Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1837-1839, December 14, 1837, Image 2

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may lend her aid to such companies, as mat comply with its provisions, witli much loss hnz ard to her interest, than would attend the con structiou of a general plan of State works. 1 is believed that individnal energy, enterprise and economy, aided by the credit of the State will be found the most certain and etficien means, in most cases, of accomplishing th< desired end. Itisa well known fact, that any amount oi funds that may he required, can h -« >’> 11 : re !mi - the credit of the State, at an interest offi.i.i three to five percent, on certificates payable from twenty to fifty years after date: it is tii'-re fore perfectly in the power of the J.o uMaturo to adopt such measures, as will bring into the State, an amount amply sufficient to complete all the works undertaken hv incorporated com panies, or the State, at an interest, little, if any, over half the legal rate. If, therefore, it were practicable to induce persons to withdrawn portion of their, from its present profit able investment, it would not seem wood poli cy to do so ; especially ns the committee en tertain the belief, that the works themselves, will pay the amount which it may ho necessa ry to borrow for their construction, long be fore it will become due. In proof of ties, it may he proper, to show what lias been accom plished by other States. The Governor of No-.v York, in his message to the Legislature of that State,bearing date the Mrdof Januiry, HJ7, says : “on the first of July last, the surplus rev enue (]>' ived from the Erie and Champlain Canal fund, had amoii:.’ *1 to a sum amply suf ficient to p:v off the remiinder of the d'drt ' contracted for the construction of these two: Canals.” Tt appears, from the same document.; that the works above named, and many others, ! which have 1- :>g since been completed and in successful operation, have not limited or satis-j lied t!ie enterprise of that gout State. The ' Governor again remark-; : “the future oxpeii- ' ditorc on "nli’ic works already authorized by the T,er>'-d;U'ire, indudin r the enlargement of• i the Erie C nnl, will amount to more than. SIS.OOOJHX), besides the tliree million for 1 which the State has loaned its credit, to tiie j New York and Erie Hail Road Company.” Tt is also staled in the message, that, “the : amount of tolls f,r the your ending the thirl i- | cth day of Set tenihw, oa the Erie and (.'ham plain Canals, was >1 fil; .Id 1 fS.and tlie whole income of the fund belonging to these Canals ! from rdj sources, was £l,!>l7.!r’:i *• 1. and after | deducting nil expenses, the i,op revenue, i i l.odl.Yfl !V>. Tlii'tolls on the lateral Can-1 a'sf vthe sun'' "ir, are ts">(!.7ll 51. On each of the Canals there has been n consider u i He increase in the amount of tolls received.” Thws it apj the great works, which 1 were commenced in !“!?. and completed in have already paid the c.*-i of tlmir i BtrtietioTl, and the policy of th '■>(’ vho a 1. cited them, has proved the n; wt cnlighten-d the State could Inv* adopt-.!. Ten l-V.. • f n u! cost v 7,1 ! ; !.7> ’ • !*!, raid it is >i■ < 1 tins v. alone, L.'.k iucreneed th- value of Ink, i property, to tlie amount of fitly millions of dollars, bolides the great accumulation of ••■ oaitl: in the city of New York, mid other cit ios and (owns in the State, to which tuft weak lms largely contrihuted, as well ns giving to ti:e interior districts, mi y nurtet to i. irk: '. Ti.e s ;-cess of tin ; work lias boon ..> gre tint many ethers of scarcely lc. s magnitude, h ivo lfam co ~o’,ee 1 and ot’i-rs put in p.-o i.rC' r—: ir' of w Lieu, is a Hail Hoad. Iron Yo:k to 1/ ke Ki‘e : in aid of which, ns Ins keen stated, the State has loaned its cred it, to the amount of throe millions o'* dollars. This work, when eomplel • 1, will he five Inna - dred and five i vies in length and the estimated east is ten millions of dollars. Am cording to tiro report of the Canal Hoard, dated E, brir.ry. ‘gird, 1,-“17, tiie w hole length of the Now York State Canals, was eight hundred mr! twenty three miles, and had cost fifteen millions thir ty-three thousand four lunqlred and thirty lour doll irs. Pennsylvania has commenced and almost completed a system of internal improvements, far exceeding in cost and extent those of any other State. Governor ltilner, in his mess ige, bearing date December<«'.a,i>l !, says, “\\ lien works now in progress shall be completed eunsylvania will juissess eight handled nine and three quart,ir miles of canal, and one hun- dred and sixty-one and three quarter miles of Rail Roads, into every quarter of her territory, and bearing her immense rgri, nianafactih er r and mineral wealth to her own proud metropolis, and to every portion j of the Union. Il is a low e--limale to say,that when these works are in full operation, her dear annual income from tin’s .source alone. m not ill-I short ot three millions »and dollars —a sum sufficient to pay off" her debt as ft becomes dim, to continue, her improvements to any extent, an 1 to authorise the application oi one million of dollars am.uaily to the purposes of education 1” And again he says, “There nre iii the Stater o hundred and eighty-six and a half miles < ( C.m .l, and one hundred and ninety-six 1 a half mih -of railroads, completed Ly companies; nd individuals : and now under contract and in progress of con struction, ninety-six miles of canal, and three hundred and sixty-eight miles of railway ; mn kirm, when completed, an aggregate of Etate end company improvements of all descriptions, of cue thousand nine hundred and eighteen miles.” In regard to other improvements, he says, “While on the subject of Internal Im provement, permit me to remark, that the more modern, though highly useful kinds, shod and ’ I not monopolize oitr attention and care to tiie - exclusion of the older. This State owes much -of her ear'v prosperity to turnpikes, state, and ’ other roads.” ' Ohio has entered largely into a system of . Internal Improvements. The State canals are under the direction of a hoard, of canal com mi-si.mors : and ilio ()h;o and Miami Canals, a lech, I, gether witli their branches, are more ' th a lour imndrial miles in extent, have been i n.-t.nct: •! ;:t the eyp>mse i:fihe Slate. The legislature of the Smt ■, of Illinois pas-- 1 ! an act on the , 2.-'*h day ( >f Fchruarv, |S:I7, making | appropriations tor the cvistruction, end in aid of, various works of Internal Improvement, to the amount of aim Millions si v himdr -l tliou ; sand dollars ; and the commissioners of Inter nal Improvement were authorized to contract for loans, at a rate of interest not exceeding j eight per cent, to meet those appropriations. lOn the 3d of June, IKlti, the legislature of Maryland passed an art, appropriating eight millions of dollars to various works of Internal Improvement. At the session of the leg islature of Virginia appropriated four millions five hundred thousand dollars, in addition to more than three millions of dollars which had previously been subscribed to various works. Almost every other State of the Union lias aided, to n greater, or It ss extent, works of Internal Improvement ; and, in all cases, the increase which lias been give u to the value of pro, . A .‘('ii greater than the me-1 san guine advocate ofthem had \ entured to predict. The value of improvements and properly con nected witli, ami arising from, the anthracite coal trade of Pennsylvania, in the three great coal fields, is estimated, by a committee of the legislature of that Slate, to In- nineteen mil lions one hundred and. sixty-six thousand two hundred and seventeen dollars ; and it is csti- j mated that the consumption of coal in the year lei 2, will amount to ten millions five hundred and fen thousand nine hundred and eighty fens —worth titty two millions live hun dred and forty-throe thousand lb.e hundred ,md tifiv dollars. Ynis mi-nen.-m iinnm l amount of mineral wealth v. i l l b- developed and brou.;h: into action by Internal Improvements. it is! believed that the value of taxable property in the State of Peiinsylvania has been nearly doubled by her public works, f, is asserted on good authority, tint the value of property I in the city of Charleston has been dmii-1 -1 by the con and ruction of the Ila. .fug •,.,<! Ch ;rle i ton railroad. Theta' .'He vulsr «.f prep ri<- ■ in Charleston, on the c.miple! j. m of the re and. v a-about eight millions of dollars—it is nuv, •Xt -a’i of <!.-!! Tk" c, ..Mitt" have lilu le 1 to tk - - fids to si i c th va i min ..rt nice ami utility es such we-.ks, and tlmy are entirety po.-nailed til t : < ’it th in h i le aiite.i to any of 1,- t . k ik.ges i.\ tli ■ • , j «.f a similar pH icy. It is hi It. vi and licit !i t poll: mos the State known as the t’h coke. C mntry.i- inferior to :: i secti .i of 1!i • Cm. a.i in min. and wealth a iid resource-, 'i’he Hail Head leading i’ro.n the Tennessee river and hrcmdiin:; in vaii-ms ili r. • : ;- * ith • irvigdco w • of oitr riveis. : :id rV i! to l!. ■ con : w'.!! aim and a rapid,ca sy rod •-!,-• ip o'lilet lor tic* iron, m uhle and liiiioof til it valued- s -tion of the State. Had Ho- li ex •c. >; in \ i .ill directions wiil renderd. ip ram «•< u tke t. 0.-port i tion es id! Mii.k el" ni:. ••uiuplioii, and Km product i!' i, - soil, ic.r mni.'s, and quarries. Tim ir on ,00 the (tok: Cot.utry is said to he < mini to any in the world,and the irhlr ,is belie,e;l to be not inferior to that of 11Iv. | The line is inexhaustible. To bring into ac tion this vast mineral treasure is study worthy 1 the noblest efforts of tiie State : and vh<-n tins i can he done by conferring equal benefit on all purls of our territory it would seem that, no one can doubt the expediency of the underta king., Tiie Hail Roads now in progress through the cotton ■ 'rowing districts of the j State are worthy’ the highest consideration, land most liberal patronage and aid of" the State. The cotton crop of Georgia in 1 >(!, is stated to have been too hundred and sixty two thousand bales—weighing over one hun dred millions of pounds. The completion of tiic U .ii M-'iil; :>.!:•• :dy commenced, aiul such others us in.:v lie of general utility, will, in the opinion of the committee, save at least one anil a half cents per pound ia tiie transporta tion of the cotton crop to market, or one mil lion live hundred and seventy two thousand dollars annually’; which is more than the in terest at live per cent on thirty millions of dol lars. There is no data on which to found a calculation of the amoimtw Inch w ill he saved, in the cost of transporting * roods from the coast . . to the interior, but it must evidently lie much .‘er than that ju-1 stated oh cotton. The 1 • d‘s to the agricultural districts of the K' > will fie almost beyond computation. The rapid uni ei.t ,p transportation of lime and) gypsum i > fie us and as manures on cur exit lus ted day soil-- wul render them more productive than v. lien they were Sirs' brought into culti vation, and the he .!:!i!i:':H'-s «.f the country wililie greatly improved by tli-nr auplie ’.mi. The cheap transportation of i.-ou ~;.d salt those necessary articles of consumption, would i greatly reduce the annual expenses of the far mer. Tiie merchant would be em.hied to pur chase his goods at shorter credit, in conse quence of the facility of communication. The freight would be reduced, which would very i much lessen their cost to tiie consumer. The ; mules and horses of our farmers, w hich art* now employed a large portion of tiie autumn BRUNSWICK ADVOCATE. ' and winter in hauling cotton to market, may Im ! used in the improvement of our plantations and instead of being worn out on the roads I will be in good condition when the planting season approaches. j The improvement of the navigation of our rivers is in the opinion of the committee,of much importance. They sweep along llie borders ' of many counties which may not be reached by Rail Ho ids, and must continue to be the channels through which a large portion of our . -i■grit'll!tlira! products and the lumber of our oxf"l,-!-, e forests will be sent to market.. It lias b: ' that. Rail Roads are not ■ cut' ! to *iie trail port, it ion of heavy articles. This opinion, it s-ems, is not veil found. I. In I Viinsylv.nim j; liu ; been found practicable ’ to transport anthracite coal, which is almost as j heavy as granite, on Rail Roads. One of the • great objects of the contemplated Rail Road from New \ ork to I.ake Erie, is to bring pro duce to market when the cainil and rivers are closed by ice. < )no ton of coal, worth on an average, five dollars, is as heavy as five hales of cotton, worth two hundred .and fifty dollars. I f"o barrels ni flour v.o:?h twelve dollars, are! equal in weight, to one hale of cotton, worth j fifty dollars ; and if a ton of dour worth sixty , dollars, will bear trail-portation on a Rail wiil not be deemed extravagant to 1 suppose that the .--.mic w eight of cotton, worth ’ two hundred and fifty dollars, can he traits-i ported in the same w ay. And if the products of the lioith. le - vain dde in tin ir weiymt linn tii<)se of the South, can be con veyed from t'.e Nutaeni lakes on Rail Roads t" Vork, it will lie admitted that the pro ducts ot the valley of the Mississippi may he conveyed to flie coast of Georgia by’ similar meal:''. Entert,mmng these views, tiie committee do not hesitate to say, thul in their opinion, it is j expemenf for the State lend its aid to com- ' patties incorporated for the purpose of con structing works< f Internal Improvement, and to ni'.-e fends on the credit of the State to im prove the ii"v i q of our livers—to com plete the State work now in progress, and such o!i;ers as may hereafter bo commenced by the State—and to cfleet!be -e objects, they r, sneef fuily reci'.mmemb i! to .he G. neral A-• .abiv the passage of the bill herewith snln.iitfod. TM'.MAS liETEKR KING, rhairmanof tiie Ji.'mt Select. <'< uniiiit;-e. m r. \ r-r % t s:. 1! lir NSW ICK. (('. v.’ nr.r. 11, H:,7. I vrr.ti >:ai. Ivrr.ov rvrvrs. The Report of Mr. K:\«i, will bo found in to-d >v*.s paper. The 1 int ‘ il ■ •r I; 11 r-• c T the sub;- .t w ill of itself render it u, ceptab'e to eur n"‘ders; while the . fu't-' prr s.-nted. am! the cogent rcasrning, we , ‘Hn!:, i mat <■< nvin.-e every relleeting mind of. the i np.-.i'tiin! -qucnces that must f.d.'ovv from t e assistciien of the Suite. \\'o ecm tni'iul this Repoit v t only to every Gi'orgian, but to ever',' merle mi vi, > v. i-hes to be in ferim'd of the n- mrc'-s es ihe Sent!). Sh>nd>l the fa ith of the E f e he pl—bred for the piv.e eut i.m efthe gr« at works es interna! comiutmi cation. Geor ia will l.ehl out :n mai.v induce ments to ei:‘i'i-]iii-ing any of tic Wes tern Slate-. fiie p...p. • I H i'ird of CoiKiui-sioner; of I’ ro 1 1 !.. s \ .a;g fin p. eiiiiiiily fated to n.ard tie* S': a giin.-t nuv fraud or imposi i .er. and m ti.e t time will add to the char acter mid weight es every company which mav rect :\e the.r sanction. The gre t objects, are to lend the faith of the State for the payment of the capita! vested in works of general utility, and to gmud and protect it against loss. The biil, we should think, attains both these ends. The ample security required and the heavy penalties front nonpayment, or what is nearly as bad, from dilatory payment, and the harriers raised by the Hoard of Commis sioners against any useless w orks, or irresjton sible companies, will most effectually prevent the evils, which without proper guards, might result from such a plan. The Hill is of great length, and from the le . gal phraseology in w Inch it i- draw n, will not so generally be read as a synopsis, which we give below. The first article prov ides tint the Gov ernor, on the application of any r mpany engaged in a canal, rail road, turnpike or slack w ater, shall issue State' Certificates of debt, bearing inter est not above six per cent, and for not less than Itw enty, nor more.than fifty years. That any Company, mnv apply for these Cer tificates, for one third of the amount ofits stock, when the whole stock shall he subscribed.— For two thins when one third of the work •hall he completed, - mid for the last third, when two thirds arc completed. Several sections provide that before the first Ceitif.iate is issued, the stockholders shall se jcuro the State to the full amount oft io stock subscribed for by each. And all the property, of every description, of the Company, shall in addition, he pb'dged to tiie Siiile. And furtli -1 er provide H .ivy penalti ■- for the non payment of m-t ilments, and that the interest on these Certificates snail he paid by tiie Com; mv to the State ten days before they become due, and on failure of said payments the property of the Company, and if tint be not sufficient, that of . the stockholders shall be sold at sheritf's sale, i The eighth section provides for the appoint ment of five Commissioners of Internal Im provement. They are to employ engineers, and have under their charge the construction •of the Western and Atlantic Rail Road, and : such other works as the legislature may di rect. And also to have the principal rivers ex amined and made navigable for steambents at . all seasons of the year, to Augusta, Macon, | Miiledgevillc and Columbus, and to such place on Clint River, as may be found practicable.— They arc also to examine all w orks projected by private Companies, to estimate tiieir ! probable cost, and decide upon the expediency of granting charters, and to pass on the Mifu ciencyor insufficiency of securities offered to the State. Ti RKF.y ami Egvpt. The two most re markable men of the time are Mahmoud, Sul tan of Turkey, and Mahomet Ali, the Pasha of Egypt. Possessed of despotic power, they are exercising it for the improvement of their do minions. and sowing in blood the seeds of, liberty. The condition of these countries is such, that Despotism is the only Government to which they are suited. Ignorance and slavery, are as inseparably connected, as knowledge and free dom. The exertions of the Sultan are directed toward raising his subjects from that fallen state, and as knowledge shall shed its benig nant light over tnese benighted lands, it will guide men to moral and political indepen- j dunce. If we examine the acts of the Sultan, or the Pasha, singly, without reference to their causes and consequences, we shall pronounce them as cold blooded tyrants, as ever disgraced humanity. examined ns they should be, as the necessary means of attaining important ends, cur horror will diminish. The massa cre of forty thousand Janizaries, was the fust act of tlte Sultan, after leaving (lie Serag lio to ascend the Throne. That single act, showed at once the character of the young Sovereign. It was a question whether he should he a pageant of a King, retaining the insignia, but resigning the realities of power to these Pretorinn guards; or by one hold and bloody stroke, free himself Iroui a dangerous .vtririllttfice and his subjects from the despot ism of numerous masters. The lives of forty thousand were the price of freedom, he did not hesitate an instant; tlm b!nol money was paid. His course fees been in accordance with his first step. Looking forward to great ends, he has without remorse used his unbounded pow er to ofl’eel his object. Human iife, lie regards v.ith the name indifference, as the great gen eral, who counts the cost of every advantage by the number of nun he must sac- l obtaining it. The destruction of the- Janizaries k moved the only obstacle I ■ regress ot Ki iorei in ins dominions, fie is! overcoming the prejudices of the Turks against European habits—has introduced the f rench tactics into his Army-—has .t large mi:;.her of Eteii' ii oiib er . and Engineers m bis service, i Hi.; Navy v.H h had been;-, was ' •anmhii.e .! at the !>a‘iie of N.ivarino. The Fiend., English and Kasdan fleets, instigated by the artifices ofthe Kiis-iau Emperor,ileNroy- Cil til:' illiki :i lb ft in bag, -nut Violation of, •1 he laws of N: lions. Tiie brilliancy of a vie-; lorv, w],e;<> the conquerors were as three to' one. cone. ->!".! for a time, the enormity of the offence, nn-i v. In,t as the word goes, is of nme .- nous consequence, the impolicy ( >t th o measure, 'ike de emotion of the Dam.- ii i fleet by Nelson, when Denmark and Great v. e;e in profound peace, finds some ex- j . Ouse, foe i reasons of Stale necessity; but the; battle of Nnvarino has eripnled Turkey, for no l 1 other pys-iide object, than to make her an easy i proy, whenever it shall suit the convenience of Rns-i i, to make the conquest. But tin’ Sultan is creating a now marine. 110 gives a preference to American architects, and for several years his ship yards have been tinder the charge of our countrymen. lie re cently pave Cochran for his rille the sum of £300,000. Under his superintendence, Tur key is slowly waking from the slumber of apes, and though she will never again carry lire and sword to the centre of Europe, it is reasonable to indulge a hope, that she may at tain to a respectable place among nations. The I’a-dii has more military talent, and more ambition than his nominal master. It is of his civil and not ids martial labors, that we propose to speak. History abounds with con querors—heroes are common place, when compared with Reformers, lie is now con structing a dam across the Nile, for the pur pose of irrigating the lands—an undertaking of immense labor. A few years since, there was a scarcity of grain in Europe, and an abundance in Egypt, but the shallows at the mouth of the .Nile, very much embarrassed the operations of the Pasha. He immediately com menced a Canal from the Nile to Alexandria, fifty miles in length, six feet in depth and eigh ty or ninety in w idth. It was completed in two years. Ills Navy is become formidable. He has extensive Cotton factories Iron foundcries, and manufactories for muskets and other art i cles of War; schools for civil, military and na val alia us. Heins ordered the Pyramids to be demolished, and the stone to be used in the construction of some of his works. Tiius these edifices that have so many ages stood “in mon umental mockery"—speaking of the littleness and greatness of nmn—the tombs which one race of Tyrants built w ith* the vain hope that they idiouhl transmit their names to latest pos | tcrity, and bo land marks in the ‘tide of times,’ are now razing by another Tyrant, equally powerful and ruthless. They were erected by the labor of an enslaved nation, ar.d now after a lapse of centuries, that same nation, still groaning ia bondage, is employed in destroy- ! ing them. The corner stones were laid in tire blood of human victims, and w ill be removed w itli the same dire solemnities. ‘•These dials which the wizzard time Has raised to count iiis ages by,” have served but to mark the course of Tyran ; ny—at rare intervals, a bright gleam has giid j ed their broad faces, but only for a moment, |to be succeeded by blacker darkness. Such i is the present degraded and debased condition of country, the mother of learning. Though her Ruler treats his subjects as meaner | than the beasts of the field, the influence of ; education on the higher, cl asses, must eventu- I ally he felt extensively. There are jjoints both t of debasement and cultivation, beyond which no nation has ever passed. And Egypt seems j destined to receive back from Europe, those j blessings of civilization w hich she bestowed in j ages long gone by. Madame Celeste, who to the disgrace of our country, has received such enormous sums for dancing, is likely to sink as rapidly as she rose, flic Opera ot Paris has refused to give her an | engagement, on the ground that she is only fit for a chorus dancer. Some two years since, i when this personage was in the full enjoyment j of popularity, we ventured to dissent from the j received opinion of her merits, and had all the professed critics about our ears. As how ever, the judgment we then passed, has been j affirmed by tiie Supreme Tribunal in such cases made and provided, w e trust all will im plicitly submit. I it has always been a matter of surprise, as well as mortification to us, to observe the I praises bestowed on this woman. We do not 1 understand how laities can witness such exhi bitions witli pleasure. ‘Men of grosser blood’ j may indeed throng night after night, to wit : ness displays ot the kind, hut what pleasure j women of delicacy find in them, passeth ! mir comprehension. Madame Celeste, how ! ever, deserves more pity, than censure—she anil all the dancing girls, (by the wav they are generally, to say the least, elderly women and , look iike frights in day light) are victims of a vitiated taste. Tiie Theatre goers arc the I party to whom the blame attaches— * I lie Drama s laws, the Drama's patrons, give.’ The Kinge now, as in the days of Hamlet, “shows the very age and body of the times, his form and pressure.” And the mirror that re flects hack Jim Crow Rice and Madame Ce leste, speaks hut little for our age. When the pin v s oi Sliakspcare are played to empty boxes, while a limn monkey fills the house from gallery to pit, it is fair to conclude that we are not so refined a people, as national vanity, would have US'. SOFT HERN SCENERY. Tie' beautiful, and even the deformed works of Pa) tire in {' pipe, have been celebrated by sentat'oris of them have c.trr.ctei! our attention and praise, whilst many of the bc-iuties of our own I‘ara.iise remain nndescrined. H ive vve neglected them because each spot, each tree, is not consecrated by a story of battle, love, or witchcraft—or because our hards or artists want talent or encouragement ? (>ur magnifi cent forests, the growth of centuries, are worthy of the painter's art and the poet’s lavs; and if not immortalized soon by those “choice favorites of Heaven,” will pass away like shadows, mid he forgo Men ; lor they arc rapidly Idling beneath tiie axe, never more to appear in their primeval grandeur. Tiie hand of in dustry prompted by tiie love of gain will shear them to the earth forever, and their places will be occupied by richer plants of foreign origin, as those of the original inhabitants have been occupied by a foreign race. \\ hen 1 gaze at the soil outline and delicate shades of our Southern Scenery on the sea const —-onr grassy plains, and graceful trees of every tint of green, some with their crooked branches dipping in the ocean, anil others pointed in right lines far above the forest’s density, mv heart dilates with pride as well as with pleasure. With pride, for they are the materials for our gallant Navy, and the fort resses of our riflemen against invaders—with pleasure, not only as agreeable objects to the sight, but because they are associated with many delightful fancies, exploits in the chase, and adventures in the happy season of my youth. Our scenery does not include extensive , cities,nor any stupendous work of art. We have I not the rugged rock, nor the lofty mountain ; to entice our sight towards the clouds—level jas the ocean is our land. The eyes of the mariner, as he approaches, rest on a smooth : horizon, and our shores at that distance can scarcely be discovered above the crests of the i boafthem. How novel to the eye of a stranger who has gazed chiefly on irregu larity and roughness! W e have not the bounding cataract, but we have deep and extensive rivers bordered by . the richest soil—and we have also the gentle rivulet winding through the green turf as si : lcntly as humble goodness progresses through 1 the world—as secretly as true charity gives to , the unfortunate. ; -The terrible is absent from our fair portion ; of earth's surface, but the beautiful, the gracc j fttl and serene are happily associated. The ; forests of Europe show in almost every tree • and shrub die busy hand of art, but ours are , the wild exuberant productions of uncultivated ’ nature. Tiie oak, with its hoary beard of moss stands amidst surrounding trees like Nestor | amidst the Grecian youths,and the sweet wild f jes saufiim. creeping in Spring over its brandies ;and blooming like cones of gold, present a ■beautiful comparison between weakness and j strength,and the ornamental and the useful. i Hut the pride of the forest is the tall Magnolia, . bearing the pure white emblem of honor, the queen or flowers. The I'ine is common. Com ! Io th ” Laurel and the Oak, it is as the yeoman to the warrior and statesman—yet it is beautiful! Straight as a soldier’s lance, and ! terminating in a top of slender leaves, cluster I 0,1 !iko tassels—and at its base grow the hum Lie I’almettoos, bending on slight stalks over ! t,ieir nigged roots, with grooved and angulated leaves, tit tor the fans of Indian Queens. These and other beautiful objects of the vegetable kind are not rare in our Southern country— they are innumerable. At a single glance, the sight may comprise the tender emblems of love, materials for the military and civic wreath, the proud castle, and the gallant ship—and if we cast our eyes towards earth for minute ob jects to admire, where, we might ask, is the carpet ot nature more rich and more variegat ed f Shall we dwell only on this branch of God’s exquisite works when other blessings are associated? let our observations expand. What sky is more clear than ours when it smiles 1 \\ bat clouds more rich in bright and various colours, from that which bears the forky lightning and the w hirlw ind’s wrath, to those as light as gossamer, that owe their glo ries to the setting sun! Where is the air more more fit to lull the senses to tranquility and tenderness ? And if vve turn to the ani mate branches—the gallant buck with wide spread horns and bounding hoof; the surly bear and the savage wolf; the rose colored curlew; the humming bird, that gorgeous atom of nature’s jewelry, and the soaring eagle, are but few of the ‘choice creatures around us. The liberal and enthusiastic will not con demn here a glance of Southern character.— As free, as exuberant as the branching vine is the Southern generosity; assort as the air is its courtesy; but stern and unyielding as the nathe oak is the Southern spirit, when threats or injustice assail. Man is rich in noble traits and personal graces—and woman, the loyeliest work ot creation, is bevvitchingly attractive in our soul-he.uliag climate. There are shapes here that a Praxiteles or a Phidias would love to copy, and that a Titian would prefer to those of his imagination. The vormiiliun cheek is seldom seen—but the sne iking dark eye, and the arched ingenuous brow are superior fascin lations, and express deep feelings and tender ness of heart, 'i he jetty ringlet is also an idol of the gazer—contrasted with the pale cheek it seems doubly black, and its gloss is more silvery than moonlight. Nature has indeed been bountiful tons— she Ins bestowed numerous objects for instruc tion. profit, and pleasure—ami if vve reflect, " ml use her gifts discreetly, vve shall ueMom have can vto complain. Vi’e!,,ve reason to fie both happy and proud—happy in the enj.iy a c-iit e.; gi< v >r blessings, and proud to endure our proporiion ot evil a firmness indicating j a sincere reliance on the of God. Let , us smile tlcroforc m our Eden, and remember 1 that the evils associated show us its value, by ! contrast, in a plainer light. The nntft.'r in t. rm-ng Hears and Wolves ■■nr--/" i real tires, ' ns: s llie language of a sportsman. GREENWOOD. j The Hank Convention recently assembled at. New h ork, adjourned to meet again in that city on the second Wednesday in April. The convention was of opinion that the present circumstances of the country were not such as to make it expedient or prudent at this time to fix upon a day for the resumption of specie pay j ments. j Congress assembled on Monday, 3d inst.— i The President’s Message was delivered on I Tuesday—We have received a copy of it, but our columns being full, vve are obliged to o ■ mit it. \Y e will give a synopsis of it in our next. | The Southern Post, after a susnension of I several months, has again made its appear j ance. This is the only literary paper in the | State and deserves a liberal support. We wish it long life and a large subscription list. A stable and a small building occupied by I colored people, were destroyed by fire on the j2d inst. in Savannah. Supposed to be the l work of an incendiary. j The Unitarian Church, under the charge of I Rev. Mr. Dewey, in New York, was destroyed j by fire 27th ult. with . all its contents —also j the work of an incendiary. The church con- I tained an organ which was put up blit five weeks previous, at an expense of KM,500. The State House, at Jefferson, Missouri, j has also been destroyed by lire, together with ! all the papers in the office of the Secretary of State and about half the State Library. I ; j There were seventy nine deaths, reported by the board of health, in Savannah, during the month ending Ist instant—sixty one whites . and eighteen blacks and colored. Six hundred and forty-seven persons slept at, in New York, on tiie 22J ult. and were not crowded. | A few flakes of snow fell at Washington. Wilkes County, in this State, on the 2-1 tli ult. The Southern Recorder says, that Senator Cuthbert is on his way to Washington, to ro j same his seat in Congress.