Newspaper Page Text
mation desired, (and they sorely would not
withheld it from the humblest citizen io the
county) end they will oblige
P. S—Understanding that yourlate Lextn®
ton friends have deserted you in consequence
of your principles in respect to nullification,
and that they would, if they could, extinguish
vour “ little rush-light” and thereby starve you
into nullification, wo hereby pledge ourselves
to treble our subscriptions, if found necessary
to sustain yon in what we believe to be the on
lv course consistent with patriotism.
jUbon Chase and A. HI. Sisbct.
THOMAS F. FOSTER, oftirecne,
ROGER L. GAMBLE. of Jefferson,
GEORGE R. GILMER, of Oglethorpe,
CHARLES E. HAYNES, of Hancock,
SEABORN JON ES, of Muscogee,
JAMES M. WAYNE, of Chatham,
RICHARD H. WILDE, or Richmond.
Kf»We are authorised to announce
MIRABEAU B, LAMAR, Esq. as a candidate tor Con.
gieas at the ensuing election.
JOHN COFFEE, of Cherokee county,
GEORGE W. OWENS, or Chatham.
Wtt.LtAM SCHLF.Y. of Richmond.
JAMF.S C. TERRELL, of Franklin.
JAMES 0. WATSON, of Muscogee.
JOHN MILTON, of Muscogee county, self-nomi-
lilted candidate.
ICPThe following is submitted ss the regularly
nominated Troup ticket for Electors ofPresident and
Vice President.
F.I.I \S BEALL, of Monroe,
JOHN FLOYD, of Camden,
IIINES HOLT, of Watlon,
The Office of the Southern Banner is removed to the
New Building on the Corner, North of Messrs. Graham
& Huggins’ Store,
To Coi respondents.—The Presentments of the Grand
Jury of Jackson county, have been received—they shall
haven place in ournexL
The communication of Gea. Elias Beall will be at.
tended to hereafter.
SCP W# receired by the last mail, the first number
of the “ Southern Planter and Family Lyceum,” prin
ted at Macon, Geo. and devoted to Agriculture, Hor
ticulture, &c. Individual* wishing to subscribe to such
a work in this neighborhood,can see a specimen ofitby
calling at this office.
Judge Reid.—We conclude from the following that
this socomplished Jurist, has bid adieu to his native
State. Florida will hereafter claim him as one of her
most enlightened citizens—Georgia regrets his loss and
will long cherish him in remembrance, as one of her
most gifted suns snd incorruptible patriots:
Savannah, August 29th, 1833.
Gentlemen,—Entirely concurring with the Editors of
the Southern Banner in their view of Nullification, I will
thank them to continue to send me their paper, directed
to SL Augustine.
The Voictef Georgia.—We rejoice to find public sen
timent throughout the State, settling down decidedly
ugsinst the revolutionary principles of Calhoun and
Cooper, lately attempted to bo introduced into Georgia.
Wo regret that the limit* of our paper prevent us from
keeping pace with the numerous public meeting*
which have been held, snd through which those opin
ions have been expressed. Richmond,Cbstham, Jones,
Baldwin, Hall, Walton and Morgan, apeak in a voice
(bat cannot be mistaken—they have completely “an
nihilated” Calhouniam—“knocked” Nullification “ in.
to nothing” without “ leaving a grease spot to tell that
it bad been.” The freemen of those counties nre firm and
decided in their opposition to the “ unrighteous Tariff,”
yet willing, with Mr. Jefferson, to wait “ the returning
justice of the General Government,” rather than in
volve the country in all the horror* of anarchy and
The proceedings of the Morgan meeting have been
received; but owing to the columns of our paper devo
ted to communications being pre-occupied, we are
compelled to lay them over to next week. They op
pose Nullification—recommend a Southern Conven
tion—urge tht necessity of re-electing Jackson to the
Presidency—approve the nomination of Van Buren,
and applaud Messrs. Anyth snd B'sywe't evtr an the late
Bill relating the Tariff.
Electoral Ticket—Vie publish to-day, the Twop tick
et for Electors of President snd Vice President. We
are not disposed, however, to pledge ourselves to sup
port the whole of it until it can be satisfactorily ascer
tained, what are the sentiments of several of the indi
viduals on tbe ticket. We bold, tbit no man who
professes the doctrine of Nullification can consistently
support Andrew Jackson, and if we are not greatly mis
taken, one of the gentlemen on this ticket has the pre
monitory symptoms, and another is in tbe blue ot cot-
lapsed stage of the disease.
We therefore feel it * duty we owe to ourselves, and
to our subsenbersaod pairons, to call upon those gen<
riemen (who form the Troup electoral ticket,) to come
out with their present views with regard to the Presi
dential election. Tbe re-election of Andrew Jackson
is of too much importance to the people of Georgia, for
them to risk a single vote to chance or uncertainty.
We also call upon them lo know who they will sup
port fur Vice President—tbe regularly nominated can
didate, or one got injure and trammel the present
Administration. Mr. Barbour we have before shown
cannot be elected; it is therefore playing into tbe
hands of the Clay party to support him; and we now
ask these gentlemen—are you for John Szeosant or
Martin Van Buren ? the “Cherokee Attorney,” or
a friend ofUnion and the South ? One of the two must
be elected—which will you vote for I
The Athens Meeting.—We feel ourselves called upon
by da y as well ss by inclination, 'o correct some mis
takes which have gone abroad with regard to this meet
ing. Some of our friends, particularly at a distance,
seem to be somewhat surprised si finding tbe venera
ble name of Wm. H. Crawford, attached as chairman
to the resolutions which emanated from it. Mr. Pem
berton was right in slating some lima since, that bis
opponents got the start in appointing anti-nullifiers as
presiding officers to the meeting. Indeed, at tbe time
the Hon. William H. Crawford was called to the
chair, and Mr. Hull appointed secretary, it was little
expected by any one that, before its close, tbo meeting
would assume tbs character that it did. And aa presi
ding officers, those gentlemen could not do less, how
ever repugnant to their feelings it may have bean, than
to sign the proceedings of the meeting.
We find in the late proceedings of some of oar sister
counties, on the subject of tbe Tariff; the meeting si
this pisco si Commencement, is called the Clark Coun
ty Meeting! snd its results set down ss declaratory of
the feelings and sentiments of the propie ofthis county.
Now, tor the better information of such, we declare
tbatlho p.oplo of Clark county bad nothing to do with
the meeting—either in getting H up or in its delibera
tions ; and consequently are irresponsible for its re
sults. Tho meeting was called by gentlemen from a
distanco, who were here in attendance on the Com
mencement, and conducted almost exclusively by
We are not disposed to quarrel with the resolutions
which passed this meeting—we have before expressed
our acquiescence in the course they prescribe, viz:
the call of a convention, because wc are confident if it
proves practicable,tbe results of Ihe convention will he
very different from what is so snxioasly anticipated by
the Nuihfiers. Tbe amendment proposed by Gen.
Glasscock, disapproving of the doctrine of Nullifica
tion, and which wts lost, would have shared a very
different fate if thepeopfs of Clark county bad been sit
ting in judgment over it.
Jefferson ts. Calhounism.—When the small band of
diaorganizers in South Carolina, with Cooper and Cat
houn at their head, first determined in their own minds
to make the excitement at the South, growing out of
tho TarilTlsws, a ground work on which to build their
future operations, having for their object a division of
tho States of this great confederacy, they very saga
ciously discovered that to come out openly and ac
knowledge their true object, viz; Revolution, the pa
triotism of Ihe people—their natural love of country,
would at once revolt at 'he idea, and the plans of the
diaorganizers sink forever beneath the frowns of their
just resentment. Hence we find that those artful dema
gogues disguised their real object; and behind the
specious garb of peace and constitutionality, urged upon
the people Ihe doctrine of Nullificslion. And for the
purpose of adding additional weight to the cause, claim
ed for it the sanction of Virginia, snd the great and
popular name of Thotnaa Jefferson. They laboured
hard to prove to the people that Nullification was not
only a peaceful and constitutional remedy, but, that os
such, Jefiersou, who was the author of the Kentucky
reso utiona of’98, had originated the doctrine, snd thst
Madison and the Virginia Legislature had sanctioned
the same, in the celebrated resolutions declaring the
alien and sedition laws unconstitutional. This was
the Mschisvelisn policy determined on (snd with but
too mnch success) to hoodwink, blind, and delude the
artless and unthinking, but naturally patriotic and
higli minded people of South Carolina.
Now, whether Mr. Jefferson was, or was not, Ihe
author of that portion of the Kentucky resolutions,
whorein ss a last alternative, Nullification is recom
mended as the rightful remedy, is still a disputed point.
But, for the sake of argument, ws will admit that he
-that Thomas Jefferson did acknowledge the
right of • State to Nullify an unconstitutional act of
Congress. Our next enquiry then is, what did Mr. J.
mean by Nullification aa used in that instrument?
Did he intend to recommend it to Ihe States as a con
stitutional measure—as a peaceful mode of redress,
when their rights were infringed by the General Go
vernment ? Or did he simply allude to it ss the “ right
ful remedy” in Ihe last resort, Ihe right of Revolution?
We have not the least doubt in the world but that Are.
Jefferson viewed it only in this light, for if he believed
it to be both a constitutional and peaceful remedy, why
did he not, instead of being satisfied Simply with the
declaration of the righi, recommend Kentucky and
Virginia lo set on it st ones ? They both declared the
alien and sedition laws to be unconstitutional, snd
they were both under the influence of Mr. Jefferson.
If then, he believed it to be a peaceful and constitu
tional remedy for the evils under which they were la
bouring, why did he not sty to those Stales—go on it
once—Nullify and all will be well ! But instead of ad
vising this course, we find pervading the whole of those
resolutions (claimed by the Nnilifiers as a textbook) z
very different spirit indeed, sis: forbearance sod a
foil and perfect confidence “ in the good tenae of the
people of the United States, and in tbe reluming jus
tice of the General Government.”
Mr. Jefferson claimed for Kentucky, it is true, the
right to Nullify an act of the General Government,
palpably an infringement of the Constitution of the U.
Stale*. But it was an alternative ho evidently looked
upon in tbe-same lights* thatof revolution—s right we
all acknowledge ea belonging naturally to the people
of every Government under the eon—bat a right which
•hontd only be acted upon under the meet hopeless and
gloomy circumstances; bringing in its train, ts it al
ways does, tbe triple horrors of “ war, pestilence and
Thst this was the only legitimate meaning Mr. Jef
ferson intended to attached to the word Nullification,
ss used by him in the Kentucky resolutions, we have
in drawing the shove conclusion, at less! to ourselves,
most satisfactorily proven. But in order to strengthen
this conclusion, and to make it ss clear ss the sun at
noon tide, we will appeal to Mr. Jefferson himself.—
And who, we would ask, is eo'well calculated to inlet
pret Mr. Jefferson's meaning as Mr. Jefferson himself?
In bis letter to W. C. Nichols, Sepl. 1799, speaking of
what the Virginia resolutions should contain,be says:
“ Expressing in affectionate and conciliatory language
our warm attachment to union with our sister Slates,
and to the instrument and principles bv which we tre
united; lhatweare willing in sacrifice to this every
thing but the rights of self-government in those impor
tint points which we have never yielded, and in w liirh
alone we see liberty, safety and happiness; that not at
all disposed lo nuke every measure of error or of wrong, a
cause of scission, we are willing to look on with indulgent e,
and to wait with patience till those passions and delusions
shall have fussed over, which the federal government
have artfully excited to cover its own abuses snd con
ceal its designs, fully confident that the good sense of
the American people, and their attachment to those
very rights which we sre now vindicating will, before
it ahtllbe too Istc, rally with us round ihe true princi
ples of our federal conpnct. This was only meant lo
give a general idea of the complexion and topics of
such tn instrument. Mr. M-, who came, ss had been
proposed, does not concur in the reservation proposed
above; and from this I recede readily, not only in def
erence to his judgment, but because ts we should ne
ver think of separation bat for repealed snd enormous vio
lations, ao these, when they occur, will be cause
enough of themselves.”
Again, in 1835, in his letter to Mr. Giles, he says on
the same subject, viz: the encroachments of the Gene
ral Government on the rights of the Slates—
“If every infraction of a compact of so many parties is lo
be resisted at once, as a dissolution of it, none can ever be
formed which would last one year. e must have pa-
liencetnd longer endursncelherouith with our brethren
while under delusion; give them time for reflection
and experience of consequences; keep ourselves io a
situation to profit by the chapter of accidents; and
separate from our companions only when the sole alter
natives left, are Ihe dissolution of our Union with them,
or submission to a government w ithout limitation of
powers. Between theselwo evils, when we must make
a choice, there can be no hesitation. But, in the mean
while, the states should be watchful to note every ms-
terial usurpation on their rights; to denounce them as
they occur in the most peremptory terms; to protest again si
them as wrongs to which our present submission shall be
considered, not as acknowledgements or price denis of right,
but as a temporary yielding to the lesesr evil, until their ac
cumulation shall overweigh that if separation."
Is this the language of modern Nullification? Or is
it tlie language of the Union men of the present day ?
But again, in the draft he prepared of a protest from
the Virginia Legislature, in Dec. 1835.he says:
And as s further pledge of the sincere and cordial
attachment of this Commonwealth to the union ol the
whole, so far as has been consented to by tbe compact
called ‘The Constitution of the United State* of Amer
ica,’ (construed according to the plain and ordinary
meaning of its langusge, to the common intendment, of
thetime,andof those who framed it;) togivoalaoloall
parties and authorities,time for reflection and for consid
eration,whether,undcratcmperatc view of the possible
consequences, and especially of ihe constant obetruc-
(ions which an equivocal majority must ever expect to
meet,they will still prefer the assumption of this power
rather than its acceptance from the free w ill oi their con
stituents; snd to preserve peace in the meanw hile, we
proceed to make it the duty of citizens, until ihe legis
lature shall otherwise and ultimately decide, lo acqui
esce under those acts of Ihe federal branch of our gov-
crnmcnl which we liavodeclared lobe usurpations and
against which, in point of right, we do protest ss null,
void, snd never to be quoted ss precedents of right.
“ IVe therefore do enact, snd be it enacted by the
Geueral Assembly of Virginia, that all citizens of this
Commonwealth, and persons and suthorities within
the same, shtll pay full obedience at all timet to the
acta which may be passed by the Congress of the Uni
ted States, the object of which shall be the construction
of post roads, making canals of navigation, and main
taining the same in any port of the United Sates, in
like manner aa if the said sets were, tolidem verbis,
passed by the legislature of this Commonwealth.”
Now, if Mr. Jefferson believed Nullification to be *
peaceful snd constitutional mode of redress for grievances
of this kind, in the name of Heaven why did he
throughout hit whole life urge upon tho people such
arguments ts these? It is clear from tbe above e*
tracts from the pan of Mr. Jeffaraon himself, thst he
never would have resorted to Nullification, or Revolu
tion, whilst hit confidence remained unshaken “ in the
good sente of the American people,”or in “theirat
tschments to constitutional rights.” With regard lo
the Virginia resolutions penned by Mr. Madison, in
1798. to far from their containing even tho seinblanci
of Nullification, throughout the whole of them tbe dor-
trines inculcated are diametrically opposed to it, amt
fully unctions and maintains the principles of Ihr
Union party of the present day. They pronounce the
alien and sedition laws unconstitutional—and what
then ? Recommend Nullification as the rightful reme
dy T No, no, thoy simply remonstrate against thos>-
laws, and recommend the other elates lo do the same, in
order to nullify and make them void by uniting against
them ihe/orce and strength of public opinion; which, ulii-
malrly, proved to be the •' rightful” and succeeslul
remedy; for in a very short time those odious enact
ments were repealed by Congress. So far then, from
Mr. Jefferson, or Virginia, ever having sanctioned the
doctrine of Nullification ss now professed at Ihe South,
their -true sentiments are scouted by the new light pa
triots of modern times ss pusillanimous—and of course
their authors, Jefferson and Madison, sre branded by
them as founder* of the modern school of Submission
©cticual KttteUCaettce.
!y attended the whole time. The examina
tion continued 7 dnvs, end upwards of 7 hours
every day. When the examination of any
class was finished, the visitors immediately
retired into a separate room, and agreed upon
their report, regularly until their task yaga
ended. “ Studio fallonte laborern.”
The visitors take pleasure in assuring the
public, that they can unanimously end con
scientiously recommend die University of
Georgia as an eligible Seminary fur the educa
tion of youth, both ns it respects the character
and talents of the Professors, and the morals
of the students. The Professors nro all able
and pious men. One third of the students
have mode a profession of religion, and are
said both by tho citizens and the whole faculty,
to behave as hecotneth the profession they have
made. -More than two thirds of tho young
gentlemen who graduated this senson, were
professors of religion, and the hnrmony which
exists amonelhe professors of college, who be
long lo diflerent seels, seems gmorally to
pervnde the people, which adds much to the
happiness of the whole.—Savannah Georgian.
Great Union Meeting.—The meeting which
took place yesterday was pronounced by many
competent judges to hnvo been one of tho jlnr-
gest ever seen here. The long room of tho
Exchange wns literally jammed, and tvn have
no doubt that ifthe room had been larger, many
more would have been present. Never, in
any community, was there exhibited a greater
unanimity of feeling than by this meeting.—
“Carolinn’a eonservalivo specific, Nullifica
tion,” wns utterly prostrated. But one solitary
voice was raised in favor of Carolina Nullifica
tion, and the gentlemnn ,tvho raised it, at the
end of the meeting, offered a resolution in fa
vour of tho re-election of General Jackson!
When Judge Wayne rose to address the mee
ting, he was saluted withenthusiaclic applause.
During the whole course of his remarks he
was listened to with the utmost attention, ex
cept when he wan interrupted, as lie often was,
by the plaudits of the audience. On taking
Ins seal, the meeting spontaneously gave three
cheers, and the room fling with the loud nprn-
bationnf his hearers. His speech was an able
vindication of hire course in Congress, and his
constituents in Chatham have rendered to
him, (what wo hope his constituents in other
parts of the State will do,) the award, “ well
done, thou good and faithful servant.” Onr
time and limits do not, at present, permit a
detailed acrount of ihe sentiments expressed
by the speakers. We shall in our next give the
substance of the speochos delivered. When the
question was put upon the final passage of the
Resolutions, there were but four dissenting
vniees and two of those came from n couple of
boys p> rched up in the music gallery. Nulli
fication I “ Farewell, a long farewell to all Ihv
greatness!” in Chatham county.—Savannah
Black Hawk Defeated.—K Baltlo was
fought on the afternoon of August 2, with Ihe
troops under Gen. Atkinson, and the Indians
under Black Hatvk, near the Mississippi river.
The battle lasted upwards of three hours.—
The loss of the Indiana is estimated at 150
killed, and of our army at 27 killed and woun
ded. During the battle Black Hawk stole
off. The Sacs, it is supposed, would con
clude a peace on any terms. General Scott
had arrived at Galena. This defeat of the In
dians, it is expected, will pul an end to the
war.—Geo. Constitutionalist.
Bclvilic near St. Louis, Jlug. 9 —Tho
Steam boat Warrior, Captain Thrnrk morion,
arrived this morning (Aug. 9,) at St Louis, and
reports that on her way from St. Peter’s to
Prnrie du Chein with 10 U. 8. Troops and 1
tiffin r on hoard, he encountered the whole of
“ Black Hawk’s Indians crossing the Missis
The Warrior, on coming up with them,
immediately “ run into, and run down” sever-
nl of their rnfts, and drowned, shot and look
prisoners, about 300 Indians. Generals
Dodge snd Henry came up immediately, to
whom the Warrior gave up her prisoners.
At bis Father’s residence, in Hill county, Georgia,
on the Milt ult. Mr. Asa (iniley, in the 35th year of his
Vgo. There is s kind of mournful pleasure in paying a
tribute of respect to the memory of deceased friends;
while we convey their remains io the tomb, or set lip
their grave stones, or wrile their epitaph, ws feel all
that holy satisfaction winch springs from the con
sciousness ni discharging a sacred duly.
The young gentleman, whose name we oow record
among the dead, had only a few days prior to his de
cease, returned from Lawrencevilla, in the Academy,
at which place he had been puisuing his stwlies, with
a view to future usefiil’irss, since the commencement of
the present year. How soon Ihe brightest prospects
fade! How short the passage to the silent mansions
of Ihe dead! To his young friends in that institution,
wbal a solemn admonition I When they separated st
tlie close of the term, how little did they reflect that
one of their number was bo soon to fall. Yet, Gailey
sleeps the sleep of death. Ills early exit speaks » lan
guage not to lie misunderstood—^“ ho ye also ready ;”
yes, •* ready ” He was so prepared for the coming of
Ilia Lord. In his last hours lie gave clear, snd une
quivocal evidence that his peace was made mlh God.
Ills light was trimmed and his lamp burning. He had
■ desire lo depart snd bo with Christ—“grieve not
nor do any thing for me, I desire to depart,” was bis
language lo those around his bed.
The intellectual powers of our young friend, though
not of that order which daisies, were neverthelcos
solid. Ilo was an indefatigable student, and possessed
an ardent thirst for knowledge, lie possessed a quali
ty too rarely found in students j ho never rested satis
fied with a superficial knowledgoof any subject of sin-
dy, but thoroughly investigated il, leaving no difficulty
unconqtiercd. Thus did l.c bid fair to attain to emi
nence ss a scholar i but God has ill his infinite wisdom,
removed him in the morning of iris days from these
scenes ofimperfeclion, tn that state, where progress in
knowledge shall be endless, snd enjoy moot perfect.
Franklin College.—We are happy lo per
ceive from the following communication,which
comes from a gentleman well known ns an ac
complished classical scholar, that the affairs
of our State College arc in so encouraging «
Gentlemen—A a the report of the visitors
appointed by the Trustees and Senntus Acn-
denncus, of the Franklin College io our Stale,
will not be pnblished until their meeting in
November, and as it is probable, some per
sons may be anxious to know something of
the opinion of the visitors, as transmitted to
the governor, and by him to be laid before the
Board of trustees and Senatus Acadcmirus.—
I have thought proper, as no person, st far ss
I know, has published any thing of this sub
ject, to assure the public, that the visitors
have made a very favorable report; not only
respecting the examination previous to Com
mencement,but also respecting the slate of the
Institution generally. They lament that from
15 visitors, only 6 attended and of tbe 5, 3 on-
Lale from Europe.—By the packet ship
Canadn, Captein Wilson, London papers to
July 18th. and Liverpool to thu 19th. both in
clusive, have been received at New York.
The aurrcndi r of Acre to Ibrahim, son of the
Pa-hH of Egypt, is confirmed.
Sir Walter Scott Imd arrived at his seat in Ab
botsford, Scotland, with his health apparently
much improved.
The Scotch Reform Bill received the Royal
Assent on the 18th.
We have intelligence of the landing of Don
Pedro’s Expedition in Portugal, and ita taking
possession of Oporto and Villa Nova without
much opposition. Fnrliculais will bo found
Don Miguel had issued a decree, declaring
Lisbon, and all the plucas on the sea-coasts of
the kingdom. “ in a stale of siege."
Falmouth. July 13—His Majesty’s steam
vessel Kin-brand, arrived this morning from
Lisbon, with despatches from the squadron,
which place she left on the evening of tho 9ih
inaL, and at midnight of tho 10th fell in with
Don Pedro’s squadron lying at anchor off
Oporto bur. A bunt, with officers from thu
Donna Maria frigate, hoarded the Firebrand,
which has brought the following intelligence;
On Soday evening, the 8th inst. Don Pe
dro strived at Oporto, andcame to nfTthe bar,
and on the following morning landed his troops
in regular nod good order, and without the
slightest opposition, at the village of Meltos-
mhoes, on the north side of the Douro. His
lorce is said to consist of 7,500, of which
about 460 are English and the tame number
of French. Some of Miguel’s Cavalry were
scan approaching, but did not come near
enough to fire, snd suddenly wheeled round
and retreated. After tbe landing, the troops
were marched to Oporto, which place they en
tered without opposiiion.
F our months after Hate application will he mads
to the Honorable the Inferior court of Franklin
county, when sutina for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell all Ihe Real Estate, belonging to the Estate of
Lewis Chandler, deceased.
Sept. 7—35—w4m.
YJ| ILL bo sold on tho first Tuesday in November
M nest, St Ihe Court Hnu-ein the county of llsll,
Three Negroes, sold as tho property of Joseph Me-
Cuiclien.ot -aid county, deceased. Sold for Ihe benefit
of the Heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the
day of sale. ROBERT McCUTCIIEN, Adm’r.
Sept. 7—35—Ids.
I jlOUR months after date application will bo mode
2 lu tlie Honorable tlie Inferior couit of Jackson
comity, when silling (or ordinary purposes, lor leave to
ei II two Tracts of Land, tho properly of IVilliani U *1-
Sepl. 7—35—wdm.
F OUR months after data application will be made
to Ilia Honorable the Interior Court of Jackson
county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell tho Land and Negroes belonging to Ihe Estate
of Jacob iMillssps, deceased.
Sept. 7—35—w4m.
O'* We are niitliomc<l to an-
nounce SAMUEL HII.I.HOUSE, ts a candidate for
Tts Collector for tbe county of Hall, st tbs neat elec*
August 10—Si—w 3m.
By WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor of Iho
Slate of Georgia.
B EING deeply jmpiessed wills the belief, that ilia
the dutv ofN’atinns, States and communities, ss
well as individuals, to render homsgo and adoration to
tlie Supreme Governor of the Universe—the author of
every good—to acknowledge I lie Power t to make con
fession of sins; to ask their forgiveness i to supplicate
His mercy, snd deprecate his wrath:
And a righteous God having seen fit to visit many
parts of onr country, with s most destructive pesti
lence, Ihe distressing ravage* of which, we have every
reason to apprehend, will ero long visit this Stale:—
And believing an I do, that the impending Judgments
of Him, who despise! Ii not the contrite heart, csll for
devout humiliation and prayer on tho part of us his of
fending creatures, I have therefore thought pro;ier, at
this alarming crisis, respectfully to rccummend to tho
inhabitants of ibis State, unitedly lo set apart Thurs
day, the 30th day of Sepl ember next, aa a day for reli
gious ezerciset, especially, fasting, humiliation and
prayer, lo entres' the disposer of events that this awful
pestilence Insy bo averted from us, or that in esse
He, in his infinita wisdom end righteousness, should
•es fit to afflict us with it, thst it insy, by Ilia power
and goodness, be so *bmid*nl!y sanctified and blessed
lo us, ss to teach us by its afflicting illustrations, Iho
uncertainty of human life, and “so lo number our
days, thst we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”
In testimony whereat, I have hereunto set my band,
at Ihe Stale House in Millcdgevilte, this 30th
day of August, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and of
the Independence of America, the fifty-seventh.
Sept. 7—35—SL
A LL Persons indefitrd to the Estate of Charles P.
Wetherapoon, deceased, sre requiied lo make
rimbe lisle payment. And those having demands
sgshi-t said Estate, will present them duly authentica
ted within Ihe timo prescribed bv law.
Sept. 7—85—40d.
W ILL be sold on Saturday, the 33rd October next,
at the late reaidenro of John Holder, deceased,
Clark county, the Perishable Property, belonging lo
the Estate of said deceased: consisting of Horses,
lings. Cs'tle, Household snd Kitchen Furniture; Cara
and Fodder, and other articles. Terms made known
on the day of sale. TAKPLF.Y HOLDER,
Surviving Executor.
Sept. 7—35—Ids.
F OUR months after date application will be mtds
to the Honorable the Inferior Coiirt of Clark
county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell the Land and Negroes, belonging lo the Estate
of John Holder, late of said county, deceased.
TARPI.EY HOLDER, Surviving Exe’r.
Sepl. 7—95—w4m.
4 T.L those having demands against the Estate of
Lewis Chandler, Inte of Franklin county, decea
sed, are required to render in their accounts according
to law, and til those indebted lo the Estate of the de
ceased, sre reqnired to come forward snd settle offtheir
accounts immediately.
Sept. 7—85—40d.