Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, August 10, 1832, Image 4

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SHERIFFS’ SALES. J ACKSON Sheriff 1 * Sale.—On (lie fir* Tuesday in SF.P1 EMBER next,will bn sn!d, at th< Court-house in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, within tho usual hours of mIo, the following property, to wit : Sixty-three Acres of Land, more nr Ices, adjoining Bennett: Ictried on as tho property of Jiles Hudson, to satisfy three ft. fas. issued from a Justices Court in faror of Charles Marten, ss. said lliidron. Lory made and returned to me by a Constable. All the Interest that Elijah llogson has n« a Legatee in One Hundred Acres of F.und, more or teas, adjoining Smith. leried on to amisfv a !i. fa. is- Hied from a Justices Court in favor of John Borders, vs. said ftosson. Levy made and tclurnvd to me by a Contra bio. POSTPONED SALE—One Hundred mid ami Sixty-one Acres of Land, more or lesa, adjoining Denton. levied on aa the prnpeil v of Itaniol Baugh, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Madison Superior Court in favor of John Borders, vs, said Baugh. BARNABAS BARRON, Sh’ff. August 3. J ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first "Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next,will hr sold at the Cniir'-hnuae in the town ol Jefferson, Jaeksun county, within tite usual houra of sale, the following properly, GEORGIA, MADISON rOUNTY. I'nftrior Court, Silling for Ordinary Putrpo- get, May Term. 1832. Present their Honors, James Long, James .Iwlertm, •VccA IF. Pittman, John .hleroney, and Ho- brrt Grores, Justices. RULE NISI. W HEREAS llcnrv Minefield, administrator dc bonis non of Brinkly llotiae, deceased, have petitioned live court, for leiiers of dismission. VA'hero- upon it is ordered,that a ropy of this Rid" he pithlialied nnre a mnoth, for eix months in one of the public Oa- xells of Itja Stale, that all parlies confirmed may have dno nr,tier, end file their exceptions (if any they have) to the i.ming of said lellere dismisaory. A true extract from the minutra of raid court, this 8th flay of May 1833. WILLIAM SANDERS, e. c. o. May 15—9—m6m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. In the Superior Court, Feh. Term, 1832. Jeremiah Spice, GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. W HEREAS Joseph P. O. White applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Hiempsial Vaugham, late of aaid county, deceased : These are therefore to cite, summon, and admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why eaid letter* should not he granted. Given under ny hand, this 9th July, 1832. JOHN II. JONES, D. c. c. o. July 20—lS-30d. Roche! Wallace, William Wnllacc, Nicholas Wallace. Dill for Dlicovery, and DUlrihtriwn of E stale. t T appearing to the court from tho retire of tb Sheriff, in tho above case, that two of i!*o defen* GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Mary W. Cheatham ami George M. Archer, applies to ine for f.eiiera of Adminif* traiion on the Estate of Anthony It. Cheatham, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin. g ular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to « and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 7th Juvl, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. July 13-17—30d. .» tungi Tt.;.iu A ; A t.i A„„gvo g.r of said bill, be perfected on the said Wi . ? .hi. Rut. ),*nd, more nr less, adjoining McDaniel, granted to Dickius* levied on as the property of James U ilhorn #<» »q(M^a fi. fa. in favor o| Horatio Hrbb, for the use nfjnmra Hemphill, vs. said Witbom. Property pointed out by John Boyle. One Traci of Land, containing Three Hun dred Acici, more or levs, and the cro;i on it. adjoining Few mid others, to tatisly a fi. fa. in favor of John Boyh, vs. Wiley Ross. Property pointed nut by said Boyh*. JOHN RANDOLPH, D. SlifiT. August 3. dants, William Wallace mid Nicholas Wallace, reside out of the county ; it is therefore ordered, that service of said bill, be perfected on the said Williom and Nidi- " once a month GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS Marvel Millsaps applies to me for Letters of administration on the Estate of Ja cob Millsaps, latoof said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all arid sin gular tho kindred und creditors of saiJ deviated, lobe and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by ii ALL Sheriff's Snle.—On (ho first Tues day in SEPTEMBER next, will bo anld at the Conrt-houae in the town of Gainesville, llal\ county, within the usual houra of sale, the following property, towit: Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more nr less, whereon Plraiant Hulsey now lives: In. vied nn ax his property, to rati.fy tun ft. fas. one in faror of Patrick J. Murray, and the other in favor of the officers of the Court, vs. aaitl Hulsey. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Lnnd, morn nr lot, whereon William H. Banks now lives, •djnrimg AVelche) and others. levied on aa the proper ty of Am. H. Banks, to sati.fy a ft. fa. in favor of I’a- trick J. Murray, va. aaid Banka. One House nnd Lnl in the Town nfGniiips- ville, known and ilixtingubhril in the plan nf raid town by Lot No. 10, it being the Lot whereon Win. N. Bualiep now lives: levied on na his properly In anliafy s fi. la. in favor of M. P. Earl &Cn. vs. raid Bushrp. A. CHASTAIN, Sh’ff. August 3. I H ALL Shoriff’* Snlu.— On I ho first Tues day in SEPTEMBER next, will ha ...Id, at tlx Court lions# ill the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual houra of sale, the following property, to wit: Four Hundred Acres of Lnnd, mnro or less, lying nn lha waters of the Oconee rivrr, adjoining Marks and others: levied on aa the property of lohn Rail' v to satisfy a fi. fa. iaaur.d from Jackson Superior Cn‘.ri,at the innianeenf Itebccrn Warren Adams and Ralph Bailey, Admr. nf Abraham Warren, deceased, va. lobn llailey and James Bailey. Land pointed out by tiro plaintiffs. One Hundred Acres of Lnnd, mnro or loss, idj long Cab'e Slid others, on tlm waters of the Wal nut f’.rk of the lleonee litter: lotted on ns the proper ly if Henry York In satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued front a Justices court, one nl tbs instance of Win M. It' ll and others, vs. said A’ork. Levy made ami returned to me hv a bailiff. for three months, in one nf the public Gazettes of this j law, to shew cause if any they have why s.aid letters should not he gnnturl. Given under tuy hand at my office, 24th day ol July, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. July 27—18- JOd. Slate. A true copy Irom tho minutes, Mnreh 3dth, 1832. SYLVANDS RIPLEY, Clerk. Mny 15—0—in3m. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. To itilliam Gilbert and Mitchell Pool. ADMINISTRATORS’ I’OSTFONEI) SALE. T AKE notion that f thnll apply to fIto Superior j A GREEA15LY to an ordcrof the Honorable the In- Court, to be held in and for twirl coiintv, on the J foliar court of the county of Itabim, when sitting ~ Tucadoy the * vriwir*, io op iiciu in ann mr earn eoiiniv, on imp , hihw uiuriui mu gumih; «« imumi, «>•» second Monday in September next, to appoint fit and I for ordinary purposes, will bo sold on the first Tuci proper persons, in conformity to tho statute in such m Oetuber next, at the Couit house in said county, ' ’ _ . ’ j « • % . .• xn i • . : . - n ftai..« A f |n.iruii.-, Ill iiiiiiiiiiiih y III IIIII Piaiiin: in ptit-tl cases made and provided, to Inv of) an l os»ign to im\ my defer in the Real Estate of William Gilbert, lata of said county, deceased. TAMER GILBERT. .*ooe 12—13—ti»3m. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, nittinpr for Ordinary Purpo- $e$ t July Term, 1832. Present their Honors James Long. James Anderson, Noah IV. Pittman, lolin Mcroncy, and Ro bert Groves. RULE NISI. W HEREAS Henry llartsfield, Guardian of the Prison and Estate of Willis House, a legatee of Brinkley House, deceased, has applied to the Court aforesaid, for lettrrs of dismission. Ordorcd, that ufier forty days publication of this Rule in one of tlm public. Gazettes of this State, the said Guardian will lie dismissed, unless cause he shewn to the contrary, of which all concerned, are hereby notified. Extrurt from the minutra of said court, this 5lh d.iv of July, 1932. WILLIAM SANDERS, c.c. o. July 20 — lS—40d. following property,to wit: consisting of three parcels of Land lying on the waters of .Chattooga river; ono piece or pat t of Lot, No. 11, in the 3d district of Rabun, con taining ftf) Acres more less, also part of Lot, No 19, ad joining the same, containing 230 Acres more or less, and part of Lot, No. 7, adjoining the same, containing 50 Acres more or Ices. On the same day, at the Court house in llcurd county, will be sold one Lot of Land, No. 212, in the 3d district, originally Coweta now Heard county. On the same day, at the Court house in Marion comity, will he sold one Lot of Land. No. 36, in the lat district originally Muscogee now Marion county. AH sold as the Real Estate of James .Strother late of Rabun county deceased. Sold for the benefit of his heirs nnd creditors. Terms made ktiuwn on the day of sale. JAMES IL HENSON, ) ... A. MILLER, } Admr a. July 20—13—tds. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Charles Strong, senior, executor 011 the estate of William Strong, senior, late of Clark comity,deceased, opnlicc to me for letters ofdis mission from the further administration of laid estate: These aro therefore to cito and admonish all and sin gular tho kindred and creditors nf said deceased, to be nnd appeor at my office within tbo time prescribed by law, In shear cause, if any they have, why said let leva should nut be granted. Given under my baud this Sill nf March, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 13.—!l-*tnGm. GEORGI \, JACKSON COUNTY. W I I ERE AS William Knox, arluti itlralor de bonis Hanoi William Patron,deceaai’tl, appliesto me for letters of dismission fniiiitlic further iidimiiisltaliiiu Two Hundred Acres of Lnnd, mnro nr less, j nn “M estate t lying on tbs w aters of the Walnut Fork of llm Oroiicc ! thnrefore locilo nnd admonish, all nnd sin- river, adjoining Cammcl and others: levird no ns the [ color Ilia kindred and crcdilnis of said ilen eased, to bo property of Samuel I’, lioas to satisfy a fi. la. issued i and appear it my olliec, within the time prv’Scribed by from a Justices Court at tho instance of John B. Guru- law, to allow- cause, if any they have, <vliy said Letters should lint lie granted. Given under my liiml this Silt dav of Mnrci'i, 1839. william Cowan, t . c.u. March 13—11.—mOm. s<m, va. Samuel P. Uoaa. Levy matte and relumed to me by a bailiff. Two Hundred. Arte* of Land, more or less, awp’Wwwg MeKensey nnd oilwra. on tbo Mulberry fork ntllie Oconeeliver, granted to John Owlns: levied on I fjpoUfJI A Cl All If rOf77\TY a. .be property of llardyman Holm., and Edmond' W .. UU1 \ tI It,dins, to satisfy aondtv ti. (a*, issued Item a Justices VXrHEBE\8 Moore and Jatnoa Hampton, Executors of Willinm Malone, aen. nocrased, applies to iiio for letters of Dismission from the further administration nn said Estate : These arc therefore to rito anil admonish all nnd sin- gularlhe kindred and creditors nf said deceased, tube | ami appear nt nty office within tho lintu proncrihed by law to show cause if any they have,- v hv said letters ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold nn the first Friday in September next, at the late residence of James Blanks, in Gwinnett comity, all the Personal Property of suid James Blanks, deceased, consisting of Horses, stock of Cattle, Hops, ll'iiisclinld and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Tools. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES l.UUUlIKIDGE, Adm’r. July 27—19-tds. GUARDIAN’S SALE. 4 GREEAB1.Y to no order v.f the Honorable the In fcriurCnnrt ol Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, on I'm first Tuesday in October next, tho following properly, to wit: 123 Acres of Land, more or less, belonging to the Estate of John Thornton lute of aaid county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of aaid deceased. Terms movie known on the day of sale. JACOB KIDLINU, Guardian. ' Julv 27-19- Ids. ()l;It months ufier date application will be made tp; to the Honorable Hie Inferior Court of Jaehnvm county, wnile Billing for ordinary purposes, for Icavutrr sell all 'he Real Estate of Patrick Cash, of said county deceased. SA 'IIEI. BARNET, I.UDWEI.L WORSHAM. Mninlslrators with the will annexed. Juno 19—14—wdin. F OUR months after date application will he made to tho Honorable the Interior court of Franklin countv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Ileal Estate belonging to the Estate of John Clarkson, deceased. JAMES IIARGROVE, Executor. June 5—12—iv4m, r vurt at tha instance of William Alexander, vs. said Holms. Lew made and returned to me by a bailiff'. JACOB EBERUAUT, D. Sh’ff. August 3. StBSAIs NOTICES. GEORGIA, HAIJEUsTiAM COUNTY. Superior Court, Jtpril Term, 1832. Thompson Collins, 1 va. 1 Elijah II. Reid. ) For Foreclosure. James P. Heath, * Michael Brown. J RULE NISI. T HE petition of Thompson Collins sliewrth, that Elijah II. Ileiil, James P. Death, and Mtehael ihonld not bo granted. Givuii under mv band this 2Ut Mav, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. May 22—10—mfiin. Cliff ft months nftcr dnto application will be made .2- to tbo llnnorablo the Inferior court of Clark countV. trkedWUina fy- fToiiUfy purposes, for leave to scii a Yi»c: of Land, lying in formerly Troup now Me riwether county, belonging iu the Ealaio of Richard Meriwether, lain of Dallas county, Alabama, decea sed. Sold for llm benefit of I he creditors nf aaid decea sed. JOSEPH LIGON, Adm’r. May 22—10—w4tn. Planters' Hotel, Dr - K i c J“E* M. ATHEWS offers hi. , Pr ; k vices to the citizens and its vicinity „ -HVsicrAij aW SUHOSOV, and he hopes that the opportunities he hss enjoyed for improvement and experience, will enable him to fulfil the confidence that may be placed in him to satisfaction. He may be found either at bis father’s or Ida office, formerly oc- on ivia.f ku llvn Vnf/s Eti'oro ffnlf F It ft 111 fits. IVrval — a r fJ GAINESVILLE, GEO. SHE PLANTERS' tlOTEL in this place, is yet kept by the subscriber. Promises and pled- munaeunoraa m. ...ner.or .™«u, ,orraeriyno. ges are the common m.ler of tho day in such cases, but j b > ,ho la,c C, ‘ :e,0 Ho "' E “l' m ,he " P«* ah hwretnfore lie refrains from either; yet he hopes to ol 1110 lown * he able to (jive as general satisfaction as any other man so !iif>h up the country. ' Gainesville is a pteasonl ^'illugc, and is perhaps one of the healthiest places in the State—in the immediate vicinity of the Gold Re gion, wifii t vo lime-stone springs near it, one is 1$, and the other 3 miles distant, with a pood road to each. A Stape has commenced running from Augusta to this place twice a week. L. CLEVELAND. ’CP The Editors of the Georpia Journal. Aupusta Constitutionalist, Abbeville Whip, will give the above three insertions, and forward their accounts to the sub scriber for payment. L. C. Gainesville, .lime 19—14—if. Sanfordville Inn. JOHH DA7TS01T R ESPECTFULLY tender his thtr.ks to his friends r and. to the public generally, lor llie patronage lie has received since h? opened his house at this place.— He is now adding to bit building, which will enable him to accommodate his visiters with comfort to them and satisfaction to himself. His house is situated on the West Bank of the Hightower River, (known on tbc map of the Cherokee country as Sally Hughe’s place,) on the mane roed from Milledgcvillc to Tennessee and N. Alabama, and in the richest part of Cherokee coun ty ; in the vicinity are good mineral and limestone wa ter, and tho Gold mince. July 6—10—eow4in. CARRIAGE MAKING. T ill', subscriber thankful for past favours, takes this method to inform his customers and the pub lic in general, that ho Iiuh enlarged his establishment, where lie intends carrying on the above named busi ness on a more extensive ( calc than formally; having provided himself with good materials und experienced Northern workmen, ho Halters himself that lie will he able to have made to general salitfiiution, all kinds of riding and pleasure carriages, alio jersey and dcarlmii wagons; repairing dune at the shortest notice. Har ness made and repaired. Sign painting as usual. All orders front a distance attended to with puncloalilv und despatch. JOHN REYNOLDS. tCT*Two or three apprentices between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, would be taken at the above cs tabhsbmenl. J. 11. Athena, May 99—11—wSm. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS William Knox, administratorofSum. net Y. I’ntlon, decerned, applies to me for lettrrs of Dismission from tlm further uvlininistralion of said Estate: These are therefore lo cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred nml creditors of said deceased, L» be Brown, heretofore, to wit: onthr tltli of February eigli-, and nppcnr at my office within the time prescribed by tern bundled and thirty-one, made, executed, and do.7 law, to show cause ifauy they have, why said letters livored to your petiliuner their cnlired'txl of mortgage, I should not begranled. * ' e.-mvejmg thereby In your petitioner, all thole two Given under mj baud this 9th May, 1833. ■ tracts ofland, situate, lying and being in tlm fourth j WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. District of aaid county, and known sod distinguished in Mny 22- 10—mCm. the plan of the same, as Lots No, 27, and 28, in tlm 1 F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Honnrablo tbo Inferior court of Madison county, when silling for ordinary purposes, for lenve to sell a part of llm Heal Estate; also a part of the Slaves belonging to tlm Estate of Allen Daniel, Lunitic, Lot nf Land, Ntr. 199, in tho 22d district, formerly Miiscogoc ; and Lot of Land, No. 203, in tlm 30th dis trict formerly Lee. JAMES DANIEL, Guard. May 15—9—w4m. A THE NS Grraniiimr School. rjIHE Trustees of the Grammar School in Allmns,do S now announce to the public, that tlm institution it in euceessful operation, under the management of Mr. William II. Hunt; a graduate of Franklin College, und an instructor of some experience. From the trial made under tlm present provision, from personal in spection hy visiting committees of tlm board, and an attendance upon a quarterly examination, the Trusted can and do with confidence recommend tlm institution to the public, as a preparatory school F>r youth desirous to enter tho College: And persons visiting Athens for a summer rceidenco, and all others, aro assured that pupils will be well prepared for College, in pursuance of the course recommended by tlm Faculty of the Co!- Jege. Ample provision will be made for accommodating Ike increasing numbers of the school, _ . JOHN A. COBB, Chairman. E. L. NEWTON; Srercury. July 27—19—3t. R. D. MOORE, M. D. AIAK KINDRED ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. 1 A1IE subscriber wishing to move to Florida, offers . for sale his Tract of Land lying in Jackson coun ty, three niilca Irani Jefferson, oh the road to Alliens- on this tract there arc 250 Acres enclosed end nearly all cleared ; the land is of good quality and all fresh, it is now tlm best place lor making grain in this section • it is believed that the farm with good seasons will pro duce from six to eight hundred barrels of corn; u itliout doubt this is the best stand lor entertainment in the country, us it ii where three public roads meet, to wit: From Tennessee to tho Gold Mines, from Athens andT Millcdgrville, and Macon. This settlement is very healthy, thefarni end every part of llm land abounding in springs of cxcclfont water; Ibis place would suit any person who wished to raise stock ond grain.— Time can be given to (he purchaser in part; being anx ious to move I will sell very cheap or exchange fox land low down in the Creek purchase as'parl pay. A letter from any part of tho state on the abovo subject will be answered, directed to-nte at Jcffcraun, Jackson county, Geo. A good Slock of Hogs, Sheep, Goats and Cattle, with the present crop on hand will bn soid. LEONIDAS FEW. Angnst 3—20—cotv3l. NOTICE.. T HE subscriber offers for sale on very accommoda. ling terms, a valuable TRACT OF LAM'D, Lying on (he Grove River, Franklin chunty, containing 8l'0 Acres; two hundred of which arc in a high state of cultivation. Largo and commodious buildings, well finished off, consislingof a superb ducllinz house, goad barns, stables, &c. Sic. Any poison desiring lo pur. chase arc requested to coine and judge for themselves. Possession will be given first January next. GARRETT L. SANDIDGE. rGP The Washington News will givo the above two inscilions, and forward their account lu the sub- senber at Bushville, Georgia. G. L. S. August 3—20—21. NOTICE. STRAYED from thu plantation of the subscriber, ^ Rome time since, near Crawfoidville in Taliaferrc county. Four Young Horse Mules; Two of which have tho appearance of not having been altered. Any information respecting them, sthliessed to the Post Master at Ctuwfordviile, Ga. will be thank* fully received. A. G. JANES. August 3.—20—3t. WotTceT F OR SALE, the Plantation whereon the subscri ber now lives, near the Town of Alliens, cuntisx ting ol about 450 ACRES, with a large two story Dwelling House, aqd other suitable out buildings. Tho wlude or u part lift tbo plantation will be disposed of witl>_ihe buildings to suit purchasers; the situation is healthy ami suffi ciently near (within a iqiic) tho College lor all tlm advantages of the schools. I would rtarticularly invito parents who wish to eduentc their children under their own immediate guardianship, to cull and sec the premi ses. JOHN NISBET, Jun. June 23—15—Ct. (TT NOTICE. JO) I Hereby forworn ull persons from trading for Iwo notes nf hand given hy me to George W. Hopkins, for $40 each, one duo tlm 25th December, 1631 tbo other dim the 25th December, 1832; bath dated 8t!i April, 1831 ; as I have foiled to receive llm considera tion for winch I was to hove bad for said notes, I am determined not lo pay them. WILLIAM ALBERSON. luly 13—17—3t. These are therefore lo cite and admonish all and sis gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to I and appeir at mv office within the time prescribed L law, to shew cause, if uny they have, wiry suid iuttii should nut begranled. Given under my band thi i 21st day of Jan. 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Jan. 24.—4—tnOrn. fourth District, containing lour hundred, eighty-seven GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY, and one half Acres, mure or levs, which Lots of Land ( — WT , . r, wnr*- 'ivHtpRgfld to your petitioner f.»r iln* better pecur* rw llr.lii.A8 Unoltlrra Surrd , administrator np inp the payment of t certain promissory note, made by j » ▼ . ” IC <*Utc of Lewi* Burnett, dccensed, applies tlm Mia Elijah H. Hied lo your petitioner for ll.e sum * *° 1,10 ™ mtlera ol dismission from the further admit of taro thousand dollars, payablo on the lirat of July, tetl.Uon of aaid estate: eighteen hundred and thirty-nne, and dated the ninth of September, eighteen hundred and 'thirty, and now hareahevroloth. Court; and your petitioner Anther rheweth, that there is now due nn said note, the whole of the principal andinlerest, and therefore prays that unless th. aaid Elijah II. Ricd, James P. Heath and Michael Brown, do pay into tha Clerks Office of this Court, the amount of the principal and interest now due, or wfaieVmay become due on t^d note and mort gage, together with all eoat which hath or may accrue herein, within era months from the date hereof, that the equity of redemption in audio the Mid mortgaged pre. unset be henceforth and forever barred and foreclosed. Whereupon, on motion of Samuel A. Wales, attorney tbr petitioners, it it ordered by tb. Court, that unices the amount of principal, interest and coat, now duo or - to bec-vne due on aaid note and mortgage, bo paid into tba Clarks Office of this Court within the lime a forty. said, that lha tqniiy of redemption in, and lo said mortgaged promisee, be thenceforth and forever bar* . fed and foreclosed. And it it further ordered, that a copy of this rule be puMiihtd one. a month for six months in aotne onaorthepuhlieG.xatiesof thi.State, or be pertonally aerved nn tha Mid Fl.jah II. ItioJ, James P. Heath, and Michael Brown, throe months be. fore tht expiration of this rule. A true extract from the minutes 18th April 183$ April 2t>—6—m6a, * 1 * CAR ™* ^ ' GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. ' ■aarilF.RF.AS Turner II. Trippo applies to me fpr V.'!f , . < ‘ r ' of Administration on the Estate of William t\ tiherspoon, late of aaid count), deceased! And whereat John M. Bowman appliea to me fur Letter* of Administration on the Estate of Joaeab Murdock, late of aaid county, deccaaed: p These are therefore to cite and admonish all and aia- gular the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased, to be and appMr at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew eauae, if any they bare, why said letter, should not be granted. Given under my hand, tbia 6th July, 1833. JONATHAN D. CHASTAIN, c. c. o. July 20—18—30d. Rook and Job Printing neatly and accurate, ly executed ct this office. F OUR months after date application will be made to the llunorablo thu Infcri - In the Honorable tin- Inferior court of Jackson county, for leovo In sell a Tract of Lnnd, No. 2J4 first district of Oowela county, belonging to Robert Wii- liains, insane. ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, Guardian. April 24—6—w4m. Law Notice. T HE Subscribers respectfully lender their services, to their friends and tbe public in lha lineoftheir Profession; Persons in Augusta, holding claims against individuals in the Counties of Clark, Walton, Jarkson, Gwinnett, Hal!, Oglethorpe, Morgan, Habersham and Franklin, which they desire to liavo collected, will en sure every attention to them, by placing them in tbo hands of Andrew J. Miller. JUNIUS HILI.YER, of Athens. ANDREW J. MILLER, of Angusta. June 20-15—If. F OUR months slier date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court ofOgiethorpo county, when Bitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes lie-longing to the estate of Cynthia Ann Rugan, dec’d. fur the purpose of a division. ABRAIIAM B..KAGAN, Adm’r. May 8.—8—w4m. F OUR months after dato application will be made to the honorahle the Inferior court ofCIark coun ty, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a Lot of Land, No. 51, in the 13th District of Monroe county, containing Two Hundred two and a half acrea, belonging to the Orphans of llenry Durham, deceased. Sold for the benefit of aaid Orphans. LINDSEY DUKHAN, Guardian. April 10—4—w4tn. F OUR months after dale application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior court of Madison county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell part of the Real Estate of Allen Daniel, luualic ot aaid county, to wit: one Tract of Land in Mid coun ty, containing l Si Acres, more or Ice*, adjoining Rus sel J. Daniel, William Morton and others; one Tract of Land No. 199, in lha 22d district of Muscogee, Lot No. 203, in 30th district formerly Leey one Lot of Land No. 114, iu the 28th district Eany. Also at the matt time and place, application will be made for leave lo sell part of thu Slave* belonging to Mid Allen Daniel, Lunatic av afore aaid. June 19—14—w4m. JAMES DANIEL, Guatdian. No Combination, Free Trade, EARTHEN WARE, GLASS, CHINA & LOOKING GLASS, THOMAS S. J. BARROW, & Co. Importers and Wholesale Dealers, .Vo. 88, Water Street, M'eic York, offer for sale, A vary large und General Assortment of Earthen Ware, Glass, China, and Looking Glasses, S ELECTED with tbe greatest care, and comprising every varietyof pink, purple, brawn, black, blue edged, and C. C. Ware, also, orcry style of plain and gilt Looking Glasses, China and Glass Ware, which will bedisposed of aa usual at free and unshackled pri ce*, luw for Cash or city acceptances. The attention of Merchants generally ii invited to our Establish ment and plan of business, os calculated to bonelit the interest of all dealing in tho line. Particular attention will be paid to all orders by letter from our Southern friends pledging ourselves to pay more thin usual attention to their communication* by giving them the newest style of Good* and putting them down to the very lowest cash price. T. J.'BARROW, fc Co. - Mb. S3, Water Street, Mv York. July IS—17—4t. JVeW Goods. T HE subscriber having reW Uv K.ccivcd » £[«!*.• supply of NSW GOODS, Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-wares, &c.— offers them for sale on very reasonable terms at bits •tore opposite Mr. Byrd’s Hotel. He returnshis thanks to his former aiid present cos* tomers, and hopes that the low prices of his goods, will secure a continuance of their patronage. JAMES C. EDWARDS. Juno 19—14—If. TO JOURNEYMEN Curriers. W ANTED immediately a good Currier. Con- slant employment and liberal woges will be given to a man of steady habits and good mural charac ter. This Village is not excelled by any in the State in point of health. JAMES C. ANDERSON. SCP Tho Editors of the Recorder will please give the above tour insertions, and forward tho account to me for payment. J, C. A. Ssluin, July C—IS— 4t. The Southern Banner* IS ri’OLISUCD IN TUB TOWN OF ATHENS, GEORGIA, EVERY FRIDAY, BIT ALBON CHASE. Tanas.—'Three dollars per year, payable in advance, or Four dollars if dulayed to the end oftho year. Tho teller amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for leas than one year, un less tho money is paid in advance; and no paper will bo discontinued uluil all arrearages are paid, except at the oprion oftho publisher. A failure on the part of Aiiharrilwirffi In nntilV tis.tftkais ..ft • l K3- NOTICE. A LL Persona having demand* against the Estate of Dr. James Nisbct deceased, are requested to present them to the subscriber, or to Eugenios A. Nia- bet of Madison, Morgan county, by the first day iff January next, for payment. Person* indebted to said Eatate are requested lo came forward and make pay ment by the same time. ■ ALFRED M. NESBIT, Executor. July U—17—if pen sent accordingly. Advebtisemkkts will be inserteJ at the usual rates. -’CPAII Letters lo (be Editor on matters connected with tho establishment, must be post paid in order to jeeure attention. !C7* Notice of th* sale of Land and Nagrocaby Ad ministrators, Executor*, or Guardians, must be publish ed sixty days previous to th* day of sale. Tbs sal* of Personal Property, in like manner, must be pub!ished/or<y days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of aa esrat* must be published >rly days. Notice that Application will b« made to tha Court of Ordinary for Leave to sail Land or Negroes, must be published/uvr months. Notice that Application will be made for Utters of Administratioa, must be published tAMy days, nod be Letters of Dismission, six months.