Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, November 02, 1832, Image 4

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jjZc&AL notices. OKORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, Sitting for Ordinary Purpo ses, -May Term, 1832. Present their timers, James Long, James -i'ldtrson, .Yoah If'. Pittman. John Meroney, and Ro bert Grores, Justices. RULE NISI. H'«T|lF.lir.AS Henrv llartsfield, administrator dc ? V bonis lion of Brinkl) lloiiss, deceased, have m iitmntd the court, for Inters ofrli-mnsion. •' h " rl ' , i- is order'd,that a co|iv ->f this Hob- be published for sis riiontlis in one of the public (ia- - ns of this State, that all parliei concerned may have ,’i„o notice, and file their exceptions (if any they have) In i fie issuing of said letters diamisaory. \ irne extract from tlic minutes of said court, this H;li dav of Muy 1832, WILLIAM SANDERS, r. r. o. Mnv 15-9-m«m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. Inferior Court. Sitting for Ordinary Purpo ses, August adjourned Term, 1832. p.esctil their Honors, Joseph Hampton, Robert Smith- nick, and John W, filenn. RULE NISI. O N motion of Isaac Rawls, stating to the Court ■ hut Robert Venable, deceased, in bis hie lime evented to your petitioner a Rood binding himself to make tides to a Tract or parcel of I.anil, situate, lying and being in the cnnnlv of Jackson, a conv of which Isold it tiled in the Clerk’s officeofthis court,and play- i',** mat this Court direct James M. Cunningham, Exe cutor of the Estate of said Itolierl, to execute titles to tl, e same. It is therefore, ordered, that the Executor of said Robert, do make said titles according in the unor and eflect of said Bond to said Isaac Rawls, nolens sufficient cause he sh-ovn to the contrary, with in three months, or at the next Term ofthis Court, af ter the expiration oftliree months. toil it is further ordered, that neopy ofthis Rule be published once a month, for three months ; and also a copy of the same he posted up at two or more public (daces in said county, \ true extract from the minutes. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. August 31—21—m3m. GUARDIAN’S SALE. A GHEEABLY to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Courf of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes "ill he sold at the in Walton county, on the first Tuesday in November next,One Tract of Land, containing‘250 Acre*, in the 3d District of said county, No. 22, bclongine to Luisa and Jones Starks, Orphan* of Jones Starks, deceased. Sold for the benefit of said Orphans. Terms made known on the day of sale. GILES JENNINGS, Guardian. August 21—23—Ids. A DM INIS T11A TOR’S SAL E. A OREL ABLY to u n order of the Honorable the In- a. m ferinr Court of Walton county, when sitting lb* Ordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in November next, at the Court house in said county, the following properly, to wit: consisting of two parcels of Land, lying on the Waters of the Appalachie river, in ban! county, one piece containing 421 Acres, more or less, adjoining the Lamia of Timothy C. Wood, Esq. and the other piece containing 130} Acres, more or less, adjoining the Land of Archibald 'fanner, and others. All sold ns the Real Estate ol Grant Taylor, i deceased. Sold tor the benefit of the creditors. Terms made known on the dav of sale. RICHARD ’Al’TLER, Adm’r. August 31—21—Ida. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to in order of Ihe Honorable I lie In ferior Couiiof Madisoncounty, while Billing an a Court of Ordinary, will be sold al tin: Court boost ip the comity of .Marion, on Iht liret Tuesday in Decem ber next, Two Hundred two and one half Acres of Land, more or less, and known and diaiinguiahcd by Lot, No. J8, in the 3d District of originally Muxcogee, now Marion county, belonging to the Estate of Robert Glover, late of Madison coiin'y, deceased. Sold lor ihe benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on Ihe day of sale. JAMES LONG, Adin’r. Sept. 98—28—Ida. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HERE AS Thomas Moore and James Hampton, Executors of William Malone, sen. deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration on said Estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office witlwn the time prescribed by law to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 21st May, 1832. JOSEPH MOON, c. c. o. May 22—10—m6m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS William Knox, administrator of Sam uel Y. Patton, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration of paid Estate: These are therefore to rife and admonish nil and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he ami appear at my oriice w ithin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 9th Mnv, 13.32. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. May 22—10—tnGm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W IIKRE4S Matthew Hester, Administrator of Charles Heifer,deceased, applies for lettersof Diiinissiou from the further Administration on tli Estate of said deceased : These are therefore to rite and admonish nil and sin- pillar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tu he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, wliv said let ters should not he granted. Given under inv hand this 13tli Sept. 1832 JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Sept. 27—21—mfiin. GEORGIA, IIALL COUNTY. YW7HFKF. 18 Slavey Waters applies for Letters of ▼ V Administration on the Estate of Elfivou Wa ters, late of Hall county, deceased: These ate therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed |»y law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand this 3d October, 1832. GEORGE 1IAWPK, c. c. o. Oct. 12—30—30d. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS Thomas A, Glenn applies to me for Letters of Admioistration on the Estate of George IV. Glenn, late of said county, deceased: These arc therefore to cite, summon, and admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he untl appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 3d October, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. Oct. 12—30—30d. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS Kichaid Goode upplies to me for let. ters of Administration on the Estate of Sarah Watson, late of said county, deceased: Those are therefore to cite and admonish oil and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he ana appear at my office within the time pi escribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 4th October, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. Oct. 12 -30—30d. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS Fsekiel Ratcliford applies to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Joseph Ratcliford, a n. late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, tu she- cause, if anj they have, wh) said let ter. .hould nut be granted. Given under my hand thin Cth Oetnber, 1839. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. Oct 19 -30—30d. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. W HEREAS JoelGitte: sapplies tome for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Mary Ann Gittena,of Mid county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and Admonish, all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of raid deceased, to lie and appear at my office, within the time proscribed bv law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters •hould not be granted. Given under my hand this 20th Oct. 1832. JONATHAN D. CHASTAIN, c. c o Oct 26-32-30d. To Stage Proprietors. W AY-BILLS constantly on hand and Tor sale at the Office of the south. A D MINI ST R A TOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the Inferior court of (Mark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in November next, before the Court house door in the Town «} Watkinsville, nil tho Real Estate of Allen Bonner, deceased, of said county, ( widow ’s dower ex cepted,) there being between Eleven and Tw'elve Hun dred Acres of Land, in three several parcels, situated the waters of the Appalachie river and Barber’s creek, adjoining Stewart, Boling, Greer, Arthur, and others. Sold on a credit of one and two years, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. ISAAC S. VINCENT, aAttorney in fact fur the Administrator. August 31—24—ids. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. "WW) ILL lie sold on the first Tuesday in November V T next, at Ihe Court House in the county of Hall, Three Negroes, sold as tho property of Joseph Me* Cutclien, ot said county,deceased. Sold for the benefit of the Heirs and creditors Terms made known on the day of sale. ROBERT McCUTCREN, Adm’r. Sept. 7—25—Ids. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N Thursday, the 15t h day of November next, will be sold at the residence of Lewis Chandler, late of Franklin county, deceased, th«i following property, viz. Thrco head of Horses, One Ox Cart, ana One Work Steer, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Corn, Seed Cotton, Fodder, Sheaf Oats, Plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen furniture, with other articles too tedious to mention, sold as the property of the deceased. The sale to continue from duy to-day, until all ia sold.— Terms made know n on the day. MARTIN ANTHONY, ExV. Sept. 7—25—ids. GUARDIAN’S SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at the Court house in the town of Green ville, Meriiwcther county, n Lot of Land, known and distinguished by No. 81, in the 9th District of original ly Troup, now Mcrriwcthcr county, containing by sur vey, 202} Acres; said Lot was drawn by the heirs of Pi ter Smith, late of Madison county,deceased. One third part of said Lot of Land, sold under an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Mudisoo county, while silting ns a Court of Ordinary ; tho balance of said Lot of Land, sold by the Legatees of tho said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES II. BOND, Guardian SEBORN SMITH, Minor. JOHN It. BOND, \ JAMES B. BOND, j * Lcga’s. GUARDIAN’S SALE. TINDER an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of .Madison county, when suing for Ordina ry purposes, will be sold at the Court house in the county of Marion, on the first Tuesday in December next, Two Hundred two and one half Acres of Land, more or less, and known and distinguished by Lot, No. 212, in the 4th District of originally Muscogee now Marion county. Sold as the Real Estate of Cicero N. Jonec, illegitimate minor, and for the benefit of said minor. Terms made known on the day of sale. WILIAM SANDERS, Guardian. Sept. 28—28—tds. EXECUTRIX’S SALE. 4 GREEABLY to the last will of William Shaw, late of Jackson county, deceased, will he sold at the Court house in said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, a Negro Woman named Hane. Terms made know n on the day of sale. SUSANNAH SllAW, F.xr’x. WM. SHAW, Ex’r. Oct. 12—.30—tds. Fire Proof Ware-House. AUGUSTA. Stovall & Simmons, R ESPECTFULLY inform Ihe public, Ihnl they continue I be commission buxines al llieir NEW KIKE PROOF WAKE-HOUSE, nearly opposite Ihe Merchants’ and Planters’ bank, and a little belotv the tipper maiket, Augusta. Having gone to great expen-c, to make secure the property of their customers, they hope for a liberal Htip|Kirt from the public, promising that strict and per severing devotion to the interest oftheirpotrons, which they have licietofure exherlcd in their behalf. They are prepared to make liberal ca* h advances on cotton, anrl all other reasonable facillliea will be afforded. Sppt. 98—98—w3in. GUARDIAN’S SALE. 4 GKEEABLY to an order of Ihe Honorable flic In- ferinr Court of Madison county, when ailting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at the Court house in the town of Dan- ielsville, Madison county, between tho usual hours of sale the following property, viz: One Tract of Land the Third Section’, and Districts.No. ’l,9, 3,18,and 17,of containing 150 Acres in said courtly, adjoining »»• the Fourth acetion, form the Third Map. On these liaui Morton, Russel J. Daniel, nnd other* ; also, one ma p 3 will be found each District in the Territory, with Negro boy named Albert, seven years "Id, sold as Ihe . fvrr y square I.ot of f.nnd and fruction dislinctiy laid AOI.D AND LAND MAP OF THE County of Cherokee. I HAVE now in the hands of the Engraver, which will be completed by the first of November next, a general and accurate Mop of Cherokee country, drawn from the returns of the District Surveyors.— Owing to the great number of Lots into which the County has been divided, paticularly the Gold Region, and the large dimension of the sheet it will require, to have all those numbers distinctly and accurately laid down, I have thought it advisable to form the Map into separate and detached Sections, which 1 designed as Gold Map and Land Map. All the Land Districts in the Territory arc laid down on one sheet,and constitute a distinct and separate Map by themselves. The districts reserved and surveyed as Gold Districts, are divided into three sheets of Maps. Districts No 1, 2, 3. 4, 5,11, 12,13, 14, and 15, of the First Section, form the first Map. Districts No. 1,2,3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and fc2 of the Second Section, form the second Map. Districts No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 18 19, 20. 21, and 22. of property of Allen Daniel, Lunatic. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES DANIEL, Guardian. Oct. 26—32—tds. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes, belonging to tho Estate of John Holder, late of eaid county, deceased. TARPLEY HOLDER, Surviving Exe’r. Sept. 7—25—w4m. F OUR months afterdate application will he inailc to the Honorable the. Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purjioses, for leavo to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of Jacob Millsaps, deceased. MARVEL MILLSAPS, Adin’r. LAVINA MILLSAPS, Adm’x. Sept. 7—25—w4in. F OUIl months after date application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior couit of Jackson county, when silting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell two Tracts of Land, the property of William Wal lace,deceased. NICHOLAS WALLACE,) . , . WILLIAM WALLACE. } Atl,Ilr8 - Sept. 7—25—w4m. F OUR months after date application will bo made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Hall coun ty when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to scli all the Real Estate of Jonathan Pinnall, deceased : One Tract of Land in said county, containing 700 Acres more or less, adjoining Ezekiel Putman and others, One Tract No. 148, in Ihe 16tli District, originally.— Also at the samo time nnd place application will he made for leave to sell a Negro man named Ben, belong ing to the same Estate. JAMES GARRARD, Adm’r. REBECCA PINNALL, Adm’x. August 10—21—w4m. .Sept. 28—28—tds. A DM INISTR \TOIt’S SALE. TT7 ILL be sold by an order of the Honorable the i , ,, ,, , , t.- . . - ? V Inferior court of Madison countv, while sitting ■- Honorable the Inferior court of traiiklm as a Court ot’Ordinary, on the first Tuesday in Decern-: <*'inty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to tier next, at the Court house in the county of Troup. • 1,0,1 ? U ! hc , l l 1 eal Estate, belonging to the Estate of Two Hundred two and one half Acn a .if Land, Lcu *" ^handler. JP^OUR months after date application will he made less, and known nnd distinguished by Lot, No. 43, in the 4th District of said county, being the Real Estate of Ni’lson Thompson, late of the county of Madison, deceased. Sold for the benefit of Ihe heirs. Terms cahh. WILLIAM THOMPSON, Adm’r. Sept. 28-28—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GKEEABLY to tho last will and testament of m Edward L. Christinn, late of Madison county, deceased, will he sold nt the Court house m the town of DauieUville, in said county, on the firat Tuesday in January next, Tw o Negroes, to wit: Moses and Daph- noy. Sold ns a part of the Estate oftho said deceased, anil for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known n the day of sale. GEORGE M. CHRISTIAN, F.xccnlor. Sept. 28—28—tds. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. W ILL he sold at tho fate residence of William I.. GritVeth, Into of Madison county, deceased, m Tuesday the 13tli day of November next, the Per. tonal property belonging to said Estate, consisting of ilie present Crops, Horses, Cattle and Hogs, House, lin'd and Kitchen Furniture, ard numbers of articles too tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to lav until nil is sold. Also, at the same time and place the plantation will be rented for the ensuing year.— Terms inude known on the dav. F.tANCIS P. EBERHART, JAMES LONG, Sept. 28-28—tds. Lewis Chandler, deceased. MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex’r. Sept. 7—25—w4m. F OUR months afterdate application will be made to the Honorable tho Inferior court of Clark county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot No. 186, in 4th District of originally Dooly now Pulaski countv, drawn by William Clualom's or phans Sold for the benefit of said orphans. JAMES G. MASTIN, Guardian. Sept. 23 —28—w4in. 1 7IOUR months afterdate application will be mane . to tho llonorahlo the Inferior Court of Hall county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Millcy WoodlifT, lute of said county, deceased) JAMES LAW, > . d , GEORGE WOODI IFF, j M,avrf * Sept. 28—28—u4m. down and numbered—all Mountains, Rivers, Creeks, Branches, Ferries, &c. arc correctly and faithfully de lineated. The Map will be handsomely engraved, printed on st rong silk paper, colored and put up in morocco cases at the following prices, viz; Land Map, $5 00 Gold Maps 83 50 each or for three, 810 00 For Gold and Land Maps, comprising the whole Territory, 815 00 Persons desirous of obtaining this valuable Map will do well to inform tho publisher soon, as but a limited number can be obtained during the drawing of the Lot tery. All communications addressed to the subscriber in Milledgevillc, Ga. (postage paid of course) will meet with prompt attention. ORANGE GREEN. Milledgcville, Aug. 23, 1832. > Admr’s. JAILOR’S SALE. n 7ILLbe sold <m the first Tuesday in January next, ol tlm Court house in the Tow n of Jef ferson, Jackson county, within ihe usual hours of sale, a M*gro Man who save his name is Nepion, 50 years old or upwards j he bus a bald place on the back part of hia head, says he bcl mgs to Richard Coulter, for* merly ol Sumpter district,S. Carolina, but now of some part of West Tennessee, unknown to him. lie was put in Jail here 2Stlt March last, am) all law ful means iis*’d to ascertain Ins ow ner. The owner is hereby no* filled og.nn to come forward and pay the jail fees, or the said negro wi I be sold to puv the same. JOSEPH HAMPTON, Jailor. Oct. 12—30—Ids. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N Saturday, tlic24ili day of November next, will be sold at the late residence of Ohcdiah Watson, deceased, of Jackson county, all the Perishable proper- tv, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and other articles too tedious to mention. Sold for the benefit of the Legatees and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. JOSEPH LANDRUM, Ex’r. Oct.* 12-30- tds. A GKEEABLY to the last will and testament of im Dabny Gholstnn, late of Madison county, decea sed and by order of the Honorable the Inferior court of said county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court house in the town of Danielsville, Madison county, on the first Tuesday in January next, Two Negroes, to wit. June a woman, about 33 years, Syrena a Girl, about 16 years old. Sold as theproper- ty of the heirs of Nancy Sisson, deceased, and for their benefit. Terms made known on the dav of sale. ZACHAKIAH GHOLSTON, Agent. Sept. 28—23—tds. I aIOUK months after date application will he made . to the Honorable the Inferior court of Ilnber- sham county, while Hitting for Ordinary Purposes, for leave to si-II all the Ileal Estate of lliempsal Vaughan, deceased. JOSEPH P. G. WHITE, Adm’r. Oct. 12--30—w4m. 1 IJ20UR months after date application will be made . to tho Honorable the Inferior'court of Habersham county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes,for leave to 6ell the Real Estate of Joseph Murdock, deceased. JOHN M. BOWMAN, Adm’r. Oct. 12—30—w4m. F OUR moths after date application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell one Negro boy, belonging to the Estate of Jona than L. Ramsey, deceased. JAMES RAMSEY, Adm’r, Oct. 19-31«w4m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Joshua G. Moore applies for letters of Administration, de bonis non with the will annexed, on the EstoteofJack F. Cocke,deceased: Whereas Isaac Clark applies fir letters «*f Adminis tration on the Estate of Andrew |. Thrasher, deceased : Whereas Benniog B Moore applies for letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of Catherine Holder, late of said county, deceased: Whereas Lucy Wright and John W. Graves, apply for lettersof Administration, with tho will annexed, on the Estate of John Wright, lute of said county, de ceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and np|*ear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand thin 22d Oct. 1832. — JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Oct. 26— 32-30d. NOTICE. 4 LL those having demands against the Estate of Anthony R. Cheatham, lateof Clark county, de ceased, are requested to render in their accounts ac cording to law; and all those indebted to the Estate of said deceased, are requested to come forward and set tle their accounts immediately. MARY W. CHEATHAM, Adm’x. GEORGE M. ARCHER, Adm’r. Sept. 27-21—40<l. Georgia Agricultural Society. A T a meeting of the Board of Directors on the 5th inst. it was Resolved, That a premium of a Gold JSJedal, worth five dollars, be offered for the host writ ten Essay on the Rust in Cot ton % thot shall be laid be fore the Board by the first of November next—to be decided by u committee appointed for that purpose. AGRICULTURAL FAIR. 5CP The Georgia Agricultural Society of Macon will hold n Fair for the exhibition of Agricultural, Hor ticultural and Domestic products, Fatted Cattle, Milch Cows, Swine, &c. at the Court House square in Macon, on Thursday, the 20th day of December next, when they will award (among others,) the following Pre miums, viz; 1. For the best load of Cot ton of eight bales, weighing not less than 300 lbs. each, that shall he exhibited as above, a silver Pitcher valued at 815 00 2. For the sec ond best load of Cotton of eight bales, weighing as above, a silver cup or medal, valued at 10 00 3. For the third best do. do. of 8 bnlcs, a pre mium valued at 5 00 4. For the best ox, raised nnd fntied in this State, a cup or modal worth 10 00 5. For the second best do. a premium valued nt 5 00 6. For the largest swine, raised and fatted in this State, a premium 5 00 7. For the best specimen of Turnips, not less than a bushel, a modal worth 2 50 8. For the best Georgia made Butter, (not I© s than 20 lbs.) a premium valued at 5 00 9. For the best Georgia made Flour, a pre mium 5 00 10. For the best sample Georgia Wine, a pre mium 5 00 11. For the best specimen Georgia Silk, a pre mium 5 00 12.’ For the best piece of mix! Georgia Home- spun, n premium 5 00 13. For the host piece of domestic Georgia made Sheeting, a premium 5 00 M. For fI,c hcai milch Cow do. do. 5 00 15. For the best Bull do. do. 5 00 16. For the best specimen of Georgia Sugar, not less than 25 lbs. do. do. 5 00 fCJ* A General Meeting of the Society will bp held at the Court House on Wednesday the 10th Oct. next to make arrangements for holding the first FAIR of the Society, &c. M. BARTLETT, Secretary. jMacon t Sept. 15, 1832. Co-Partnership. T UF. undersigned lake pleasure in informing tho citizens of AtlienB, and ihe public generally, tint they have formed a co partnership in Ihe Mercantile Business, And opened a Store at the stand heretofore occupied by Mr. J. C. EDWARDS individually, under name and firm of TIIOMAS HANCOCK & CO. Where they intend keeping a choice, extensive and fashionable Stock of Goods, in the various departments of their line of business. They respectfully solicit the attention of the public towards their establishment. THOMAS HANCOCK, JAMES C. EDWARDS, JAMES A WRIGHT. Athens, Oct. 5.—29—tf. To the Public. f N consequence of an arrangement between some of tho Creditors (of the late lirin of Bateman & Dun can) und J. B Bateman proprietor of the Union Hotel Property Lottery, Rood titles can he depended on to prize holdera of Tickets, nnd Ihe drawing of said Lottery will place the fcnirtli Monday in next December. September 8th, 1939. THOMAS BEALL,) JAtMF.S SPIF.IIS, | fiuperintendant; T. IV. GOODF., / K. J. CREWS, f t 0 u ie D. B GRANT, W. P. YONGE, I Lottery. October 5—99—eow3m. STEAM PACKETS WM. SEABROOK, Cnpt. W. DUBOIS, nod JOHN DAVID ill OIV CJIIV, Cnpt. JAMES CURRY. T HE Proprietors of these Splendid Steam Packet. intend running them as Passage and Freight Boats between CHARLESTON and AUGUSTA, tho coming season—the first regular Trip to commence on SaTm. D.\y,3d of November next,under the following arrange* menl:—Leaving Charleston and Augusta every Satur day, and arriving at Charleston and Augusta every Tuesday. By this arrangement, Country Merchants Hading to Charleston, and wishing to avail themselves of the con veyance, can make their calculations with perfect safe ty, before leaving home, when they will have their goods in Augusta. Great care has been had in fitting up their Cabins, in a style combining comfort and splen dor, equalled by few boats in the United States- These Boats are on the low pressure principle, coppered and copper fastened; and as no expense has been spared in building them, for safety, speed and comfort, they are recommended to the public with the greatest confi dence. If. tV. CONNER & CO. JJgents, Charleston, S. C. A. MACKENZIE & CO Agents, AugustA, Georgia. Oct. 5.—99—131. NOTICE TO ’IEC1IAATCS. T HE Inferior Court of Wnlton County, will receive settled proposals until Ihe third Monday of No. vernber next, for Ihe building of a wooden Jail in the Town of Monroe, in said cotiutt. Persons sending proposals nrc requested to give a draft or plan andststo their price. The Court, however, will noljrcceiveany proposals where the price shall exceed S2000. The person or persons undertaking the work, will he requir ed to give bond and security to have the same comple ted in a reasonable, time. By order oftltc Court. J. P. LUCAS, n. c. Sept. 98—98—71. NOTICE. D URIN G my absence, M r, John Nesbit of Athens, will re ceive the first installment on the subscription to the Theological Se minary. Punctuality will be expected, so ua to make the return !o Svnod. WILLIAM DEARING, Accnt. Oct. 19-31-tf. ~ 53“ NOTICE. «£t D URI.'G a temporary absence of the Subscriber from the Stale, Mr. GEO. U. SHAW is authori sed to act aa my Agent. o. P. SHAW'. Oct. 5.-99—3t. PROPOSALS For Publishing at Macon, Georgia, an Agri cultural JVetcspaper, to be entitled THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. BY M. BARTLETT. T HE SOUTHERN PLANTER will be devoted exclusively to the Agricultural interest of the country, including Horticulture, management of Stock, making of Wine and Silk, Gardening, Domestic Econo my, Useful Arts, Household Expenses, Health, Fruit Trees, &c. &c. &c. It will he issued every other week—on a medium sheet, and quarto form—on good paper and new type, procured expressly for the purpose. To be improved and enlarged aa the extent of patronage shall warrant. The form will be convenient for binding; and each volume will be aceempanitd with a copious Index. Political and sedation subjects will be excluded. It is Ihe design of the publisher to make the tvnrk interesting to all classes of the community ; particular, ly to those to any wise connected with (’arming, Gar dening, Mechanics, &c. Communications are solicited. Agricultural Socie ties, and friends of the Planting Interest generally, are requested to sid us in our undertaking. Essays on Law, Medical and Scientific aubjects, will be received. Premiums will be given far the best written essays on | articular subjects. Any well written communica tion on any subject connected with the objects ol this publication, will entitle the author to a year’s subscrip lion. The publisher will be assisted in the Editorial De partment by several literary gentlemen. TERMS. Two Dollara per annum, in advance, or $3 50 at the end of the year. To subscribers to the Mac on Tele graph the price will be One Dollar and a half, in ad vance, or Two Dollara at the end of the year. The first number was issued on the first Saturday in September. Macon, Oct. 5—99. 1 LARK iSherif]’.Sale.—Oil the first i ties* day in NOVEMBFR next.vyiTbesold at the Court House in the town of \\ atkinsviilc, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the fcllowingi property, to wit: Thr-~ Hundred and Twenty Acres of Land* more m less, on the waters of U ihlcat Creek, adjoining lands of Jones and others: levied on as the property of Joseph Durham, to satisfy a li. fa in fitvor ol Stevens Thomas vs. Joseph Durham and David Elder. Prop erly pointed out by suid Durham. All the Right, Title and Interest of James S. Ai li in, in and to One Hundred and Sixty Acres of Land, more or less, whereon Ihe said Aikin now lives, joining Jennings sod others: levied upon by virtue of a fi. fa. in favor of Thomas Hancock vs. said James S. Aikin. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Two Negroes, to wit; Lucy, a woman about Forty-five years of nge; and Susan a girl about Eleven years of age: levied on as tho properly of William T. Brown, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Stewart & Har graves, and ether fi. fits. vs. said Brown. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sheriff. Oct. 5. The Southern Banner* IS PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OF ATHENS, GEORGIA, EVERY FRIDAY, BY ALBOY CHASE. Terms.—Three dollars per year, payable in advance,. Four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. The >t. r amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un less the money is paid in advance; and no paper will lie discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, except at the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish* ■nent, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa pers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. ICJ**AII Letters to the Editor on matteis connected •vith the establishment, must be post paid in order to secure attention. JC7 1 * Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes bv Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale or Personal Property, in like manner, must > published f.rty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published/errty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published//!/)* months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months.