Newspaper Page Text
“ The ferment of a free, is preferable to the torpor of a UcNpotic, Government.
ISO. 28.
J fini Tuesday in OCTOBER next, will he »nM,
at iho Court-house in iho town of Watkit.villa Clark
couniy, within the usual hours of sale, the lullmving pro
perty, to wit:
One Small Negro Child, hy the name of
Marmirel, Eight or Nino months old : levied on as the
Drop,Tty n f (iahricl A. Moffett, to satisfy a fi fa. in fa
vor of iVilliam Davis, and other fi. fas. vs. Gabriel A
A GREF.ABLY to au order of iho Honorable the In.
-tL ferior court of the county of Rabun, when sitting
for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday
in October next, at the Court house in said county, the
following properly,to wit: consisting of three parcels nt
Land lying on the waters of Chattooga river; one pieci
or part of Lot, No. ll,in the 3d district of Rabun, con
tabling 50 Acres more less, also part of Lot, No 10, ad
joining the same, containing 250 Acres more or less,
•id part of Lot, No. 7, adjoining the sa ne, containing
0 Acres more or less. On the same day, at the Court
house in Heard county, will be sold one Lot of Land,
No. 242, in tfie 3d district, originally Coweta now
Heard county. On the same day, at the Court houa
H YLL Sheriffs Stile.—On the first Tues
day in OCTOBER next, will be sold, at the
Court House in the Town of Gainesville,Hall coun
ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following pro
perty, to wit:
Two Hunched and Fifiy Acres of Land,
it b'ing Lot, No. 115, in the 10thdistrict of I fall court
tv : levied on as the property of Charles Duke, to sa-
titfv a fi. fa. in favor of William Sher« rd and tnmes
Rutledge, vs. Charles Duke, and Henry Duke Ins Se
curity, issued from Wilkes Superior Court.
August 31.
late of Rabun county deceased. Sold for the benefit of
his heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the
day of»ale. J\MF,S B HENSON,
July 20—18—tds.
• Admr’s.
Two Negroes, to wit: Frank a Man, about
Thirty years of age*, and Will a man, about Twenty-
flve years of age: leviod on as tlfe property of James I in Marion county, wdl bo sold one Lot of l.anrt. No,
Dickin, now in the possession of William Deorinp, o 36, in the 1st district originally Muscogee now Marion
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John B. Chatfield, and other I county. AH sold as the Real Estate of James Strother
fi. fas. vs. said James Dickin and James Harris. ' c D -‘ 4 4 c - 14 r — * u '* u —'•*'
One House and Lot in the Town of Ythens
well improved, at present occupied by the defendant ns
a Public Tavern ; one Negro man hy the name of
Shepherd, about Twenty-two years of age. one Four
IJorpeStage,and Harness, one Four Wheeled Carriage
and Harness,two Bay Horses,seven Feather Beds,Bed
steads and Furniture, five Mattrasses. one dozen ind-
sor Chairs, one and a half dozen Split Bottomed Chnirs,
twelve Pine Tables, two Folding Tables, (of cherry)
one Walnut Sideboard, one dozen Knives and Forks,
half dozen Earthen Plates, one dozen Cups and Sau
cers, six Dishes, five Pitchors, two Decanters, four
Bowls, two Jugs, and one Jar: levied on ns t he proper
ly of John A. Byrd, to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of Fred
erick W. Cook, and other fi. fas. vs. John A. Byrd.—
The above described House und Lot was sold on the
first Tuesday in this month, and the terms of sale not
complied with.
August 31.
4 GRBE ABLY to an order of the Honorable the In
ferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for
ordinary purposes, will be sold in the town of Jefferson,
Jack°on county, on the first Tuesday in October next,
the billowing property, to wit: 123 Acres of [.and,
more or less, belonging to the Estate of John Thornton
late of said countv. deceased. Sold for the benefit of
the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the
da) of sale. JACOB KIDLINO, Guardian.
July 27—19—Ids.
\LL Sheriff's Sale.—On the fitsf Tues.
day in OCTOBER next,will be sold, at the Court
House in the town ofGainesville, Hall county, within
the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit :
All the Right, Title and Intercnt, in Two
Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, and the Crop of
Corn and Cotton growing thereon, whereon William
(Jrady now lives, on the Walnut Fork of the o C onee
river, adjoining Young and others: levied on ns the
property of William Gradv, to satisfy a fi fa. issued
from Hall Inferior Court in favor of James Blnrkslnek,
said Grady. Property pointed out by the Plaintiffs
Two Thousand Acres of Land, more or
less,lying on the Mulberry Fork of the Oconee river,
adjoining Deaton : levied on as the property of James
Claghorn, to sati-fy two fi. fas.issued from a Justice’s
court in favor of Isuac N. Young, vs. John Stinson,
and James Claghorn maker, and Joseph J. Garner and
E, W. Chester, indorsers and Mat. J. Williams,security
on stav of execution. Levy made und returned to me
by a Bailiff.
One Hundred Acres of Land, more or less,
lying on the Walnut Fork of the Oconee river, ad-
joining Cohb, and others : levied on os the properly of
Henry Yorkc, to satisfy sundry fi- fas- issued from a
Justice’s court, in favor of 11. M. Bell, and others, vs.
said Yorkc. Levy made and returned to me by a
Twenty-Nine Acres of Land, more or less,
known by Fraction No. 13, in the 9tl» district of Hall
county: levied on as the property of Alexander Er
win, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s court, in
favor of R. D. M. Bevers, for the use of Thomas J.
Husk, vs. Alexander Erwin, Eli W. Narramoro nnd
Janes Martin, securities on the stay of execution. Lc-
vymade and returned to me by a Bailiff.
August 31.
A BUN Sheriffs Sale.—On the first
Tuesday in OCTOBER next, will be sold at the
Court-house in the town of Clayton, Rabun county,
within tho usual hours of sale, the following property,
io wit:
Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, being a
part of Lot No. 24, in the 5th district of Rabun county :
levied on as tho property of Martin Culbertson, to sa
tisfy two fi. fas issued from a Justice’s court, one in
favor of Carruth & Brown, the other in favor of A, M.
Xorriss, vs. said Culbciison. Levy made and return
ed to mo by a Constable.
‘WMT’ILL be sold on Thursday the 4th day of Opto-
▼ ▼ her next, at the late residence of Charles Mc-
Konney, jun. in Jackson county, all the personal prop
erty belonging to said deceased, consisting of 250 bush
els of wneat, horses, mules, hogs, sheep, a new roa'*
wagon, household and kitchen furniture, plantation
tools, and other articles. Sale to continue from day
to day until all is sold. Terms made known on the
day of sale.
Persons having dcmands’against the Estate, arc rc-
qncs'ed to present them in terms of the law; and nil
persons indebted to the Estate, are notified that pay
ment will he expect#*' 1 during the present vear.
Aug. 17.-22—tds.
J A M ES HAMPTON, ] ,<x r8 ’
I ^jlOUR months after date application will he made
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson
cotintv, wnile sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell all *he Ileal Estate of Patrick Ca-*h, of said county
deceased. SAMUEL BARNET,
Administrators with the will annexed.
June 19—14—w4ui. , #y
F OUR months after
•to the Honorable
county, when sitting for ordinary purpose*, for leave t
sell all the Real Estate belonging to I lyc Estate of John
Clarkson, deceased.
June 5—12—w4m.
AWSWE51S J Btantly implored my fellow-citizens to “let aur
Received by tllC Iticlimond Com- sMes Wo”—to discard all bitter and selfish
intttcc of Correspondence, on
the subject ol'J'Silliileatlon.
Greensboro’, 10lliSe]>t. 1832.
Gentlemen,—On my return home two days
•r date nypricsitlnn will lie made ago, after an absence of several weeks, 1 re-
# th« court of Franklin ceiv’d your letter of 20th ult. in which, us a
F OUR months after date application will be made
to the Honorable the Inferior court of Clark
miinty, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave in
sell a Tract of Land, lying in formerly Troup now Me
riwether county, belonging io the Estate of Richard
Meriwether, late of Dallas county, Alabama, deceal
sed. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said decea
sed. JOSEPH LIGON, Adm’r.
May 22 —10—w4m.
feeling; anti to deliberate calmly and dispassion-
ately on this great subject so vitally important
to themselves und their posterity: If under
tho influence ofsuch a spiiit all tho counties of
the state should elect delegates to the proposed
convention, wo should obtain n full und fuir
[expression of Iho views and feelings of the
F OUR months after date application will he mad**
to tho Honorable the Inferior Court of Clurk
county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave
to self the I,anti and Negroes, belonging to the Estate
of John Holder, late of «aid county, deceased.
TARPLEY HOLDER, Surviving Exe’r.
Sept. 7—25— w 4m.
Committee appointed by a meeting ol the cit- people ; and in whatever measures n majority
izens of Richmond County, you enquire what might determine on, all would acquiesce,
are my “ sentiments m regard to nullification.” > [ am aware, gentlemen, that I have gono bc-
Recogntztng the right ot every citizen, to know| y ual | scope of your enquiry; but I cannot
the opinions of candidates for public office, on | regard the remarks which I have made
flTJOUU months nft<• r dale application will he i
8. to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Hall coun-
y when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to suli
all the Real Estate of Jonathan Pin nail, deceased :
One Tract ofl.and in said county, containing 700 Acre
nore nr In*?, adjoining Ezekiel Putman and others, On
c» No. 148, in the 16th District,originally.—
Also at the same lime and place application will he
made for leave to sell a Negro men named Ben, belong
ing to the sarno Estate.
August 10—21—w4m.
4 GREF.ABLY to an order of the Honorable the
Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for
ordinary purposes, will he sold at the Court-house in
Walton county, on the first Tuesday in November
next,One Tract of Land, containtng250 Acres, in the 3d
District of said county, No. 22, belonging to Luisa and
Jones Starks, Orphan* of Jones Stark*, deceased. Sold
for the benefit of said Orphans. Terms made known
on the day of sale.
August 24—23—tds.
One f.ol of Land, No. 15, in Iho 5th Dis
trict nf Rabun county, containing Four Hundred and
Ninety Aeres, more or leas: levied on aa the properly
of .lames Kllard, acn. to satisfy a li fa. issued from the
Tax Collector of said county, for l.i" (axes, due for
J183I. Levy made and r turned to me by a Constable.
Three Hundred Aeres of liOnd, more or
'Jess, being part of Lot, No. 36, in the 4th dialrictof
4tabnn county, with a Grist Mill on the same: le.ied
■on as Iho property of Joshua Smith, to satisfy a (i. fa.
issued from Itabun Superior court, in favor of John
Smith, vs. said Joshua Smith.
Lot of Land, No. 6, in tho 4th District of
flabun county, containing Four Hundred and Ninoty
Acres, more or less: leviedon as the properly of Anrnn
Tyson to satisfy a fi fa. i*e led from Putnam Superior
Court, infavor 'of Thomas Green. Properly pointed
out hy Thomas I. Green.
All thft Interest that Olrodnh T. Dickerson
ha? in a Gold mine in the 2d District of Rabin county,
known as Dillingham’s Gold Mine*: levied fin ft 4 the
property of O. T. Dickerson, to satisfy sundry h. fas.
issued from a Justice’s court, in favor of Jacob Cape-
heart, and others.
Lot of Land, No. 60, in tho 1st District of
Ilabun county, containing Four Hundred and Ninety
Acres, more or less: levied on ns the property of
Thomas Woods, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Rn
bun Superior Court, for cost and charges in favor of
George Blair. Property pointed out by the Defendant.
August 31.
Book and Job Printing neatly and accurate*
J'j executed at this office.
L GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the In-
jtjY ferior Court of Walton county, when sitting fo-
Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in
November next, at the Court house in said county, the
following property, to wit: consisting of two parcels of
Land, lying on the Waters of the Appulachio river, in
said county, one piece containing 424 Acres, more or
le^s, adjoining the Lands of Timothy C. Wood, Esq.
and the other piece containing 130.) Acres, more or
less, adjoining tho Land of Archibald Tanner, und
others. All sold os the Real Estate of Grant Taylor,
deceased. Sold for iho benefit of the creditors. Terms
made known on tho dav ofsale.
August 31—21—tds
E 71 OUR months afterdate application will be made
1 to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jacks"
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leav
to sell tho Lund and Negroes belonging to the Estate
of Jacob Millsapg, deceased.
Sept. 7—25—w4ni.
F OUR months afterdate application will be mad*
to flic Honorable the Inferior couit of Jarksor
county, when sitting forordiuary purposes, for leave to
sell two Tracts of Land, the property of William W al
lace, deceased.
Sept. 7—25—w4m.
lOUR months
r date application will he made
F to the Honorable the Inferior court of Franklin
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell ull the Heal Estate, belonging to the Estate of
Lewis Chundlcr, deceased.
Sept. 7—25—w4m.
A GREEABLY to no order of the Honorable tho
Inferior court of Clark county, when silting for
ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in
November next, before the Court Ionise door in the
Town of Watkinsville, ail the Rent K-iate of Allen
Bonner, deceased, nf said counlv, (widow’s d werex
copied,) thereheingbetween Eleven and TwelveHun-
dred Aeres of l.and, in three several pnreels, situated
on Iho tvniers of the Appnlnehie river and Barber's
creek, adjoining Stewart, Boling, Greer, Arthu-, anil
nllicrs. Sold on a credit of one and two years, for the
benefit oftlio heiraof said deeeaseil
.Hloniey in fact far the .‘hlmimstrator.
August 31—24—tils.
W II.I. lie sold on ihc first Tuesday in November
next, at I tie Court I louse in the couniy of Hall,
Three Negroes, snidas tho property of Joseph Mr-
Cuichen,ot said eminty,deceased. Sold for the benefit
nf'lho Heirs and creditors Terms made known on the
day ofsale. ROBERT McCUTClIEN, Adm’r.
Sept. 7— 25—tds.
A LT. Persons indebted to the Estate of Charles P.
VVetlicrapoon, deceased, aro n-quiierl to make
iinoic liate payment. And those having demands
against said Estate,will present them duly authentica
ted within the time prescribed bv low.
Sept. 7—25—40(1.
A Id. those having demands against the Estate of
.-ft. Lewis Chandler, late nf Franklin cnnntv, decea
sed, are require.I to render in their recounts according
to law, and all those indebted to tlr Estate of the de
ceased, are required to come forwatd and settle off their
accounts immediately.
Sept. 7—25—40d.
A Id, these having demands against the Estate of
n. Anthony It. Cheatham, latoof Clark county, dci-
ceasod, are requested to render in llioir accounts ac
cording In luw; and all ih ne indcblcd to the F.stnlerl'
-aid deceased, are requested to come forwatd and set.
tie I heir accounts immedialelv.
Sepl. 27 -21—4Ud.
nil subjects connected with the stations to
which they aspire,! have no hesitation in answer
ing your enquiry.
There lias never been perhaps a political doc
trine advanced which has been so variously un
derstood us nullification. Even tlioso who ad
vocate it most zealously do not agree in their
exposition of it. Without examining into the
various modifications under which this doctrine
has been held lortli, 1 regard it, in general terms,
ns the action of a single state in resisting and
arresting the operation of tin net of Congress
within its limits, which such state may deter
mine to he unconstitutional und oppressive.
I cannot more plainly or concisely express
my opinion as tu this right of a state thus to ar
rest the operation of a law of Congress, than hy
repealing the views presented in an humble ef
fort which I deemed it iny duty to make daring
the late session of Congress, in vindication of
the course pursued hy the authorities of Goor-
gia in tho enactment and enforcement of cer
tain laws for the Government of that part of the
state occupied by the Clu rokces. On that oc
casion I maintained, “ that the federal constitu
tion is n compact between the different slates of
this Union as sovereign states; that as no com
mon arbiter lias been appointed, each state, in
the exorcise of its inherent sovereignty, lias ‘ a
right to judge for itself of the infractions of the
constitution, nnd of the mode and measure of
redress’—and consequently the right to resist
or defend itself against unconstitutional or ar
bitrary power by the federal government or any
of its deparments. That this right is to be ex
ercised under tho deep anti solemn responsibil
ity of producing disunion or civil war—that
when a state lias determined to resist the mea
sures of the federal government (whether it be
a law of Congress or a decision of the Supreme
Court,) the federal government, it resolves to
enforce its measures, acts under the same deep
responsibility, in which the people of tho other
states will participate, unless they instruct their
ugents (their representatives in Congress) to
repeal or desist from the obnoxious measures.
And finally that if the state assuming this atti
tude will not yield and tho Federal Govern
ment persists, there must be a dissolution of tho
Union or an appeal to tho sword.” From this
extract you will preeeive that in asserting tho
right, I have adopted the doctrines and almost
the precise language of the V irginia and Ken
tucky resolutions. It is from these, nnd the
masterly report of Mr. Madison, in support of
the former, that my opinions, on this subject
have been chiefly formed—and it is only re
peating an almost universal opinion, when I say
that I have never seen (lie doctrine of State
Rights so well defined and su ably defended as
in those celebrated state papers.
But the propriety of crn-ling Mm rigVt/ in re-
sistng the Tariff Act, und preventing the col
lection of the duties on imports, w hich that act
imposes, I consider a very different question. 1
am opposed to n proceeding of that knid hy our
state, because I apprehend that it would produce
a collision with tho generul government, mid
ns inap
propriate ; nnd feeling most sensibly the deep
interest w liicli the people of Georgin have in
the great subject which for years bus agitated
this whole country; standing too in the rela
tion to them which I do, I could not furego the
opportunity of making some suggestions as to,
tho course which we ought to pmsue at this in
teresting crisis. But wliilo I make these sug
gestions, I beg leave to repeat w hat I have fre
quently stated, that I am not wedded to my
opinions; and that if any means can be devised
more likely to effect the object so desirable ta
all, and more in accordance with tho views and
feelings of our fellow-citizens, I will most
cheerfully yield qiy opinions, nnd cordially con
tribute my fccblo ellorts to render those means
Very respectfully yours.
•Messrs. Cumming, King and Slaughter•
Savannah, August 27//i 1*32.
Gentlemen:—Your communication of tho
20ili inst. in conformity with the resolution
passed by the citizens of Richmond count)' nt
n late meeting, having for its object the ascer
tainment of the opinions of Candidate* for
Congress, upon the subject of Nullification,
lias been received. And as I deem it not on
ly the right but the duty of the people to know
•font those who are candidates for their suffra
ges, the opinions cnleriuiiied on ull and every
limiter cun ledod with the vital interests of
the country, I can have no objection to slate
mine. And it is, tlmt I am no mill fier. In
deed, from the d flerent interpretations of
those who are advocates for the doctrine of
nullification, it. is a matter of no little difficulty
to ascertain wlml is Ihc precise definition they
affix io the term. It is a text upon which each
nullificr makes bis own commentary. Of
ibis, however, I am satisfied, that it is neither
a eonstilulional or paaceliil mode of obtaining
redress of grievance*. On the subject of the
tariff there is, I think, but one opinion in the
State, that in its operation it is manifestly un
equal, and consequently impolitic nnd unjust.
But the remedy by nullification, ns it appears
to me, has not for its object a repeal of the
Inw alone—the inevitable consequence of its
adoption is a separation of our Union, and ci
vil war ns its natural result. And though the
evils of the tarifTlaw are groat, they are not,
in my opinion of such magnitude as to induce
good and patriotic men to desire n change of
the government. The language of Mr. Jo(V
lersou on this subject, is Hie language of wis
dom, of moderation nnd safety. In the Dec
laration nf Independence, be aays. “ When
a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursu
ing invariably the same object, evinces a de
sign to reduce the people under absolute des
potism, it is their right, ns His their duly, to
throw a IT such government, and to provide
new gourds for their liiluro security. But
[hat prudence will dictate that governmenta
‘ uig established, should not ho changed for
W ILL lie Bold on Saturday, the 23rd October next,
at the late residence of Inlin Holder, deceased,
Clark cnnniy, the Perishable Properly, belonging to
the F.stntn nf enid deceased: consisting nf Horses.
Hogs, Cnole, Houachnld and Kitchen Furniture; Corn
and Fodder, .mil other artielea. Terms made known
i the day of sale. TARPLEY HOI.TIER,
Surviving Executor.
Sept. 7—23—tits.
O N Thuradav.lhe tall: day ofNovcmbcr next, will
be sold at die residence of Lewis Chandler, laic
ol Franklin counts, deceased, tho following properly,
viz. Three head of Itnrsea, One Ox Cart, amt On.
Wotk Steer, Cattle, lings. She. p, Corn, Seed Cotton,
Fodder, Sheaf Oats, Plantation Tools, Household and
Kiirjieii furniture, with other article* too tedious to
ineiition, sold a* the properly nf the deceased. The
sale to continue from day to-day, until all is sold.
Penns made know n on the day.
Sept 7—25—tda.
f NOUR months after date application will he mode
In the Honorable the Inferior court of Madison
county, wh>'n> f>r ordinary purposes, lor leave
ill sell part of tlm Real Estate nf Allen Daniel, lunatic
nt said county, In wit: one Tract of .and in said coun
ty, containing tat) Acres, mnro nr lees, adjoining Rus
sel J. Daniel, William M uton and others; trite Tract
of I,and Nn. 103, in tho 42d district of Muscogee, Lot
No 203, in 3lith district formerly Lee, one Lot of Land
No. 114, iu the 28th district Early.
Abo nt tho same time and place,.application will be
made for leave to sell part of the Slaves belonging to
said Allen Daniel, Ltmalic as afure said.
June 33—*•«—w4m.
ARRANGEMENT unwilling to hazzurd, at least until ull oilier ef
forts tn relieve ourselves art: exhausted. That
the l’ariir system, is itnoqinrf, unjust, ttncniisii-
tutionul, mill extremely oppressive upon the
southern states, l have no doubt,—that it ought
to be resisted try the people of the south, I have
uniformly declared: und ns the oppression is
common to the southern people, they ought, it
scorns to me, to unite in a common resistance.
In what way that resistance should be made,
would, I conceive, be best determined by united
councils—and therefore I am decidedly in fa
vour ofa Convention of the Southern States.
This expedient I have urged to my fellow-cit
izens on ull convenient anil proper occasions,
ami additional reflection has but confirmed
my convictions of its importance. I have no
doubt that our adversaries are presuming upon
our differences and divisions. The state of par
ties at the south is as well known to them as to
, _ ourselves, und from tho angry spirit that marks
leaving Augusta I Imrstlav inornuig, can reach Gun- - , , - r, 1 .... ,
pt.rt.inwn Sunday evening by wav of Athens; or leave sumo of our party contests, they are satisfied
L C0 4CH now runs Iw ico a
„ ok f r mn Athens, by w«v if’
*T;l)<*ni<:l*vil!c,Ma<li8f»n Springs and
Clarkosvjllt*; leaving Alhonn every
Tuesday nnd Saturday at 0 A. M. and arriving at
Clarkesvillo Wednesday and .Sunday cveninps—Loavr
Clarkenvillo Tuesday und Saturday at 0 A. M. and nr
riv«; at Athens every Wednesday and Monthly ev*!*
uintfs. The Stage line is continued from Clarkcsvillc
toCoopcrstown every Sunday, ami returns to Clarkes*
viilu every Monduv; and will convoy passengers to
Cooperstown, Gainesville, the Falls, Gold Mines, anti
Iron Works, on Tuesday and Friday of each week. By
this arrangement the regular Stage from Augusta to
Carnesville, by wny of Petersburg, is met every Wed-
uesday, going and returning, at Carnesville—and the
Augusta and Millcdgcvillc StageH nrn regularly met at
Athens every Monday and Wednesday evenings; so
that tho mail and passengers will not bo drained on
eitnerroute from Augusta toClarkesvillc. Passengers
perhaps eventuate in civil war and ultimately in j light or tranHieni causes.” In the piissn^e of
disunion—consequences which 1 tdiould jeel th** Tariff laws I ronfess I do not seo such
Augusta Sunday or Monday morning, they ran arrive
a» Clurkesville Wednesday evening, either by tin
Athens or Petersburg Mages.
Fare, kigiit cents per mile.
THOMAS KING, Contractor.
August 31—24—41.
TB1H H subscriber having withdrawn from all Mer-
2 tsniile concerns in Charleston, earnestly requests
all those indebted to him, individually, or to the late
firm of FLEMMING, GILLILAND & CO. to make
payment to his out h nsed agent. *Wr. Wm. Me Burney,
as early as practicable, a* all notes due one or mon
years, not settled by the first i f January next, will be
put in suit. THOMAS FLEMMING.
August 31—24—18t.
VVt* tm* acthoriscil to an
nounce SAMUEL IIILI.IIOUSE, aa a candidate fin
Tax Collector fur the county of Hail, at the next elec
August 10—21—w3m.
that tho people of tho aouthern stutca—nay,
even ofa singlo state cannot be united in any
elfort which may be made for our relief. If we
could undeceive them in this particular—if wc
could but convince them that however divided
on other subjects, nnd however variant our views
and opinions on other political matters, (hat on
that of our oppressions nnd a determination not
to submit to them there was but one mind and
one spit it, we might Hatter ourselves with the
hope of producing an impression on the people
of the Tariff states, which would soon result in
“ satisfactorymodification of this odious system.
It is for the purpose of producing this union and
co cert among the citizens of our own
state, and with the hope of procuring a southern
convention, that 1 havo advocated the contem
plated state convention. And it is in view ot
the great importance of harmony and zealous
ca-operatioii among ourselves, that I havo con-
tram of utilises and usurpation* ns ran |ustify
a dissolution of tho government: and I am
tlmreforo not prepared for aurh an event, the
more partieolarly us 1 think Ihc good sense of
Iho great body of tho American people, will
soon satisfy them that no luw can he enforced
in nny statu of tlm Union, against which the
public feeling and public sentiment aro array
ed; nnd that there can be no compensation
lor uliennlcd feelings, and a distracted empire;
that iho benefits arising from the tariff law
when compared with the evils emnnaling from
domestic feuds sink into insignificance ; and
that this consideration alone, appeuling to the
interests of the tariff slates without invoking
their patriotism, will induce them to repeal the
With every assurance of respect, I am yours
JMessrs. Camming, King and Slaughter.
Augusta, 4th Sepl. 1832.
Gentlemen,—In consequence of my ribsenre
from the city during the lust six weeks, I did
not receive your communication of the 20th
ull. until to.riay.
In reply to your request “ that I will oblige
my fellow citizens of Richmond by commuui-
cating through you my sentiments in regard to
null fiealton,” I take great pleasure in saying
to them, and to you that I am decidedly oppo
sed to that doctrine. I believe it to be nei-
ttier a peaceable nor constitutional remedy
for the grievance* of which we so justly com
plain : in fact, I believe it to be no remedy at
all. I view it as false and deceptive in theo
ry, and revolutionary in practice. And al
though I am, nnd always have been, oppoaed
to any and every tariff, for protection, and will
use all constitutional mean* to put it down g