Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1837-1839, June 08, 1837, Image 1

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DAVIS <fc SHORT, PUBLISHERS. VOLUME I. [ The Brunswick Advocate, Is published every Thursday Morning, in the city of Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, at S»3 per annum, in advance, or $4 at the end of the year. No subscriptions received for a less term than six months and no paper discontinued until a'll arrearages are paid except at the option of the publishers. (jyAll letters and communications to the Editor or Publishers in relation to the paper, must be POST PAID to ensure attention. fEP ADVERTISEMENTS conspicuously in serted at One Dollar per one hundred words, for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents for ev ery subsequent continuance —Rule and figure work always double price. Twenty-five per cent, added, if not paid in advance, or during the continuance of the advertisement. Those sent without a specification of the number of insertions will be published until ordered out, and charged accordingly. Legal Advertisements published at the usual rates. [PT’N. B. Sales of Land, by Administrators, Executors or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house in the county in which the property is situate.— Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette, Sixty Days previous to the day of sale. Sales of Negroes must be at public auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, between the usual hours of sale, at the place of public sales hi the county where the letters testamentary, of Administration or Guardianship, may have been granted, first giving sixty days notice thereof, in one of the public gazettes of this State, and at the door of the Court-house, where such sales are to be held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property, must be given in like manner, Forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an Es tate must be published for Forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land, must be published for Four Months. Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be published for Four Months, before any order absolute shall be made thereon by the Court. I* It O SPEC T l S OF TIIE A WEEKLY PAPER, PUBLISHED AT BRUNSWICK, GLYNN COUNTY, GEORGIA. The causes which render necessary the es tablishment of this Press, and its claims to the support of the public, can best be presented by the statement of a few facts. Brunswick possesses a harbor, which for ac cessibility, spaciousness and security, is une qualled on the Southern Coast This, of itself, would be sufficient to render its growth rapid, and its importance permanent; for the best port South of the Potomac must become the site of a great commercial city. But when to this is added the singular salubrity of the cli mate, free from those noxious exhalations gen erated by the union of salt ami river waters, and which arc indeed “charnel airs” to a white population, it must be admitted that Brunswick contains all the requisites % a healthy and populous city. Thus much has been the work of Nature : but already Art has begun to lend her aid to this favored spot, and the industry of j man bids fair to increase its capacities, and j add to its importance a hundred fold. In a few months, a canal will open to the harbor of: Brunswick the vast and fertile country through which flow die Altamaha, and its great tribu taries. A Rail Road will shortly be commenc ed, terminating at Pensacola, thus uniting the waters of the Gulf of Mexico with the Atlantic Ocean. Other Rail Roads intersecting the Btate in various directions, will make Bruns- j wick their depot, and a large portion of the trade from the Valley of the Mississippi will yet find its way to her wharves. Such, in a few words, are the principal causes which will operate in rendering Brunswick the principal city of the South. But while its advantages are so numerous and obvious, there have been found individuals and presses prompted by cel- 1 fish fears and interested motives, to oppose an j undertaking which must add so much to the importance and prosperity of the State. Their united powers are now applied to thwart in every possible manner, this great public bene fit Misrepresentation and ridicule, invective and denunciation have been heaped on Bruns wick and its friends. To counteract these ef forts by the publication and wide dissemination of the facts—to present the claims of Bruns wick to the confidence and favor of flic public, to furnish information relating to all the great works of Internal Improvement now go ing on through the State, and to aid in devel oping the resources of Georgia, will be the leading objects of this Press. Such being iis ciul and aim, any interfer ence in the party politico of the day we nd be improper and impolitic. Brunswick has re ceived benefits from—it has friends in all par ties, and every consideration is opposed to rendering its Press the organ of a paity. To the citizens of Georgia—and not to the mem bers of a party—to the friends of Brunswick— to the advocates of Internal Improvement— to the cons:derate and refiectiug—do we applv tor aid and support. i erms Three dollars per annum in ad vance, or four dollars at the end of the year. •h • FROST, Editor. • & SHORT, Publishers, BRIUSWICK. NAVY YARD SOUTH OF CHESAPEAKE BA Y. ! i Letter from the Secretary of the Nary, 1 Transmitting a copy of the Report of the 1 Commissioners with the examination ofi 1 Harbors south of Chesapeake Bay, with I! a view to the establishment of a Navy Yard. * 1 Navy Department, Feb. 1, 1837. Sir: —ln compliance with a Resolution ’ of the House of Representatives of the ( 28th ultimo, I have the honor to transmit, i, herewith, a copy of the Report of the com- j! tnissioners charged with the examination of 1 \ Ports and Harbors south of the Chesapeake ■ Bay, with a view to their comparative ad- ( vantages for the establishment of a Navy < Yard. 1 am, with great respect, your obedient j servant, M. DICKERSON, ! Secretary of the Navy. ] To the Honorable the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The undersigned Commissioners under i a Resolution of the Senate of the United l States, “To survey and examine Ports : i south of the Chesapeake, with a view to j > their comparative facilities and advantages 1 1 for the establishment of a Navy Yard, ” i have the honor to report: That they have given to the subject all 1 the reilection which itsnational importance j demands ; have personally inspected the j several ports whose draught of water gave claim to public attention ; and have mature ly weighed their relative pretensions to the favorable consideration of the Govern ment. The undersigned arriving at a prefer ence for a particular port, have discarded all prejudice of a local or sectional nature and have solely been influenced Jiy a strict| regard of the public good. Asa basis for | their decision, they have looked for funda- j mental principles, and have been guided by j the great desiderata in a naval establish ! meat on shore. They may be classed un ! der the following heads, and obtain value i in the order in which they stand, viz : 1. Sufficient depth of water to permit free access, at any state of tide, for the hea viest class ofships of war. 2. Defence by land and by water. 3. Resources and supplies of every kind for the speedy equipment of fleets. 4. Salubrity at every season of the year. 5. Ample supply of fresh water. (i. Facility of wharfing and docking. As no port south of the Chesapeake pos sesses all these advantages, (and, indeed, there is but one in the whole Union which does possess them,) it has become the duty of the undersigned, by the resolution of the Senate, to designate that one which seemed to them to have the greater number of approximating qualifications. CHARLESTON, S. C. The port of Charleston, being the first in magnitude and also first in order of in spection, claimed their primary attention. This harbor has been repeatedly surveyed, and recently by competent officers of the j United States army. The chart projected hv them has been tested by the undersign- i ed, and the result proved its essential accur- j' racy ; from which, together with a naval j survey in 1835, and valuable information obtained from experienced pilots and other j sources, it would seem to he established 1 that the mouth of the harbor is the main | j obstacle to its present usefulness as a naval | station ; for, being deficient in depth ofwa-j : ter, no vessels larger than sloops of war can | pass, and they only at high tides, and with j a smooth sea. This bar, which is of sand, forms an al most continuous chain ot breakers running • parallel with the coast, for nine or ton i miles. The tides and freshets of the riv ! cr have broken through this barrier, and ' four channels have been formed for the discharge of the waters. Three of them are now incapable ot being navigated bv large vessels, and the fourth,the mam chan nel, is liable to great changes, from heavy gales. Within twenty years it has been en tirely removed from its former site. It i> displaced by more than half a mile: and where formerly passed in security ships of 17 and 18 feet draught of water, now rolls j a dangerous breaker. ’I lie undersigned, in contemplating the possible obliteration ofthe present ship channel by the rieposite of some future gale, do not regard it as a lasting injury to the port: lor they believe that anew, more convenient, and, perhaps, deeper channel may he effected, by obstruc tions in the ticlc-wav,which shall guide to a given point on the bar the vast & swili col umn of water composing its freshets & ebo. Such is observed to bo the ac tion present ed by the fortification now being erected in the river, which has already, though very incomplete and not very extensive, caused in the opinion of pilots, the overfud cd tne channel to be considerably deepened. Ibe effect of so much power, directed on such an easily moved ,-übtance of this bar, w hen aided by dredging machines, cannot be cjuestioned. Th* noble harbor with’.n, sufficient in every ye*pect t*» accommodate a large lleet and of the heaviest uraught. i the great seat of wealth and BRUNSWICK, THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 3, 1337. Southern commerce, all seem to bespeak for it a generous expenditure of the nation al treasure. But these speculations, wheth er true or otherwise, belong to the engin eer, whose know ledge of currents and their effects will have due weight in such a con tingency. Charleston is now consider ed accessible with a draught of 17 1-2 feet, hut with the aid of steam, a good tide, and smooth water, a ship drawing IS 1-2 feet, may be safely conducted. The average rise of the tide is (5 feet, which is increased or diminished by the violence and duration ofthe seaward or landward winds, and this rise and exterior influence is applicable to all the harbors ofthe Carolinas and Geor gia. There can be no difficulty in obtain ing eligible sites for a navy yard, whenev er it may he resolved to establish one in Charleston. BEAUFORT, S. C. Th is harbor was surveyed by Lieutenant Stockton in 1828. llis report has been tested by soundings and observation, and its general correctness ascertained. The arm ofthe sea which enters between Hunt ing and Fikon’s islands is known as Port Royal sound. It is sufficiently deep and capacious to accommodate the largest fleets, but, like all the ports south ofthe Chesapeake, labors under the disad vantages of having a liar placed at its en trance. From the bar to Beaufort the dis tance is about 18 miles. Abetter position for a navy yard can be found in the vicini ty of Beaufort than at the town. The bar has an average depth of 17 feet, which per mits,with a fu!! tide, the passage ofa frigate. Beaufort is placed in the line of internal navigation between Charleston and Savan nah, and hence, if blockaded by an enemy by sea, has a safe and speedy transport of supplies. The absence of a fresh water river and marshes seems to assure as great a degree of hcauli as in any of the Southern harbors. SAVANNAH, Georgia. The bar at the nroth oftheSavannah river is the deepest and most accessible of any on the Southern const. The average depth is 19 feet at low water ; and hence, with a fell tide, a frigate may pass in safety. But al though thus favored at the entrance, these advantages are soon lost in ascending the river. The first point of effectual defence, salubrity, and locality of a navy yard, is Cockspur island, situated within five miles ofthe bar, and two miles within the river; but a frigate cannot reach this point, by reason of an extensive sand-bank half a mile below it, on which but 14 feet, at low water, can be obtained. In ascending still farther up, the shoals are frequent, and of less draught of water ; and the river at first brackish, becomes fresh ; and bonce, in so low a latitude, ami surrounded by marshes, is unhealthy in summer. DARIEN, Georgia. Merchant ships of heavy burden can enter the port of Darien ; but it is unsuita ble to naval purposes, by reason of its unfa vorable locality, being surrounded by swamps and morales and on account of its being placed on a fresh water river, which, in so low a latitude, must cause unhealthi ness. The port of Darien can have no greater pretension than the ingress of a sloop of war ; and, hence, cannot compete with the deeper harbor in the same State. BR U NSW ICK, G non gi a . The waters forming the port of Brun swick are generally designated as Turtle river ; hut, properly speaking, it is an arm ofthe sea, which, entering between the isl ands of Jekyl and St. Simon's,flows into the interior for upwards of 29 miles, forming a wide deep and swift column. As no fresh j water river empties into this basin, it is al- I ways salt, free from freshets and alluvial i doposites ; and hence, from an early peri lodoftime, no change whatever has been | perceptible in the soundings or general character ofthe port. From the large isP i ands of St. Simon’s and Jekyl, (which arc ' distant from each other about one mile,) I and running seaward for about six miles, j are jutting two extensive sand-pits. At ' low water portions of them are laid bare; j and unless the sea is unushally smooth, 'they form, in nearly their whole extent, i lines of continuous breakers. Between ’ the spit-heads we found 22 feet at low wa ter. Proceeding towards the land, by trav ! ersinTthe whole breadth ofthe channel, the soundings gradually shoaled to 18 feat, which is the least draught of water found in the channel-w ay. About one mile within Uhe. spit-heads, is “the .middle ground, - ’ Which is a hank of sand resting on the j southern or Jekyl spit, and jutting into the channel-way some 2(!ofathoms ; but leav ! ing a sufficiently wide 18 feet passage 1 towards the St. Simon's or notliern spit, for 1 a large ship even with an adverse w ind ; the middle ground has but 14 feet at low water. Entering still further up, the soundings gradually grow deeper, so that when be tween the islands it has obtained a depth of 12 fathoms. The vessel is now in safety. On the right of St. Simon’s sound, which, to ether with similar water courses still farther north, affords a safe internal navi gation to steamboats and craft to Savannah and Charleston. To the left is the arm of the pea. (called the Turtle river,) from which, by Jc-kvl and Cumberland sound, is a southern internal navigation as (ar as St. i Mary’s. The course from sea to the month “HEAR ME FOR MY CAUSE.” ofthe harbor is nearly west north-west, keeping the nothern breakers on board ; the channel then runs south and south westerly, and, making a short turn to the north-west,we arrive at the town of Bruns wick—insignificant at present, but destin | ed, we believe through her rail-road and canal, to future importance. A shoal of 'soft mud, close to and below the tow n, on ! which but 12 feet can be found at low wa iter, seems to indicate some other point in j the harbor as a more suit able position for a navy We believe Blythe's island, ! on the opposite shore, to be the most eligi ble. It contains some hundred acres covered with timber, and every way con venient for wharves, docks, (scc., and for a nursery ol the live oak ; it is distant from Brunswick two miles, and has bold water to within a Jew fathoms of the -shore. There is no doubt that the port may he strongly fortified. The island of St. Si mon's and Jekyl present suitable positions for extensive works; and a sand shoal two miles within and in the centre ofthe river (dry at low water,) affords a third basis for a powerful defence, and steam batteries will complete the whole. The average rise ol the tide is six feet, which gives, at high water, on the bar, 24 feet; sufficient for a | frigate. It is deemed healthy ; and the I absence ofa fresh water river, or fresh wa j ter swamps, seem to justify the opinion. ST. MARY'S, Georgia. The harbor of St. Mary’s, on the south j frontier ofGcorgia, has a bar very similar to j that ol Charleston in its general features j and depth of water: it is subject to the} same vicissitudes from great gales. In2oj years the ship channel lias been forced to i the southward ; and the'site ofthe passage, j where formerly passed the largest sloop of; war in the navy, is now filled up to eight feet. Under the most favorable circum stances of wind and tide, the present ship channel may be stated at 14 feet at low water; the average rise of the tide is six feet. The localities are unfavorable for the establishment of a navy yard ; and, re garding the harbor in every light, we feel compelled to express an opinion adversely of St. Mary’s as a port suitable for naval purposes. KEY WEST, AND THE TOR TUG AS. Circumstances beyond our control, and known to the Department, have prevented an extension of our survey to Key West and j the Tortugas; but our knowledge of those | places, obtained in the course of service, j justifies us in pronouncing an opinion ad verse to them for the establishment of a navy yard. Kcv West is but a small island, distant from the main; and the Tortugas, a cluster of islands still smaller. The one can have but limited resources: the other, none whatever, not even fresh Water. Being islands and incapable of succor in the pres ence ofa superior force, they must eventu ally fall, when cut off from supplies. The more valuable either might become by the establishment of a navy yard, the more it would invite attack from a powerful ene my. Their position is no doubt command ing, but we deem them not worthy of great- I cr value, when fortified than to afford a ! rendezvous to our cruizers, and to give shelter and protection to them when pressed by a pursuing enemy. TIIE COMPARISON. The undersigned, in obedience to a Res olution of the Senate, have arrived at the ! point where they are directed to report on j “the comparative advantages and facilities of ports south of the Chesapeake, for the establishment of a navy yard.” Depth of | water and easy access being objects of the | first consideration, they are of qpinion that j the ports of Charleston, Darien, and St. i Mary's, being deficient in depth of water to : permit the entrance of a larger ship than a | sloop of war, are unfit to compete with the ' frigate harbors of Beaufort, Savannah and Brunswick. The preference is narrowed down to one of these; and having duly weighed their relative pretensions, v. e have no hesitation in preferring Brunswick. Beaufort must yield to her in the essential points of depth of water, easy access, and capability of de fence. Savannah must give way, for her j easier access and greater dept li of water on I the bar cannot be carried up the river to a I site safe from the sea and an eneyiy, and | applicable to the establishment of a navy ! yard. | If a frigate could hut reach Cockspur j island, the opinion expressed in favor-of Brunswick might he recalled. Brunswick is the most southern frigate harbor outlie Atlantic seaboard. Placed near the great oath l ofthe commerce of the West Indies i and Gulfof Mexico, her position in a state of maritime warfare would be invaluable, | since the navigating interests of an enemy ; must pass by her door. All which is rc ; spectfully submitted. M. T. NVOOLSEY, ALEX It. CLAXTON, E. R. shubrick; •*- December 2J, 18oG. TROUBLESOME TIMES. “Those who have cash, Have trouble r.bout it; Those that have none, Have trouble without it.” it a ® ail [From LaNouvelle Minerve.l NAPOLEON AND THE DUKE DE VI CENZA. * “Napoleon,” says the narrator of the de ! tails given under the above head, and who i will be better remembered by many of our ! readers as Caulaincourt, “was subject to j violent fits of ill-humor. When he wanted j on these occasions a satisfactory answer, j to those who contradicted his opinions, he ! used to show his displeasure by some dry j answer ; but if it happened that lie was still | opposed, he often carried his ill-humor to I the very verge of rudeness. When the conversation took this turn, I used, in or • der to avoid cofiling to extremities, which j I knew my temper could not patiently ! brook, to cut the matter short by gravely i taking my leave. This used greatly' to an- I noy the Emperor; but, notwithstanding, | he never allowed me to depart without add ing some word of kindness to remove any j unpleasant feeling which lus previous warmth might have created, and in this ! way, without further explanation, harmony • used to l>e restored between us.” It np | pears however that their differences, were ! not always speedily made up. “During : the campaign of Moscow,” continues Cau j laincoiirt, “at the close of a warm alterca tion, 1 quitted the head quarters, and retir ed to a kind of garret, which an officer had the kindness to give up to me along with ; his straw pallet.—a luxury at that time.— , Berthier came to seek me on the part of the I Emperor. I, at first, objected to return, being satisfied, in my own mind, that my functions about his person hud ceased. 1 had even written to him requesting some ! command in Spain. lie returned my let j ter, at the bottom of which was written in hie own hand, ‘I am not so had as to send you to get yourselfkilled in Spain. Come and sec me—l expect you.” On seeing me approach he laughed. ‘You well know’ j said he, holding out his hand to me, ‘that we are like a pair of lovers, who cannot bear to pass one another in anger.’ “Our difference on this occasion had lasted three days. From that time bis sal lies of ill-temper were much less serious. I “Towards the close of 1813, the Emper j or began to show himself more in public—- land attended by the Empress—than had been his custom. He probably felt it I necessary to court popularity at the time, jin order the better to counteract the in trigues which were even then going on very actively amongst, the friends of the Bourbons.” That Napoleon was cognizant of much of what was going on on this subject, ap , pears certain, from the statcAient of Cau -1 laincourt, who seems at a loss to account for the extraordinary apathy —the more extraordinary, in one ofthe energetic hab its and movements of the Emperor. One evening, at the Opera, when the Emperor and Empress were present, Napoleon, at the close of one of the acts, retired to the saloon attached to his box, and turning suddenly to Caulaincourt, said, “They are plotting in the Faubourg Ft. Germain; — 1 these people are incorrigible ; they say ma ny bad things of me there. Have you heard i any?” Caulainconrt’s reply was indicative enough of the courtier and the soldier.— “it is not in my presence that any one would venture to speak ill of your .vlajes tv.” “They do, however,” continued the Emperor, “plot and conspire absurdly— meanly ; but these petty intriguers are not dangerous; vet I am astounded at the in gratitude of these people, whom, for the most part, 1 have raised from misery—to whom I have restored their sequestered es tates, and on whom 1 have conferred, at, in many instances, their own most obsequious and humiliating solicitations, places in my Court.” Caulaincourt does not mention the reply lie made to these remarks ; but he intimates, “that if the Emperor had followed the counsels which had been giv en to him, and sent ‘a certain personage’ to Vincennes, he would have done only an act of justice.” “That traitor ,” he adds, “was the life and soul of all the plots and conspiracies then going on between the Bourbon party und the allies, and from his former relation with most of the members ofthe foreign diplomatic bodies, he posses sed much real influence.” Though the Emperor knew some, ami suspected more, of the intrigues which were carried on* to take advantage of tiic difficulties to which he had brought France and the jeopardy in which lie placed the imperial sceptre, it appears from the state ments of Caulaincourt that he was not at all aware of the extent to which they had been carried, and the boldness with which they were conducted. Some few days after the conversation a hovc noticed, at the breaking up ot a Council, Savary, the Chief Minister ol Po lice, placed indite hands of the Emperor a t parcel, containing printed papers, manu scripts, several letters, and a porl-fiuif/c. “Hire,” replied Savary, “ they are proofs in support of facts to which 1 have often ir vain begged the attention ot your majesty. The Empesor knit his brows as he casi lus eye over one ofthe letters which Savarj had put into his hands. From the minister’s account of she man ncr in which these important document! J. W. FROST, EDITOR. NUMBiaiL ' V--\ | came to his hands, it appeared that some | time before the police got intimation that j Madame La , under pretence of a joar- I uey, for amusement, to Mentz, was to 1 lie the bearer of many important comtnuni ! cations from the Coterie of the Faubdurg ! St. Germain. W e are told, a more pru ■ dent choice could not have been made of an Ambassadress for such a mission. She was young; handsome, of most engaging manners, great address, and a spirit which | would not have shrunk from any ofthe con sequenccs of the functions with which she j was charged.» On the 3d or 4th of Decem ber , 1813, she prepared to set out from Paris. ller passports for Mentz were all j en rrgf. —her elegant c alec he was covered with boxes and trunks filled with tobes, cloaks, bonnets,&c. Who could have sus ►peefed an evil from such an array of trum pery ! In fact, nothing could have a more l harmless air than the whole set out. In this manlier, and accompanied by a con fidential domestic, she journeyed towards Mentz in perfect security, the delightful anticipations of splendid fetes, of riches, and ambitious conquests. *Alas! pleasant dreams are of short duration. fair traveller had not achieved more than half her journey, when she was' aroused from her enchanting reveries to see her car riage surrounded by vulgar gendarmes and still less polished algiiazils of police, who roughly threw open the door, and inti mated that she must deeend. Her plac& in the carriage was soon supplied by gents, who commenced a most minute search into every part, evidently in quest of something which was considered of vast * importance. She knew well what was the object of their search; but as long as she found that it was unsuccessful, she, with the most imperturbable coolness, talked in a high strain,using no slight threats against this invasion ofthe liberty ofthe subject.— “What could they want ? Were not her passports all regular ? Was the reign of terror returned, that men could be guilty with impunity of such an outrage against a poor unoffending feipafe ?” Her complaints ' aud-Mcmonstrances were continuedln this style up to the moment when she saw that they had found the long sought for parcel, which was ingeniously concealed in the bottom ofthe carriage. It contained the correspondence—a port folio filled with let ters of credit at Frankfort and other places, . and beside 15,090 francs in gold. Her tone and manner became now all at once changed. To threats and remonstrances succeeded tcijrs and supplications, and of* i I'ors of gold to the worthy gendarmes. But ! all was in vain. The police agents were, ! as they usually are, insensible to tears,and | inaccessible to gold; and the lady was o bliged to submit to return to Paris, escort ed by the gendarmes, and with three po i ico officers, who ungallantly took their j seats at the side ofthe fair traveller. They ' arrived at Paris by twilight, and Madame 1 La , having been subjected to a long interrogatory by the Minister of Police, and j all the documents of which she was the bearer taken out and verified in her pres ence, she was committed to a place of safe ty. Her travelling companion and the postillions, who (except the police) were | the only parties cognisant of her arre3t, were also properly looked after. When Savary had related what we have stated in substance ofthe manner in which he had obtained the documents, the Emperor read them, they were all ofthe utmost impor tance, as they showed the views and objects of the lefkimatislcs. Savary urged the Emperor to take immediate measures to” ' put down those conspiracies against his Government. Napoleon did not reply ;he bowed to Savary to take his leave and a- I wait his orders. After Savary had retired, the Emperor again read most of the documents,, an ex pression of indignation escaping Trim now and then. Some of them he threw into the lire as he read them ; and others he placed in the drawer of the bureau. For a time he was sad and silent, and it was some mo ments before he said to me, “Can you con ceive such atrocities'?” It does not ap pear from the statement of Caulaincourt, that the Emperor either punished the par ties engaged in the intrigues, or took that advantage ofhis knowledge of then, which he had been advised to do. 'This may per haps be accounted for, by the more sing nature of other objects, which about the same time forced themselves on his at tention. “Every day” adds Caulaincotlrt,“ some new disaster occurs tooomplioaie OUT situation already sog embarrssing. The strong towns in Gertnhny,in which our gar risons had hitherto held out, were now go in g from us one by one,and we thus besides the forts, lost men, munitions, and matanel , the precious resources with which oujr en emies enriched themselves. Still the new levy 0f300,000 men was going on with fa cility, but we wanted time. We were aow in December, and the allies wore adran bring by forced marches. On Ist Jan. 1814, They crossed our frontiers.” Emperor did not again speak t® me of my proposition to make an appeal to the French people. However ,1 still per severed in the opinion that thht measure would be the only one which could prevent our ruin.—French intellect .could w«4l-un derstand that a simultaneous defcnoo by