Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1837-1839, December 07, 1837, Image 4

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“OGLETHORPE HOUSE,” * BRUNSWICK, GA. THIS new and elegant estab lislunent having been fitted and 'RllwS furnished in n superb style, is now rM?A|sS* open for the reception of company under the direction of the subscriber. The sit uation of the House is airy and the prospect do lightful. The rooms will be found extremely cool and comfortable during the heat of the summer, and board for families or single g.-ii tleraen may be taken by the week or s,neb day, and no pains nor expense will be spared to make the house an agreeable retreat for ali those who may honor the subscriber with tlirir patronage. The Bar will be stocked with the dourest Wines, Liquors. Ac. and the I.order tilled with the best the market affords, and the subscriber flatters himself that he shall be able to place his establishment under such rules and regula tions as will meet the approbation of the com munity. Ills acquaintance with the duties ot a Public House and his entire devotion to duties he hopes will secure him the lavor of; the public. * * There Is a commodious Si'abi,f at tached to the establishment, u ell stocked with Hay and Grain. JOHN I)A\IS. A*ttblic . Votirr. ttrili:RF.AS. 1 did, outlie 'better part of; TV September, or first part of October, A. j 1) I'o'J.gtve to Abraham .Mott, senior, certain j notes of hand,made payable to said .Mottnr order | to wit—one note for tile sum of one thousand-! dollars, to be paid on or before the f. rs! day ot | October, A. I). 1737, with interest.—Also one | fur the sum of live hundred dollars, payable in ; October or November. I'n’~.and interest. — Al s i one note dated in October or November, led?, j payable on or before the llrst day ot .1 -unary . It-”.-. lor the sum of five linndr and and -liars, not im interest.— Also one other note same date ba the sum of five hundred dollars, payable oil or j before the first day of January. I'd' l , not on interest.—said Mott having deeded to me e.-r- ; tain land property in Camden ( ouuty. Georgia. Now, as I nui railed on by other persons who claim said property. to give up the same j ami the matter is pointing in 1 ourt, I hereby cau tion all persons n- t to purchase said notes, as 1 j .shall not pav 110-Mi unless said Mott snail make . the affoiesaid title or titles good and valid in ; la'A". and •• xoiiorate me m my title, and pay alt costs and. trouble, 'i lie aforesaid notes being all and tin- only notes 1 have ever given :unl Milt except ng one for one thousand dollars.; vilteh has been paid bv me. ' DANir.l. 11 MATH. Camden. Camib n Cos., Ga. Oet I. 1~.i7. j To JiiTclinsal*, lifm’nS**”'**** ANi> GARDENERS. (\ R. G\ K K I'.TSON, has removed his % o wholesale and retail Agricultural and Garden S -rd Wliiwrehouse. t" 1-lushing. J,. 1.. New York, where he intends dealing c-xh-n- , lively in the above business, nmi v\ .11 lie at all times enabled to furnish deal rs and others wit li j every article in his line ol businc.-s. And as j the greats r part of his si>"-k ol fee ds is rinsed under iiis personal attention or direction, or where it is necessary t" imp it tr an Europe, they are procured from the must respectable Seed cstahlishrnents there, ami tlu-ir qualities la-ttig tested to his own satisi'i- ! ion. tlu-ir aeeti rae-v and vitality are expressly warranted. *fhe vending of Seeds is a business deserv ing much greater att'-ution from the merean tdo community than is at pri sent bestowed up on it. There is scarcely a firmer or planter; who would not purchase an as-;- rtmen! ot su perior Garden S-'.-ds .1' th y could procure tin o: easily. And sis they yield’ a h .uis.-me po-1.1. » une explanations may he requisite in r- gard t.i making sales. A c*. '1 iiey are usually >appli< <1 bv the pound in busic 1. and will atlord a pr.-lii , ot IHOp -r cent, or nn-rat t lie New York r. -i til! prices. Tnrc-'iivrii ai'-e they can be neat-j 1.- papered and labelled and assorted into boxes | (or put up in str mg papers, thereby saving the I expense of box) each suitable tor a tamily gar- 1 a- a. which will be supplied -it trom $1 to ts-’.i —the latter being sufficient to crop a garden j of inn* acre. Or they can be put into ti I- I a'l ! 1:2 !-'2 cent papers, neatly labelled, and assort- , ed suitable for a retail dealer, each of which by the qu.iHtitv will be charged so as to allow a profit of ».r per cent, mi the Now York retail proa s. Any one wishing,! > engage in the veiiiiin'; -eds. and not having experience, bv addre. ng the proprietor will have the in-- : c-*scir,- information given, and they may led eonfi h ut t!i -v will be served with none but ar t.el of tlie very best quality. Tli > lias further to s‘:i'.C. that in is all kinds ot Books on \ r t Floriculture. Aboneul- i tur-- Rural Economy, Ac. Ac. Also. Agri- , cultural Implements'ofllushamlry and tlarden Tools of every description. Also, Frmt and ■ Ornamental T.*« es ami Herbaceous Flowering . t . m!s. Roses and Green House Plants of a very 1 g;- it variety-, all of which can be packed so as t > be transuorteil to any part ot the l illicit tß-.t -s. W.-st Indies or elsewhere. Great at t-.ition ins been pa.d to obtaining both trom I’-r-ugn countnes and at lmme. the finest agri < nilni -i 1 seeds, all of which can be furnished in l.rge quantities, and where the purchase is nude for cash a disc unit will be allowed. A 1 :b- - rat credit will be given where a good under standing is established. There will be no dif ficulty ill arraiigng this point t > mutual euii veni. lie e. and on tins, and every other subn et. the suggestions of correspondents will receive tie fullest com id ration. MULBERRIES FOR SILK WORMS. 50,000 PL VN'TS ol’tlie Chinese Mulberry j or Mai us in filti, nulls, tor sal--. Ot all tin* va rieties of Mulberries for silk, tins app -ars most ; eminently outitl -I to preference, and since its introduction into Friin-e sce'sns destined to To- 1 place every wild * the c inni'-n V\ h te Mulbcr- i J y fi-r ilia ii' -.irishn-.ent f silk worms, such is 1 its superiority ov- r n!l alm-rs. Ihe tive is u iutij'ul and of a rapid growth, and will thrive ! well in almost any situation, ami t few \« -.vs * nr ■ sufficient to rs;-;e considerable fi cl them id full vigor, stiff e-nt to support an inieo-nse n i •Tier of silk worn;?. Tin- raoinvr <-t sdk ■« v .„ y the rinsing of \\ meat and mueu it -- 'M-urions.. F'or -t number of years past and has been jt regular r-ui profit ihle * nploymeii! . many oftlie fir -u rs of Connect ii-ut, during the ea'U" part of the summer, n-id is emphatically a bu'iiKns of the farmer —”1 the e-'tinge —a simple lab-r. in which finales and- children wivo do not essentially n.d :'i supporting a fam ily may turn lie-ir m -vices to profit. F.van fain ily of tlie most hunted means can raise the mulberry and produce cm- >ons, and lor u trifle can procure a pamphlet winch -will give them tile necessary 'information < fret ling. Ac. Tin plants can be packed so as t-- be transported to all) part of the Union and will fi« furnished ill quantities to suit purchasers, and at very mod erate rates. Nov. lti FREDERICK BALDWIN, Attorney and Counsellor at L.utr, and SOLICITOR IP CHANCERY, MACOS...GA June 15 | Emporium ol* rnthion. THE subscribers tender tlieir. thanks to the gentlemen of Glynn County for the lib joral patronage they have received and hope by | their contained exertions and untiring attention ito business, to merit further patronage. They { intend in the fall to open as splendid an assort ment of GOODS in tlu-ir line, as v, ill be found I in any other establishment of the kind in the city of Darien. They- again invite the public to call and judge lor themselves. Fluor establishment will remain open during i the Summer and all orders punctually attended to. SHERMAN A CHLUt HILL. N H A case of superior white HATS, just received. Darien. July 127 , 1>37. GAR K Y’S I, IIIIIA R V Or ( HOICK l-i ’IMR VI I RK. i f I ti) say that this is a reading age. implies a I A desire for and the means to I gratify that d< .-ore, oil the first point, all are a I greed ; on the second, there is diversity both jof opinion mid practice. Vo have m-wspa ; p‘'i's, magazines, reviews, in tine, pamphlets of all sizes, on nearly all subjects, w hich liave- I severally their classes id' readers and support el's. And yet copious as are these means ol ! intellectual supply, mor- are still needed. In .addition to the reviews of the dav and passing notices oi hooks, tin- people in large numbers, in all parts ot i nr gicut republic crave the p.-s session of the hooks tlu nisi. Ives, and details, beyond mere passing allusion, of the progress jot discovery- in art and science. Rut though it ! be easy to ascertain and express tlu-ir wants, it is not so easy to gratify them. Expense, d'i*- taiie-JVoin the emporium of literature. engrnss| ing occupations which prevent, personal appli cation of even messagi sto libraries uud I k i sellers, are to many causes to keep people a way from the least ot reason and tin enpiviu. nl of the rover, and literary aliment It is tm- oh jeet ot’ she publishers'of the Library to obviate these di'!ieul|u s. and toVjialde every imlivid ual. at a small cost and without any pi r. nnal ellort, to obtain lor his ov. n usd and that of Ins; lavored friends or famriv, valuable works, eom- Jilete. on all the branches ot useful and popular literature, and that in a form adapted to the comfort of tlie l oader. The charm of variety, as far as it. is eiinipafi ! l'l" with morality and good taste, will ho held constantly in view in conducting the Library, to fill the pages ot winch tin-current literature ot Great Britain, in all its various departments j of biography, history, travels, novels and poe-j try. shall he freely put under contribution.— | \\ itli perchance occasional exceptions, it. is in tended to give entire the work which shall lie , selected tor publication. Win n circumstances authorize the measure, recourse will he had to the literary stores cd Continental Europe, and translations made trom French. Italian or tier mail, as the ease may lie. i W hilsttln body o| the v. mb will he a ri print, or at times a translation of entire volumes, the cover will exhibit the miscellaneous character ! nf a magazine, and consist of sketches of men and things, a in! not ices of novelties in literal lire j and tlie arts throughout the civilized world.-—- A full and regular supply ol'tlie literary, month- ly .and jin: run Is of Great Britain' anil Ireland, in addition t-- home periodicals ot a similar character, cannot fail f- provide am ple materials l'-r this par! of our work. '1 he resources and extensive correspondence - of the publishers are the best guarantee for the eoiitinii:,:u e of the euti r■prize in who'll t!:ey are about to embark, as well as for the abun dance of the materials to give it value in tin eyes ot the public. As far as judicious selee-i non and arrangement are eoueenn-d, readers will it is hoped, have reason to be fully satisli ed. as tin- editor of the Library is not a stran ger to tie-in. Imt has more than once obtained ' tlieir favorable suffrages ldr his past literary efforts. TERMS. [ The work will lie published in weekly mini j bers, in stitched covers, each number contain ing twenty imperial octavo pagis, with double columns, making two volumes annually, id more than --TI octavo pages, each volume ; and i j at the exp.ration of i-w r . s.x mouths, stibseri- j - hers will be furnished with a handsome title i i page and table of contents. The whole amount of matter furnished in a single year, will he e j quill to more than forty volumes of t lie com mon sized English duodecimo 1 ks. The pa -per upon winch the Library will be printed, will be of t lie finest quality used for book work, : and of a size admirable adapted l--r binding.— 1 As the tv pc will be cut ire 1 y new. and of a neat 1 appearance, i aeli volume when bound, will 1 turn !i a handsome as well :-.s valuable, and not cumbrous, addition to the libraries of those j who patronize the work. j The price ol’tlie Library will lie Five Dollars i per annum, payable in advance. A commission of’2U per cent, will be allowed ito agents; and any agent or postmaster, fur | nisliing live subscribers, and remitting, tlie a : mount of subscription, shall be entitled to the commission of “2d per cent, or a copy of the j work for one year. Editors of newspapers, to whom tins pros pectus is forwarded, will please insert the a j hove as often as convenient, and send a copy jof their paper containing the advertisement | marked, and entitle themselves to a free t x i change for one year. Address li. L. CAR) A V II ART, Philadelphia. fi t*i*iii** ol'liu* iim’i it aii :«:r im*. rsM lE work will be published iu monthlt .8. numbers el at least forty pages each, making il volume about 500 large octavo pages, at the i lose ol’ the year, including a tahle-oi , (in tents and tiile page, also about 200 tin- iy exe cuted engravings on wood, representing views of cities, public building*, likenesses of emin ent men, remarkable natural scenery, Ac. The subscription will be Two Dollars per 1 year, payable in advance. Anv person who shall remit to the publisher j in B slon. T< n Dollars, w il receive Smx Copies • F tins .Magazine ter one year; and iinv number , of persons, uniting their subscriptions li r the purpose, wiio shall remit Thirty Delia.s, us i;l». ve. will be entitled to Tvi nG G* pes for one v - ar. Any responsible person disposed to net as T...\iiiing Agent hi procuring subscriptions lor tins work, will receive addional cncopragi - mi -.', proportionate to the amount of services) rt-ndi ii. ti: l_j All l'ost Masters are hereby authorized, .ml requested toaet ns agents in prot-mingi subscribers upon terms above named, and in remitting the amount of tlieir subscriptions. j All orders and letters relative to the Mnga i zinc, will be addressed I'm nf jmshi/ri to JOHN l. is IB LEY, Publisher cf the .lineman .\taguzinc, Franklin .Irenuc, lloston, Muss “LAW. HOWELL COBB, Attorney at Law, Office, at Ferry. Houston County, Ga ! How em Cobb will attend to professional I business in the counties Houston, oftlie Flint; | Twiggs, Pulaski and Dooly, of the Southern ; I an< ! Stewart. Randolph, Lee, Sumpter and Mu- I rion of the Chattahoochie Circuits. ! July 20. 1537. lv. BRUNSWICK ADVOCATE. NEW PRINTING <3 e a a a i? JSrunstofclt, tteaegfa. IYHE subscribers would inform the public - that they are prepared to receive orders I lor PRINTING, such as— BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, BLANKS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, CARDS, and the various kinds of Ornamental, Fancv and Letter Press PRICTTirtTG. The materials being new- they llatter them selves they will be able to give satisfaction to ; those who may favor them vvitJi their patruii ; ‘ DAVIS A, SHORT. Brunswick, June -. 1-37. Ynpiptipn* :ns«i <i «S- Icrlion l^oiicv. j L undersigned, late editor arid proprietor A ol tin- .Vi/gi/st// ( h n/ti t clt , ha vino- the ex tensive business of that establishment to close, 'and conscious from longi xperience, liovv much sin h a laeility- is needed, at least by the l 1 If ss. is disposed to, cornier t with it a (ii nr nil ./gu>- ri/i'ir tin- collection ol .\iirsjiujnr and oilier />////.'.-, m this and the neighboring Southern : Stales, and will travel almost continually to present them lnmsclt. Should the business of tin and lie sufficient, tlie agency will be made a /ii i mii/if tft one—and while his long connexion I with the /V/s.vand consequent kimwled-re of its peculiar requisitions and benefits an A gene y . and liis e x lens; ve personal a cquii in tiineo witii the localities and jieople of the conn try, afford peculiar facilities for the perform acre of its duties, lie trusts that suitable rn •I'itics will leave no doubt of |>rompt and faith t ;ii attention to them. A. 11. PEMBERTON. di. I einlieiton will coimnence a trip tlirdhgli IFirnwell mid Beaufort Districts, to Savannah, tkenro through Bryan, Liberty,' Mclntosh, G- \ nii and ( undeii counties, umi liack through G -yiie, Ac. I- 1 Savannah : and thence through Effiughntiß, Seriveu, Burke. Jefferson. Wash ington and Warr.-n, to Augusta. After which. iu- \\itl travel through most ot the ncigliborind distr.cts ot Eolith C arolina, and lhii iinddle ang "l’l" r counties oi Georgia; and through the States of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, N. < ’ar I,mi. Virginia. Ac. , . receive, for collection, claims of any oiu l • Ti rnis ns follows : > -V' " r accounts. \-r. (ineluding those of Periodic ds.) when to lie made out by him.from general lists, forwarded by- mail, Ac. lb pey et. ,\cw su/isi i iln rs. with payineut in advance, A"> percent; without payment in advance. 12 1-2 per cent, ile has been offered more in some mstances. but cannot consent to take more from "in- than another, or than he himself would willingly /mi/ ; and now fixes on these rates as those he lias /mill. and as being as low as can i-e ai.mdid, or as In ever known paid— trusting f,:,- remuneration, more to the probable extent of business In- may receive, than to the rates themselves, togetlur with the considera tion < I travi-lfnig ter his health, and to collect for Ii in is- 1 f. .i/i a nn!He n, i ni/nlr, b per cent, more or less according to amount, Ac. Itciiiilhinos w ill he made according toinstruc tiou. and at tin-risk of those to whom they are addressed—he furnishing the Postmaster s cer Ithe.ito i -1 t he :nnount di-jinsited. and description ol money, whenever a miscarriage occurs. V\ hen h It to ins discretion, as often as circum stances. iiiiu-iml collected, safety, oeoimmv Ac. may seen to jmiify. and checks, drafts, or suitable notes in s-zo. currency where sent. Ac ran ho obtained—and at the risk of those ad dressed to lmu in this city, will be immediately forwarded to him, when absent. Inji run i to any one who knows him; and there are few who ilo not in tins city or section. lie is now Agent lor the following Ncswpa persaud Periodicals, and authorized to receive subscriptions or payments therefor: Giirouicle and Sentinel, Augusta. Const it iiliom.hst. go. Soiithi ru Medical and Surgical Journal do. Georgian, Savannah, Advocate, Bruns wick, Ga. -Mercury, Charleston. Southern Patriot, do. Southern Literary Journal do. Southern Agriculturalist, do. Western ('.aol.nhin. Salisbury. N. C. Farmers Register. Petersburg. \ a. Southern Literary Messenger, Richmond,Va Merchant. Baltimore. - Reformer. \\ bshingtoil City. Augusta. J une 2t». i [V, Publishers ot Newspapers, Ac., who may think proper to engage Ins services, will please give the above two or three conspicuous inser i ions weekly or monthly, and forward the No's ; containing it. PROSPECTUS OF TSi c El \ |> v v s in c . SN issuing a Prospectus for the publication ol -a paper, tlie undersigned will depart from a usage more honored in the breach, than in the observance, ami make no promises which it is not liis design to fulfil. -Tiik Em-i.kiment,” utter a trial of almost 12 months, lias not failed in recuring for the Editor, the atti.-uti.ui and pat soilage des red ; and it is confidently believed, m rendering- to subscribers, at least an equiva lent for the pittance they contributed towards its support. Gratified ter the encouragement mnii!'e..:eii. desirous of making Ins little paper worthy the patronage of an enlightened and generous public, the subscriber has determined to enlarge it to nearly quadruple the present dimensions, so that it will contain nearly lour times us much matter as it now does. Thus will he atlbrdeh greater space ter his own lucu brations and those of correspondents, to«-clher with Advertisements and judicious selections. It may not be inappropriate here to remark, that. ,"or want of room, some of the best eomtnuiiiea 'ii... have been excluded, and occasionally in t -re-ting matter, bit).cult to eotidi use within sd small a compass. W ith inert used labor and e.\‘liditure. lie must hope for 'increased re ward; and consequently. the subscript ion price foi the second volume will be One Dollar in u.iv nice, or One 1) ill.tram! Fete C at the i xpiration of tlu- year. Tins ail. ration, it will be pereeived, is not ill proportion to the chuno-e of size in the paper; the times being hunt, wo are willing to work as low as we can, to save ourselves trom debt, to please our patrons and l ourseiv es also. Advertisements, as heretofore at 50 cents per i square for the first insertion, and 25 cents per ' square for each subsequent insertion, j flj Those who can conveniently pay- in ad vance, by doing so. will not only save them * selves a heavy interest, but enable us. with j more alacrity and advantage, to prosecute the i work. F'. J. ROBINSON, i Washington, Ga.. July *27, 1-37. , T i l’apers publishing the above, will confer n favor. fi'intiiis: Neatly executed at this Olhcs. iHew Store. GEORGE HARRINGTON A CO. HAV E commenced business in this place, and intend keeping as general an assort I ment ol goods as can be found iu any store in : tiiis section of the State, and they respectfully i solicit the patronage of the Planters and others, j so tar as they may deserve it. | 1 hey have just received from Boston a good 1 assortment of « j English and American Piece GOODS, Crockery, Glass and Hard Ware, Groceries, j Boots and Shoes, and Ready made Clothing, 1 and they will constantly be receiving addition al supplies. TII K V HAVE NOW FOR SALE, | Brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes and Cambrics, Ginghams, flannels, Sattinet, Merinos, Negro Cloths, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, | Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, | ’1 bread, Sewing Silk, Pins, Bindings, Buttons, '1 able Cloths, Shawls, Umbrellas, Blankets, Mattrusses, Ac. Ac. CHOC Ell IES. Brown and Loaf Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, Shells, Molasses, Brandy, Gin and Wines, - Raisins, Cassia, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cocoa, Ginger, Mustard,Sweet Oil, | Pepper, Cayenne, Caudles, Soap, Spermaceti Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, Butter, Cheese, Pepper Sauce, Starch, Pimento Salt Petre, Suit, Pickled Salmon, Mackerel, Codlish, Pollock, Herrings, Tongues and Sounds, Ac. Ac. wooden wake, Such us Tulis, Pails, Dippers, Axe Handles, Corn Brooms, Ac. Ac. HARD WAKE. Axes, Adzes, l- rying Pans, Window- Glass, Steel, Nails, Fowling Pieces, Brass Kettles, Knives and Porks, Penknives, Scissors, Brushes, with almost every article wanted in buiidinc : or lor family use. —ALSO, Ilats, Boots, Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Ac. Ac. CHOCKERY AND GLASS WAKE, A complete assortment for family use. G. li. A CO. will receive orders for any ar tides of Foreign or Domestic growth or muiiu | laeture that cun he procured iu Boston, con | lidi-nt that tlieir advantages of obtaining such ! articles will enable them to give satisfaction to those who may employ them. ! Brunswick, Ga. June 8, 1.-37. THE HERALD AND STAR. IT cannot be denied that the present state of . our country demands peculiar and well di rected activity on the part of the press to make known the features of the various topics which are now agitating the various portions of the nui,dial confederacy. To supply, at a low pi ice. tlie inland towns with information, at a little delay only, after it has been received in the Atlantic cities, is praiseworthy, and should in the end reward such persons as exert their ability for the successful furtherance of this ob ject. Tlie Editors nnd Proprietors of the Boston DniU Herald, convinced of the importance ol u carefully conducted press to disseminate in formation throughout tin- country, some weeks since issued the first number of the Semi Weekly- Hekai.ii and Si ak, which they h ive found to he suitable to the wants of tin* inland community, as it furnishes over one hundred newspapers in a year, at the very low price oi two dollars. 1 Ins paper is made up from the Daily 1 ierald with such additional matter, in the shape of stories, legends, poetry, statements of tlie*markets, and such information respecting sales as may be deemed advantageous to the vcomanry of the land. The peculiarity of the Herald and Star will be found to be in the fact that while it is not cii-aoed in party polities, it reserves to itselt the liberty ot speaking boldly and openly on every subject which concerns the weal of the whole country—and summons to aid, besides the constant supervision of tlie Editors, valua ble assistants. who are industriously and hour lv exertmo- themselves to give strength and a 1 *ility to various departments. The Herald and Star is published every Tiles dav and Friday morning, am! mailed on the nic-lit previous in order to ensure its speedy transmission by the mails. The price is Two Dollars a year payable in advance; in three months; jj>2,3o in six months ; £3 at the end of the year. The best im thud to ensure the reception of the paperis to enclose is3 in a letter addressed to tiie Pro prietors. " HARRINGTON A CO. Boston, 1^37. To Fiuiidt iN Ik Coni motors THROUGHOUT GEORGIA. rTTAYING received a number of communi -1 cations from individuals, making enquir ies respecting my Brick Machine, invented by Galvin Waterman, and now in successful ope ration in tiiis place. I take Ibis method of an swering them—I invite all who feel disposed to purchase rights, to eon.e and see the opera tion oftlie machine, and if there be any one who savs In.- is disappointed in his expectations, 1 hind myself to pnv the expenses of his trip. 1 do not expect to sell a right to any one with out tlieir first having seen the machine; but in order to afford an idea of its value, i annex the following certificates, one of them signed by two of the most experienced brick masons in the Southern States. In my absence from Maemi. the editors of the Messenger will act as my authorized agents. T. 1.. SMITH. We having witnessed the performance of Mr T. L. Smith s new Brick Machine, invented by Galvin Waterman, now in operation in tins place, take pleasure in recommending it to the public. The fact of its performance is its best recommendation. Yfe timed it, and find that with new moulds and inexperienced hands, il made at the rate of two thousand three bund red and xty-eiglit brick per hour. By mould ing ten hours iu n daw it would therefore turn I out twenty-three thousand six hundred perdtry. It requires six hoys to b> aroll', and lour to sand i tin' moulds. «Vr.—together with lour grown i men. Finis fourteen hands are suilicient to I make the above named quantity of the most beautiful brick per day. JOHN SPRINGER. DAVID F. WILSON. Macon. April 11. IS’7. T have witnessed the performance of Mr T. L. Smith's new Brick-making Machine, just j put into operation in tins place: and have no hesitation in pronouncing it a great and useful improvement on auv otiier method of brick making 1 have ever seen, both as to the quality of the brick and expedition in making. liy re quest 1 timed the machine for half an hour: the result of that trial shows that with 14 hands j the machine will turn out of beautiful and well ! tempered brick. H.dtiS in one hour, or about 40 ! to the minute. JNO. Rl TItEKFORD. 1 Macon. April 14 June Sly. S3OO Reward! ESCAPED from the of Anderson, S. C on the evening of the 13th inst. a man calling himself ALDIS BRAINAKD, a Den tist by profession. He was convicted at the last fall term in the court of that District, ol Bigamy, and sentenced to two years imprison ment, and to pay a fine of SIOOO. Brainard is about five feet six or seven inches high, rather stout made, dark hair and eyes, a slight inclination to baldness in front, and a somewhat remarkable flatness on the top ofliis head. He is of genteel appearance, fluent and plausible ; wore when he escaped a black cloth dress coat, black bat, and fashionable boots. Tlie above reward and all necessary expenses will be paid for his, apprehension and delivery to me, or bis lodgment in any jail, and informa tion so that 1 can get him. A. N. M FY\LL, Sheriff A D Aug. 3. Ij Editors who are disposed to bring to jus tice the greatest viilian unhung, vvilf please give the above a few insertions. TO PKIATEKS. WHITE A WM. HAGER, respectfully inform the Printers of the United States, to whom they have been individually known as established letter founders, that they have now formed a co-partnership in said business, and an extensive experience, they hope to he aide to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with tlieir orders. The introduction of machinery in place of the tedious and unhealthy process of casting type by hand, a desideratum by the European founders, was by American ingenuity, a heavy expenditure of time and money on the part ot our senior partner, first successfully accom plished. Extensive use of tin* machine-cast letter, has fully tested and established its su periority in every particular, over those cast by the old process. The letter foundry business will hereafter he carried on by the parties before named, un der the firm of White, Hager A Cos. Their Specimen exhibits, a complete series, from Diamond to Sixty-lbur Lines Pica. The Book and News type being in the most modern style. M bite, Hager A Cos. are Agents for the sale of the Smith and Rust Printing Presses, with which they can furnish their customers at man lifacturers prices; Chases, Cases, Composing Sticks, luk, and every article used in the print ing business, kept for sale and furnished on short notice. Old type taken in exchange for new at nine cents per lb. N. B. Newspaper proprietors who will give the above three insertions, will be entitled to five dollars in such articles as they may select from our Specimens. E. WHITE A lIAGER. Aug. 17. ’S 2«<; 1.-ioiiN ori'iiilaiSt liitiiti. Up 11 L architectural beauty of many of the J PI BLIC BUILDINGS of this city is pro verbial. 1 hey have not only been the pride oi the city, but excite the attention of all stran gers. Believing that il would be highly accep table ,f > ( wr numerous patrons,scattered as they are from the Lakes to tlie Ocean, to be present ed with Si-i.E\Dii> li.i.lstrations, from the bands of first rate artists—we have made ar rangements to bring out a complete series.— They will embrace a correct am. well executed view of alHhc PUBLIC EDIF’ICES, of our city and vicinity, forming in the end a collec tion. that may well be termed the LIONS OF' Fill LADELI’II I A. and which will be present ed to our patrons, without trenching upon the usual variety of our columns. Where it may he expedient we will accompany the engrav ings with such descriptions of size and facts of history, as may be of interest. Me shall begin the publication as soon as we get several engravings from the h inds of the artists, who are now at work upon them. On the appearance of the first view we shall espe cially increase our edition of the Courier, to supply those who may wish to obtain and pre serve these views. The views will also appear regularly in the PHILADELPHIA MIRROR. [fia’Asa trilling expression of our regard, wo shall print the whole series, at their completion, upon fine while paper, in uniform style—form ili IT a beautiful collodion of Views, and present them to such of our country brethren, as may oblige us by an insertion of this notice. FROSI’ECTUS hi the Lißi'iii'v Asjj»ia*asii. ON tlie first ot’ September next, will be is sued the first number of the Southern Lit entry Jis/iirunt, in quarto form, medium—to be conducted by the present Editor oftlie * ; News Carrier; at which time that paper will merge into the former. Such a work is offered to the public from a firm conviction of its necessity and importance; and the editor has only to regret that abler hands have not undertaken to accomplish so desired an object as the advancement of Litera ture in the South, before him. To effect which will be his constant and unerring aim. The Editor has received the assurance of assistance from many, upon whom he relies, with a pleas ing confidence, that himself nor the public, through him, will be disappointed in their ex pectations of its character and success. We intend that our paper shall be a faithful vehicle of general News. The cause of the South, will be its cause, and the advancement of her interest its chief aim and desire. Asa paper, it will espouse no party ; the important affairs of Government, however, will not be sutli-red to pass unnoticed—and all sensible, judicious communications on this subject, pro viiled they are free from party spirit, will re ceivc particular attention. Fersons obtaining ten responsible subscribers to the Aspirant, will be entitled to one copy gratis. Terms. Tlie Aspirant will be published ev rry Saturday, in tlie city of Macon, at Tico Dollars ppr annum—sl 25 for six months— payable in advance. No subscription received for a less period. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Letters on business must be post paid to in sure attention. G. R. HANLEITER, Publisher. -Macon, Georgia, July 1037. of the Jom*;aai tSiliee tor sale. OWING to tlie intended removal of one of the Editors and the wish of the other to devote himself more exclusively' to the duties of his profession, the undersigned offer for sale tlie establishment of the North Carolina Jour nal Office. The office is well found in Job. newspaper and ornamental type, the list of sub scribers is tolerably large, and they doubt not might be greatly augmented bv a little exertion. Fo any person desirous of embarking in the business il offers inducements not inferior to any in the State, but to a practical printer they know of no investment lie could make ot ms money that would yield him a more profitable return. 11YBART & STRANGE. F'ayetteville, 3(ith May, 1737. iT; Printers will confer a favor by giving the above two or three insertions in their papers. June ‘2? Ladies Companion for 1837 LITERARY ENTERPRISE” Devoted more especially to the interest of'the Ladles '. T terms three Hollars* year. H E LADIES COMPANION, a inonth '•> periodical, commenced on the broad anii ,Ul .' i°* t * l^us '. n g general information, far wide at a price, which is within the reach o all classes ot the community. The plan has succeeded beyond tlie most sanguine anticipa tions ot the proprietor. Tlie first number was issued to the public, with only seventeen names ol subscribers, and at this day it boasts of a cir culation nearly double that of any monthly agazine m America; and is daily increasing at an average of twenty subscribers. In tin pages ot the Ladies Companion, every class of readers will find that which will tend to their enjoyment; tales, of every nature, pathetic and humorous; choice essays and sketches by tin best writers of the day ; literary and scientific intelligence ; copious extracts from American ami English Annuals; strictures on the drama and line arts ; notices of all the new publications as they issue from the press ; translations from the French, Spanish, Greek, German, Italian and Hebrew languages; original and selected poetry ; ongmal music and Engravings, with line wood cuts and patterns of embroidery of every description, independent of an immense earu-ty ot miscellaneous articles on every sub jm of the least interest to the most casual reader, embracing passing events; biographi cal sketches ol noted individuals ; discoveries in the arts and sciences, Ac. Ac. Ac.; accounts ol colleges and American institutions; sketches from scenery of our own country; public as semblies. painting, popular lectures, spi akers and authors; view of olden times of the city of gotluini; Broadway Analyzed; comments on Good Society, Ac. Ac. Embellished monthly with a splendid Steel Engraving; popular mu sic—original and selected'; and Embroidery for the working ol lace patterns. In short nothing required to insure interest, amusement, or the improvement of the mind in the pages of the Ladies Companion, will be wanting on tlie part ol'tlie proprietor, and it will be ~—“ ith sweetest flowers enrich’d, F’roni various gardens cull’d with care.” Articles from the pens of the first authors in either Europe or America have appeared in the pages ot the Ladies Companion, during tlie two last volumes, without reference to expense, tor; numerous to name, which stamps it the cheap est and most diversified periodical issued in A nierica Negotiations have been commenced with an additional number oi popular writers, for origi nal contributions for the ensuing year, amonij -[hem are “ FI. L. Bulwer Miss Leslie James G. Rerctval R. Shelton Mackenzie Mrs. E. Ellett Miss Louisall. Medina Leigh Hunt John Neal Sargent Talfourd Mrs Jamieson G P. R. James Grenville Mellen Professor Ingraham Mrs L. II Sigourney Mrs. Ann S. Stevens VV. G. Simms G'apt. Marryatt Sheridan Knowles Miss L. E. Landon Miss Gilman Hon. Mrs. Norton Lady Blessington E. Burke Fisher Fldgar A. Poe Miss Jl. F. Gould N. C. Brooks, A. xM. Isaac C. Pray, Jr. 11. Hastings Weld B. B. Thatcher Mrs. Childs. In conjunction with those who have, hereto tore favored the Ladies Companion with origi nul contributions. It has ever been the aim of the proprietor to inculcate and promote the cause of morality.— It cannot be denied that the periodical press exercise a decided influence upon the moral and intellectual character; and where that pi ess is untrammelled by mercenary consider ations or vicious principles, its effect must be elevating and refining to a community, like that of America. With these views, e . cry thing operating injuriously to morals or religion have been studiously avoided and not ullowedaplace m the Magazine ; for, we hold those men as traitors to their country, who would seek to de stray tlie pure doctrines of virtue and religion, cither by open opposition or secret intrigue In sustaining the literary character of the La dies Companion, the proprietor will not confine himself to the mere task of pleasing, without imparting vigor to the mind ; but will endeavor to present both, that which will he attractive to superficial readers, as well as that which will furnish subjects for reflection to the stu dent. No work in America presents its sub scriiiers with sucli a melenge of invaluable reading as the Ladies Companion, for its ex tremely low price (three dollars a year;) and letters are continually being received from Eu rope, inquiring how it is possible for ft periodi cal to lie issued at such a small rate, which proves its undeniable claims to the support of the American people, particularly those of the state of New York and adjacent ones. It is not generally known to the public that each number ot the Ladies Companion con tains more reading than any other Magazine in America; and its subscription price is two dol lars less than those issued in New York. A singly page contains more than two pages of the oilier Magazines, and some of them three. The terms are three dollars a year, payable in advance, and no subscription taken for less than one year. It is published on the loth ot ft aeli month, stitched in a colored cover and for warded to subscribers out of the city by tlie earliest mails, strongly in double wrappers to prevent friction. Oliice, 110 Wil liam street. WAV. SNOWDEN, Proprietor. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS I’REMIUMS Encouraged by the unparelleled patronage extended to the Ladies Companion, the pro prietor is anxious to show his gratitude for the favors of the public, by offering the largest a mount for original articles, ever known. This sum is divided in different premiums to enable the numcrons writers of America or Europe to participate equally for the enjoyment of one or more of those particularized in the following table. Original Tale of the Early Settlers, not to ex ceed SO pages, s2llO “ “ “ South, 100 “ “ Mexico 75 “ Peru, 75 “ Legend of the Rocky Mountains, ?•* “ ” “ American Revolution, ?5 “ Poem, not to exceed five pages, 75 9 2d best, 25 “ Dramatic Sketch, 50 “ Essay on American Literature, 50 “ -• “ Education of Females 50 !I Piratical Sketch 25 For the best piece of Music, composition and words original, 2o It is requested that candidates for tlie above premiums will send tlieir productions by the first of August, 1537, postpaid, addressed to VV. W. Snowden, New York. If a sufficient number be not received by that period, the time will be extended ; but it is confidently ex pec ted by the subscriber that tlie writers ot this country will be stimulated with a desire to ex | alt the literary reputation of America, and con ! sequently prevent an extention of time, by lor I warding tiieir articles by the first of August.- ! All articles not receiving a premium will be j considered the property of me. subscriber. W VV SNOWDEN, N. York