Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1837-1839, December 07, 1837, Image 3

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GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. | Mr. Hazzard introduced resolutions at an early period of the session in both branches of( the Legislature to authorize the Clerk to in-! vite one of tire resident ministers of the place, to open the inofhing sessions with prayer, io he compensated by voluntary contributions from the members. And alter the Ist Decern- j her, that the sessions shall commence at 9 o’ clock in the morning and .‘5 in the evening, which was carried by a large majority in the House, but lies on the table in the Senate un til Ist December. Mr. Hazzard moved an amendment to a bill offered by Mr. Harris of Newton, to compen sate grand and petit jurors in tire county of Glynn, which substitute was accepted ami the bill passed to its second reading. Nov. 24. In the Senate, this morning, Mr. Dunagan moved to reconsider so much of the journal of yesterday, as relates to the passage of the bill authorising limited partnerships.— After a short debate the question taken, and decided in the negative, yeas dr*, nays lit; go the senate refused to reconsider. In the senate also, the bill to organize a court for the correction of errors was taken up in committee of the whole : it is the same bill rejected at the l:;«t session of the legislature. The blank for the salary of the Judges was till ed with *3OOO. In the House, this morning, Mr. J. B. Lamar of llibb, introduced a bill to repeal the act es tablishing the Central Bank, and to provide for closing its business. N0v.2.5. Yesterday the senate met after din- !, and continued sitting until the bill for the i organization of a court for the correction of er-; rors, was finally disposed of, which was at a- J bout 8 o’clock. The bill passed, 41 years a gainst 33 nays. By the bill, as it passed the Senate, the : Judges arc to have a salary of .*3OOO, and the j reporter $1,500. The court is to sit at the f’ol-; lowing (daces. Ist district, consisting of the Ocmtilgoe and j Northern Judicial Circuits, to sit at Madison,! Morgan County, and Washington, Wilkes j ('onnty. 2d district, Flint and Southern, at Macon * and Hawkinsville. 3djJistriet, Chattahoochee and Coweta, at Columbus and Newnan. 4tb district, Western and Cherokee, at Gainsville and Cassvillc. .5 th district, Eastern mid Middle at Louis ville. In the senate, this morning, a motion was made to reconsider the passage of the Court Bill, which was decided in the negative: yeas 32, nays 42. In the Senate, this morning also, Mr. M’Al -lis tor introduced a very important hill. This bill contemplates the # com trui'ti<m an 1 com pletion of the great Western and Atlantic Rail Road, from the Chattalloochee to the Tennes see River, and provides for the means to cany on the work. The Governor transmitted to the Senate yesterday, the report of Col. Long, chief engineer, containing the progress made in the survey of a route lor tiie contemplated rail road. Mr. King of Glynn, reported a bill to add a part of the county of Wayne to the county of Glynn. Mr. Janes reported a bill to make penal the hiring of slaves v. i-bout verbal or written au thority from their owners. Not. 27. The following bills passed the 1 louse cm Saturday : To prot ide liar taking the census of the Stale. To authorin'' each county to retain the gen tax of ls-37 and 1838, to be applied to county purposes. To extend the time for fortunate drawers in the gold and land lotteries from 1818, and all subsequent lotteries, to take out their grants. Mr. Campbell introduced resolutions rela tive to the suspension of specie payments by the several banks of this state, and the time w in n they shall resume the same. Mr. M’Donahl introduced in the senate this morning, a bill to amend the Constitution of the State of Georgia, so as to prohibit the in corporation of a bank or any company with banking privileges, or any company, for a long er time than twenty years ; and to prohibit tho renewal or extension of the charter of any bank or other company, beyond the time limi ted in tiie incorporating a<ib except the Cen tral Bank of Georgia, and rail road and canal companies, one h.jif of whose capital shall ac tually and bona tide, be or shall have been ac tually employed in w orks of internal improve ment. The joint select committee of-JO, of which Mr. King of Glynn, is chairman, made a report in the senate this morning, accompanied with a bill, to aid, with the credit of the State, works of internal improvement. The report is a very able production. Mr. Black, in the senate, made an interest ing report on the necessity and expediency of confining the waters of Savannah River, by embankment, &c. The report was accompa nied with bills to incorporate the Savannah Embankment Company, and to loan the credit of the tiie company. Tiie report was ordered to be printed. Nov. 28. Mr. Branham introduced a bill in the House, for enforcing the resumption of spe cie payments by the hanks of this state. The bill has already been read twice in tiie House. In the Senate, this morning, a bill of similar import w as introduced by Mr. Cone of Bulloch. Mr. King, of Glynn, reported a bill to author ize the Brunswick and Florida Rail Road Company to construct a lateral rail road to any point in or near the city of Macon, and to declare the survey made by said survey a com mencement of their w ork, and to amend an act to he entitled an act to incorporate the Bruns wick and Florida Rail Road Company, passed December 22d, 18-’55. A lull has again been introduced in the Leg islature, providing for lay ing the Utr.te off into nine Congressional Districts. Office of the Mobile .Mercantile Maerliscr, } November 22. (j Daring Mail Robbery. The Mobile mid Columbus mail was stolen from the stage last evening between 7 and 8 o’clock, w hile on its "ay to the IV; < dice in this city. The driv er, Mr. Boole, states that it was taken from the box at the upper end of Dauphin sfeet, where he stopped to water Ins horses. A l im: re ward is offered for its recovery. A follow was seen lying in Hie miftcr, lie: other, evening, as l> :imv as an Lgrn- L i iuiinnv. Being asked what was the matter ! he replied, Tin like Golinlt of old— sUu\l with a sling.’ Mriur’s Widow. The Princess Lip- ! ona, sister of the emperor, who is still commonly addressed as Queen of Naples, is a woman of the rarest fascination of maimer, and her palace the rendezvous of all that is gay and illustrious in the cap ital of Tuscanv. Her likeness to her son, i Colonel Achille Murat, struck me as quite ! remarkable; and the more remarkable, as Achille is so very like to Napoleon, though, what may sound paradoxical, his, mother has postiveiy not one feature in ‘common with the emperor. Tlfe title of Lipona, which the prin cess has assumed, is a literal retention lot her claims as queen of Naples, or i j Napoli, the syllables being only reserved. I ; She never formally abdicated her right: |to the crown. Murat, as every one knows, was put to death without having con-1 j seated to any act of abdication. The princess bears her reverses with the most philosophical indifference ; apparently j the very happiest of the happy,command-j ing equally the love and admiration of) j all who are honored with her acquaint-1 ! aucc and share her delightful conversa-j tion. In an apartment of her palace at Flo rence, adjoining the grand saloon, is de posited, in an enclosure of glazed frame-; work, festooned with his orders of cliival- j rv, a piled trophy of the arms presented J to the hero of the “haughty plume,” by! tiie different sovereigns who were anxious 1 to pay him their homage, swords, rilles, | carbines, lances, all of tiie most costly workmanship, especially a cimetar from Aclimet Bey, magnificently studded with brilliants. The special sword, too, which | lie bore through ail his battles, is orna-j mented on the hilt, with miniature : ena- j mels of the queen and her children ; and,! in a vacant space of the armorial enclo sure, lies, in modest obscurity,the inimor- j t;d plume itself. ••As the morn sway eh o'er the tide, It rolled in a’.rthe warrior's guide, Through the smoke erected night. Os the ldack and sulphur ms fight ; The soldier raised his seeking eye, Toevteli that crest's ascendency ; As it onward roll hi r me. So in >vd his heart upon his foes." | | 'Flic w ills of the armory, arc covered | with full length potraits of the different j ! members of the fallen dynasty, among which Murat, mounted on bis charger, (by Le (iros,) is the veriest living repre sentation of the chivalrous and dauntless port of the warrior. ; lu a small apartment of tiie princess’s ! bed-room, there stand rui an elevated pe- Idcstul, the bust of Murat. None but the \rlitt of her acquaintance are allowed to j approach this hallowed little temple— | the shrine of the idol of her pride and Inflections. When we were admitted the bust was brilliantly radiated by lights, • shedding a solemnity which struck me !as fur more imposing than could be pro ] duced by the most sombre sepulchral style |of decoration. Flowers and flowering : shrubs of the choicest beauty were pla ced about the figure, uniting their grace | lul shade over tiie brows and forehead, i Tiie impression of solemnity may proba : biy be .accounted for by the gay contrast !of these flowers and brilliant lights with •the awful image of death. j We are witness to the facts, that a . highly respectable gentleman of this place, a few days since, offered his ser vant boy, aged about 18 years, his free ! doin if he desired it, and proposed to ob tain his emancipation by the Legislature. I The boy objected to being set free, and j said—he had rather be a slave and belong |to a good master than to be free, for said J he. “free negroes here are worse off than ‘slaves.” This we believe, would be the j decision of nine-tenths of the slaves in [the South if their freedom was offered ;thena. [Western Carolinian. Jewish Divorce. The Jewish pro cess of divorce says an old English pub lication, is short, and unattended with expense. —Each party enters the syna gogue attended by two priests, where alter stating the cause of difference, the wo man is asked if she is willing to part with her husband, and on answering in the af firmative, he throws at her the bill of di vorcement, each spitting in the other’s face, and exclaiming ‘Cursed be they who shall wish to bring us together again.’ Flour was selling at Savannah last week, for ■BIO a 11—corn 1,37 per bushel—Mess beef 815 —Mess pork S2J, prime * 17 —No. i mack erel -g 1 •>, No. 2 68—molasses, best, 31c. per gallon-—Havana brown sugar 39 —Go.ihen butter 25 a 2!ic.—lard 11 a 12c.—cheese, northern; lie—coffee 9 a 12c.—rice 3 3-8 a 3 .5-B—cotton, upland, 10 a 11 l-2c—sea island 2.5 a 30. MARRIED, In Glynn. 3'ltii ult. by Rev. J. B. Andrews, Mr. James Geiger to Miss Martha Harris. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PO R T O F B RUNS VV 1(J K . A Kill V in. Sloop Thomas BuLlci- King, Lawrence, Savannah, sundry im'iz. MEMORANDA. Ar at Savannah 2# th, sclir. Golumbia, Baker, hence. Ar at do. Offili, -ship Macedonian. Minot, P-r'l-md. D< c. Ist. barque Ti.sso. 8.-«it.>n. Ar at (': -iri—st■ i, 2. Ui. brig (J nar, is.wt.aii. I 22 it* vs. 2Lst. 'lar era severe gale wind, j ' ■ C lit.-: v.'a ■ we- .4 :: - m tn- . vfirit arid dr> aed. He u:.»a.-ss.At:iigt i iurltii .' foret-'p inns' -'.i. -.i 1. Sour T.ger, up at Boston, tor tins port. BRUNSWICK ADVOCATE. Notice. rpIIF. public is cautioned against purchasing ! Ia note of hand given by the subscriber. ] payable to Ai. pii a Sacs A. Cos., of Savannah, I for sixty dollars, due Ist January, 1-36. J The t--mis of said note not having been com plied with, I shall not pay it. JAMES MOORE. Dec. 7. Dlt. DURR EE offers h«s professional ser vices to the inhabitants of the city of Brunswick, and the surrounding country, j )ec. 7. To f?rc elector* ortLlvsm. {.A BELOW CITIZENS: I beg leave to of fer myself as a Candidate lor Sheriff of Glynn Count.' at the ensuing election in Jan uary next, and solicit your suffices. JOHN FRANKLIN. Dec. 7. B. A I'ST will be a Candidate for the otiice of County Surveyor, at the elec tion in January' next- Dec. 7. Qjf’XVe are authorized to announce Mr. JOHN R. FLINN, as a candidate for Re ceiver of Tax Returns, for this County, at the ensuing election in January' next. Nov. 450. ii corgi a-- Glif it n Coir Hit/. 'VT73IEBEAS Eon s i Payne applies for Let- V v ters of Administration on the Estate and Effects of Thomas Caps, late of Chatham County, deceased These are therefore to cite* and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office in the time prescribed by law. to shew cause if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Witness the Honorable James C. Mangham, one of the Justices of said Court. this 25th day of November. 1-:,7. JOHN BURNETT, C. O. G. C. Georgia-- Cnltttnt fotm/j/. ATTHi i'.REAS Mks.Sakui 11. Mii.ier has V v applied to me for Letters of Administra tion on the Estate and Effects ot Doctor F. E. K. Miu.r.u, late of said County, den used— Tie s • are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tiie kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office in the time prescribed by law. to shew cause if any they have, why said Letters should not be Witness the Honorable J. Hamilton Couper. one of the Justices of said Court, ties goth No vember. 1*47. JOHN BURNETT, Clerk C. O. G. C. • &?::t ist v f rtf frig's Ka !c. ON th • first TUESDAY in February next. will be sold at Brunswick, at the usual time of sale, the real estate of ELIJAH HORNSBY, late of Glynn County, deceas' and, consisting of a tract of land lying on the ll.m -(*',■•■j-.i!!. in said County, and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary. Terms made known mi tli" day of sale. AMELIA HORNSBY. Adm'rx. By her Attorney James C. Mancha m. Brunswick. Nov. 24. 1-47. ADMIMWI? '.TOR'S KALE. ON the first TUESDAY in l\ !nnary next. j will be sold at Brunswick, ad the usual time of sab', tli" real estate of JACOB LIN-j HER. late of Glynn County, deceased, e-.m-j s is! ngof a ti-aei of land lying on the B’g Jv.lf f';!o. in said County, and sold by permis.-f."n of the Court of Ordinary. Terms mad" known on tli" day ot sale. JAM ESC. MANGIIA.M Adm'r. ! Brunswick. N r. 24. I -47. jJi.ivfc temp's A'Vr/ X tiie first TE EriDAY in January next. 1 V M will bes dd before the House in the C’t v Brunswick. between the usual hours of sal", the plantation k own as Asi.burn. situ ated cm the Giant Buffalo 8 .r. .p in Glynn County, centaining T'-'ft acres more or less, whereof 3.5.1 le r. s are cleared and cultivated hammock un;i' r fence and ready to receive a crop; |OO acres of uncleared hamie eh,and the remainder inland swairp and p’ue land. On the premises are .-.small but emufi rljble dwell ing house, an excellent horse cotton gin, a a grist, mill, cotton house, carpenter's shop, and negro Ileuses. Also 11 tVilla< if land adjotiing. 6f(< a" re a more or less, consisting of It tmmoek. pine land and a ]>arf, of the Great Buffalo Swamp.—together with three negroes. Tiie whole the property of JOHN COUPER. Jr. late of Mobile, d"Cea::ed, and sold by permis sion of the Court of Ordinary. Terms made known on the day of sale. J. 11. COUPEE, Executor. Oet. Ift, 1837. FLvrniTm-'s Vale. ON the first Tit* pday in January next, will li" sold before the Court I louse door. Glenn Cos. between the usual hours of sale. THREE NEGROS, Jim, Tamer and Albert. - >ldas the property of Elizabeth Harrison, late of said Comity, deceased. by an order of the in ferior court of said County, for the benefit of tile heirs. B. 15. GOWEN, Ex'r. Nov 2. 1 -47. LARGE MAPS OF MISSISSIPPI AM) ALABAMA. SHOWING the public all Indian Lands. In d an reservations, land districts, townships, streams, iX:c. engraved from the government surveys, plats in the general land office, Wash ington city, by E. Gilman, draughtsman in the general 1 md office. F. "PAY LOR. bookseller, Washington City. 1 has just publish-'d [ami secured the copy right according to law] tiie above maps which will be found infinitely more complete ami accurate than any heretofore published. They are pub- 1 iisiied on separate sheets; each containing nearly six square feet, and will be found espe (faily useful and valuable to those interested in the lands of either stale, as they show every • item of information which is in the possession j of the land offices, relative to water courses, township lines. Indian lands and reservations,* land districts, &c. and will be found, perfect!'- accurate and precise in these points. They ‘ can be sent by mail to any pari of the Unit.ol : States, subject only to single letter i go. — | Price two dollars, or three copies of either will ! be sent by mail for five dollars. A liberal d:s- j count will be made to travelling agens, or to any who buy to sell again. November 23. ftS" f/pUI'PN Remaining in the Post office at Bruns wick, Ga. on the 30th of Sept. 1837, and ! if not taken out before the 30th of November,! Et 47, will be sent to the Post Office Department a* dead letters : J. W. ]• rest—Dennis J. Gondbr ad 2—J-.ln Maw it!) 2—Cap’ We! mi La*ir ; —Mr. Jlaimw J :ae iC. M■' " m mi—.l viii'a G. Mojgan—O -l«- : >■rp ■ ji as.' Pres.d 'it* ni the Bru/icv. ick Bank 3—Win Tyszil—Fred nick Wailmert i. Oct. 13. ' GEE DUPREE, P. ,M ' BnuiMiifk Canal and Kail Koad Company. THE Stockholders of the Brunswick Canal and Rail Road Company, are notified that assessments on the Cap ital Stock of said Com pany, are made papablc at tiie Eagle Bank Boston. Five percent on loth Nov. next Five per cent on Ist Dec. next. Five |<t r cent on loth Dec. next. Five per cent on Ist Jan'y next. Per order of the Directors, Extract from the Acts of incorporation.—“ln case any stockholder should refuse to pay Ins or their instalments n hen called oil in a man lier aforesaid. it shall be lawful for tiie Board to declare such shares of stock forfeited to the use and bene tit of the Company—” Before payment by the State of Georgia of their subscription, it is “Provided, that tile Com missioners or Board of Directors of the said Canal and Rail Road Company shall exhibit a certificate that the individual Stockholders, on their part, shall have first paid their instalments [ when called fur, agreeable to the terms of the ; Act of Incorporation.” JOHN J. FIBK. Treasurer. Oct. 2fiih. Hciuf Wrsj;i)}. MOS E S »V . W I LSOX, \ %J Ol ED inform the public that lie is ready to contract for putting up Houses. Stores, or buildings of any description, at short notice and on reasonable terms. He lias Lumber and building materials of all kinds on hand, which he will furnish t > order at low prices. Also, White Lead, Paints, Oils, tike. Any favors in his line will be thankfully re ceived and those who employ hinqmay depend on having their orders executed in a workman like manner and with punctuality. Brunswick, Nov. If, 1837. 15 Vg.V'rED, \ FIRST BATE COOK and two Waiters.! for a Hotel—by J. IJAVIS, Oglethorpe j House. Brunswick. Nov. 21 PROSPECTUS OF TII K SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. rgftlliS is a monthly Magazine devoted e!i:< f j 5 lv to Eu in ari nr., but occasionally find-,' j ing room also for articles that fall within the , scope of Si ii:ni i: ; and not professing an oil- | | lire disdain of tasteful si tritium:, though its ; matter lias been, as it will continue to be, in 1 the main, original. | Parti/ Politics and controversial Tin o'airy, \ |as I'.ir as possible.arc zealously excluded. The y j I a.‘e sometimes so blended with and soussions in | literature or in moral science,otherwise unoli- ! I jet tien ible. as to gain admittance for the sake j , of the more valuable matter to which they ad i here : but whenever that happens, they are in- I riilriital. only; not primary. They are dross, ‘ tolerated only because it cannot well be sor ! ved from the sterling ore wherewith it is incor- j ,i perilled. Ri.virus, and Citrrit ir. Notices, occupy their due s|,ace in the work : and it is the Ed itor's a‘nil that they should have a threefold I tendency—to convey, in a comb used form, ! Mich valuable truths or: interesting im iib nts as j are embodied in the works reviewed,—to direct i the reader's attention to books that deserve to be read, —and to warn him against wasting time j anil money upon that large number, which moi jit only to be burned. In this age of pubEcn ] t oils that by their variety and multitude iiis . tract and overwhelm every imdiscrim nating student, iv. CAiiTiAl. ckiik ism, governed by j the views just mentioned, is one of the most inestimable and iiid <j>ens di!e of auxiliaries, to ! him who ilors Irish to riiseriininate. Essays, and Tai.ks. having in view utility !or amusement, or both—ii is nunc ai. sk ktcii | ks— and Rkmixisi ks of i vents too minute i !or History, yet elucidating it. aad heighten ing its interest,' —may be regarded as forming i the staple of the work. And of indigenous j Polikv enough is published—sometimes of no mean strain —to manilest and to cultivate the 1 growing poetical taste and talents ol'oiir enun | 'I ii" tii i M appear, for several reasons, to de j ui:i:id such a work—and not one alone, but j man . . 'l he public mold is feverish and irri i tat and still, from recent polit " il strifes :—Th" ; soft, assn isiye influence of Literature is need j "and, to allay that, fever, ands- otlie that irrita tion. V ice and folly are rioting abroad :—They ! should he driven by indignant rebuke, nr lash ed by ridicule, into tiieir fitting haunts. Igno rance lords it over an immense proportion of our people : Every spring should be set in j motion, to arouse the enlightened, mid to in crease their number ; so lint the great enemy jot popular government may no longer brood, j l*k»* a portentous cloud, over the destinies of our country. And to accomplish all these ends, j what more powerful agent can he employed, i than a periodical, on the plan of the .Messenger; if that plan be but carried out in practice ? : The South peculiarly requires such an a ‘ gent. lii ail the Union, south of Washington, there are but two Literary periodicals ! North ward of that city, there are probably at least twenty-five or thirty ! Is this contrast justified , by the wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or i the actual literary taste, of tiie Southern peo ; pie, compared with those of the Nothorn .' j No : ter in wealth, talents, lyid taste, we may j justly claim at least an eijuniity with our brctli j ren ; and a domestic institution exclusively ‘our own, beyond all and iubt affords us. if we choose, twice the leisure for reading and wri ting, which they enjoy. 11 was from deep sense of tiiis loral want. ; that the word SJot-thkrx was engrafted on the l mine of this periodical : and not with any de sign to nourish local prejudices, or to advocate j supposed local interests. Far from any such ] thought, it is the Editor's fervent wish, to see j I the North and South bound endearingly togeth er forever, iu the silken bands of mutual kind- i ness and affection. Far from mediating hostil ity to the North, he has already drawn, and lie hopes hereafter to draw, much of his choicest ! j matter thence : and happy indeed will he di em I himself, should his pages, by making each re- j I gion know the other better, contribute in any essential degree to dispel tiie lowering clouds i i that now threaten the peace of both, and to ! ' brighten and strengthen the sacred ties of ia ‘ iernal love. 1 Tue Southern Literary Messenger has; now reached the lbth No. of its third volume, j i How far it has acted out the ideas here uttered, i is not for the Editor to say. He believes, how* I ever, that it fails not further short of them,* j than human weakness usually makes Practice' \ fall short of Theory. No subscription will be received for less than : a Volume, ami must either begin with the cur- j rent one—or may commence with Vol. I V, the • ! first number of which will be issued on the Ist j January, 1838.—The price is .*4 per Volume,) must, hr paid in u t r.ists at the timtt of *ah ' r hino, 'lffi.s j., p.: ,1 .cuiariy adverted to i i to avoid :r; s ippivmnsion, or future mis-! t: i erstanding— as no order will heivifcr be attended to, unless ace mpained with the price j of si b- rlptb n. TliOM \S AV. WHITE. 1 Richmond, Va. Oct. 1c37, Public Sale . THE Brunswick Land Company offer for sale, from one to two hundred well se lected LOTS. The sale will commence at Brunswick, on Monday, the Mil day of January, 1338, under the superintendence of the Director*, or an a ! gent appointed for that purpose. | The terms of sale will be— One Fifth Cash, “ “ one year, 11 “ two years, “ “ three “ “ “ four “ Tiie last payment will lie remitted on any lot. on which there shall be erected and com pleted within one year from the dav of sale; a substantial House or Smre, not less than 25 feet front, by 80 in depth, and at least two sto- I l ies. j Other terms to be made known at the time ; and place of sale. Bv order of the Directors. EDW. ELDREDGE, Gen’l Agent. Nov 2 IVEW JUST received from Boston, per schr. Colum bia, 20 Bids. New FLOUR; Bhls. Clear and Mess PORK ; 1-2 do. do. do. do.; Bids. BEEF; 1-2 do. do.; Tubs PUTTER; Boxes CHEESE; Kegs LARD; Brown and White SUGAR; Best. POWDER; SHOT: FLANNELS; SHOES; Negro CLOTHS. See. Sec. Which will be sold low for cash or approved credit, by GEO. HARRINGTON Sc CO. Brunswick. Nov. 23, 1837. Notice. rp 11E subscriber would give notice that all K goods.&e. slopped by the sloop Argo, af ter this date*, must be paid by the shipper, or on delivery ot tin* goods, by llu* person to whom they are slopped. JOHN J. MORGAN. Brunswick, Nov. 23. 1837. I'm- FIRST rat" pair of CART WHEELS.made to order last season in New Y’ork, will he sold at cost on application to FRANCIS I). SCARLETT. Col. Island, Nov. 23, 1837. Dr. W. .9. Anderson, HAVING located himself in the County of Glynn, respectfully tenders his profes sional services to the public. Dr. Anderson will be found at Mr. S. A. Hooker s, (Bethel) at all hours unless profes sionally engaged. Ann. 17. GEORGE HARRINGTON Sc CO. nAV E received by recent arrivals a fresh supply of GOODS, which they offer for sale on as reasonable terms as at any store in the Shite. Nov *2. PROPOSALS For publishing, by subscription, a work lobe entitled lie ra Gciitiia. j npiMS will bo, both a Grammar and Diction- I " ary of Botany ; —presenting, first, Vegeta ! hi" Physiology, and. second, a minute and ac ! curate description of every plant yet discovered I io Georgia, together with its medicinal or linx ! ions properties—ifs English name—its emblem. ) language, «3kc. Such a work is much needed, |at this time, in our Southern Institutions. We j have no text hook in Botany, calculated to j render the science attractive. Such as we j have, are nut I ling more than a few disconnected ! t’ae's in Physiology', or a dry desc iption of a few leaves, roots, (lowers. Ac. all tending to i .veil" disgust rather than taste. Students should, as soon as possible, be inducted into the j practical part of the science—it is that only | which can inspire them with enthusiasm in the prosecution of their researches. We have nev er known a profound botanist, made so, by j delving for months over pages treating of sap, I alburnum, c:imliiuia, and the like. This work ; will teach pupils, first, the names of the classes j and orders in the Linueau system, the method : of analysing flowers, and. proceed next, to the examining, collecting and arrimffing of them into an herbarium. A lore for the science bo , ing thus inijilaitletl , it must and will increase, ; and urge them on to further and further investi j gallons. j Wo intend that our work shall bo, at once, a text hook for schools—a pleasing companion ! for ladies in the boudoir and saloon—a useful j friend and companion for gentlemen in their i travels, their daily rambles, Ac. Finally, it l will be enriched with every species of informa : lion which can render such a work entertaining j and instructive. We solicit the assistance of scientific gentle j men throughout the State, in furnishing us with information concerning the names, locality and I habits of plants in their immediate vicinity.— j Such information will be gratefully and proper ! iy acknowledged. Postmasters are requested to act as agents in ! reecivingand forwarding us subscriber’s names, ‘ as early as the Ist November. The work will contain from 5 to 700 pages, octavo, and be furnished to subscribers, in boards, at jjits per copy. It will be- issued dur- I mg the next winter, provided the number of subscribers warrant the expense. All Editors throughout the Southern States, friendly to the diliusion of scientific knowledge, ! who will insert this notice, and forward us a 1 copy of their paper, will be entitled to one copy ! of the work. L. LATASTE, Principal Georgia Female. College. Scottsboro’, Aug. 2U, 1837. PROPOSALS For publishing by Subscription, a Book to be entitled The Cherokee Iscuul iiottcni, BY JAMES F. SMITH, From a Manuscript ropy recently compiled by himself. rSAIIE publisher assures the citizens of Goor- X gin, who may think proper to subscribe to the work, that he will use every exertion to render it a useful vehicle of such information i as may be of importance to them. The Cherokee. Land Lottery will contain the names of all the fortunate drawers in the Land. Lottery, and their residence, up to the first of January, 13.58, with an engraved niap’bfeach Land District in the Cherokee Country, iin *ned at< !y preceding the names in each district. The Cherokee Land Lottery will contain about ir » hundred pages, royal actavo size, will be printed on good paper, neatly bound, and deliv ered to subscribers by the first of March, 1638, at fire, dollars per copy. lO’Postmaster? and others, who will act as agents fir the publisher in procuring subscri bers, and who shall procure and forward to the publisher, in Milledgeville, ten responsible sub scribers shall receive a copy of the work, gratis. Ail Editors of newspapers in the State who will give the above a few insertions, shall re cent a copy of the work ;tav. 23. FOUR MONTH’S NOTICES. Notice. * FOUR mnnthsaßer date, application Will be made to the inferior Court of the County of Glynn, when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of JACOB LINDER, late of Glynn County, deceased. Ny JAMES C. MANGIIAM, Adm’r. Oct. 19, 1837. Notice. FOUR months after date application will be made to thu ilonorable.the Justices of the Inferior Court, of Glynn county, when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real and personal property in Georgia, of ISAAC HOUSTON, of Glynn County, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate, B. FORRESTER. Administrator. Oct. 20, 1837. • Volic.Cs FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of the County of Glynn, when setting for ordinary purpofws, for leave to soil the leal estate of ELIJAH HORNSBY, late of Glyen County, deceased. AMELIA HORNSBY, Administratrix. Oct. 19, 1337. HojECC. TAOUR months afterdate application will be S’ made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, of Glynn County, when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real and personal property in Georgia, of ELIZA BETH HARRISON, of Glynn County, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said estate. B. B. GOWEN, Executor. Sept. 7, 1637. - rVolicc. FOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, of Glynn County, when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real and personal property in Georgia, of JOHN COLTER. Jr. late of Mobile, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. J. HAMILTON COUPER, Executor. Aug. 31. 4m. Notice. \LL persons are hereby cautioned against - trading for any articles whatever, partic ularly Corn, from any of the Col. Island ne groes without permission, as the law will be rigidly enforced against such. FRANCIS 1). SCARLETT. Col. Tsland, Oct. 10, 1.337. Gltl Wittes. UOZEN choice WINES, viz : „ #J\jl Townsend Madeira, 1808, Juno do. do. Brown Sherry. 18(16. l’ale do. 1820. * Marmsley, 1823, &c. &.c. For sale bv T ~ .4.-^4 Nov. 2. 'GEO. HARRINGTON Sc CO. Aiarioiuv. rest HE \V AYx'Ksvii.rJt At adkmv, through the A past year in operation, will be opened a gain for the reception of scholars on the first MONDAY in December next. The scholastic year will he divided into two terms—each 23 weeks—allowing two vacations—one or.two weeks in May' ant! another of four wceksffin November. As to location, few places afford equal advantages. The neighborhood is com paratively free from temptations to vice—its health is proverbial, and its society of the most refined and unexceptionable character. It is the determination of those concerned in the in stitution to make it what it should be, in every' respect worthy of the patronage of an enlight ened community; and making it such, that patronage they' hope to receive. Small scholars are not however desired; and Vio scholars will be received or retained whose mibits render them unsafe companions. upon all business relative to th® institution may be made to W. BAIRD. Way'nesville, Nov. 9, 1837. | The undersigned, from an adequate knowl ; edge of the character, attainments aud manner Jof teaching, of the Rev. Mr. Baird, would j warmly recommend the institution under his charge to the patronage of the public. J. HAMILTON COUPER, S. CLAY KlNG^fe Flour, sJlolasses, JFc. LANDING from schvNile, from Boston, — Bids. FLOUR, Half bids. do. Hhdg. MOLASSES, Tea, Soap. Grindstones, &c. &c. For sale by GEO. HARRINGTON & CO. • Nov. 2. Post Office Aoticc. FROM and after this date, the mail from this place will be closed at 11 o’clock, A. M. It will continue to arrive as usual on Tuesdays and Fridays. * ' GEE DUPREE, P. M. | Nov 2. Terms of'liic American mag azine. THE work will be published in monthly numbers of at least forty pages each, making a volume pbout 500 large octavo pages at the close of the year, including a table of con tents and title page, also about 200 finely exe cuted engravings on wood, representing views of cities, public buildings, likenesses of emin ent men, remarkable natural scenery, &c. Thg subscription will be Two Dollars per year, payable in advance. Any person who shall remit to the publisher in Boston, Ten Dollars, will receive Six Copies of this Magazine for one year; aud any number j of persons, uniting tbeir subscriptions for the purpose, who shall remit Thirty Dollars, aa above, will be entitled to Twenty Copies for one year. Any responsible person disposed to act as Travelling Agent in procuring subscriptions for this work, will receive addion&l encourage ment, proportionate to the amount of services rendered. O’All Post Masters are hereby authorized and requested to act as agents in procuring subscribers upon terms above named, and in remitting the amount of their subscriptions. All orders and letters relative to the Maga zine, will be addressed free of postage, to . JOHN L. SIBLEY, Publisher of Iks American Magazine, Franklin Avenue, Boston., Mass FREDERICK BALDWIN" Attorney and Counsellor at Lava, , AND * * SOLICITOR 11$ MACOIf„.GA June 15