Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, July 20, 1832, Image 1

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    Southern Banner.
No. 18.
By Albon Chase.
Tkrms.—Three dollar, per year, payable in advance,
or Four dollars if delayed to the end ofthe year. The
!«tier amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to
meet their payments in advance.
No subscription received for less than one year, un
less the money is paid in advance; and no paper will
bd discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at
the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of
?ubscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish-,
■nent, accompanied with the amount due, will be con'
sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa.
tiers sent accordingly.
Advertisemrits will be inserted at the usual rates.
iCP’AII Letters to the Editor on matters connected
with the establishment, must be post paid in order to
secure attention.
Notice ofthe sale of Land and Negroes by Ad
ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish
ed sixty days previous to the day of sale.
The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must
be published forty days previous to the day of sale.
Notice to debtors ana creditors of an estate must be
published forty days.
Notice that Application will be made to the Court of
Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be
publishcd/our months.
Notice that Application will be made for Letters of
Administration, must bn published thirly days, and fur
Letters of Dismission, six months.
first Tuesday in AUGUST next, will be sold,
at the Court-house in the town of VVatkinsville Clark
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following pro
perty, to wit:
Two hundred and forty Acres of Land more
or less on the waters of the Appalachee River adjoining
Treadwell Boling and others. Levied on as the proper-
ty of John Hunt, to satisfv three fi. fas. issued from a
magistrates Court in favour of Bryant Parker vs. John
Hunt. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Two Negroes viz. Miars n boy about seven,
teen years of age, and Herod a buy about eleven years
old: levied on as the property of John D. Overstreet
to ealisfy a fi. fa. iu favor of Albert Scars vs. Jno D.
Overstreet and tVm. Moore.
One Rond Wagon and four pair of harness,
two bay horses one snrrcll horse and one sorrel roane
horse: levied on ns the property of Henry Glnsson to
satisfy twofi. fas. me in favor of John Nishol nnd the
other in favor of George Dent vs. Henry Glusson and
Johnolban Lea, and Marcus A- Scsrs security on the
Seventy Acres of Land more or leas, adjoin
ing Ward and Morton, one mare Mule, one bay horse
,8or 9 years old, one sorrel mare about 10 years old
ami ono yoke of Oxen: levied on as tho property of
Robert Love to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John Mor
ton adinr. of Meriwether Hurt Deceased vs. Hubert
Love and David fl. Love security on appeal.
.lone 26. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sli’ff.
C 'lLARK Postponed Sheriff’s Snle.—On
■ ^tlie first Tuesday in AUGUST next, will bo sold
at the Court house in ■ • atkinsville, Clark county,
within the usual hours ofsale, the following properly to
On« House and Lot in the Town of Athena,
well improved, occupied at present by tho defendant as
n public Tavern ; one Negro boy by the name of Shep
herd. ubout 88 years of ago; also, Ellis a man, 35 or
forty veara of age; one four horse Stage and harneas,
one four wheel Carriage and harness, ono two horse
wagon, iwubay horses, 10 or 12 years old, seven fee-
llie’r beds, bead.teds and furniture, five mattresses,
one doz. Windsor chairs, half doz. split bottom chairs,
12 pine tables, two f riding tables, (of cncrry,) a walnut
cideboard, one duz knives nnd forks, one doz. and a
half earthen plates, one doz. cups and saucers,-sia dish
es, 5 pitchers, 2 decanters, 4 bowls, two jugs, and one
jar: levied on at the property of John A. Byrd, to sa
tisfy fi. fas. in favor of John Martin and others, vs said
Six Negroes, to wit: Amy n woman about
twenty-five years of age; Lizy a girl, about four years
old ; George a boy, about two years old, Joe a boy,
about six years old; I.indy agirl, about four year* old;
and Nelson a boy, about five years old: levied on as
the property of Gabriel A* Moffett, to satisfy a fi. fa is
sued on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Ste
vens Thomas and others, vs. said Moffett.
One Negro Girl by Ihe name of Terry, fif
teen or sixteen years of age. levied on as the property
o! John F. Barnett, to satisfy a fi. fit. in favor nfGeorge
Dent, vs. John F. Barnett, and William Davis security.
J, ~
IT ALL Sheriffs Sale.—On Ihe first Tues-
day in AUGUST next, will be sold, at the
Court House in the Town of Gainesville,Halt coun
ty, within the usual hours of sale, Ihe following pro
perty, to wit:
One Lot of Land, No. 38, in the 8th Dis
trict of Hall county, whereon Hector McCnmtc now
lives: levied on as his property, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from Hall Superior court, in favor of James Stine-
cypher, vs. said McComlc.
One Fifth Part of Lot No. 162, in Ihe 0th
District of Hall county s levied on as the property of
Lewis Smith, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Lawhorn
and Venable, vs. said Smith.
One Negro man by Ihe natno of David
about 35 years old: levied on as the property of James
C. Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Franklin Supe
rior Court, in favor of George Lott, for the use of John
Lott, vs. Edmonson and Tate
One Negro Man by the namo of Tom, about
25 years old: levied on as the property of Mary D.
Woodson, to satiafy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior
Court, in favor of Milton H. Gathrite, vs. Henry Homes
and Mary D. Woodson.
Six Sacks of Salt, and one Sorrel Marc,
six nr seven years old: levied on the property of John
Stinson, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior
Court in favor of Alexander Rutlerree, fur the use of
William Grady, vs. John Stinson; Joseph Fergason
and James A. Johnson, securities on stay of execution.
Four Hundred Acres of Land more or less,
_oining Merrstl and others: levied on as the proper
ty of William Pope, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Jus
tices court in favor of Amos Dowery, vs. said Pope.—
Levy made and returned to ino by a Baliff.
One Lot of LaDd, No. 37, in the 12th Dis
trict of Hall county: levied on as the property of E. J.
Jackson, to satisfy three fi.fis. issued from a Justices
court, in favor of Reuben Hicks, vs. said Jackson and
F. Carter. Levy made and returned to mo by a Ba
All of Robert Hamilton’s interest in Lot
No.94, in the 12lh District of Hall county: levied on
as the property of Robert Hamilton, to satiafy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court in favor of W. N. Bishop,
vs. said Hamilton. Levy made and returned to me by
June 2fi A. CHASTAIN. Sli’ff
In the Superior Court, Fob. Term, 1832.
Jeremiah Spice,
Rachu! Wallace,
William Wallace
Nicholas Wallace
Bill for Discovery,
Distribution of Estate.
Me .• 29.
J ACKSON Sheriffs Salo.—On tho first
Tuesday in AUGUST next, will be sold at the
Court-house in the town ol Jefferson, Jackson county,
within tho usual hours of Bale, the following property,
to wit i
One Black Mare: levied on as the property
ol James B. Lord, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of
liezckiah W. Scovcll, the other in favor of James Lig-
on. vs. James Lord and Simeon Lord.
J ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first
Tuesday in AUGUS T next, will be sold at the
Court-house in the town of lefferson, Jackson county,
within ihe usual hours of icle, the following property,
to wit t
One Tract of Land, containing 170 Acres,
more or leu, granted to Gibbins, on the waters of
Currys Creak: levied on as the property uf Middleton
Cowan and Achabod Brown, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from Jackson Superior Court, in favor of > • ebster Par-
malee, & Co. va. Middleton Cowan, Achabod Brown,
and David L Knox.
June26. ». T. ADAMS, D. Sh’ff
Tuesday in AUGUST next, will be sold at the
Court-house in the town of Cleyton, Rabun county,
within the usual hours of sale, the following property*
to wit :
One Lot of Land, No. 60. in the 1st Dis
trict of Rabun county, containing 490 Acres, more or
less: levied on as the property of Thomas Woods, to
satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Rabun Superior Court,
tor cost and charges in favour of George Blair. Propcr-
ty pointed nut by Ihe defendant.
All Clio Right and Interest flint Stephen
Heynee lias or bolds in Lot, No. 102, in the 13tli dis
trict of originelly Habersham, now Rabun county: le
vied on as ilie property of Stephen Haynee, to satiafy
a li. la. issued from a Jucticos Court in favour of James
Crow, vs. said Haynee. Properly pointed out by the
Plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by e con
stable. T. M. HENSON, D. Sli’ff
June 26.
I T appearing to the court Iroin the return of the
Sheriff, in the above case, that two of the defen
dants, William Wallace and Nicholas Wallace, reside
out of the county; it is therefore ordered, that service
of said bill, lie perfected on the said William and Nich
olas Wallace, liy publishing this Rule once a month
for three months, in one ofthe public Gazettes of this
A true copy Iroin the minutes, March 36th, 1832.
May J5—9—m3m.
To ll'tlliam Gilbert and Mitchell Pool.
T AKE notice that I shill apply to the Superior
Court, In be held in and fur said county, on the
second Monday in September nezt. to appoint fit and
proper persons, in conformity to tho statute in such
cases made and provided, to lay oil and assign to me,
my dower in the Real Estate of William Gilbert, late of
said county, deceased.
June 12—13—ni3tn.
W IIERKAS William Knoz, administrator of Sam
uel Y. Patton, deceased, applies to me fin
letters of Dismission from the further administration uf
said Estate:
* These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors uf said deceased, to be
and appear at my office within the time prescribed by
law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters
should not begranted.
Given under my hind this 9th May; 1862.
May 22- 10—m6m.
WSTHEREAS Thomas Moore and James Hampton,
fv Executors of William Malone, sen. deceased,
applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further
administration on said Estate:
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie
and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by
law to show cause if any they have, whv said letters
should not be granted. Given under my (rand this 21st
May, 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
May 22—10—m6in.
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August, it
the Court house in Jefferson, Jackson county,
by order of the Honorable the Inferior court of said
county, when silting for ordinary purposes, two Negro
boys, by the name of Wiley anil Torn, belonging to the
Estate of Obadiah Watson, deceased. Sold fiir die
benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms cash,
May 29—11—Ids.
F OUR months after date application will be made
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson
county, wnilo silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
•ell all ’.he Real Estate of Patrick Cash, of said county
deceased. ' SAMUEL BARNET,
Administrators with the will annexed.
June 19—14—w4m.
I 740UU months after date application will he made
. to the Honorable !h« Interior court of Franklin
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell all the Real Estate belonging to the Estate of John
Clarkson, deceased.
June 5—12—w4m.
F OUR months after date application will be made
to the Honorable the Inferior court of Clark
county, when sitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell a Tract of I.anil, lying in formerly Troup now Me
riwether county, belonging io the Estate of Richard
Meriwether, late of Dallas county, Alabama, decea
sed. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said decea
sed. JOSEPH LIGON, Adm’r.
May 22—10—w4m.
Superior Court, April Term, 1832.
Thompson Colling, 1
Elijah H. Reid,
James P. Heath,
Michael Brown. J
For Foreclosure.
T HE petition of Thompson Collins shewoth, that
Elijah H. Reid, James P. Heath, and Michael
Brown, heretofore, to wit: on the 9th of February eigh
teen hundred and thirty-one, made, executed, enddc-
livered to your petitioner their entiredeed of mortgage,
conveying thereby to your petitioner, all thoae two
tracts of land, aituale, lying and being in the fourth
Diatrict ofsaid county, and known and distinguished in
the plan of the same, as Lota No, 27, and 23, in the
fourth District, containing lour hundred, eighty-asven
and ono half Acres, more or less, which Lola of Land
were mortgaged to your petitioner for Ihe better eecur-
ing the payment of e certain promiiaory note, made by
Ihe eeid Elijah H. Ried to your petitioner for the sum
of two thousand dollars, payable on tho firet of July,
eighteen hundred end thirty-one, end deled the ninth
of September, eighteen hundred and thirty, and now
here shewn to the Court; end your petitioner further
shewelli, that there is now due on said note, the whole
of the principal and interest, and therefore prays that
unless the said Elijah II. Ried, James P. Heath and
Michael Brown, do pay into the Clerks Office of this
Court, the amount of the principal and interest now
due, or which may become due on said note and mort
gage, together with all cost which hath or may accrue
herein, within six months from the date hereof, that the
equity of redemption in audio the said mortgaged pre-
misea be henceforth and forever barred end foreclosed.
Whereupon, on motion of Samuel A. Woles, attorney
lor petitioners, it is ordered by the Court, that unless
the amount of principal, interest and cost, now due or
to become duo on said note and mortgage, be paid into
the Clerk* Office of this Court within the time "afore,
said, that the equity of redemption in, and to said
mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever bar
red ana foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that a
copy of this rule be published once a month for six
moi. hs in some one ofthe public Gazettes of this Stale,
or be perionally served on the said Elijah H. Itied,
James P. Heath, and Michael Brown, three months be-
fore the expiration of this rule.
A true extract from theminu’.cathia 18th April,1832.
J. T. CARTER, Clk.
April 24.-6—m6m.
W HEREAS Elheldred Sorrel, administrator mi
the estate of Lewis Barnett, decnasud, applies
to mo for letters of dismission from the further admin
istration of said estate; ,
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to he
anil appear at my offico within the timo prescribed by
law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters
should not be granted.
Uiven under my hand this 21st day of Jan. 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
Ian. 24.—4—mCm.
W HEREAS Charles Strong, senior, executor on
the estato of William Strong, eeniur, late ol
Clark county, deceased, applies to inefur letters ofdie-
mission from the further administration of said estate:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo
and appear at my olfico within the time prescribed by
law, to shew cauae, if any they have, why aaid let
tera ahould not be granted.
Given under my hand this 5th of March, 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
March 13.—11—mCm.
F OUR months after date, application will he made
to the Honorable the Inferior court of Madiaon
comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell a part of the Real Estato; also a port of the
Slaves belonging to the Estate of Allen Daniel,Lunitic,
Lot of Land, No. 199, in the 22d diatrict, formerly
Muscogee; and l.ot of Land, No. 203, in the 30th die- JAMES DANIEL, Guard.
May 15—9—w4in.
T IIE subscriber thankful for past favours, ttkea
this method to inform his customers and the pub
lic in general, that lie haa enlarged his establishment,
where lie intends carrying on thenbove named busi
ness on a more extensive seals than funnerty; having
provided himself with good materials and experienced
NpT.hern workmen, he flatters himself that ho will be
able to have made to general aatiifiietion, all kinds of
riding and pleaaure carriage*, also jersey and dcarbon
wagons; repairing done at the shortest notice. Har
ness made and repaired. Sign painting as usual. All
orders from a distance nttonded to with punctuality and
despatch. JOHN REYNOLDS.
IH3" Two or three apprentices between the ages of
fourteen and sixteen, would be taken it the above es
tablishment. j. j[.
Athens, May29— It— wSm.
F OUR months after date application will be made
to the Honorable Ilia Inferior court of Joekson
county, for leave to sell a Tract of Land, No. 294 lira!
district of Coweta county, belonging to Robert WiL
iiama, insane.
April 24—6—w4in.
F OUR months after dsto application will be made
to the honorable Ihe Inferior Court of Oglethorpe
cnnnti, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell the Negro. • belonging to the estate of Cynthia
Ann Itagau, dcc’d. for thepiirpiae of a division.
May8 - —8— w4m.
W HEREAS William Knox, administrator debonis
nonnl William Patton, deceased, applies to mo
for letters of dismission fromtho further administration
an said estate :
Theseare therefore to cite and admonishpill and sin
gular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by
law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand thi* 5th day of March, 1832.
March 13.—>11.—mGin.
M ADISON Sheriff# Sale—On ihe first
Tuesday in AUGUST next, will be sold at
the Court-House in the town of Danielsville,' Madiaon
county, within the uauat houra of sale, the following
propeity, to wit:
Eighty-two Acres of I.nnd, more or less,
adjoining McCrca and Strickland whereon Alexander
Corruth now lives: levied on as the property of Wm.
Baxter, to satiafy S fi. la. issued from a Justices Court,
in favour of A. Crawford &Co. va Wm. Baxter. Levy
made and returned to tne by a Constable.
One Tract of Land containing 100 Acres
more or lass, adjoining Caldwell and others :. Levied
on as the property of Drury W. Bo win, to satisfy three
fi. fas. issued from a lussicos Court iu favour of A.
Crawlord &Co. va. said Bowin. Land pointed out by
tho Ininliff Levy made and lelumcd to me by a
Const able,
Inferior Court, Sitting for Ordinary Purpo-
set, May Term. 1832.
Present their Honors, James Long, James Anderson,
Noah W. PUtman. John Mtroney, and Ro
bert Groves, Justices.
W HEREAS Henry Hartsfield, administrator de
bonis non of Brinkly House, deceased, have
petitioned the court, for Ictlere of dismieaion. Where
upon it is ordered,that a copy of this Rule be puMiahed
once s month, for six months in one of the public Ga-
xetta of this State, that all parties concerned may have
due notice, and file their exceptions (if any they have)
to the issuing of said letters dismiseory.
A true extract from the minutes of aaid court, this
8th day of May 1832.
May 15- 9—m6m.
A GREEABLY to an nrdcr ofthe Honorable the In
ferior court of Oglethorpe county, when lilting for
ordinary purposes, (and by the consent ofthe parlies in
interest) will be sold in Lexington, on the first Tuesday
in August next, Lot No. 186, in lha Slut district, origi
nally Lee county,also, l.ot No. 79,in the 12>h district
originally Early’county. Sold as the property of Jane
Bradshaw, deceased, tor tho benefit of the heirs and
creditors of the deceased. Terms made known on the
day of sale.
Mav89— II— Ids.
A GRF.E A* I.Y to an order of the Honorable the In
ferior court of the county of Clark, when sitting
for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday
in August next, before tho court house door in the
town of Watkinsville, all the Real Estate (except ihe
widow's dower) in said county, belonging to tho Estate
nf Allen Bonner, late of amid county, deceased, there
being between Eleven and Twelve Hundred Acres of
Land, in three several Tracts, though all joining, well
improved, on the waters of the Appalacnce river and
Barber's creek, joining Boling, Stewart, Greer, Atlhur
and others,which wilt De told in parcels to suit purcha
sers, and a credit of one and two years. Sold for the
benefit of the heirs of aaid deceased. Those wishing
a handsome situation in this county, will do well to call
and examine the premises previous to that day.
Attorney in foci for the Administrator.
May 29—11—Ida.
4 GREF. ABLY to an order of the Honorable the In
ferior court of Jackson county, when sitting for
ordinary purposes, will be told on the first Tuesday in
Auguat next, at the court house in Ihe county of De-
Kalb, Lot of Land, No. 50, in Ihe 17th district of (for
merly Henry) now DeKalbeounty,containing Two Hun
dred two end a half acres, it being part of the Real
Estate of Joseph Harrison, deceased. Sold for the
benefit ofthe heirs of said deceased. Terms cosh.
May 15—9—tds.
njlOUR months after datn application will ho made
■J tuthc honorable the Inferior court ofClark coun
ty, when silting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
a Lot of Land. No. 51, in tho I3lh District of Monrm-
counly, containing Two Hundred two and a half acres
belonging to the Orphans of Henry Durham, deceased
Sold for the benefit of slid Orphans.
April 10—4—w4m.
liaw Notice.
T HE Subscribers respectfully tender their services,
to their friends and Ihe public in tho lineoftheir
Profession; Persons in Augusta, holding claims against
individuals in the Counties of Clark, Walton, Jackson,
Gwinnett, Hall, Oglethorpe, Morgan, Habersham and
Franklin, which they detiro to Imvs collected, will en
sure every attention to them, by placing them in the
hands of Andrew J. Miller.
of Athens.
of Augusta.
June 26—15—tf.
W ANTED immediately a good Currier. Con
stant employment and liberal wages will be
ci vno t-i a ina.-i i f steady habile and good monl charac
ter. This Village is not excelled iiy any in the stain in
point of health. JAMES O. ANDERSON.
20 s The Editor! ofthe Recorder will please give the
above four insertions, and forward the accoun’ to me
for pay ment. J, C. A.
Salem, July 6— 16 —4t.
F OUR months after date application will bn made
to the Honorable tho Inferior court of Madison
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell part of Ihe Real Estate of Allen Daniel, lunatic
ol said county, to wit: one Tract of l.and in said coun
ty, containing 150 Acres, more or lees, adjoining Rus
sel J. Daniel, William Morton and others; one Tract
of Land No. 199, in the 22d district of Muscogee, tail
No. 203, io 30lh diatrict formerly Lee, one Lot of Land
No. 114, iu tho 28th diatrict Earty.
Also at the same limn and place, application will bi
mado for leave to eell part of the Slaves belonging to
said Allen Daniel, Lunatic as afon said.
Juno 19—14—w4m.
F ttUll months after dato application will be made
to the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison
county, when sitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell the Real Estate of Seaborn Smith, orphan uf Peter
Smith, late uf said county, deceased.
JAMES B. BOND, Guardian.
March 27—2—w4in.
W HEREAS Mary tV. Cheatham and George M.
Archer, applies to me for Letters of Adiniois-
Iratiqn on the Estate of Anthony R. Cheatham, lain of
said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular, the kindred and creditors of ssid deceased, t»
be and appear at my office within the time prescribed
by law, to show caiise, if any they have, why laid let
ters should not begranted.
Given under my band this 7th Juyl, 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
July 13—17—30d.
Planters’ Hotel,
T HE PLANTERS’ HOTEL in this place, is yet
kept by the subscriber. Promises and pled
ge* are the common order o( the day in sneb esses, but
as heretofore he refrains from either; yet he hopes to
be able to give as general nalisfiiclinn as any other
man so high up the country. Gainesville is t pleaiont
Village, and ta perhaps one of the healthiest place* tn
the Slate—in Ihe immediate vicinity of the Gold Re
gion, with t«o lime-stone spring* near it, ono is IJ,
and the other 3 miles distant, with a good road to eoch.
A Stage ha* commenced running from Augusta to this
place twice a week. J„ CLEVELAND.
HTP The Editors uf the Georgia Journal. August*
Constitnttunslirt, Alil>*ri!lc v Vhi* t will tfive the above
three insertions, mi l forward their accounts to the nib*
•rrihrr for |»nymcnt.
Gainesville, June 19—14—*t£
R EMAINING In the Post Office at Gainesville,
Hall county, Georgia, on tha 1st day of July,
1832 :
William Lyle,
Thomas London.
M. „
John Monrer,
Duncan McDufiee,
John Mason,
Tliadenua II. McClesVty,
John McBryde,
Wm. MeDnniel,
I’restebey Miller,
Gilbret Mooney,
Murdock Maiten,
Benj, Mote,
John Mullens,
Miss Eliza McKinxey,
Mrs. Nsnlscy McCollum,
John MoDaw,
Alexander MoDuffeo,
Fame* McDanield,
Joseph McMeen.
Samuel Nuehots,
Walter Nupoley,
Samuiel K. Olover,
Joseph Atkins,
William Aarmnre,
Robert Asrmor,
William Adams,
William Alexander.
Mr. Bradfield, C. Brantley, 2.
.b illies Bates, jr.
John A. Bates,
Thomas Bringlo,
Anxlcad B. Baggett,
Mr. Bird, Esq.
Calvin Barnet,
Brintley Bnman,
Ill-miry Bskur,
Ui-orgn Barnwell,
John Bates,
Peter Chaney or
Lowis Barton,
John Beard, 3.
Nathaniel Cox,
II. Crolford,
Shoal Creek Bap. Church, Wm.Ownlcy
William Cockciain,
Ransom Cohb,
A. Carvin, 2.
Thomas Culwett,
John Chambers,
Mnrdeeoe Cumpbele,
Arthcr Crofford.
Saray nr F.. Dannie),
Hubert Dawdy, sen.
lilijsh Davis,
Thomas Dalramptc,
John Davis,
William E. Davis,
Joete Dobbs.
Joseph Ellington.
Paul Furr or
I. Lawhorn,
A. K. Foster,
llauce Fuller.
O. ,
Benj.L. Goodman,
Milton II. Gathright,
Richard Gossett,
Wiley J. Gtrrod.
Jaine Harris,
William Hoaood, 2.
Joseph W. Ilarijson,
Samuiel Hiltbous,
John Holt,
James Q. Hemliill,
Turner it E. Herron,
Sherred Hatley, 2.
John H. Hanson,
loel Herron,
Robert Hamilton.
Tamest Juzer,
Corny W. Jackson,
Mrs. Mary Jones,
Vincent Johnston,
David James,
Joseph James,
John Jley.
George W. Keclsugh,
Green King,
Phillip Killer,
Anna Kitsugh,
John Keenum, 2.
Alexander Keenum,
Altai Kindtick,
Robert Kelton.
• U
John I.eadbetler,
Thomas Lyon,
Charles Liiscts,
July 6-16—3t.
P. ’
Silas Patmore,
John II. Pryor,
Edmond Powel, f.
Mrs. Ann Presley,
Hugh Porter,
Elizabeth Price,
James D. Peterson,
Samuiel Pains,
Wm. M. Ptslsy,
Henorey Pool.
James Ross,
Jusdph Robinson,
John Richardson.
Enoch Rngore,
Jacob Rogers,
John Rogers,
William Robins.
Thomas Stephens,
Nathan Sboperd,
Wm. St wart,
John Smith,
Benj. Smith,
James Say,
John II. Smith,
Joseph Shicklin,
IVrlhtm Smith,
Enoch Station,
Jacob Sanders,
Kim W. Smith,
Samuiel Smith,
John Sanders,
William Scott,
James F. Smith, 2.
Josiah Shepherd,
M. Stephenson,
Alesader Scott,
Richard Simon.,
Caleb Sanders.
James W. Tunnell,
Brett nia Terrel,
Jesse Vanwinkle,
Beni. Vaughn.
Richard Willson,
Jeeee Windier, 4.
Peter Waver and
John Smith,
David Wever,
John Wilkey, sen.
Orphe Willson, 2.
Ann Windeer,
G cargo C. VVeUig.
Nathtnuiel M. Young.