Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1837-1839, November 30, 1837, Image 4

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“OGLFTISOKFE KOlfcE,” BRUNSWICK, GA. THIS new and elegant cstab- ' lishment having been fitted and furnished in a superb style. is now open lor the receptn nos company under the direction of the subscriber. The s;- nation of the House is airy and the prospect <ie lightful. The rooms will be found extreinoh cool and comfortable during the heal of th summer, and board for families or s'.nsle gen tlemen may be taken by the \v.*c k or single dav, and no pains nor expense will be spared to make the house an agree: Me retreat tor ml tiiose wlio may honor tffo subscriber with tbc.r patronage. The Bar will ! •’ stocked with the iTioiee.-' Wines, Liquors, Ac. and t o La- r idled with the best the market ari i.a! .uni tiie subscr her Hitlers h ir.sell that he liir'T I • • to p ace his eatable mi* nt under >ne i roles and regula tions a3 Will meet the appf 1 it 11 "• *hc com. Kinnitv. His scon i::naoce « la the dut es i,f a Public House and !« sen!ire dev- l onto t!i< s, duties lm )•■ Will rerun- ii.m the favor o, the public. - TANARUS; : * is a convr.nTwus ‘'ruin' :ff trtcuca to tiiO off ;i-i l.siilm'lit. v i ll i-b e!,eil v. i;ii li van 1 Grain. JOHN DAV is A, I dal, eii the lu!N*r part < ( :> p ad .r. or ii.- .l :t m ‘ t-da r. f.. J) 1 -.Ui, give t-» Abraii.tin ..totl.s- -to i mi r. leso- II ilid,i. ,<ie p.e, a.' <• «•> sad bi-.t: 1 r .'Her to wit—one n ie inr i.iii mi it l nr ti .• ad ti .'ll us, to be pai i o n ' i ; • tine toe ... ■ e,q\ ... October. A. D. i , x. a nr.* * 't.—A in f>r tile s.l.m i* live liii.i and ■I : .i *e ill Oetober or November. I • . a-d »»»*•-: -.-. - -y i .me nMe dal. dm < Jet merer N.• ‘ ■ .. 1 '■'< ■ 1 cable o;i or b< do.- .he llr : d■ ■ - i•’ nu iry . and . f. r the SMI.I . live hue<l ' ei.led ell ,U rt .1 —ADoeue otic I- nno fate .. til" luiil of ivi inindii .1 ' irs. pa , able •n or ht-for- the or* ei: .i.iioi.o ~ 1 “e'l. 11l t 1.1! iliter*' St.— i..i M >:t h IV.n S d< edeti to me ' er ;; ..I in i,m . i I other p- r --ns v. no cl.iiia >-i «i prop- i. . to • .»•• i ;> Ibe same : am! the matter is p f 'it ' ■ I h •*:i'i ftoa all po: .!!» Him pureiiii- • ‘ i t -.. ns i sit all not pay iff m nine • said oi"li -oaii i.msi the'affrresa'il t tie ~r titles good ami valid m lixv. and "An- o a,, ein n.y lob .and j. i, ■:! i e ists iiml trundle. 'l'iie afnresiid n b s l>< n:g ."1! nod the only lin'e s 1 have ever g'ven sad M ott excepting oils' for one lliousaml dollars, which has been paid by me. DAN'ILL HEATH. Camden. C amden Cos.. Da. O t 1. I-AT. To .KnTiiiHilii. AND D AK DKNT.iIA. jr~i FI (I All liKTSON, lias r> iiiovi and bis kJ. \vh be and retail A grii nil nrn 1 and. Garden Sand Whiiivliuiun. t ■ I'lnshiim. I. 1.. New York. where he intends «b aj ng . \!en sively in tin* above linsiluss,amt will be at all times enabled to turn:sh dealers -lid others with every article in his line of l»n ..ness. Viol as tii " greater part of li-.. »1 rk ot i-teeds is ra .s .I under his persona! attent an or direction, cr witere it is n.”ie« iry to import from liufo;"-,; t'ey are jir- cured From the in st n-'s|i"ct::!'lc Seed establishment:' there, and their qualities being tested to his own sat sfaciion. their accu racy and vitality nre expressly warranted. Tne vending of Seeds is a business deserv- , i”g I'uich great -r I't.ou’inii troin tin* merean t ie community than n at pia-si i,t be.-inv.ed no on it. There is scarcely a fanner or planter, who would not purchase an assortment of i per;or Garden Seeds if they could procure them ess'le. And as they yield a bands,me profit, same explanations m*»y be requisite m regard to miking sales, &e. Th"y are usually supplied bv the pound or bu:-li 1. ami will all ',a! a pr.dit oh'jiF per yen:, or ne re. i tic N, *.v i• th »•« - tail or* ".M. F« r eon yen euee the y can be ncal 1, papered and iabe'led utid issnrted into boxes put up in strong pap'-i . thereby s ivingtlie expense of b ex' each s i vclc f T a family gar den, v.b.ieti will be sopphed at 'iao.i f< 1 to :-'.“o —ill" latter bein'; sui.'ie elll to er'-p a ■ ; .icn moil* acre. Or they can be put into >i 1- J a;.d ]•* 1--J e lit p ipi U atly lahelli and. and ass rl- C'j sii liable for a re tad and. a Dr. cun cf vrhn h f the quint ty will be charjed so as to allow a pr>!i! oft"• per c it. on the N> w V nrk r.-tnl pr.c- a. Any -ae wish ng to engage in the sli i ■ if s' e.. an 1 ii t leaving experience, hr aa ir w'l • iir> p- -pn ;ir \v. 11 have the m - e i iforiu..: "ii s*-yen. an l tin",- mi*, f * 1 i ii ir,',' v. 11 be : rr. and e.-.tli n n- hut .r -t. i« - ■ V r • ie • j! . f: ..e. r ; r. il.iire. V ~ ml ruitutai i mis est in.- e i ire ... 1 t m., . T"-D fe\ ■e. ,1 "i. A Is-. . (; • l "I' i. , . ' .id 11-rb-ecoiis lay. : r . ~ v . y - ■ . i . ,'ll ii uve iTuit "I - . ,:r ■ ;al e ' wi,, !i can be ••••••' o - • ... .f * ; . .I •; it) an / par. ■ii ,a* t u ! and k . Ia in• i.Dr. It et ! ana at it*mi . the ti.lest agi .- . : - ... iff r ! ri" :>■ turn hod ii ! 1,- 0. 11, . ... te IV 1 \. lieie ! ie J.ltr. 1: ise 1 . ;. v : . r e ia e : .1 v. ~ be alfvnl. A s'ei i!-i - - • .!. Tin re wie n-> and --uli • ot rrr: r .ig tlibi p • ..t to i..e.t. : .1 c: i v•>. . a •■*. .:i it: very o.ia r subject iit j-) o.oe ■ v e ..-re.-a indents re -.'.ve MH.n <■ TuK SILK WD'RMS. 60,t!0O 1 .\N I’S oft • t 'll he. y or .V a'< is. :■ l r SI ()| .;i til" Vi r. ' ■ il ;: wrr es i'-*! s Ik. th * anp<* rs most eaiin . y ei.t ?' ! '• - ]>;•• . r. and s..ii.v its i-ff r >)iac.">n " F : . i • ‘ineil ;■> re plat— every v.-hi •* ; • • i U h.ti* Muiber- • ry for tin* n ir i ."'.it •f•• 1. xv i.-.ns. sieTi is ,lj superior ty over a.l ot i tree is. beautiful and ot’a ri pd gn tii. oi 1w T tr.riv* xvr 1! ia’St any s.tu t *n, au-I a : -v ye .s ar * siiaieient la ’lis-c- .-.sici.T l’ule *1 hi" • . ih- m n full \'ig >r, sudiCii 'it to supp rt an i.nna number of silk worms. 1 iie o! r .i is as easy as tb * raising of wilt at anu muc.i less laborious. For a numbs# ot years past it has j been a regular and profitable employ men* cf, many of the farmers of Connecticut, during the | early part of the summer, and is emphatically a kusim os of the farmer— of the cottage—a simple labor, in which females and ch.idren who do not easer.tially aid in supporting a Fam ily may tarn their services to profit. Every family of the most limited means can raise the mulberry and produce ei«nons, and for a tr ffie can procure a pamphlet which will give them the necessary information of reeling, Aar. The plants can be packed so as to be transported to any part of the Uniou and will be furnished in ' quantities to suit purchasers, aHd at very urnd erate ra lea. Nov. 16 FREDERICK BALDWIN, k Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Afro SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, MACON...GA June 15 Eiaportiiii) <»r l asliiou. Itl IK subscr.liers tender their tiianks to the . gentlemen of Glynn County mr the lib eral patronage they have received and In pe by their Coni miied exertn nsand untiring attention to lius.ness, in merit further patronage. They inti ml m tin jail to ( pen as spit ndid an assort ment ot (.OOUrf in tneir ime, as w.ll be round in any other establishment of the kind in the city ol Darien They again invite the public to call and mi pc for thoiusclvi s. Their esta hi. eh merit u ill remain open during tin- tiumiiier aiid ali ordi rspunctually attended to. .SI I Lit MAN A (111 ltd i 11.1. N B A c sc ol super.or white HAT iS, just received. Darn n. Julv 127, 1.-37. DAK CV S I.IIKF VFiV OrcilOlClf LIT 11 it ATI it K. f say that tliis t g a leading age. implies a. -ii- desire lor instruction, and tin wans to grat ty that des ie, on the lirst point, all n o a greed; on tin* second, titer.* is divers.ty both r- i opinion and jiractice. We Isay luwspa ! is. n,;o a y., ~i >. icy i v. s, in line, pi m pi: b to, all S.z. I n nearly all suin' < Is. which have s vci.ill . tie .r ■ ; ot readers and support • rs. Andy. t m p,,.i.s as arc tin-c means 'I nielici I.t'j.j.l; . mole an- si ll mi del. 11l add.t.'oii to tin- lev,cy\ sol lin-ii.iy and p i -ing noli'-' sol boons. t;ie (no j»lo in large niunbi i-. in all j-. its i |.; git iii pul I c cravi tin- pes se-.i.on o. tin- ic cl.s tin ii..- Iv< s. anil details, I oy< ml i... i• passing alliision, ol the prepress ot and .icovi ry in nit and sea nce. But tin-*. ;li it be i i-sv t" ■ ••■■■l tain and i xnre. s ;;n r wants, it * U"t s-i ■•!•_, 1-. grai.l., t! .-in. L\;.i Use, «!:•<- ii nee Iroiii tin t i.. j a ~ ui,, , . i.. i ra'. i;: e. cm_. i • ii. ' . p:< unt r anal appli- V. >y i ..I Ihe|....t of ll ii II and !;■ rly , lie I of ■ * *' * • veil'd literary ~t ll is In- ob ■ e ■ "i iii • pnioi. ii. IS ol tiie I ii,,m , v •o' ' <' * ' *ll ; - . a Ini to ' liable Iy' I V 1I yi J •'"I. :: a s.ii '!I e.-.-t ami vviiliout any p. : cal eilort. to ii t.:i n.r in ; own use and that of i, s • avoir ii fii. nils er i.ii.nil . y aiuai,,- \v i l.s. F'icle. ina ii *,;. ■ ; rime lies oi u :,ei n i ami pi nob 1 literature, ami that in a. fi rm adapt.ul to tia cm It* :•! of I be r< adcr. i he eharm «.f varedy. as far as it is (- >.,i11 hie v. ■' li li.i.y.i I I • 111 and la.sic, yv hi be held roic iaiitly i:• y yv m the Libi.u y. •" lid I in- pa o .and y tin- enrn nl l,li ratine "1 (in al li. iliun. in aii its y.arioiis depa i; moots of iiiogr. pi.y . hisiory. travels, novels and poe try. sluill l.e Freely put umb r eontr.lnition.— ' \\ it Ii perchance occasional exceptions, it is in- i tended tu piv entire tlie work winch hall be side cl.'il for publication. Win n circumstances authorize the measure, recourse will be had to tin li ■ rary sot t .intun i.t .l Lurope.. and translations made from From-'i. Italian m Dcr mail, as tile ease may 1 c. W lids' t In- bod y ot t lie' work v. ili be i reprint. 1 or at times a translatnui of ut re y oini.ies. the cover will exit lot the miseellai is idi.iiai'icr ol a magazine, a id consist « f skctdics < I men and tilings, and not ices ol iiovi it u's in ii ter"! lire and the aids liir nighout tiie * : y d.r."d vyoild.— . Ala!! and :a ;gularsu]>|dv ol ti.e iitcrarv.rii• *111!i --ly and be!idoii;sd..l j.,,n .a!-: of Dreat Britain ami i.a l mil, in addition to lioim p. riodicats <■( a cbar.ictcr. cannot lad provide am ple inah r..,1s f. r lius pail of our yymk. I'.ie ia sources and c\ I usyv i . . ,'c qiiimb uce of tiie j>i:!i!i-11• • r.i are tiie best pi, iranlt e ter the coat, nil i nee id Ibe eislerpr;ze in \y li.. hlbe y are alionl in cub; rl-. as y . il as lor tin- aimii danee . '. the mat' rials to give It value in the • 'VI .of ti e piihlie. Asfai s jtulic!' us selee ion and arra.qp'im :it are eonc. iin and. reiulm s will il is In pel. have r. a on to 1 i fully- sat.sli ml. as t;... i ddor id the 1,: I.rai v is not a struu gel" to li.em, t.ut has more tuan once oht'imed tne.r favorable suitrages lor his past Lu rary eilorts. TKJIMS. 'i lie w«irk will be putilished in weekly mini hers, ill si:t"hed covers, each numbciconbnn mg tv.euly imperial octavo pages. Willi ibuilde colililins. is;.iking two \. ;uini.: annually, i I in re lb in .>'>■. oeiavo pag< s. each ; and ai tile of eve.', s \ i.moths. Sll's' 1,- beisyr.f be fur. slim! \ itli a handsou.e t ti - pi ge and I able ol ... ui< id c 'i ,■ ■ w hole » mount ol matter luruisiied in I ...ll do year, will Ie e 'pial t * n: ; e tarn lop y \.■! ui, • • . f 1 lie com mon and i .nglisn (moil, . .mo books. '1 !. ■ pa pi r upon v, ii.eli tiie J,.lirai y \v,!t I.• pi mod. w .11 boot tin tim st iju-'l.iy u-. dh r l.imly yvi rk. ami id' a • . .ia rnldy a.inptod for As tin* t i ll.' bo iy new. ami m a u at " poa .s' a o- i . ■' oin !.. und, v. il! ■ 'll u ail i I. ■ n.i a ■ \., i| . vain..: i. . mm not ei:.,di:oi,:'. af.'o.oil 1 . ino ; lii. wllU pall I*.:, o t . The oi t.i« I. o; a: v v, ,11 bo Five Did'.-;; • per • o >. pa; i-. m '"tv,' i e. A coiimiiaso'ii <>; -,a< p. i < . id. v. .1! be allot-, et! in ■ i.. •*•' a. -', p! ~:i. - i e i ;u i,. .i le til • in., uos t-a'per cent. ~n' a copy of the , work lor « H - year. I. !.t -is of newspapers, to whom Los p;-, s pootus is lurw.iiaa and. v..d pie a.-e insert 'non of tiie.r p.iper eotl Ia *I n; tile ady cl t.scli.r ol marked, uil'i cut.tie tneiusc \« ~to al. e e.\- cininge i,i cm' y ear. Ad .: • li. L. D \it\ yv A. HAiiT. I ai. no ipiim. a Vi'siit* vfx 5..F '. Lkt.i'2 .f4ii3 .tLP.ji” D.• Jf J t*. r"« M i Epverk xx ..i . o pi., l.s!.rd in month; A. numbers es ui h ast tiirlv paqo-s each, m.ikin ■ a x u’.ioii; oi ii l,u ■vo jiagi •< af the ihe \' :.r. . .ih nn a t • eie l" .ts and ii ..' pair, a 1 -.* .iff. x.t. :1 ) v*;. - cute') on .'lavmgs t»;i wood, representing x exvs ol i ., likenesses ", . ai.u --i lit men. r ..t-rkalde n uural si-eiierv, Ac. 1 ii*■ Miii's":' p!I. ii xvi". l*e Two 11. mars per year, payable m :utv;,r.'-i*. Any [>. rs xvh i snail remit to the puidisher m Best' n. 'i • a D ..tars, will B x D>*pit s • . ! i a .'*l t/a. no :, r « ..o year : and m im.ui.i r • , . o oi r tiles' Mibsin nil ns tnr tii. I*.: p"se, x. no sum] remit Thirty D- liars. . s I above, wili oe iiit.tied to l X'.mty (. qui s to, | ■ ne year. • Any responsible person disposed to act as ', I raveling Agent in procuring subscriptions I ior in s work, xviil receive addmnal encourage meat, proportionate to the amount of services rendered. ikj Ail Fi st Masters are hereby authorized and request) and .to act as agents in procurin' l " subscribers upi.n terms above named, unit in remitting the urn amt ol tiieir siibser nt c ,ns. All ordi'rs and h tdrs 1« :.111cto t:..■ ,M a zine, xv»ll be addressed yVer of, usi./gr. to JOHN L. BIBI.LY, PuliUshtr of lhi. iiiiiiru.-i I'tinUiii .if.nn,, /»*. ,U <ss nOVv’ELL COBB, Attor.vfv rr Law, Office, at Ferry, Houston County, Ga. Uuxvrll Conn will attend to protess onal bus.ness in the count,i s Houston, ol’tiu* FI nt; 1 wiggs, Fulaski and Dooly, of tire Southern ; Randolph, Lee, Sumptir and -Ma rion ol the Chattalionline Cucu.ts. July 20, Ice?, ly. BRUNSWICK ADVOCATE. NEW PRINTING ia vt Gtunsajfc Iv, (Gcciflicti FJAHE subscribers would iniorm the public -I- that they are prepared to receive orders lor LIUN’i ING, sucii as— -1>( kikS, I’A.MI'IILLTS, BLANKS. DANDIitLLS, DliiDl LAKS, ( AItDS, and the various kinds of Ornamental, Fancy and Letter Lress P II i U T a I>J G. Tiie'Tiais being new they Flatter them selves they will be utile to give satisiacln n to tliosc wiio may Favor tin in with their patron- DA\ Igj A SiiOitT. Bruns wick, Juno I-L7 viU g’osN'jS AoiTNjKisier and {'<>[- f<*<’SSDl3 nj'.lii: uiidors 'iin and. late ■ ditorand propriot r S oi Fin- ;.7i/ t’iiriiiiirit. hat .ng Uio o.v --• ' i.s.v bus in . . ol lb o i s' liiiii ul to oloso. • < o:u. a i.s !i i.i long' AtM-r.i uce. how miteii S.I ,1 a Ino. | ty is no, ili it. at |i ast by tiie I‘i i s.y, IS ii . ]|. .red t" eoiinect With it a (<i n< nil ,/gi ;i --ey ?• r too eoiheli' n id' . W tetjinpi r and other / . b/a. in ti: .. and the neighboring r* uitiu-i n D t.: ' and v. ill Maul a1..,. sf c-oitiuu lit to pr* lit tin, s' il. Humid tiie ... of -•■ * * and I" 1 suit.o.i u‘. t; o agency will be n ado a /,< I ii; o:io —and white Ins long c .nii. A.on v. .lit tin' and si. oijui lit kootvledgc < t its r* qu s t ons and i ( i.ciils iron, sumi an Agency. n*i li so.tious ve personal acqua.n t I’o oy, nil ill' 1. on I. Mi sand per pic ol tile conn try. aii'oicl ‘ po, uliar la.'il.t.os lor the pi rb rm a., '"f its Hid ,1 s. be trusts I hat »sii.table in qu r . lea \o no doubt of prompt and iailh * ,H ait, irt.ii in tii'-ni. A. 11. LL.MBLKTON. .'•ir. Bomb-rFon will eoi.iinenee a trip tlirmiah i> rnwi II and llrautoi't Di-i i lots, to tva vannali. •': ou 1 a 1 tlirmiigii Bryan. 1, boriv. Alelnto.sii. Dty nil a nil ('a nidi nc> nut os. and On ok 111 rough \ ■ syne, .‘v '. to Say anu.aii ; and thence throtigit mpli mi. Sr,von, Bnrko. J> tors' n. \\ as, i oog'tnn .and Warren, to Augusta. Alter w Inch. !: will trav: t through i: tof tiie m tghber-nd and stre-ts "t Louth ( a roliiiu, ami tiie middle a tig upoor on •' of Georgia; and through the dlatos id Aiibamn. Mississippi, Louisiana, N. ( iol lit. \ irg nia. Ac. * I ■" udl receive, Ii r i'ollec-tinn, claims of any k.iid. Terms an lollows : .\V -ir.K/ttt pc/- ar mu lift, r. (including those of Li r.0ci,c.,15.) when to l.e made cut by ilim,liaiu general Ists. forwarded by mail, Ac. In per et. .\V *<• mi/im / ibi i-f, with payment in advance, go percent; vr, Limit payment in advance. -‘2 percent. I!e lias I ecu o tiered more in some instances, but cannot consent to take more from one thin another, or than lie himself would willingly /iinj ; and muv fix, s on these rates as •nose lie lias /.mil. and as being as low as can lie nihudrd, or as lie has ever known paid— trusting i. rr« mum r. t < more to the probable ' \t lit. of bus 11, ss he n;a\ r, ceive, than to the rates IheuiM Ivi s, t- gt tiler vvitli tiie cns.dera- I n not trav. llmg b r ii.s bealtli. and to collect for hum elf .b'l n un:' : i:, i iiiin:. .» per rent, more or less Mg to .111,01,11.. lV . - Li w ’.'ln -is wili be made according to ins!rue ti ui.aini al tim ol those to wh in they are iidiii c.,.a i; - dir lnrnisii ng the lb stmastcr seer II fo.'.ite o: the anil lint dep and. ami deser pt on ' i ni'iicy. whenever a miscnmnire occurs. \\ in n icll to nis discrdn. as o)ti nas cucum ( ;:1 " 1 collet!' and. safety, economy. v\c. may sc to |ti ;L:ly. ami checks, drafts, nr suitable not, s in s.ze, currency where sent, vVc c m im obta in d—and at Jin* risk ol these af dressed to li,m m tiusc.ty. w,ii be imiuediatei bn warded to bim, wiien absent. /, iji ri r, to liny one who knows him; ami lucre an u w v, im do not in this city or section He n i w .'igvnt tortile lollowing Neswpa p' l ami Li ri and author.zed to receive sub i ipt.ons or payments Iherelor: l !:m:i cf' ami L. nimel. Augusta. I usidut, (to. Louth; ru Aicd.< ,i and Surgical Journal do. Georgian, Savannah, Advocate, Bitui, Ga. Alcreury. ('lmri, dun, S"u i iierll lb ;; . !.d'. Soi.iliern i, ter.,; . Journal do. Sou:iu Ag'ri.-uitttralist. do. AA . - i;i Dm :• and man. Sai.sburv. N D V I'M Is' B. •.n r. Lete; Mill': \ i. *■ lit. ei n Li..'. : , ~i- .-I'ligci . Bmi'.liinnd.Va Al, reliant. It .1; . • 1 c:■' ri..ei. U i il ngtoii City. A i ;g ! - i. June g '. L l A'rsof Ni vrsn-ipers. i',i*„ who tuny t 0,,,:, nron, r i.,. icr.i,.-,* i, s set viees. pleasr ; ■ i t:m mm■, tw>. ■ i L, i <■ v-u.-p cm t:s in*' r i•• * • '•••'■ . : > or .a 'it uty .a ml lor ward the Nos « o;ii.tninig it i’UOLl'Lt 1 l S OF 'S’ etc’ ti \ ' k i v v i in e;; ( . q N issu m : a Lr sp;ems for the public;,Don oi •i a p .po,'. t:i■ • uin. rs gued w il <h pi and lroni a *- i w ; . "e In uorcu m the in acli. tlian in tin L rv in nail ii"i:,e im pc into s v.incii il n M .l t I .hill ••Till- Lu I 111 '! IMM ■ i.i) . a trialal,." I '2 uuuiiiis. I as in-.; tailt and n. ;■%■ iir.i::*- f-r the Lil.l. r. tin* ailc'.i' n and pat- 1 ■ ua'■ im s o ; and it is C'.nfui: m . ii ! eyed. im i• m r:i r t s':;.srr.bers. at least au i r ,i.t p.r. i ice they contributed toward.* if Si ! Dm:.lied li r the encmiragcinclil mm. s n ns of making bs Lttle paper \ p: i, inigi* of an in! gom-iieu anc ■ n. ■ li mu ', e. ti;c stlbzcr tier inis detcrniilii ); , ■ c.,: . .* il to nearly iiuadruph' ti.c pri sent and ui, n-. ,;s. s that it will <■ ui,nil m *iiy null • tn„e.s as imi.t: matter as it n«.w. docs. Ti ns be a horded greater space n r Ins o\y n lucu j.. • of correspond:,-I'ts, together v.'.tn viot sen.ents and ju'l.cii us sob etions. it i: ;q ii"t be in.inn: .qina te Here to remark, that, or want <*f r»> . . »inue ot tin - hi st . "i- iia .e ia ci: e.W'hub ii. ami occasbnally in i i- h's’.-ng ttii"ter. dtuicult tv cemietise witltiii tto ' suiail a compass. \A itli increased labor and j expenditure, be must hope tor increasf and rc ; ward; and consequently, the subscript ;<m price I fi-r the second volume will la- One Dollar in j ady.nice, or One Dollar and Fitly Cents, at the : expiration of the year. Tins alteration, it will be perceived, is not in proportion to tiie change of size in the paper; the times being /mid, we are willing to work as low as we can. to save ourselves trout debt, to please our patrons and ours, 1 vi s also. Advertisements, ns heretofore at 30 cents per ! square fur tile first ins. rtion, and bio cents per square lor each subsequent insert.mi. J_; Tiiose who can conveniently pay in ad vance, by doing "hi not only save tlieni- I si Ives a heavy interest, but enable us. with ! more alacrity and advantage, to prosecute the j work. ' lb~J. UOBIN'LON'. Washington, Ga., July A7. J -D7. ' Q_; ibipcrs the above, will confer . a lavor. Jo?* Nc-t'v cscsuvcU at this Ohlce. Hew More. GEORG K HARRINGTON A CO. HA V L coinmence't business in tins place, and intend keeping as general an assort meat ,; t goods as can be found in any store in tins section ol tiie Estate, and they respcctlully soi.cit ttie patronage of ttie Llanters and others, so iar as tlicy may deserve it. i hey have just received lroni Boston a good assorzufut ol hiiglish and American Piece* GOODS, l lockery, Glass and iiard Ware, (■roceries, Boots and Shoes, and jie ady made Clothing, ami tlicy will constantly he receiving addition al supplies. mr.v n.'vt .vow ron sai l., — Brown am! iiii aclicd Shirtings aim 't li king, Calicoes and Cambrics, Ginghams. 1 ianneis, Sattmet, Aler.nos, Negro Dhotiis, Silk and Colton liaiidaerchiefs, ltitinons. Gloves, lios.ery, Thread, Sewing, t ms, llindiivs, Luitoiis, Table Clotus, Snax. is, Lmexellas, Blankets, Aiattrassi s, Ac. ike. 01.01 1.11 l is. Brown and I.oat Sugar, Tea, Codec, Chocolate, bin Its, .'ionisses, Brandy, bin and XV.lies, Itaisins, Cassia, Nutmegs. Cloves, Cocoa, Ginger, .'mislaid,Envect Oil, L< l>l*«*r, Cayenne, * audit s. Soap, bjn imaei t. 0.1, tobacco, Cigars, I.utter, Cheese, Pepper Lam e, Staren. Liinelit'i bail t etre, bait, 1 ici,i« it Salmon, Alaeaerel, Douusll, PoliocK, Herrings, T migin s amt bounds, Ac. Ac. XXoolll.N XX.XKE, Buell as Tubs, fails; D.ppeis, Axe llandles, Coin Glooms, eke. ,Vc. n. xi: n \v a in:. Axes, Adzes, Frying fans, Window Glass, Mlcl. .N'l.b, i'ii ciS, Brass ivetiiis. Ku.ves unit forks, feiikli.ves, biussois, Biusnt s, xvith almost every article wauled in building or tor use. x i so. — Hats, Boots, Shoes, neady made Cloth ng iXc. CliIK K J E V \N I) cI,A S * WAIi E, A eoni|i!eti* assortment tor taimly use. G. it. rv x O. receive i rueis lor anv ar tides ol foreign or Domestic growth or manu lacture tout can tie procured m Boston, con iulent that llteir advantages ot oblani.ii*' sucii articles Will enable liicm to give satisiaction to those who may employ them. Brunswick, Ga. June b, 1 - - J7. I ilB HER AEG ANL) STAR. j T iMUinot be denied that tne present state ol A our country demands peculiar and well di reeled activity on tiie part ot the press to make kuoxvn the lcaturos ol tlit* various topics which are now agitating tile various poitious oi the national conlederiiey. To supply, -it a loxv, tiie inland towns with iiiiormation, at a ottie delay only, alter it tins been rteeivd in • iie Atiulit e, is praiseworthy, and siioulu in the end reward such pi rs, is as exert tiieir ali i ty lor the successful luitiierauce ot tins ob jeef T iie Editors and Proprietors of tin* Boston Daily lierald, convinced ol the importance ol a eareluliy ininlueti'd pri ss to m lormai.) o Lu.iughi ut tne country, some xxeeks smee issued tiie First i r oi tile Luxn W ii: Ki x 11 i:i; x 1.0 ami b i ui, xvh.cii they have toului to la* su.table to tiie wants o! the inland itv. as it turn.sites over one hundred liexxs[Mpeis ill it year, ul tiie very lou price ol two dollars. This paper is made up lroni the Daily Herald with such math r, in tin* snape of stern s. legends, poetry. statements ut i tie* markets, and sucii iiilor.iiat.on respecting sales as may be deemed advantageous to tne \ fomaury of the land. Tne peculiarity of the Herald and Star xviil be found t" be in tile tact Unit wmle it is not engaged m party it reserves to itself tin- f.hertv "1 spiakmg boldly and openly on every subject which concerns the weal of the winde ei.uutry—and suiiiiiioiis to aid, bes.des tiie constant supervis.oii of the Editors, valua ble assistants, wiio are industriously and hour ly exerting themselves to give strength and a liility to their v irions departments. T lie Herald and Star is published every Tiles dav and Friday meriting, and mailed on the night prevents in order to ensure its speedy Irm limn s. .on by the mails. The price is Two Dollars a year payable in advance : L'J.gA in tlucc ntoollis ; Lg.. 0 in six iiioiith:; . bh at tiie end of the year. T lie best method to ensure the reception ot' tlit* paper is to enclose L- in a letter .uldn sseil to tiie Pro prietors. ” HARRINGTON A CO. Boston. ILU7. '2*o A- 4'os?lra€l»v« TII KOI GliOl'T GEORGIA. TAV ING received a number of coiniuuni ,lb eat., us troin individuals, making enqit-r --i.*s r«'s]tei'i ng mv Brick Aiai'lnne. invented by Calvin V. ate: Ina:i. aiulliox* ill sin cessiu! ope l'lit:. ll ill tins pi,;. I tase .ii s nut ti- and <d' an swer ng them—l invite all who feel disposed to purchase rights, to eon.e and see tin' opera tion of the, and if there be anyone xx ho says lie is disappointed in h.s expecta: ions, Ib ml 1.1, -elf to pay tile ex pells' sot Ins trip. .! do not expect to sell a right to any one with out tlo'.r List seen the inarhuie ; lint ut order to atiord an .dea ol its value. 1 annex the till "wing cert licates, i lie ot tucm signed l.y txvi of Ine most exper.enced masons in tin* Southern Sstutes. In my absence from Mac. n, the editors of tiie -Messenger will act as mx- autln rizeil agents. T. L. SMITH. We having witnessed the peri nuance ot Mr T. L. Sinitii s new Brick .Machine, inxented by Calvin Waterman, now in epi ration in tins place, take pleasure in recommending it to tne public. 1 iie tael ot .ts parioriuauee .s its best recommendation. \\ e timed it. and find that with new moulds and inexpcr.eiiecil hands, ;t made at the rate of two thousand three hund red ands xty-eight per hour. By inouh:- uig ten hours in a day, it would there tore turn out twenty-three tiious .ml six hundred per day . It re quires s x boys to bear ott, and li ur to sand tin* moulds, Ac.— together xvilli lour grown men. Thus fourteen hands are sullicicnt to make thi* above named quantityol' the most beautiful brick per day. JOHN SPRINGER, DAVID F. WILSON. Macon, April 14, lch7. 1 have witnessed the performance of Mr T. L. Smith s new Machine, just put into e-perat oil in th.s pun e ; and have no hesitation m it a great and usetul ; improvement < u any ether method ol br.ea 1 have ever set n, both as to the quality of tiie brick and cxpcd.t.on m making. By re- I quest 1 tuned the machine lfr hall an hour; tne result of that trial shoxx s that xvitli 14 hands the machine v. n' Uirn cut < t bi autuul and well jtenipeieu .. r.c-, ill one hour, or about 40 I to the minute. JNO. IvLT iiLIHOLD. 2'iaeoii, Apr.] 14. June ci ly. S3OO Reward! ESCAPED from the Jail ol Anderson, S. C on tiit* v veiling ol tin* 13th inst. a n,an calling hm.sflt ALOIS liUAIM AKD, a Den proless.on. He was convicted at the last tail term in the court of that District, ol Bigamy, and sentenced to two years lmpr.son uient, and to pay a tine of jjttltJCl). Br.unard is aiiout five ft et six or seven inches high, ratlier stout made, dark liair and eyes, a slight inclination to baldness in lront. and a somewhat remarkable Hatness on the ti p ot lus in ad. He is ol genteel appearance, fluent and plausible ; wore when lie escaped a black cloth dress coat, black hat, and fashionable boots. i Tiie above reward anil al! necessary expenses , " ill be paid lor Ins apprehension and delivery j to me, or his lodgment in any jail, and informa tion so that i can get him. A. N. NI FALL, Sheriff A D , Aug. 3. ffj’Editors xvho are disposed to bring to jus tice the greatest villian unhung, will please give the ahoy* a lew insertions. TO EEI.VI ER*. [jN WHITE A WM. HAGER, respectfully J • inform the Printers of tin- United Stan s, to whom they have been individually known as established letter founders, that they have now Formed a co-partnership in said business, and an c xtonsivo experience, thov hope to bo aide to give satisiaction to all wiio may lavor them xx itli tin ir orders. Tin* introduction ol' machinery in place of the tedious and unhealthy process of casting typo by hand, a desideratum by the European Found) is, was by American ligenuity, a heavy expenditure ot tune and money on the part ot our senior partner, first successfully accom plished. use of the machine-cast letter, has fully tested and established its su periority m every particular, over those cast by the* old process. The letter foundry business xviil hereafter be carried on by the parties before named, un der the linn if White, Hager A Cos. Their Specimen exhibits, a complete series, from Diamond to S xty-J'our Lines Pica. The Book and Notvs type being m tin* most modern sty le. \\ lute, linger A Cos. are Agents for the sale 1 of the Smith and Rust Printing Presses, xvitli winch they can luru.sli their customers at man utacturers prices; Chases, Cases, Composing Sticks, Ink, and every article used ill tile print ing business, kept lor sale and turn-shed on shoit notice. Old type taken ill exchange tor new at nine cents per. lb. N. B. Newspaper proprietors who will give ! tin* above three insertions, will be entitled to live dollars in such articles as they may select lroni our Specimens. L WHITE A HAGER. Aug. 17. ’i S:«* Eittiis ol* Philadelphia. . CjMIIL architectural beauty of many of the -fl- I’FIiLIC BL 11.1)INTi E> of this city is pro verhial. 1 iiey have not only been the pride ol • lie city, but excite the attention of all stran gers. Believing that it would be highly accep table to our numerous patrons,scattered as they an* from tin* Lakes to the Ocean, to be present ed with Srj.F.Nhtii li.Lisrn.A i ions, lroni the hands of lirst rate artists—xve have made ar rangements to out a complete series.— T hey will embrace u correct am well executed view of all the PI'BLIC EDIFICES, of our city and vicinity, forming in the end a collec tion. that may xx ell he termed tin* LIONS OF PHILADELPHIA, and winch will tie present ed to our patrons, witle ut upon the usual variety of our columns. Where it may be expedient xve xvdl accoinp my tin* engrav ings with such descriptions of size and facts ot history, as may he of interest. We shall l.«*g;n the puhl. cation as soon as xve i get several engravings from tin- hands of the artists, who are now at work upon them. On the appearance of tile first view we shall espe i eiallv increase mir edition ~f the Courier, to supply tiiose who may wish to obtain and pre si rve tiiese views. The views w.ll also appear regularly in the PHILADELPHIA MIRROR.' il : Asa trilling expression of our regard, xve shall print the whole series, at their completion, upon line wh te paper, in uniform sty I'-—form 1 mg a beautiful collection of V.exvs, and present ! ; hem t" suiTi of our country brethren, us nm oblige us by an ins'rtion of tins PROSPECT I S OF Till: N«H<liei*sa B.<si4‘s*R»*y Irani. ON the first of September next.,- be is sin and thi l first number ol'the •Soiilluni Ut \ irunj .’hi/iiriiiit. in quarto form, medium—to be i conducted by tiie present Editor ot the •• News ‘ Carrier; at xxlneti tune that paper will merge 1 into tin* former. : Such ii xyorli is offered to the public from a firm e .uvictioii of its necessity and unpoi tanee; i and tiie editor Inis only to regret Unit abler: ■Hands hav" not undertaken to accomplish so : ■■ ail object as tiie advancement ol Litcra -1 tore ill tiie South, betoie him. To effect which be ins constant and unerring aim. The j Editor has received tile assurance ot assistance from many, upon whom lie relies, xvitli a pleas ing eontideiice. that himself nor the puldic. through him, will in* disappointed in their ex pedal.ons of .ts character and success. We intend tiiat our paper shall Le a faithful veil rle ot general News. The cause of the j Lt.uih. xviil be its cause, and tlit* advancement | oi her interest its eiu. f aim and di sire. Asa I paper, it xv 1 1 espouse no party; the important I ! affairs of Gov. rniuent. however, will not he ! suffered to pass unnoticed—and all sensible, uilie.ii us eo.iimunieatiojjs on tins subject, pro i vuied they are tree from party spirit, will re ceive particular attention. Persons ti n responsible subscribers I I to the .hjHrant, xviil be entitled to one copy ! gratis. Tri ms. The s/iirnnt will be published ev | ery Saturday, in tne c.ty of Macon, at Two /joLurs per annum—ikl ‘25 for six months— j payable in advance. No subscription received , for a less period. j Advertisements will be inserted at the usual , rates. Letters on business must be post paid to in -1 sure attention. C. R. lIANLEITER, Publisher. Macon, Georg a, July l:b7. Esladlisl* sur’.it cniicJovn:n( &(ikc ibr wtie. OWING to the intended removal of one oi the Editors and the wish of the other to devote himself more exclusively to the duties of h.s profession, the undersigned offer for sale the establishment of the Nortli Carolina Jour nal Office. The office is well Found in Job, newspaper and ornamental type, the list of sub j scr.Leis is teleraLiy iarge, and they doubt nut , might be gn atly align,t nti and by a little exertion. i > any p rson desirous of embark.lig in tiie business it . tiers inducements not inferior to ' any m tin* State, but to a practical pr.liter they km xv of no investment In* could make ol n s , money that would y eld him a more protitabh return. liYBART A BTKANGE. Fayetteville, ot tii May, lzb7. It r Pr.liters xviil comer a lavor by giving tile above two or three insertions ia their papers. , J uue »7. I'adies Tompnnioik for 1537. LITERARY ENTERPRIZE!! Devoted more especially to the interest of the ! TERMS THREE HOLLARS A YEAR. HP H E LADIES COMPANION, a month ly per.odical, commenced on the broad grounds ot ditiusing general information, far ami wide at a price, which is within the reach ot all classes ot the community. The plan tias succeeded beyond the most sanguine anticipa tions of the proprietor. The lirst number was issued to the public, with only sittnteen nanus oi subscribers, and at this day it boasts of a cir culation nearly double that ot' any monthly Magazine in America; and is daily increasin'., at an average ot twenty subscribers. In th c . pages ot the Ladies Companion, every class 0 { readers will lincl that which will tend to their enjoyment; tales, of every nature, pathetic and humorous; choice essays and sketches by the lu st writers ot the day ; literary and scientific iiitell'geiice; copious extracts from American nnd English Annuals; strictures on the drama and Fine arts; notices of ~1! the new puLlicat.ons as they issue troin the press; translations irom tii- french, Spanish, Greek, German, Italian and Hebrew languages; original and selected p. etrj ; onginai music and Engravings, with Ime wood cuts and patterns of embroidery ol every desorption, independent of an immense ear ety ot miscellaneous articles on every sub je. t ot the least interest to the most casual reader, embracing events; biographi cal sketches of noted individuals ; discoxerus ui the arts and sciences, Ac. Ac. Ac.; accounts ol colleges and American inst.tutions ; sketches From scenery ol our oxvn country ; public as sem! 1 ts, pu.uting, popular lectures, speakers and authors ; \':i xv ot olden times ol the city of gothani; Broadway Analyzed; comments on Good Society, Ac. Ac. Embellished monthly with a splendid Steel Engraving; popular mu sic original and selecti and ; and Embroidery for tiie workingol lace patterns. In short nothing required to insure interest, amusement, or the improvement ot the mind in the pages cf the Companion, will lie on the part ol the propr.eter, and it xx'ill be— *• \Y itli sweetest lloxvers enrich’d, 1* rom var.ous gardens cull and with care." Ai tit les from the pens ol the first authors in either Europe or America iiave appeared in the pages ol tiie Ladies Companion, during the two last volumes, without relerence to expense, too numerous to name, winch stamps it the ciieap est and most diversified periodical issued in A mertea Negotiations have been commenced with an additional number of popular writers, for ori'd i, c,,n trihutions lor the ensuing year, among [hem are & L. L. Bulxver W G. Simms Miss LesLe Capt. Marryatt James G. Perctval Slier,dan Knowles R. Slid ton Mackenzie Miss L. E. Landon Mrs. E. Ellett Miss Gilman .Vliss Louisa H.Medina Hon. Mrs. Norton •'• 'IB 1 Hunt Lady Blessmgton N''M E. Burke F.siler S irgent Talfourd Edgar A. Foe Mrs Jamieson Miss 11. F. Gould G F. R. James N. G. Brooks, A. M. Grenville Mi lien Isaac C. Fray, Jr. Frol'essor Ingniiiaiii It. Hastings Weld Mrs L. 11 Sigourney B. B. T hatcher Mrs. Ann S. Stevens Mrs. hi conjunction xv.tii these* who have, hereto lore favored the Ladies C iiipuu on with oro'i mil contribut ons. It lias ever keen the aim of the proprietor to inculcate nnd promote tiie cause of in. ral.ty. It cannot Ire denied that the periodical press exercise a decided uilhieiicc upon tiie moral and intellectual character; and where tiiat. press is untrammelled by mercenary consider ations or vicious prmc pies, its effect must be elevating and to a coininuiiity, like that ol America. \Y ;tu these views, every tlnnw operating injuriously to morals or religion have been studiously avoided and not allowed a place in the Magazine; tor, xve bold those men as traitors to tneir country, xvlio xvould seek to de stroy tiie pure doctrines of v.rtue and religion, either by open opposition or secret intr.guo In sustaining the literary character of tiie La dies Companion, the proprietor will not coniine nimsiTl to the mere task ot, without imparting vigor t > the mind ; but xvtil endeavor to present both, tiiat which xviil be to superficial readers, as well as that xvh ell will iiirnisli subjects for reflection to the stu dent. No xvork m presents its sub seribers witii sucii a melenge of invaluable reading as tne* i, Companion, for its ex IremiTy loxv price (three ih liars a year;) and letters are eontinually being received trom Eu rope, boxx - it is possible lor a periodi cal to be issued at such a small rate, xvh.cii proves its linden able claims to the support of the Amt r can people, particularly those of the state et New \oik ami adjacent ones. It is n t gem rally known to tile* public that each number ot tin* Ladies Companion con tains more reading than any other Magazine in America ; and its subscription price* is two dol lars less than tiiose issued in New York. A single page contains more than two pages of the other Magaz. lies, and some oi them tim e. Ihe terms are three dollars a year, payable in advance, and no subser.ptu n taken for less than one year. It is puhl.shed on the loth ot cadi month, stitched in a colored cover and for warded to subscribers out of the city by tiie earliest mails, strongly enveloped m double wrappers to prevent lnction. Office, llilWil -lam street. \\ .W. tsN'OWDLN, Fropr.elor. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PREMIUMS Encouraged by the unparellcloil patronage extended to the Ladies Companion, tiie pro prietor is anxious to show liis gratitude tor the favors of the* public, by offering the largest a mouut lor original articles, ever known. Tins sum is divided m d.lfcrent premiums to enable the numerous xvriters ut America or Europe to participate equally tor the enjoyment ol one or more ot' those part.cularized in the following table. Original Tale of the Early Settlers, not to ex eeed 120 pages, jjazOff “ South, 10(1 “ “ Mexico 75 “ “ Fern, 75 “ Legend of the Rocky Mountains, 75 “ •* “ American Revolution, 75 “ Poem, not to exceed live pages, 75 “ X2ii best, “ Dramatic Sketch, 5l) “ Essay on American Literature, 50 “ *• “ Education of Females 50 “ Piratical Sketch 23 For the best piece ol Music, composition and words original, 23 It is requested that candidates for the above premiums will send their productions by the tirst <>f August. 1537, post paid, addressed to \Y. YV. Snowden, New York. If a sufficient number be not received by that period, the tune *.vTl be extended ; but it is confidently ex peeled by the subscriber tiiat the writers of this country xviil be stimulated xvitli a desire to ex alt tiie literarv reputation of America, and con sequently prevent an extention of tune, by tor warding their articles by the first of August. Ail art.cles not receiving a premium will ho considered the property of the subscriber. W. W. SNOWDEN, N. York