Newspaper Page Text
Deferred Articles.
4* thy bleak majeitic hill\
Thv «*h- l'**r*'«l valleys proudly spread ; Scotia, nourthy thnii-ui d ills,
Ami wave »hy liealhs, wi'b b <^»m* red ;
’•’ >r ah, what future lorni shall tread
Thine airy heights, thy woo Hand reiqn,
Since he, the sweetest hard is dead,
That ever pouted the soothing strain ?”
Sir trailer Scott died nl Abbotsford,
yesterliy sflernoon, about half past ono
nVIm-k. No form of word? could express
„. ir deep and emphatic senso of tho event we
nr.t ca’led upon to announce—and we employ
the simplest. It was the will of God that the
,| irU of tho Divino Essence should return
u lenco it bad emanated, and a painful prepar
ation had laut»ht us all to acquiesce. We do
not lament Sir Waller Sett’s decease. The
Great—the Good—the Gifted—id taken front
in, only when it was no longer desirable that
llio ruined clayey tenement should imprison its
immortal tenant. 'Vo forbear dwellin': upon
the few trifling details that have reached us.
•pi,,, event itself comprehends all. Amidst
lioinago and regret of millions, ho passes
iVom our earth, who never bad an enemy on
its surface. No death that can befal, not in
our country alone, but in the wlmlo civilized
world, could bo so universally felt.
Kings rnnv bow their heads, and mighty
rnra pass away unregarded, but the death of
SirValter Scott comes strongly homo to tho
sympathies of every human being that ever
heard of bis name, nnd understood but the
lea-t part of wltal that immortal name sigailiod.
Such are the rlaims and tho tiiumphs of ge
nius, when united, as in bis instance, with the
finest spirit of humanity that ever attempered
human elay, and made gondnes* visible. On
the death of Sir Phillip Sydney, all England
pa d his memory llio spontaneous homage of
wearing mourning. A greater man lias fal
len in Scolluud. — Edinburgh paper.
Morn than 500 persons followed tho rnorlnl
remains of Sir Waller Scott from his late res-
Meneo to Dryburgh Abbey, which ho had de
signated ns tho place of his burial. Ho was
buried by the side of Lady Scott. In all the
villages through which the procession passed
the greater part of the inhabitants were cloth
ed in mourning, nnd tho shops were shut.—
Courier (its Elate Unis. .
Egypt, and went up the Nile us far as Cairo j _... . RK C0 UNTY.
and tho Pyramids. Returning to the sea I m.ORLILI. A1WV uuu.n 1 i.
. . ' V i I ! UTIIF.UEVS Matthew Hosier, Administrator of
shore, they took passage to Sym-vtsue.l j AV Heater, .lccraae.1, ^pptie. for letter?'.!
Jerusalem—the Head Sea—and were to Lou-1 rv.... r„,ifm fmiliur Administration on the
Jerusalem—the Dead
' . . I irumiasmn twin ■«« m
staotinoplc when Lord Stanglurd, Iry u Invor Estate of said deceased:
Dismission from lire further Administration on the
From the Spirit of the Times and I.ifc in Ncw-Ynrk.
Belgium and Holland.—The King of Hol
land lias refused to accept tho last conditions
of the London Conference, in relation to the
settlement of the nflairr between Ins kingdom
uod that of Iiclgimn. I' is supposed the Kmg
relies on the assistance of Austria and Prussia,
and somewhat on Russia. On tho other bind
tho French and IlriUsb Cabinets have the
strongest inducements to support the throne
of l.cnpnhl. Any offensive movement on ei.
liter side would probably involve Europe in a
general wnr. The Dutch army is described
as being most formidable both in numbers
and discipline.
Spain.—The death of tho King of Spain
which now seems placed beyond a rlotihl, is
an event pregnant with interesting con»equen
ccd. IK leaves but one did'!, n daughter,
still an infant. l»y an ancient liw of the Kin
dom, no female can inherit tho I’rone; this
law he abrogated. Will Ins brother Dun Car
los, to whom the crown would o'lierwiso of
right descend, quietly submit to lie thus do-
pijved of it t Our next accounts will probably
throw some light on this subject.
Portugal—Gibraltar papers contain in
telligence that several attacks had been
made upon Oporto by the troops of Don Mi
guel, who wero each litno repulsed with lien
vy lusscs. An engagement had taken place
between the fleets, in which a frigate, a sloop
of war, nnd a royal steamer belonging to Don
Migucl’8 8quudroii,uoreaunk.
Later from Europe.—The British Govern
men! packet J,udy Ogle, arrived at Boston,
from Halifax, on Wednesday evening, with
the October mail from England, which left
Falmouth on llio 7th of that month. London
dates to llio dill are brought by this arrival,
and Birmingham and other provincial papers
to the 6lh of October. The Boston papers
give brief summaries of the intelligence, from
which wo tako the following.
A paper of the 4th snys them is no truth in
the report of tho death of tho King of Spam.
He had been seriously indisposed, but hopes
were entertained ofhis recovery.
Sir Waller Scot: died insolvent. Tho pres
ent Sir Walter Scott, who succeeds to the Bar
onetcy, is now in his 32d year, and Major of
tho 15th, or King’s Hussars, quartered at
A ministry has nt length been formed in
France. Soull in be president of llm Council.
Troop* lo a heavy amount are gathered on
the northern frontier of France, and the Gov
ernment is making preparations for immediate
war in that quarter. Tho number of troops
from Cunkitk to Give! is estimated at 100,000
The Prussian government has demanded
of the French that its troops shall lie removed
SO leagues from the Belgian frontier, promi
sing lo withdraw its own to tho same distance;
but if this measure bo not adopted, nnd if
French troops enter Belgium, a Prussian ar
my will also cuter on its side.
of the Sultan, was permitted to visit tho inside
of Hi. Sophia. Probably Dr. Kirkland and his
Indy, am the only Americans who ever saw
the in>ide of that celebrated edifice since tho
conquest of Strumboul by Mahomet tho Se
Our travellers then left llio capilol of the
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and fin
C'llar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to
be and appear at my otiice within the lime prescribed
by law, in shew cause, if any they have, why a aid let
tors should not be granted.
Given under my baud Ibis I3lh Sept, 1832.
JOSEPH EICON, c. c. o.
Sept. 27—21—niGm.
East—passed through Adrianople-crossed the i (jpoRcji \ M ADISON COUNTY.
Balkan and reached Vienna by travelling up I^t^u'eas Mary Aaron, applies to me’for Let
tho valley of the Danube, l'rom thence they | yy (CM „f Administration with the will annexed,
returner) to France and England, and have at i on the F.atate of Daniel Aaron, late of said county, dc-
lenglIt reached in safely their own country, jceased :
in line health, good spirits, and with materials | These ore therefore to cite and admonish all and ?tn
cr e.r I , | qular Uic kindred ftn<j creditors of Haul deceased, to be
auttictont to form a volume ot travels the moat Hppcar al my oflicti wilhill lhe !iin0 prescribed by
interesting ever published in this country.— j | avV , 10 shew cause if any they have, why said letters
vV. Ye Globe. should not be granted.
“ 1 — j (j,y en under my hand this 6th Nov, 1832.
SK3I1IFFS’ SAIsBS. 1 tn ” william sandebs, c.c.o.
; Nov. 10—31—30d.
ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first:
Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will he sold, nt the
Court-house in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county,
Loners of Administration on the Estate ol
|A ~ - j <jaii,j U | n ,5 Dodd, late ol Raid county, deceased :
HERE AS Benjamin Cleveland applies to me for
to wit
Ono Negro Boy, named Somton, about 14
years of age: levied on a* the properly of Phillip
Tournion, to satisfy twelve !i. fas. i«stieil Irorn a Justi
ce’s Court of Clark county, four in favour of Thomas
& Dent, eight tit favour of John Borders, vs. Phillip
fhurmon. Levy made and returned to me by n Con
stable. BARNABAS BARRON, Sh’ft’.
Nov. 2.
ACKSON SherifPa Sale.—On iho first
Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will bn sold ut the
Court*house in the town of fefferson, Jackson county,
within tho usual hours of sale, the following property,
Ono Hundred and Fifly-ninn \cros of Land,
more or less, lying on t’’C waters of the Oconee river,
on what is called Pond f»rk, granted to McCall & Mar-
bery, adjoining lands belonging to II. K. Fruit, nnd
others: levied on as the property of William Broad
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my otiice within the time prescribed by
law, to shew cause, ifany they have, why said letters
anould not he granted.
(iiven under my hand, November the 5tb, 1832.
Nov. 10—31—30d.
W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, at the Court house in the town of Green
villi*, Mcrriwether county, a Lot of Land, known and
distinguished by No. 81, in the Oil) District of original
ly Troup, now Mcrriwether county, containing by sur
vey, 202* Acres; said Lot was drawn by the heirs of
Peter Smith, late of Madison county,deceased. Ono 1
third part of said Lot of Land, sold under an order of
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Madison county,
while sitting as a Court ..f Ordinary; the balance of
well, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued front a Justice’s court in j * a j,j i <n t of Land, sold by the Legatees of tho said
Hall count), in favourof Overton Harrison,
made and returned lo me by a constable.
Nov. 2d.
ARK Sheriff* Sale.—On tho first Tues-
ilay in DECEMBER next, will lio sold nt the
Criiirt I Inime in I he town of tVulkin.ville, Clark enmity,
within the usual hour* of sale, the following property,
In wit.
Ono Nogro Woman by tlm nnnin of Dully,
ijeceudoit. Terms mark) known on theilay of sale.
JAMES U. BOND, Guardian
Sept. 2S—28—Ids.
■ Lega’s.
’^JT'ILI' 9n ^ ky an order of the Honorable the
Inferior court of Madison county, while sitting
about Twentyfive or six years of age r levied on „ | «* a Court ^Ordinary on tho first Tuesday in Decern-
J -- ....... - tier neat, al tho Court houao in the county of I roup,
the property ofltezaleel Langford, try virtne -.fa mort
gage fi. fa. in favor of Richard Richardson vs. said lle-
zalcel Langford. Property pointed nut in said fi fa.
Del. 5.
ACKSON Sheriff's Sale.—On tho first
Tuesday in DECEMBER next, »ill lie so hi al I lit
Court-himso in the town ol Jefferson, larksnn county
within the usual hours of sale, the following property
Ono Negro Girl by thn name of Esther,
about Thirteen ycara of ago r levied on as the properly
of Sarah Batchelor, to satisfy a mortgage li. fa. in favor
of Levi l.awrcy vs. said Sarah Batchelor. Property
pointed out in said mortgage.
U. F. ADAMS, D. Sheriff.
Out. fi.
Inferior Court, Sitting for Ordinary Purpo
ses, August adjourned Term, 1832.
Pccscnt their Honor*, Jusoidi Hampton, Robert Smith-
wick, and John Glenn.
O N motion of l«nac Rawls, Mating to the Court
that Robot Venable, d«cf*ascd, in bin !i*b lime
executed to your petitioner a Bond binding himself to
niaki* title* to a Tract or parcel of Land, situate, lying
and being in the county of Jack jo*, a copy of which
bond it filed in tho Clerk’s ofliceoflhis court,and pray
ing tlmt this Court direct James M. Cunningham, Exe
cutor of the Estate of raid Robert, to execute title* to
tho same. It i» therefore, ordered, that the Executor
of said Robert, do make said titles according to the
tenor and effect of said Bond to said Isaac Rawls,
unless sutrident cause be shown to the contrary, w ith
in three month*, or at the next Term of this Court, af
ter the expiration ofthrec month*.
Vml it i* further ordered, t hat a copy of this Rule be
published once a month, fur three mouth* ; and also a
copy of the xamc be posted up at two or more public
places in said county.
A Iron extract from the minute*.
August 31— 21—ni3m.
Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary Purposes,
November Term, 1832.
Present their Honor*, James Anderson, John Mcroney,
Noah W. Pittman, and Robert Groves, I net ice*.
O N the petition of William Cleghorn, Administra
tor ol William Eduard*, lato of said county,de
ceased :
And William Cleghorn, Administrator of Francis
Maxwell,deceased, for Letters of Dismission from the
further Administration on said Estates:
Whereupon, it is ordered by ti.i*Court, that after‘dx
months’ publication of these applications, in one of the
public Gazette* of this State, that the said William
Cleghorn, Adminiurai >r on the Estates a* aforesaip,
will be dis iis-od, unless can.-m be shewn to the con
trary, of which all euncemed will take notice.
A true extract from the minutes, this 6th Nov 1S32.
Nov. 10—31—niGm.
Two Hundred two and one half Acres of Land, more or
Ie*3, nnd known and distinguished by Lot, No. 43, in
tho 4th District of said county, being the Real Estate
of Nelson Thompson, lato of the county of Madison,
deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs. 'Perms
Sept. 23 --23—tds.
WW7ILL be sold on tho fust Tuesday in January
f V next, at tlic Court house in the Town of Jef
ferson, Jackson county, within the usual hours of sale,
egro Man who say* his name is Ncpton, 50 year*
upwards; he has u ba’d place on the back part
'^I^'ILL be sold on Friday the 7th day of December
next, at the late residence of Joseph Ralr
«en. of Jackaon county, deceased, all the Perishable
property belonging tu said deceased, consisting ol
Homes, Cattle, and Hnge, Plantation tool?, and variour
oilier articles too tedious to mention. Terms made
known on the dav of sale.
Nov. 2—33—tds.
A GRF.EABI.Yto an order of the Honorable the In
ferior court of Jackson county, when sitting tor
ortlinnry purposes, will he sold at the court house in
said eouoty, on the first Tuesday in January next, One
Tract of Laud, containing 150 Ai res, more nr leas in
said county, adjoining Jones arid others. Sold as tin
Real Estate of Win. Barnett, deceased, for the benefit
of the Heim. Terms mode known on ihc day of sale.
Nov. 2—33-tds.
A GREEABLY 11 the last will and testament of Uo
bert Venable, late of Jackson county, deceased
will be sold at the Court house in Jefferson, Jacksor
county, on the first Tuesday in January next, betw een
tho usual hours of sale the following properly, to wit .
ono Negro Man, nsmed Bob, one Boy eight or ten
years of age, and n Negro woman Polly, and two Chil
dren. Sold for the benefit of his heirs, 'terms made
known on the day of sale.
Nov. 10—34—tds.
"■Ml ILL be sold by oidor of the Honorable the Infe-
YY tior Court of Jaekson county, while sitting as
a Court of Ordinary, on the first Tuesday in February
next, al the Court house in Jackson county, 2D0 Acres
of Land, more or less, adjoining Polls and others, it be
ing a part of the Re J Estate of Patrick Cash, lute of
Jackson county, deceased. Terms made known on
the day of sale.
Nov. 10-31—tds.
GRREABLY to an order of the Honorable the to.
i fcrior Court of Jackson county, will be sold of
Clayton, Rabun county, on the first Tuesday in April
next, One Lot of Land, in said county, containing 400
Acres, known and distinguished by Lot, No. 03, in the
fiisl district of said county, it being a part of tire Real
Estato of Patrick Cash, lata of Jackson county, de
ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale.
Nov. 10—34—tds.
• Adult's.
A T the lata residence of Patrick Cash, of Jackson
A - •
county, deceased, will be sold on Thursday, 20th
December next, part ot' the Personal property of said
deceased: consisting of Corn, Fodder, Wheat, one
Horse, Household nnd Kitchen furniture, See. 'Term*
made known on the dav of sale.
Nov. 10—31—tds.
• Admr’e.
of Iwa head, says he bd ng* to Richard Coulter, for
merly of Sumpter district,S. Carolina, but now of some
part of Weal Tcnn*»s.>«ee, unknown to him. He was
put in Jail here 23th March last, and all lawful means
used to ascertain his owner. The owner is hereby no*
tilled again lo come forward and pay tho jail fees, or
the said negro wi 1 be sold to pay the same.
Oct. 12—30—tds.
A GREEABLY to the last will and testament of
. \x Edward I., Christian, late of Madison count,.
dccraaud, w ill hu soM at the Court home in the town
of Daniclmillr, in Haiti county, on the first Tue*dny i
January next, Two Negroes, to wit: Moses nnd Daph-
ney. Sold us a part of the Estat* oft he *u id deceased,
and for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known
oil the day of sale.
Sept. 28—23—Ida.
^ GREEABLY to the last will and testament of
Duhny Gholriton, lute of Madison county, decca<
8cd and by order of the Honorable the Inferior court of
said county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will
be sold at tho Court house in the town of Danielsvilf
Madison county, outlie first Tuesday in January nexti
Two Negroes, to wit. Jane a woman, about 33 years,
Syrena a Girl, about 16 years old. Sold as the proper*
tv of the heirs of Nancy Sisson, deceased, and for their
benefit. Terms made known on the dav of sale.
Sept. 28--28—id*.
^GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the In-
fcrior Court of Madison county, while sitting asu
Court of Ordinal), will be sold at the Court house in
ihc county of Marion, on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber next, Two Hundred two and one half Acres of
Laud, more or less, nnd known and distinguished by
Lot, No. 18, in the 3d District of originally Muscogee,
now Marion county, belonging to the Estate of Robert
Glover, late of Madison county, deceased. Sold for the
benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on the day of
sale. JAMES LONG, Adm’r.
Sept. 2S—28—tds.
W HEREAS Tliouid* Moore ami James Hampton,
Executors of William Malone, sen. deceased,
Return of Dr. Kirkland.—The learned Dr.
Kirkland, formerly President of Harvard Col-
lege, accotnpanic \ hv his lady, reached this
city yesterday niormug; fr^,, „ |m|: 0 f noarlv
four years duration through M ir p-\ p r? of Ai-
rira, and Ads Minor. From every account
our traveller* were highly distinguished i»y
the learned in the various countries th«y visi
ted. from France and England they pasted
to Italy—spent several months in that inter-
estiog country—visited the classic land of
Greece—took' shipping for Alexandria in
applied to me for letters of Diamiiaion from tire further
arlniiniairation on aaiil Estate:
These are therefore to cite ant) arlinonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tube
and appear at my utfiee within the time prescribed by
lew to show cause if any they have, why said letter's
should not be granted. Given under my bund this 21st
May, 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
May 22—10—mC m.
U NDER an order of lire Honorable tlie Inferior
Uourt of Miiliaon county, when rttmg for Ordina
ry purposes, will be sold at the Court house in tire
county of Marion, on tho first Tuesday in December
next, Two Hundred two and one half Acres of Land,
more nr leva, and known and distinguished by Lot, No.
2ig, ill tile 4th Disrricl of originally Muscogee now
Marion county. Sold as the Ileal Estate of Cicero N.
Jones, illegitimate minor, and for the benefit of said
minor. Terms made known on the day of sale.
Sept. 28—23—tds.
W ILL be sold at the late residence of Anthony II.
Cheatham, laic of Clark county, decoascd, on
Thursday, 'ho 27lh day of December next, rho Person
al property belonging to said F.state, consisting of the
present Crop, H tscs, Cattle, and Hogs, a Cotton Gin,
and Thrashing Machine, a good Wheat Fan, one Road
Wagon, and five pair Harness, sett of Black Smith's
Toots, and Plantation Tools, House-hold mid Kitchen
Furniture, and n number of otlrer articles. Sale to
continue from day tn day until all ia sold. Also, at the
same time and place a part of the plantation will be
rented, and tho Negroes hired for the ensuing year.—
Terms made known on Ihc dav.
Nov. 17—35—tds.
F OUR months afror date application will bo
to the Honorable the Inferior court of Fr.i'-
county, when silting for ordinary purposes, f or
ae!I all Ihc Real Estate, belonging to the Estate
Lewis Chandler, deceased.
Sept. 7—25—w tin.
F OUR months after dote application will be m,
to till! Ilorinrnble the inferior court of Cl
county, when silling for Ordinary purposes, lor leave
sell Lot No. 180, in 4'h District of originally l)„
now Pulaski countv, drawn by William Chialo,,.'.
phans Sold for the benefit of said orphans
Sept. 28 —28—w4m. ’ uuaraian '
I TtOLIl months after date application will be m.
to the Honorable the Inferior Court 0 f H
county, when sitin g for Ordinary purposes Ihr h
to sell the Real Estate of Milley Uoodlilf lateVr*
county, deceased. 1
Sept. 23—20—w4m. ’ ’
1 7YOUK months after date application will be
_ . to the Honorablo the Interior court of llsbr
sham county, while silting for Ordinary Purposes
leave to sell all the RcidEslate of llieinpsal Vatigha
deceased. JOSEPH P. G. WHITE,' Adm’r' 1
Oct. 12—30—w4m. ’ r '
1 JYOUII months after dale application will l, e mat
to I be Honorable Ihc Lifenoi court of Habershai
county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes,for leave I
sell the Real Estate of Joseph Murdock, deceased
Oct. 12-30—w4m. 1
F OUR moths after date application will be made t
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Franklii
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave t,
sell one Negro boy, belonging to the Estate of Jona
than L. Ramsey, deceased.
Oct. 19--31—w4m.
F OUR months after date application will be mad
to the Honorable the Interior Court of Ilailcoun
ty, when silting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to je]
the Real Estate of John Ratliff, tale of said county de
ceased. JOHN BOND, Ailm’r
Nov. 10-3 l-w4m.
T VIE subscriber offers his services to persons whi
may have drawn prixes in the above Lottery, |i
leal their lots, nnd ascertain their value; having beer
practically engaged in Gold Mining for eome yens
hmli in South America and this country, he believci
the experience he has acquired on this subject will enx
blc him In give salislaction to those who may cmploi
him. Application may lie made to him personally, oi
by letter, at Maj. Logan’s, Luudsville, Hsbersliam
county. Persons who may wish lo avoid the Iroubbol
ajouineylo the Gold Region, may have their lots tin.
terfund a report made to them of tho prospects they nf.
ford, and whether they are worth the expense of tot
ing, by sending him th-ir names, and the number o!
their lot, and inclosing live dollars.
Loudsvillo, is 20 miles from Clnrkcsville, and 3 from
the line of llio Cherokee Lands.
ik-P’Ab Letters, exu pt such as contains cask, nms'
bo post paid. JOHN POAELL.
Nov. 10- 34—Cl.
T HE undersigned having purchased Six Acres ol
Land, ami built a comfortable School Home
4 GREEABLY lo the last will of Robert Venable,
late of Jackson county deceased, will be sold, on
the first Tuesdav in December |icx',nl the Court house
in Gainesville, Halt county, one Tract of Lund, con
taining i w o hundred Uvuand a half acres, more or less,
belonging to said deceased, and joining snid tow re
sold for the benefit of his heirs. Terms mudo known
on the day of sale.
Nov. 24.—36—21.
thereon, in a healthy neighborhood, and of goodsotie-
ty, are desirous to employ a teacher, who can came
well recommended, and is qualified to teach the
tin nnd Greek Languages ; tn such nn one, a liberal
stipulated price will hn given, nr the profits iff the
sellout ns ho may think pr.pcr. The school lias brcn
worth Ilia past unit present year, from Four to Fire
Hundred Dollars. For further iiifiirmafion, address J.
M. Evans, Evansville, Morgan county, Georgia.
Nov. 10—31-41.
^"JN Friday, the fourth day of January next, will be
sold. «t llio lato residence of Absolute Waflorri,
decea-ed, of Jackson county, the personal property nl
said deceased. Terms made known on the day ol sale.
Nov. 24 —36-Ids.
4 GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the In
fs, fcrior court of Franklin county, when sitting for
ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in
February next, at the Courthouse of Franklin county,
one Tract of Land, containing Two Hundred and Foriy
Acres, moro or less, lying on the Grove river, joining
Joshua Hudann, Joel Thomas, and others.
Also, One Negro woman, Dafney, about Twenty
years old, nnd a hoy child upwards of Three years old;
also, two old Negroes will he offered for safe; n man
named Peter, above Sixty, and a woman named Rachel,
above Fifty years—belonging to the estate of John
Clarkson, deceased. Sold for the benefit nf the heir?
of said deceased. Terms made known on the dav of
sale. JAS. HARGROVE, Ex ; r.
Nov. 21.—36—tds.
I 7YOUR months after date application will be made
: to the Honorablo llio Inferior Court of Clark
county, when silting for Ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell the Land and Negroes, belonging to the Estate
of John Holder, late of said county, deceased.
TARPLEY HOLDER, Surviving F.xe’r.
Sept. 7—25—w4m.
4 GREEABLY to the last will of William Shaw, late
of Jackson county, deceased, will he sold at iho
Court house in said county, on the fits! Tuesday in
January next, a Negro Woman named Hane. Terms
made known on the day of sale.
Oct. 12—30-lds.
JplOURmonths afterdate application will be made
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estate
of Jacob Millsaps, deceased.
Sept. 7—23—w tin.
I ^NOUR months afterdate application will be rnudi
2 tu the Hoi rrabiethe Inferior couit of Jacksmi
^ GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the In-
W IE , R v A |™" il,n a Kn ° X ’ “JWW “f Sa ?>' A. ferior Coni, of M.diin county, when sitting foi
V nel 1. Patton, deceased, applies to me for ordinary purposes, will bo sold on tho first Tuesday in
•n r. I Ilia otssion from the further administration of J,„ u ., v next, at ihc Court house in .he ie..ei'n.a.
.. January next, at the Court bouse in the town of Dan-
said Estate: iclaville, Madison county, betw een the usual hours of
These arn therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- sale the following property, vix: One Tract of Land Hie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be | containing 160 Acres in said county, adjoining Wit-
and appear at my otiice within the time proscribed by liam Morion, Russel J. Daniel, and others; also, one
law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters
•liould not be granted.
Given under my hand this 9th Atsv, 1832.
May 22—10—m6m.
Negro boy named Albert, seven years old, sold as the
property of Allen Daniel, Lunatic. Terms mads known
on the day of sate.
Oct. 26—32—tds.
county, when si'ting forordinary purposes, lor leave t.
sell two Tracts of Land, tbo property of William Wal
Sept. 7—23—w4m.
T HF. Subscriber has fur sale a quantity of GEAIT1
VINE ROOTS amt CUTTINGS, which he pro
poses to sell on the follow ing terms, viz.
$10, for 100 Vines ofOne year old ; or 12) cents per
Vine for n less number than 1UU.
$15j for 100 Vines ol Two year? old ; or 18) cents per
Vine for n less number than tno.
$20, for 1000 Cuttings ; or $2,50 per Hundred do.
I will accompany each lot of Vines with such direc
tions, ns will enable the purchaser to propagate them
lo tho beat advantage.
On Hand and for Sale,
2000 Gallons of WING,
In (Quantities to suit Purchasers.
Any orders received shall bo faithfully attended to,
and terms made accommodating.
Hillsboro’, Jasper co. Nov. 14, 1832,—36-9t.
County of Cherokee.
I HAVE now in the hands of the Engraver, which
«ill be completed by the first of November next,
I NOUR month* after dale application will be made
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Hall coun
ty when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
all the Real Estate of Jonathan Pinnall, deceased :
One Tract of T.and in said county, containing 700 Acr. *
more or le**, adjoining Kxeki. l Putman and ,nhv»*, <»m
Tract No. 148, in the 16th Di*tiict, originally. — at tin* same tune and place application will be
made for leave to sell a Negro man named Ben, belong
ing to the same Estate.
August 10—21—n lm.
a general and accurate Map of Cherokee country,
drawn from the returns of the District Surveyor*.—
Owing to tho great number of Lota into wb:ch the
County has been divided, paticularly the Gold Region,
and the large dimension of the sheet it will require, to
have ail those number* distinctly and accurately laid
down, I have thought it advisable to form the Map into
separate and detached Sections, which I designed a*
Gold Map and Land Map.
All the Land Districts in the Territory arc laid dew*
on one sheet,and constitute a distinct and separate Map
by themselves.
The districts reserved and surveyed as Gold District. - ,
arc divided into three sheets of Map*. Districts No I,
2, 3, 4, 5,11, 12,13, 14, and 15, of the First Section,
form the first Map.
Districts No. 1,2,3, 14, 15, 16 17, 18, 19, 20,21
and 22 of the Second Sec’ho., li.rm the to-cond Map
Districts No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 16 19, 20. 21, and 22,o.
the Third Section, and Districts,No. 1,2, 3,16,and 17,ot
• hr Fourth section, fin hi ihc Third Map. On theso
map* will be found each District in the Territory, with
every square Lot of Land and fraction distinctly laid
down and numbered—all Mountains, Rivers, Creek?,
Branches, Ferries, &c. arc correctly and faithfully de
The Map w ill be handsomely engraved, printed on
strong silk paper, colored and put up in moroccocasf 6
at the following prices, via:
Land Map, $5 (M
Gold Map* 5? o0 each or tor tnree, $10 ^
For Gold and Land Maps, compri*ing the
whole Territory, $13 00^
Persons dt iMrou* ol obtaining this valuable Map wdd
do well t’* inform the pnblinher m on, as but a limit*®
number can be obtained during the drawing of the hot*
All communications addressed to the subscriber m
MilledgeviHc, Ga. (postage paid of CA>ursc) will mct
with prompt attention.
Mil!cdgcvilla, Aug. 23, 1832.