Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, November 24, 1832, Image 1

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awti**. “The rerment of a IVcc, it* preferable lo the torpor of a dcNpotie, ftorernnient.” VOL. I. ATIIEYS, GEORGIA, \OVEJIBE2t 24, 1832. AO. 36. The Southern Banner, IS PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OF ATHENS, GEORGIA, EVERY SATURDAY, BY ALIJO.Y CIIAJHE. Terms.—Three dolin'* per year, payable in advance, or Four dollars if delayed lo the end oftlie year. The latter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payinento in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un less the money is paid in advance; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa pers sent Accordingly. Advertisemrvts willbr inserted at the usual rates. fCPAll Letters to the Editor on inatteis connected with the establishment, must be post paid in order to secure attention. Notice of Hie sale of Land and Neerocsby Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed si tty days previous i«» the day of “ale. The -ale or Personal Properly, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice »o debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published/’nr months Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must bo published thirty Jays, and lor Letters of Dismission, six months, AG KN T S. Thomas B. Cooper, F.sq ClarkescWe, Habersham Co. George IIawpe. F.sq Gainesville IIill Co William Cowan, F.sq Jefferson. Jackson t'o. William Meronet, F.sq. Danirlsrilte, Madison Co. Mat. J. Williams. F.sq Lawreuceville. Gwinnett Co SEASON A 53L.E ftOOBS. V the Ship Oglethorpe, intended to sail for this Port on 25th August, the subscribers have on board, A GENERAL AND EXTENSIVE AS- SORTMKNT OF FALL AN» WINTER Goods, Which ore daily expected to arrive, and w ill be for sale at reasonable prices and on accommodniinp terms. LOW, TAYLOR, ft Co. Savannah, Oct. 19—31 -eou6». Co-Partnership. T HE iindersigrud take pleasure in informing the citizens of Athens, and the public generally, that they have formed a ro partnership in the Mercantile Business, And opened a Si-.-cal the heretofore occupied by Mr. J. r. KDWAIIDS individually,under lac name am! firm of THOMAS HANCOCK & CO. Where they intend keeping a ch* ice, extensive and fashionable Stork of Goods, in the various departments of their line of biismcs®. They respectfully solicit the attention of the public towards thrii esiab'ishinent. THOMAS HANCOCK, JAMES C. EDWARDS, JAMES A WIUGHT. Athens, Oct. 5.—29—tf. C. As U. SI. KELSEY; CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, A RE now receiving a penpral assortment of seasons bio DRY GOODS,comprising every article wan- tori for the Country Trade, winch they will sell on accom modating terms, at the Store now occupied by Charles MTntvre& Co. No. 275, King street. Chaileston, Oel 10—31—51. Aotice. T RIE subscriber having withdrawn from nil Mer cantile concerns in Charhston, earnr ally requests *11 those indebted to him, individually, or to the late firm of FLEMMING, GILLILAND & CO to make payment to his noth rised agent, JSIr. B'm. Me Burney, as early as practicable, as all notes due one or morn years, not settled bv the first of Innuary next, wifi he putin suit. THOMAS FLEMMING. August 31 —24—I8t. STEAM PACKETS Will. SEABROOK, Capt. >V. DUBOIS, hi.d JOHN DAVID MONWIN, Cnpt. J AMES CURRY. ME Proprietors of these Splendid Sientn Packets intend running 'hem ns Fassnge nnd Freight boa*, between CHARLESTON and AGUUSTA, the coming season—the first regular Trip to commence on Satur day, 3d of November next, tinder the following arrange rnent:—Leaving Charleston and Augusta every Satur day, and arriving at Charleston and Augusta every Tuesday. By this arrangement. Country Merchants Hading to Charleston, and wishing to avail themselves of the con veyance, can make their calculations with perfect safe ty, before leaving home, when they will have their goods in Augusta. Great care has been had in fitting up their Cabins, in a «t vie combining comfort and splen dor, equalled hv few boats n the United States. These Boats are on tho*low pressure •rineiph*, coppered and copper fastened; and as no expense has been spared in building them, for safety, speed and cotnf f, they are recommended to the public with the greatest confi dence. H. W. CONNER & CO. Agents, Chirlefion, S. C. A. MACKENZIE & CO. Agents, AngtisM, Georgia. Oct. 5 — 29—13t. NOTICE. I HEREBYforHwini Afi Iro n trading for a ten dollar promissory note of hand, given by me to Thomas J. Galightly and Samuel A. 'Vales in prelen ded Co. The note was given in June, or July last, and payable to the said Wales by the first day of October thereafter. As the same wis fraudulently obtained by the said Galightly, therefore I do not intend to pay the tame unless compelled by Jaw. WILLIAM GOBLE. Nov. 17—35—It. ikO srtt”. 'USE OF PHKEMOI.OUY. Away wiili all doubt and misgiving, Now lovers must woo by the hook — There’s an end lo all trick and •lunvingy No man can be caught by a look. Bright eyes, or a love-breeding dimple, No longer their witchery fling; That lover indeed must be simple Who yields to so silly a thing. No more need we fly the bright glances Whence Cupid shot arrows of yore ; To skulls let us limit our fancies, And love by the bumps we explore ! Oh, now we can tell in a minute What fnte will he ours when we wed: The heart has no passion within it That is not engraved on the head. The first time I studied the science With June and I cannot tell how, ’T« as not till the eve of alliance I caught the fiisi glimpse of her brow. Casuality finely expanding, I he la r tf* st I happened to see ; Such a-gnment’s lar too commanding, Th night I. to be practised on me. Then Laura came next and each featuro As mild as an angel's appears; I ventured, the sweet little creature, To take n peep over her ears; Destructiveness, terrible omen, Mod vilely developed did lie! (Though perhaps it is common in women, And hearts may be all they destroy.) The Organ tf Speech was in Fanny ; I s diddered—*lw«s terribly strong! Tin n fled, for I’d rather Ilian any Than tha* to iiiv wife fdionld belong. I next tu u»*d n»> fancy to Mary— She swore she loved nothing hilt me: Hi »w the look and tin* index could vary! For nought but Self-Love did I see. Locality, sli!y betraying In Helen a passion to roam, Spok" Mich predilection for straying— Thought I —she’ll he never at home. Oh ! some were so low in the forehead, I neve could settle mv mind; Wild • others had n!| Hint was horrid In teirihle swellings behind. At leng'h *twas m*’ lot to discover The finest of skulls, I believe, To please or to (Mizzle a lover, That Spiiizheim or Gall could conceive. ’Twotdd lake a whole age to decipher The humps upon Emily’s head ; So I said, I will settle lor life here. And study them after we’re wed. .fgteccllnwg. Frum tlmToken for 18.12. THE Fim cloak.—.9 Reminiscence. It wtis jn ill., winter of IS05, that I was di ning ill Mr. Jufferson’s, wlmn soon after leiiv inf; the lulile, I whs seized will) nn ague, and obliged to leave the charming circle dial col lected in the drawing room. Air- Jefferson, with almost paternal kind ness, insisted on wrappinn me ill his fur cloak, which, whiie it completely shielded me from the night air. had the more powerful effect of conquering inv shivertngs, hy exciting my im agination, ‘ Strange !’ though I, ‘ that I. nn obscure in dividual in America, should he wrapped in the samo mantle that once enveloped the Czar of Russia—that wns after wards long worn by the pntriol hero of Poland, and now belongs In one of the greatest men alive. ! wish the cloak could speak and tell mu .something of eaeli ol its possessors. Of the insane despot, to whom it originnlly belonged, it could tell me of no act of his life half so good as tho one hy w turn the cloak was Irasferred to the good Kosciusko.’ This brave man, inspired by nn inherronl and inextinguishable love of liberty, had. when a more youth, forsaken his native country— ti e luxuries of wealth, and the allurements "f pleasure, to enlist and fight in our cause.— Many were the privations ho endured and the danger- hr encountered for the sakenf that righ- Ipous cause lo which his whole life was devo- ted. To a rnur go the most unshrinking and a spirit the most daring, he add' d a tenderness and delicacy of feeling, almost feminine, arid a refinement of tasie which led him. amidst the riiggedness nurl hardships of a camp, to culti vate the gentle nris of peace. The daring sol dier in the field of battle, wns the tender nnd sentimental companion of virtuous women; the ornament of 'he drnwing room, and the fa vorite of the domestic circle. P.veti in garrison, the pursuits of a simp’o nnd refined taste were not negle -led. At the fort of West Point, where his regiment was long beleaguered by the British forces, we are still led to n spot amidst the rocks, called Kos ciusko's garden. There, on the high nnd rockv banks of the Hudson, he amused lus leisure moments in cultivaiing (lowers. Na ture had supplied no soil for their growth, hill, with indefatigable toil nnd inexhostihle pa tience, he supplied the deficiency of Nature. The spot he had chosen was inaccessible to vehicles of any kind, and ho carried the soil himself in baskets and deposited it in the reces ses of the rocks. There, morning nnd evening, leaving the coaise merriment and -ensiial pleasures of the ramp, he tended his flowers, or giving himself sp lo the «'’loess of solitude, would sir on some projecting rock and watch the majestic stream that flowed nt his feet, or tho clouds that floated over his head. Who that could then have looked on the slight and tender youth, the pretty bov, for so small and delicate were his form and features, that he seemed littlp more ; who (hat looked on him, hanging with delight over a bed of flowers, would bave recognized in him the - commander of armies, the hero of hisnnlioii? How lovely is the union ofgreatness and good ness ! It was the blending of those qualities that made Kesmsku as beloved as he was ml- mired, and kindled m other bosoms a portion of tbni enthusiasm which glowed in his ow n.— Yes, even I, then a young and thoughtless girl, felt the power of that enthusiasm, winch inspir ed n nation of freemen, and collected thou sands round tho standard of this patriot sol dier. For days and weeks have I sat, with increa sing delight beside Ins couch, and listened to the stories of his b illies and hair bread'll es capes, of his successes and defeats, lus triumph and his captivity, one day a conquerur, (lie next a prisoner. Though more than thirty vents have since passed, I cun still seo him, us I saw him then, pale, emaciated, wounded ; his almost fragile form re lined upon a couch, supported by pil lows, with a I it t It* table drawn close beside him, on which he leuncd I,is elbow, supp irting Ids head on tiis hand ; ilia' wounded head around which he wore a bandage of lil.u-k riband, in stead of ihe laurel wreath lie had so nobly won. Bui the indcblilo scar, which tlmt bandage covered, was the seal of glory. Tliplnlle table was covered wuh bunks, pens, pencils; with letters from numerous fi tends, and tributary verses from every Euro- p-un nation. With what delight did I avail myself ol'liis permission in examine all these tilings, and how kindly did he indulge mv ynuihlul curiosity m reading to mu many of theso effusions of friendship, admiration nod love; yes, love, fm I remember well, that one of the letters was from a lady, who had loved him when a volunteer in our army. It began thus ; By what title shall I address thee, oh being still too dear and loo well remembered ! shall I rail thee tho defender of lliy country t oh, no, it ib too awful. Hero oflibertv? it is too high. Nolile Pole? oh I that speaks of ano ther and far distant country ; what then shall I call thee, that will bring lo recollection the days of past yours ? I will call the Koscius ko! other names may need titles,Inn this is it self the highest title. This, indelibly engra ven on iiiv heart, will brightly shine m tho pa ges of history. Welcome, then Kosciusko, welcome to the country Ihul reveros, and to the heart that adores you !’ Snell, or neti'ly sill'll, wore iho glowing words of this impassioned letter; they in rn so accordant with the garlish romance of my disposition, that they made an ineffaceable im pression on my memory Perhaps—nay, eer- luinly he ought not to have shown this letter. But ufier all, heroes are lull men, and lie had, alas, too many of (lie weaknesses of poor hu man nature, and I runnel deny, that vanity was one. I recollect to some verv heauliliil verses sent him by MissPorler,the distinguished novelist ; hut they enme not from her heart,and therefore did not reach mine. They were complimentarv verses, in praise of the patriot and hero. Hero! how different were mv ideas of the person of n hero, from that of Ko- seiusko. From mv childhood his name had been fa miliar io my oar, and I hud head of lus yiuitli- lii! aehievemen's in Hefenro of our liberty.— .At the lime ol lus return to our mutiny, his fame hud preceded lus arrival. His Imld cn- teprisn, his patient endurance, in invincible courage, his unyielding firmness and lus ar dent patriotism, were the Daily theme of pri vate circles and public journals, and when lie landed on onr shores, lie was welcomed with unbounded enthusiasm, nod crowds eagerly ran to ratch a glimpse of one of their earliest defenders. W hen lie arrived in the little town in which I lived and became nn inmate oftlie house of onr of my relations, I fell emotions it is impossible lo describe. Mv young imagination embodi ed this ‘apostle of liberty,’ as he was some. called in u form grand, impo-ing, and venerable; with n figure ns commanding ns that of onr own Washington, n- d a counte nance lar more expressive. My fancy pictur ed Dim fiirth with noble features, large pene trating eves, and an nir of loftiness and gran deur. When I was led up to his couch, nnd saw a diminutive and feble old man, with a pale face, turned up nose, little blue eves, and thin light colored hair, I could not at fir-t be lieve that it really was the renowned Kosciusko, and for a lime mv enthusiasm was entirely ex tinguished, for there was nothing about him >o counteract the effeet produced by his appear ance. and I must own I never recovered those feelings which his fame tins inspired — feelings excited by moral grandeur. His manners and conversation were ns little imposing as his person and coimmnnnce. I continually en deavored, by recalling his great actions to mind, to rekindle my enthusiasm. I never succeeded—nothing ho said, or looked a-sis- led ihe allusion ; no, not even when he descri bed the conflicts in which he had been engag ed, could I realize that :lie pale, feeble, little man, whom I I inked upon, was iho enmm ri der of armies, and ihe idol ol hiB country.— But a tenderer sentiment scon took Ihe place of this high wrought enthusiasm, for when ho talked of his sufferings, his bosom cares, arid anxieties—Ids lugh hopes and his deep despair, it was impossible to listen and not to feel a deep interrst and lender sympathy. Ilis tnild countenance, soft voice, and gen tle manners, were in harmony with such details. In our littlp town, there were few who thought of approaching ffitgrnil mail, and lie was left in romp ir.'ilivc solitude—at least to the quiet ol the domestic circle of our family. I was a romantic girl, n young enthusiast, arid (iiiii'h indulged. I soon found a low aeat beside his couch, on which I every day passed many hours. He loved lo talk of himself, and peiImps p. re ived no one listened lo him with so eagei nod untiring an attention ns I (I'd ; who is there iiisens.tdo to the pleasure of exciting strong emotion, deep interest and lender sympathy? Seine there are. and I 'hulk lie was one who fell peculiar pleasure in awakening these i nl"ii"ns, m the artless nnd unsophisticated mind of youth, where they were blended with strong curiosity and as tonishment. My fixed gaze, tearful nyes, and glowing face, so clearly evinced iho interest I look in liis conversation, that no doubt it led him into ih t uls lie would not otherwise have given. I linve tiirgotleii few of theso details, nnd could fill n volume, were I lo write all I re member; lull at present, will only repeat Ihe account lie gave me of the manner in which he became possessed oftlie Fur Clonk, though Hie ineidcii's connei led with lus defeat, fol lowing tin- battle in which he was made pris oner, and ins feelings mi the occasion nru so inlm-sting, that I can scarcely omit them. Bill these are matters of liMory. ‘ I expected,’ said he, ‘ on mv arrival at '*1. Petersh rg, to be thrown into a dungeon and loaded with chains ; hut un such thing— Catharine, ihiiugb nil embittered, wns not ii cruel enemy ; I had fought only for the liberty ofmv country, nnd al'liough site wished to de stroy that liberty, she respected its defender. ‘ The confinement to which she consigned me was rigorous in tho extreme—hut I wns allowed every comfort compatible with se curity »f mv person and prevention of any in tercourse with society. M v Hpnflment was large nnd commodious, mv table well spread, and hooks, materials f r writing, drawing and painting amply sup plied. • Could I for ono moment have forgotten my pour, bleeding, and enslaved country, I could huve been almost happy. But my coun try in ehnins, and struggling for freedom, wns n thought never absent from my mind, and produced a restlessness nnd impatience scarcely io bn endured. Imagine u mother bearing the cries of a child m agony, forcibly withheld from running to its assistance, mid you muv then imagine my feelings. I some times thought, licit in a dark dungeon and rhaineil to the ground, I could have endured confinement with less impatience than in mv spacious and lightsome apartment, which wore the semblance and lircii'hcd ihe air of liberty while I was in fact os much enchained as if loaded with fellers I was lint indeed, fettered with iron chains, but what was more intolerable, with the etern il presence of men ; by men, on whose sympathies I might have worked had time been allowed me. But this wns a roiiliiignnee, uguinst which my saga nous, as well as powerlul enemy hud securely g inrdeil. ‘ During >ho eighteen months I wns confin ed at St, Fciersluirg, I never, for two hours successively saw the same luce. Tho guard stationed in my apartment was changed every hour. Compute how many hours there are in eighteen mm"h<, and you will know how many strange faces I looked upon during tho time of my inprisimnient. Never, for one moment was I left alone! Escape was impossible. .After n time, this composure brought with il mure composure, nnd I could read, write, and draw ; tho latter latent was the sourco of much amusement, mill in I lie rremi'i'is ef my pencil, I found a substitute for lli"se of nature. Yes, the flow ers grew under my limn! —the Imidseape was li; with sunshine mid smiled with Verdun, nnd iil llUies, I fell emotions of pleasure, similar, if not equal lo those wmch living flowers and real landscapes could give. And sometimes loo, I would recover the presence of those I loved—I would trace liioir features, and draw eyes that seemed to look at me, and bps Unit seemed lo spenk. 1 Thus del I seek lo beguile the weary mo- iinlnny of my confinement. But inure heavy and inure we iry was each succeeding day. m'd ilicin were moments when I felt such disgust to life, (tint I was templed to destroy it—yet loathing life, I lived: for against hope, I hoped. * One day, awakening from a sleep into w Inch I had fallen, on opening my eyes, I saw a stranger silling on the foot of my couch, ear nestly regarding me. I started up with, I sup pose a look of alarm, for the stranger said to me, ‘ ho not ularined- I bring you good tidings —your inexorable enemy is dead. Cuthaiine died this morning ; you are free I’ “Free!” I exclaimed, ‘impossible’—‘not impossible.’ lie answered. ‘ | am Paul, and 1 tell you, you are free.’ ‘ Alter the first emotions of joy and surprise had subsided, the emperor told me I wus at l.berty to leave St. Petersburg nod to goto any country I pleased, Poland excepted. Ilo of fered me any sum of money I should desire.— I declined receiving more than was sufficient tor defray my expenses to London, and from thence to Americu. AVhcn lie found I would not take the heavy purse ho earnestly pressed on me, lie look from his shoulders a itch fur cloak lie wore, and throwing it over mine—• wear this lor my sake,’ said tho em peror. On leaving this country for Europe,KosciuB- ko left this cloak with his reverend iriend, Jef ferson. “So ims Franklin."—“’re n ’pren- t'ce,’ said u little boy, the other day taunting ly to his companion. Tho addressed turned proudly around and w hile the fire of injured pride mill tho look of pity were strangely blen ded in Ins countenance, coolly answered— “ So wns Franklin !” The dignified reply struck mo forcibly, and I turned to mark the disputants more closely. The former, I perceived by his dress, was of a higher class u, society than his humble vet more dignified companion. Tho latter was" n sprightly, in live lad scarce twelve years old, and coarsely hut eluvcrly attired. But young as ho was, there was visible in his counlen” ance much of genius, manly dignity, nnd de terminate resolution while that of the former showed only fostered pride, and tho imagined superiority of riches. 1 he linln fellow, thought wo gazing at our young hero, displays already much of tho man —though liis calling bo an humble one: and though poverty extends to him her dreary, cheerless renltly—still lie looks on tlin briglit- sidc of the scene and alroudy rises in nntici- pitipns from p -vertv, woe, and wretchedness! Once,“ so teas Franklin!" ,.nd the world may ono dav witness in our little “prentice" us great u philosopher ns they linve already seen m his untile pattern ! And wo passed on buried in meditation. The motto of our infantile philosopher con tains miirli—too much to bo forgotten - —and should he engrnveii on the minds of all What can better cheer man in nn humblo cal- ling, limn the reflection that Iho greatest and the best of earth—tho greatest statesmen— the brightest philosophers—and tho proudost warriors—have graced the same profession? Look at Uinciminlus ? At the call of his country ho laid aside tho plough ; and seized the sword. But after wielding it with entire success when liis country was no longer en dangered, and public affairs needed not his longer stay lie “ heal his sword into a plough share,” nnd returned with honest delight to lus lilllo farm. Look at Washington! What wns liis course of life? lie wiih first a commander in chief nt Iho host of freedom, fighting for the liberation of his country from the thralls of despotic oppression—next, called to tho high est seat ol government, by his ransomed breth ren, a president of the largest republic on eurtli—mid I tsily, u farmer again I Look ul Frunkliu! lie who “*** with itictlmnilor tslkod, ■■ friend to friem), Anil wave las giiilumj ul tho lightning's wing, 111 sportive twist," Wl.nt was ho ? a printer ! once a menial in a printing office! Poverty stared him in the luce—but lier blank hollow look could nothing daunt him. Hu struggled ngainst a harder current than most lire railed to encounter; but he did nut yield, lie pressed manfully onward—bravely buffeied misfortune’s bil lows—and gained the desired haven. What was the famous Ben Johnson? Ho was first a bricklayer or mason I What wns ho tri after years ? Tin needless lo answer. Wlml wns Burns? An Ayrshire plough- man I What wns he in after life in the ea- lunation of Ins countrymen nnd tho world? Your library gives the answer I But shall we go on and eall up in proud array oil the mighty host of worthies that hnvo lived nnd died—who were cradled in the lap of penury and received their first lessons in the schools of ulliiction ? Nay; we have ci ted instances enough nlrcndy—vea, mure than enough to prove the point in question— namely? that tiiere is nn profession however low in the opinion of tho world but has been honoured with earth's greatest and her wor thiest. Young man ! Does tho iron hand of mis fortune press hurd upon you and disappoint ments well nigh sink your despairing aoui? Hava courage) Mighty ones have been your predecessors—and have withstood the current ol opposition limt threatened lo over- whelm then fragile hark. Do you despise your humble station, and repine that Providenro has not placed you in some untile sphere? Murmur not against the dispensation of nn all-wiso Creator! Re member that wealth is no criterion of moral rectitude, or intellectual worth—that riches, dishonestly gained, are a lasting curse—that virtue nnd uprightness work out a rich roward —and that " Ah honest min’s Iho noblest work of God!" And when dark Disappointment comes, don’t wither at her stare—but press forward—nad the prize is yours ! It was thus with Franklin —it can he thus with you. He strove for iho prize, and he won it! So may you! ’lis well worth contending for: and success may attend you ! and tho “ atars” will be brighter, ns the “stripes” are deeper. The most manifest sign of wisdom is con. tinued cheerfulness : her estate is like that of things in the regions above the moon, always clear and serene.