "in London some time, and then released him The dog remained with him a day or two, and then made hia escape. A fortnight after- wards, he was found with his former master pursuing bis old trade on the bridge.—Jesse’s (jilcQttVlgis PROSPECTUS OE THE GEORGIA GAZETTE, A PAPER TO BE PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT ATHENS, 0*. I N issuing propjisals lor publishing a new pspe, i n Inis section of the country, reason and duly wmiid seem to combine, to invite from ua some oxno-iir . „f Ilia oiranmDlfln»Aa omLw.I. L. i .* ' he r *P' dl > '"creasing; her system of Imornnl Improvi incut at its nascent period of existence; her jurisdictional limits actually an.i pros- pecllvety extending; her chartered rights and Indian relationship* assuming new and deeply interesting a*- peels; and her financial resources presenting to her r",V t ^r, n . m8 ofo rP' e *»ion in future*by if*’ or b *" kru P tc y withont tome »*lu. lory change io her representative apportionment; oil combine to rondei an additional ileralu of intelligence *° dje present number altogether proper. * . But d*?** b y no ”•»"> constitute thi whole hats- aBsa. Uonal flank; a system* Internal, Improvement by Congress; »h» power to tax foreign, import* Inr thi Curious Anecdote ol a Dog Tho captain of a trading vessel, resides at Brigh ton picked Up lately a dog at sea, more than twenty mtlea from land. Thia ciMum«tanco may throw some light on the fact of dogs, which have been sent lo France or Itelahd from England, finding (heir way bank. The present earl of. L——sen/soma drafted fie ts3£±^^siasasSsa land, where they were safely received, and a and that deeply,every patriotic bosom in tho deiv. 1-ooflbo.o hoimd. crude 'hoi, appear.nco ,l .11 J-he Lord L. m kennel, though in a verv exhausted . ,on discussion or rational compro. •late. A gentleman also informed me, that a S'iX'Zw°« J|8fl ‘ er *? D • nd ■'•<*son, point* dog, wlucb had been left a, Calaia, made its way over to England. The moat licence in the department* of morals, literature!^ end amusing fact of this kind that I know of, is one ,cl ? ,,ce, *" our Stale politic* it would be impossible IW iCSZtf think it too entertaining to withhold it. He enUrt 'J and wo hope splendid, at ,3 00 per *n- * ——7. ; . r w as 90 uv per an* nutn. payable within aix months after the receipt of Ihe hret number, or $4 00 if not paid within the year. Advertisement* will bs insetted at lbs usual rate*. Athens, March 30.—13— *b£ra® rQe0r * i * P * Pe ” * illb ® P lca * edt0 insert the Weekly Georgia* Courier. T5. e *?^ 0U » r T■ me J n, • wh i*b the Courier has rereiv- 1 “r. 1 "’demand* from us an effort to in- crease it* usefulness and adaptation lo the wants of its fy??';.. wa are now publishing it Thrice a week, the additional coat at our own expenve; but there arc the river, and then watch for n person with fu“ n ?* n -7 of JJ i Wends boily «ira*'teJin ieiiiftTn"^ cd to rub himself. Finding that the shoeblack «*nnol, from the cause nwutioMd; receive it but’ oaaa taxed him with lAe . Tl, “ will be issued at a period in tha week. best suited to the np<oootry mail*, and most favor? Ms for Ihe transmission oftho earliest intelligence to its country readers. IVe at present drink of Saturday morning, so as to embrace the transactions of the whole week, with til th* new Advertisements. Its contents will b* made up Bom the TrUoceldy paper, and from tho DaUo after October next. It wHIthas contain more intelligencsof every kind, than ony other we *k | J,psp«» in tbs State. In addition to the above, wa bold ourselves bound to transmit, to ft* Fktreo* SHpe containing *11 tbe important intelligence during th* weak, by the mads first succeeding Ms reception.