Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, October 05, 1832, Image 1

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“The ferment of a free, Is preferable to the torpor of a <le*poCic, Government.” VOL# s. ATHENS, GEORGIA, OCTOBER 5, 1832. WO. 29. The Southern Runner, IS PUBLISHED IN THE TOIVN OF ATHENS, GEORGIA, EVEItV FRIDAY, nv ALISON CHASE. m ERMS ._Tlirea dollar* per year, payable in advance, , Four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. Thr latter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un- , tin' money is paid in advance; and no paper will b«discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except ai the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish- meat, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa- ,, er a sent accordingly. r risEMRVTS will be inserted at the usual rates. ■,-y> t|| l.ettcrs to the Editor oo matters connected tilth the establishment, most bo postpaid in order to scc orfi attention. ' Notice of tlio Pale of Land and Negroes bv Ad- ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must bo publish ed sirlti days previous to the day of sale. The -alc of Personal Properly, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published/Mir months. Nolire that Application will be made (or Letters ol Administration, must be published thirty Jays, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. MAIL ARRANGEMENT TO THE GOLD MINES. 4 PLEAS AN I TWO-HORSE COACH now runs twice a pWeck from Atbenn, by way of m [ ^r>anit;lsvillo,MttdtPonSpring*and Carntsville, to Clarkesvillo; leaving Athens every Tuesday and Saturday at 6 A. M. and arriving at Clarksville Wednesday and Sunday evenings—Leave Clarkcpvillo Tuesday and Saturday at 6 A M. and ar rive at Athens every Wednesday and Monday eve nings. The Stage lino is continued from riurkesvillf toCuepcrstown every Sunday, and returns to Clarke** ville every Monday • and will convey passengers to Cooperstown, Gainesville, the Falls, Gold Mines, and Iron Works, on Tuesday and Friday of each week. By this arrangement the regular Stage Irom Augusta tf Car>«esville, by way *»f Petersburg, is met every Wed ncsdiiy. going and returning, at Cnrnesville—and the Augusta and Milledgeville Stages are regularly met at Athens every Monday and Wednesday evenings; sr that the mail and passengers will not ho detained at eitucr route from Augusta toClarkesvillc. Passenger! leaving Augusta Thursday morning, can reach Coo- prrstovvn Sunday evening by way of Athens; or leave Augusta Sunday or Monday morning, they can arrive at Clarkesvillc Wednesday evening, either by tin Athens or Petersburg Stages, fCjP Fare, bight cents per mile. THOMAS KING, Contractor. August 31-24—4t. FOR THE SOUTHERN CANNER. To Miss Maid of Athens ere we part Pour some balm upon rnv heart, For indeed your actions shock it, And ’»is a sin to Davy Crocker, That one so blithe, so kind and free. Should use such cruelty to me. Have I not lov’d von ?—mark my eye, Its very fountains have gone dry— Not one sad tear there moist-* its socket Oh ! ’Ms a sin to Davy Crocket— That thou so sadly strange should net, I shall go mad—it is a fact! My heart was thine, ’tij thine no more, Hope’s la«t bright wave hath met the shore, I’ve sent thee hack thy broach and locket, Oh !! *tis a sin to Davy Crocket, That one so fair, so gav as thou, Should break love’s early plighted vow. I’ve revellM in a dream more bright, Than e’er Endyniio* form’d at night, *Twas based upon thy golden pocket; And ready ’tin a sin to Crocket, That thou should’*! draw thy purse strings tight And give me such a golden slight. You’ve nullified me—hope is gone, An Union man is now undone, I vow’d to t-harc my scanty pocket, Oh!! ’tisn sin to Davy Crocket, That thou shoold’st made so sad a seism, And drive me to Bach-el-o-rism. But farewell false one—Oh!! farewell— Thy name hath lost itsjoyful spell, I've entered it on falsehood’s docket, And ’lisa siii to Davy Crocket, That I should woo a lass so honnie, And thus be kick’d from all her money. YOIMCK. JUfeCCUcTHl?. MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. T HE Trustees of this Institution, impressed with the great importance ol affording the futilities ol acquiring a complete Medical Education in our own Stale, and in our own climate, have under the authori ty of their charter organized a Medical College in the citv of Augusta, and elected tlio following Professors, to wit: L. A. Dugas, M. D. on Anatomy and Physiology. Jos. A. Eve, M. D. on Materia Medica and Tlicra- peutica. John Dent, M. 1). on the Institutes and Practice of Medicine. M. Antony, M. P. on Obstetrics and diseases of wo men and children. L. I). Ford, M. D. on Chemistry and Purinacy. Paul F. Eve, M D. on Surgery. The Trustees respectfully cull tlio attention of the public to tho distinguishing feauture of their plan ol •in struction. The course xoiU be six months instead of the usual period ol four, by which extension of time, the Lectures will be less crowded, and an opportunity afforded for more minute daily examinations. That the i;res may he interesting and satisfactory, the lie- irv apparatus und preparations have been ordered from Europe and the Nmih. Candidate* for the Doctorate arc required to be of good moral character; to have attended at host two full courses of Lectures in this Institution, or one in some other respectable Medical College ami a second in this, m addition to the usual term ol private smdv ; to have registered their names,and delivered to the Secretary an inaugural dissertation on some medical subject, one inonih previous to the conclusion ol the course. The course will commence on the third Monday in Oc- tober next, and terminate the third Wednesday in April. The expense of the full course of Lectures will be 8100. Matriculation, $5. Graduation Fee, $10. Good Board may be obtained in tlio vicinity of the Institute for $13 per month. Tho healthiness of Augusta and economy to the student, need no comment. Published by order of the Hoard. Signed, AUGUSTUS B. LONGSTREET, President of the Board of Trustees, MILTON ANTONY, Vice-President. L. D. FORD, Secretary. July 6—16—2mtI5S—6t. Sanfordville Inn. JOH1T BAWSOST R ESPECI FULLY tender bis thanks to his friends and to the public generally, for the patronage he Has received since he opened his house at this place. He is now adding to bis building, which will enable Him to accommodate his visiters with comfort to them and satisfaction to himself. His house is situated on tho West Bank.of the Hightower River, (known on the map of the Cherokee country as Sally Hughe’s place,) on the mane road from MUlcdgevilleto Tennessee and N. Atabama,and in the richest part of Cherokee c-.nn ty; to '.he vicinity are good mineral and limestone wa ter and the Gold mines. July G—16—eo» 4m. Hook and Job Printing neatly and accurate- I'l executed ai this o ffice. From tho Now York Constellation. SOLID CHARMS 11 Whoso tender sigh, and trickling tear, Longs for five hundred pounds a year.., Bctleb. “Upon my soul,’’ exclaimed Noil Gump tion, as he kiifll before the Widow Wimple, “ I love the very ground you stand upon.” This tvns in fact no nxugeration—no flat- lory. Il was litterally true, for she happened te bo standing Upon her own ground, wh’ch was pari and parcel of a verv valuable farm The Widow was pretty old, and prodigiously homely. Ned was young, mid well looking. Tho Widow was rich, and Ned was poor— He therefore spoke the truth when ho profes sell an affection for f,e Widow’s land—which is more Ilian every lover feels himself hound to do. “ I love tho very ground you stand upon,” said ho, seizing her hand, snd kissing it with great zeal. riaro say it’s my ground you love," said the Widow, leering kindly upon him, mid gra- iously permitting him to devour her wrinkled hand. I swear by”— Tut ! tut ! said the widow, pressing tier hand upon his mouth, “you mustn’t swear.” “ liy your bright eyes, I was going to say.” “ Oh, you flattering rogue !” exclaimed the old lady, looking still more kindly upon the ardent lover, “ you don’t moan what you say, I know yon don’t.” Do you want mo to swear it ngain ?— Rv heavens, inndmu, you have forty thousand charms.” “Ah! now, you’re thinking of dollars all the lime. That’s the way with vou men ; when yon talk of our, you think only of our money, our houses, lands, goods and hiittels.” Though the widow said this, nnd believed it lobe true itt general, yet tn regard to her self she took nil her young lover said to he th sincere truth, nnd no flattery. What she as serted with her tongue, therefore, she contra dicted with her eyes. “ You men,” eon'inued she, “ arc all decei vers. You praise the charms of us poor weak women— “ Rut yours, madam,” said the lover vehe mently “are real solid cbnrms.” “ What can be mure solid,” returned the widow,” than this ground you love ro well, or the forty thousand cbnrms you spoke of! Ah, Mr, Gumption. 1 doubt you’re after all but a gay deceiver.” “ Deceive! I declare upon mv soul, Mrs. Wimple, I love you scvnroly. Your attrac tions are ineffable.” Thus Ned Gumption made love to the wid ow— not by halves, but like n man who is da- termioed to accomplish Ins object. The wid ow was not proof against siicli vigorous and well-df? ted (forts. She permitted herself to be led, nothing loth, tn the alter of Hymen. But mark the sequel. What the old lailv affected to believe the object of her lover’s affections, she soon found to be so in reality. Her loving husband con trived, the first night after their marriage, to kick her out of lied. He declared, indeed, it was all art accident. He raised her from the floor, robbed her poor old joints with spir its of camphor, and professed the deepest re. grel for having, though involuntarily, caused her a moment’s pain ; hut lie was apt, he said, tn be very restless o’nights, and he could not answer for his unquiet demeanor, especially in hi- dreams. He helped (he old lady into bed again.— But, in a short time, he wis troubled with the same restless dreams, which were followed by the same disastrous result, to the good wo man as before. He helped her up a second lime, attended to her bruises, and did all he could, by Itutd professions and lender apolo gies, to soothe and comfort her; but as he was, unfortunately for both their sakes, of so restless a turn, and was likely to prove so uncnmforlablo a sleeping partner, he modest ly suggested to his affectionate wife, whether it would not ho better on the whole that they should thereafter sleep npuri. After the specimens she had just had, am! was likely to hnve, Mrs. Gumption did not object ; and separate beds were provided But the hushnnd began to throw off the mask too early. His wife had not yet invested him with tho fee-simple of those “ solid charms” which he so londlv aimed at; and niw that the cloven fool begun to appear, she resolved that he should enjoy them as little as possible during Iter life, and have neither part nor lot in them after her death. When he fell in love with tho solid charm aforesaid, he had calculated that the king ol terrors would shortly rid him of the encum brance of the widow ; and that he should ho left tu tho free enjoyment of the wealth ho coveted. But death was not so aceommoda ting. Finding his approach too slow, he would willingly have hastened his Inggin, steps ; and, among other modes of doing so, lie purchased n wild voting horse for tho old In- dv to drive in her gig, that so peradvcriturc, she might he upset, nod gel her neck broke ! But the old lady refused to drive the coll ; nnd so the benevolent design of her husband was frustrated. She was very much troubled with a cough, for which she was in the habit of taking pare goric. Her hushnnd thought it was a great pity her complaint should not ho thoroughly cured, inslcnd oflming merely palliated ; and he therefore procured some paregoric to be made of the strength of laudanum. “ My dear," snid he, as ho brought it homo, “ I have hero some of the newly improved paregoric ; I think you will find it very servi- eahlo tn your cough ” “ You give yourself too much trouble, my love,” said tho old lady ; “ you are quite too solicitous about my health. For my part. I am very well satisfied with tho old kind of paregoric.” She refused to touch the improved modi- cine; and so the benevolent intentions of her husband wero again frustrated. In short, Airs. Gumption, smnn how or other, contrived to upset all the plans of Iter dearspottso for hastening her not of the world, and dorlnred she would not die to please him. He had ta ken her for belter or tor worse; and of the latter part, he should at least have his lull measure. She lived to he nearly a hundred years old; and, when she d^ed, repaid the sincerity and affection of her husband by be queathing all her properly to found a hospital foi lunatics. Poor Ned Gumption! his jaw fell six in ches. ns the will was read to him : ho indig nantly dried his widowed tears, loro ofT Ins mourning weeds, and swore that, the nexl time In' married an old woman for her money, ho hoped the devil would fly away with him world. The numerous Harem, the crowds of civil functionaries and military and naval offi cers in their embroidered Nizam uniforms, the vast number of pages aid pipe-hearers snd other inferior hot richly attired attendants, the splendid military music, for which Meltemel Alt lias an absolute passion, the beautiful Ara bian horses and higlihreed dromedaries, alto gether forma blending of splendor and luxury which easily recall Hie golden days of Bngdsd and its romantic Caliph. Yet this Court is never seen to greater ad vantage than in the delicious summer pulai e quence no donht equal; but tlmt it ivns from the pulpit. Something like a sarenstic rejoinder was made to the eloquence of the pulpit; nnd a warm nnd able altercation ensued, in which the merits of the Christian religion beenme tlio subject of discussion. From six o’clock until eleven, the young champions wielded tlio sword of argument, adducing with ingenui ty nnd ability every thing that could bo snid pro nnd eon. During this protracted period tho old gentleman listened with nil the meek ness nnd modesty of n child, as if he was ad ding now information to the stores of his in the gardens of ShiHirn. D tting the festival mind ; or perhaps he was observing with a nfthe Batratn, the Pasha generally holds his philosophic eye the faculties of the youthful it tlilu nneltniiiai! ennl nos . I* ........ I ...1.. .1 1 I • Z state in this enchanted spot, nor forget that strange and brilliant lia.iquelting-rooms were open and illuminated the colonnade full of guests ned gorgeous groups, sumo standing am) conversing, hoiiic sealed tut small Per-ian carpels smoking pipes beyond all price, and some young grad es lounging to iltcir crimson shawls and scarlet vests over the white balustrade, and flinging their golden shadow over the moonlit water: from everv quarter hursts of ntelodv, and each moment the river breeze brought gusts of per fume on its odorous wings. M. The Court of Egypt—A Sketch.—Two or three miles from Cairn, approached by an aven- te of sycamores, is Shuhra, a fuvorite resi dence of the Paslm ol Egypt. The pnlaeo on the husks of the Nile, is not remarkable for its size or splendor, but the gardens are extensive and beautiful, and admned by a Kiosk, which is one oflhe most elegant and fanciful crea tions I can remember. Emerging from Iragrant bowers of orange trees, you suddenly perceive before vou, tall and glittering gulos rising from a nohln range of marble steps. These yon ascend, and en tering, find vourself in a Inrgo quadrangular colonnnde of wliito marble. It surrnuds a small lake, studded by three or four gaudy barques fastened to the Innd by silken cords. Tho cidonnado terminates towards the wa ter by n VPry noble marble balustrade, the 'op of which is covered with groups of various kinds of fish in high relief. At ench angle of the colnnnad", the bnluslrud * gives way to flight of steps w hich ar ■ guarded bv crocodile ol un immense size, admirably sculptured, nntl all in white marble. On the farther side,the co. lunnude opens into a groat number of very bril liant haitqniting-ronms,whichynii enter bv with drawing curtains of scarlet cloth, a color vivid ly conlrnsilng with the while marble of which tlio whole Kto-k is formed. It is a favorite diversion of the Pasha himself, to row some favorite Circassians in one of tho barques. I to overset hts precious freight in the midst of the lake. As his Highness piques himself upon wearing a caftan of calico, and a juba or xterior robe of course cloth, n d'trkmg has not for him the same terrors il would offer to a less eccentric Osinanlon. The fair Circas sians shrieking with their streaming Ituir anti dripping finery, the Nubian eunuchs rushing to their aid, plunging into the water from the balustrade or dashing down the marble steps, II this forms an agreeble relaxation after the labors of the Divan. All the splendor of the Arabian Nights is realized in the Court of Egyot. The guard of Nubian eunuchs with thieir black glossy countenances, clothed in scarlet and gold, waving their glittering Damascus sabres, and gently bounding on their snow-whito steeds, is, perhaps, the most pte'urcsquo corps in the Washington Irving —.Seventeen years of foreign travel lias not cured our distinguished countryman of a penchant to which he pleads guilty in the introduction to the Sketch Boole, for peering into every nook and corner of the world. Afler rambling over the northern nnd eastern purl of the Union, and seeing more of tho country tn tlio short lime which has elap sed since his return than do the majority of people in the course of their lives, he has now left tho track of civilization, and joining a Northwestern parly, goun off' among tho Lake Superior Indians. What may not be expected fiom such a tour and such a traveller!— Through the beautiful vales of Connecticut, along thi! rocky ridges of New Hampshire, over the rich plains of western New York, the prairie of Michigan, and now in the forests of tho “ far West.” what renewed vigor and fresh ness will it give to a person always delirate and flexile! The European world has long sinep complimented the deep rooted patriot ism of the author of the life of Oolumh"s, hv asserting that, when he took his ilterno from Ins country hts literary efforts wero always happiest : as if the sketches which illustrated her scenery or manners were “ a labor of love” to him. May we not then now that lie has renewed the associations of his youth and nd- detl new nnd kindling ones to his prune, look forward with delight to ninny n literarv Irenl vet to come. “ The foot of Mnegregor once morn on his native heath,” ho will move with a freer and firmer tread ; nnd his spirits, lira- •cd hv his native air, wanton in many it game- none humor. Indian life is hv no mentis altogether new to Mr. I rvntg ; for when a youth of eighteen he was once among the tribe at St. Regis, and weht through the impressive rile of Indian christening. His literary character which was it safe passport to him throng every country in Europe, in limes however dangerous, will hardly be a protection in the wild land where be is now roving. Gentle Geoffrey ! may thv Irroqiiois’ baptism avail thee, if in peril, from tho tornnhawk of the ferocious Winnebago! May the soul of thy chivalric Peter Stuyvcs- ant, watch over thee in thv daring enlorprize, nnd the ghosts of his doughty warriors Imver is it easy to mind, nnd how new energies are evolved by scene. The repealed action; or perhaps, with pair,otic emotion, ho wits reflecting upon tho future destinies ot his country, and on the rising gen eration, upon whom those duties must de volve ; or most probably, with n sentiment of moral nnd religions feeling, lie was collecting an argument which, characteristic of himself, no art would he able to elude, and no force resist. Our traveller remained n spectator and lonk no part in what was said. At Inst, one of the young tnen, remarking that il was impossible to combo! with long es tablished prejudices, wheeled around and with familiarity exclaimed, "well my old gentleman, what think you of these things ? If, said the traveller, n streak of vivid lightning hnd at that moment crossed tlio room, their nmnzeninnt could not have been greater ihun il was tvilh what followed. The most eloquent und unan swerable appeal was made for nearly an hour by the old gentleman, that he had ever heard. So perfect was his recollection, llint every ar gument urged against tlio Christian roligion was met in the order il was advanced. Hume’s sophistry, on tho subject of miracles, tvns, if possible, more perfectly answered than it It el already been done by Campbell. And in the whole lecture there was so much simpli city and energy, pathos nnd sublimity, that not another word was uttered. An nlicmpl to de scribe it, said the traveller, would be an at tempt to paint tho sunbeams. Il was imme diately a matter of curiosity and inquiry who the old gentleman was. The traveller con- laded him to he the preacher, from whom tho pulpit eloquence hnd been heard. Bat no, it was John .Marshall the Chief Justice of the United Slates. Life is short: Tho poor pittnneo of seventy years is not worth being a villain for. Whu't mailers it if your neighbor lies interred in a splendid tomb!—Sleep you with innorence Look behind you through tho tract of time, a vast desert lies open in (lie retrospect; thro’ this desert have your fathers jimmied on, untill wearied with yeurs nnd sorrows, they stink from tho walks of man. You must leave them where they fell, nnd you will find eternal rest. Whatever yon may have to encounter between tlio cradle mid the grave: ho not dismayed. Tho universe is in endless motion ; every mo ment is big with innumerable events, which come not in slow succession, but bursting for cibly from a revolving nnd unknown cause, fly over this orb with diversified influence.— The largest Flower and the largest Bird In 1819 Dr. Arnold discovered in the island of Sumatra a flower which ho named tho Rnf- flosin Arnnldi, mid which an author has called with much justice “ tho magnificent Titan of near to stiecor thee in peril! But Bhickltnwk , ■ . , | the vegetable kingdom.” I he human mind himself, inlurinte ns ho is, must refrain lus . , , L j ” . , , " 1 hand when thy guardian genius, the spirit of the departed Dtedriek, shall whisper to him in his dreams, that his brightest hope of immor tality hangs upon thy present safety.—X. Y. American. Interesting Anerdnte. — It is frequently re marked, that the most laudnlile deeds are nehie'vod in the shade- of retirement ; and to its truth history testifies in every page. An act of heroism or philanthropy, performed in solitude, where no undun feelings eun affect tho mind, or bias the rhurerter, is worth to tho eye of an impartial observer, whole vul tunes of exploits displayed before the gaze of a stupid anil ndmlrtng multitude. It is not long sineo a gentleman was travelling in one of the enmities of Virginia, and about tlio eloso of the day alnpnetl it a public house to obtain refreshment, anil spend the night, lie had been there hill a short lime before no old man alighted from his gig, with the apparent intention of heroming a follow guest with him at tho same house. As the old man drove up, he observed that both shafts of hts gig were broken, and that tl» v were held together hv welts formed from the hark of a hickory supling. Our traveller observed further, that he was plainly clad; that his knee-hurklcs were loosened : and that something like neg ligence pervaded his dress. Conceiving him to be one of the honest veomanry*of oor land, tho courtesies of strangers passed between them, and they entered the tavern. It was about the same time that an addition of three or four young gentlemen was made to their number, most, if not all of them, of Hie legal profession. As soon as they became conve niently accommodated, the conversation was turned by on* of tho latter upon an eloquent harangue which had been displayed at the bar. It was replied by the other, that he had witnessed the sumo day a degree of clo- indeed hud novor conceived such n flower; lint circumference of tho full expaudod flower is nine lent—its ncclnriuri calculated to hold nine pints—tho pistils aro ns large ns cows’ horns, nnd tho entire weight of the blossom enmputed to he 15 Ih. Temble, in his recent travels in Peru, stnles that he shot a condor, and, from notes taken on the spot, give* us tho following dimensions of its size : “ When the wings are spread, they measure 40 feet in ex tent front point to point, the leathers are 20 (net in length, nnd the quill pntl eight inches in riroiitnferenro." This almost realizes the fabled roc of Sint- -1 ' * 1 tn tho Arabian Xights: but its dimensions, as here given, rest on good and very recent authority.—The Penny Mag azine. Chloride of Lime—This powerful disinfec ting agent is verv sparingly used bore, and some are skeptical as to its efficiency in re moving infection. We know of some houses und Imvo heard of many more, in which one rase of cholera occurred, the Chloride of Lime or Soda was freely used, and no second ease oc curred ; whilst in many, we believe wo might say hundreds of houses where on disinfecting substances were used, three, fo"f and five ca ses have appeared in the same house, success- ly. These facts speak for the efficacy of the chlor.des, and strongly recommend them to general use, not only for our houses, but also lor yards, privies, and even public streets. Montreal Cowant. Proof of being Righteous—A man, last winter, or sonic other lime, when the weather was frosty, coming out of a tavern a litlls •blue,’ lost hiH footing and canto down plump on tho doorstep. Endeavouring to regnm his feet, he said—“ We read that the wirked stand on slippery places. I therefore must be one of the righteous, for hang me if I can stand"