Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1837-1839, December 14, 1837, Image 3

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GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. I [Correspondence of tin- Augusta Constitution-! alist.) Nov. 2!>. This morning, in the House, the j resolution from the Senate, authorising the ; Centra! Bank to borrow 6itiiM>()o, needed toi complete the distribution at present going on, was taken up. An animated debate followed, 1 which lasted till two o’clock, when a vote was taken, and the resolution concurred in, yeas 83, j n svs 58. _ j Mr. Meriwether introduced a bill to restrain , the circulation of the banks of this State ; to point out the manner and time of making their j returns; and to point out the manner of pro-1 ceedmg against such banks as shall violate the 1 provisions of the act. Nov. :U). This morning, in the House, Mr. Goodwin introduced a bill to prevent tlie cir culation in Georgia of bank bills issued by the late Bank of the United States. The bill incorporating the Iron Works Com pany of Habersham, was passed, with a few a niendinents. The hill to compel persons owning and hav ing charge of plantations and slaves in coun ties other than their residences, to pay taxes for the same in the counties where they are situated, was read and laid on the table for the balance of the session. Yeas 84, nays 50. Dec. 1. Both branches of the legislature have been occupied for a few days past, and this morning, in the reading of bills the second time, and of some local bills the third time. — The standing committees have made no report of any importance. Many members are ab sent, who will return Sunday ; and it is be lieved that after their return, matters ot im portance will he laid before the legislature for debate and action. In the House, the bill to amend the estray laws of this State was read the 3d time and passed. Yeas IXI, nays lit >. The bill to manumit Win. Woodliff, a man slave, the property of Seaborn Jones, of Mus cogee County, was read the 3d time and lost. Dec. 2. In the House, this morning, the bill from the Senate to organize a court for the correction of errors, was taken up, on its se cond reading. A motion was made to post pone the consideration of the bill to the first of April next; which motion prevailed by (18 votes against ( >l. This is equivalent to a re jection of the bill. On Monday, however, u motion to reconsider may be adopted. Among the bills before the bouse, is one to sell and dispose of all the stock owno.l by the state of Georgia, in the Bank of the State of Georgia, the Planters Bank, the Bank of Au gusta, and the Darien Bank; and another to reduce the number of members of the Genera! Assembly, so as to make the Senate consist of !0 members, and the House of Representatives 100. Mr. Cone, of Camden, introduced a bill, to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Camden Countv. or a majority of them, to ap propriate a part of tl.o county funds ot said county to repairing of th "* loads ot said coun ty, which was read the lir-t time. Dec. -1. In tiio House, this morning, a mo tion w‘*.s ma.b* to jeeonshlortho vme of Sntur dav, rejecting th" hill to organ,ze a Supremo Court. The motion was deemed by (>e yeas, 75 nays. in the Senate, this morning, too following resolutions, introduced by -Mr. King ot Glynn, w ere •• dope and : Wiir.RK.ui the S' ate of Georgia ha* sent a :j - vial a ■•on' to the S> ate of Tennessee, to procure, it pos.-iMe. from tb ,t penni"i >u for Georgia toex'i i '! the contemplated *• Wes tern and A! Untie Rail Hoad ot the State ot Georgia,” from the Gem-gilt lino to the Ten nessee river, and to .ask the State of Tennes see to secure to said Kail Road, the us iu il privileges and protection; anil whereas it is proper that Georgia express a readiness to grant to the State of Tennessee, or its citi zens. similar caftan! igesand protection to any skui'-T work that ar.v company incorporated by 'i (Minc-see, or the State itself, may desno to extend into the State of Georgia, to join to, or connect with, the smil •‘Western and Atlan tic Rail Road oftho State ot Gcoigin Hi it tla rijbrc ri'olt'e/l, i\'<. 'i’ li tlie State of Tennessee shall grunt to Georgia the privilege of coi)«irut *m;f a rail road from tho Georgia line to the Tennessee River, to be known as the “Western and Atlantic Rail Road of tiie State of Georgia," and shall secure by law to said rail road the usual privileges and protection, the State of Georgia will jrraut and secure to the State of Tennessee, or to any company incorporated by said State, the right to construct a rail road the same distance within the territory of Geor gia, with similar privileges and protection, for the purpose of uniting with the said “Western and Atlantic Rail Road of the State of Georgia,” whenever application shall bo made for that purpose. Rrsolrrd, That his Excellency the Gov ernor he, and he is hereby requested, to forward to the Governor of Tennessee, and to the said agent, copies of these res olutions, and to said agent one hundred copies of Col. Long’s Report, for the use of the members of the legislature of Ten nessee. The Senate passed this morning the bill to charter the “Blue Ridge Rail Road and Canal Company.” Dec. 5. The senate was occupied till one " clock, in the discussion of tlie bill to organ ize a military force for the protection of the Cherokee Counties. That body meets again this afternoon at 3 o’clock, to resume the dis cussion, and to take a vote on the passage of the hill. In tlie House, on motion Scarlett, Jx/sedvr/l That no new matter be in troduced, received, or acted upon, in this House, after tlie loth, and that the House adjourn sine die on Saturday, 23d inst. Dec (!. In the House yesterday, Mr. Bran ham presented the petition of sundry citizens of Cohnnbv.B, praving that the charter ot the Insurance Bank of Columbus, may, hv a law to he passed, be declared null and void. This pe tition was referred to a committee, consisting of Messrs. Branham, Watson, Mahone, Ball and Duke. In the Senate this morning, the constitution al bill to change the annual to biennial sessions of the Legislature, was passed, yeas 5*5, nays Also the hill from tlie House to extend the time for fortunate drawers in the lotteries of 1816, 181st, 1821, and J 827, to take out their grants, was passed, after some debate. Dec. 7. The Senate agreed this morning | to reconsider no much of the journal of yester- > day, as relates to the passage of the bill ex tending the time for fortunate drawers in the land lottery of I*lß, and subsequent lotteries, to take out their grants. A bill was passed this morning in the House, 137, nays 18, further to regulate the mode of discounting notes, and distributing money, in tiie Central Bank. According to this bill, no note is to be discounted for persons engaged in tlie brokerage and abating business : when notes are offered, they must he aecompanied with an affidavit, stating that tlie money, if ob tained, is for tlie use ot' tiie persons offering the notes, and that such persons are not engaged | in tlie brokerage and shaving business. | Foreign. London dates to the 18th land Liverpool to the UUh Oct. have been ' received. Tiie report of the capture of Constan jtine, received a day or two since, via | Malaga, is confirmed. We find tlie fol j lowing in the London Times, of the IBtli | October. “Paris Oct. 1(1. “Constantine was taken on tlie 11th, bv ' the French troops. The prince was in j good health.” From enquiries made by the Bombay ! Chamber of Commerce into tlie amount | of damage sustained by the shipping dur ing the late gale, it resulted that about ; f30,000 was the extent falling on the i merchants and underwriters there, and | =£‘43,000 on account of the underwriters in England. The revision of the Parliamentary vo ters of the borough of Liverpool, termin ated on Saturday evening, 11th Oct. .and the result is favorable to the Reform party. The Leeds resignation lias ended, after an arduous contest, fn again of 300 votes to the whig party, and of "200 to the tories, thus adding GO votes to the large Liberal majority which carried the last election. The Reformers of Bradford have added Go votes to their majority of 178, by which they carried the last election. They have now therefore, a majority of upwards of ”40. The present (says the Liverpool Times,) is the most brilliant Autumn tiiat Isas been i known for many years; and the gather i mg of the frails of the earth, which arc (every where abundant, never proceeded ■ under more more favorable auspices. ! Mr. Stephenson, the American minis* i or, and lady, and Mr. Yaux, his priv ate J secretary, left London about the 10th | Oct. on a visit to tiie Earl and Countess I of Leicester, at Holkham. j Tiie French Government have at last j consented to give up tiie ships of war, 'taken from Don - Miguel, now lying at I Brett and a brig of war is fitting out in the Tagus with a sufficient number of seamen to navigate those ships from France to 1 minion. The Independent of Brussels, aniiotm j ces that a monument is about to he erect ed bv M. de Bcrint to the memory of Mad une M ilibron, over her tomb in the : c"inet ary of Licken, after the design of M. Greefs the sculptor and architect. There is no news from .‘••pain. The | Moniteur contains (lie following teiegraph- I ic despatch. I “f\ .Aiinowr, Oct. 15, G o’clock, A. M. On the '.fill the gates of Valencia were i closed on account of the approach of 1 ,(tl)'l Carlists. Esperanza, after entering Cbiva, proceeded in a southern direction, pursu ed by 1 of Bull s column. Borso liad i arrived at Pegorhe, with 1,530 men. “On tlie I 'will, many of tlie Barcelona electors emigrated, and left the liuilen : micros (Republicans) at liberty to return when ihev pleased. 'Pile murderers of the 'elector Vends had not been apprehended, i Brigadier Ptiig hud been superseded in ; his command. There were no military : authorities in Barcelona to maintain or der.” Free Press Office, ) Burlington Vt. Nov. 20. ) Canada. — Engagement between tin Loyalists and Patriots — si.dun leiih and and iroundt and! By the Steamboat Frank lin, which arrived at 9 o'clock tiiis mor ning, we learn that an engagement has taken place between 200 of the Brit'sli regulars and the Canadians at St. Dennis, in which the latter were successful. The loyalists lost IG, killed and wounded, and two brass pieces. Capt. Malcom is re ported as mortally wounded. Tiie patri ot loss was not known. It appears that the patriots have made a stand at St. Charles, about 30 miles below Montreal, and are repairing an old French fort. Their number is stated at ■ two thousand or more, well armed and ! furnished, and that they have eight brass pieces. On Wednesday a detachment of (eight hundred regulars and three hundred | volunteers left Montreal with the intention of breaking up this post. They landed ion Thursday, and had taken up their line (of march for St. Charles. The advance ! gtrntl*consisting of two hundred regu lars had proceeded as far as St. Dennis, ' when they were attacked by the Canadian ; populace, and after a severe engagement driven back with the loss above stated. ( On Thursday night a steamboat arrived (at Montreal, bringing tlie bodies of the .slain, when anew detachment consisting (of the entire regular force,in the city was immediately despatched down the river. The neTt boat will undoubtedly bring us (further and more decisive particulars, which we shall publi.-h in another Indie tin. All seems to depend on the result of this expedition, as the entirely regular ■ force of the Government are engaged in it. The patriots have a l'ouudery at St. (Charles, and arc casting their own can- I non. j Report says that the patriot force at i BRUNSWICK ADVOCATE. St. Charles is under the command of two [ French officers of distinction, trained un-! der Bonaparte. Os this, however, we I have no authentic information. [From tlie Albany Daily Advertiser.] LATER FROM CANADA. Tin Patriots difutid at St. Charles. The following from the Burlington Free Press, may be taken as decisive of the en gagement at St. Charles. llniUNiirox, Friday, Dec. 1. Sr. Cn vßi.r.s taken — the Patriots l dispersed! Such is the intelligence by f the boat from St. Johns last night. Col. Wetlierall passed through St. Johns yes terday, with his troops on their return to Montreal. According to present infor mation the attack commenced at 12 o’- j clock on Saturday, and the fort was en tered at the point of the bayonet at half! past four, with the loss of only four men i on the part of the royalist. The patriot | loss about 200 killed, and 30 taken pris-j oners. Brown and bis men had fled in the direction of St. Dennis. The Bangor Whig says, “It is rumor ed that an Express has gone to Washing-j ton, from the British Provincial Govern-j ment, for the purpose of obtaining per mission from our authorities to transport, 10,00!) British troops from llalifix and New Brunswick to Quebec and Montreal, : through the Stale of Maine.” j i Tlie Governor, on tiie 4th inst. sent a i message to the Legislature, assigning his 1 reasons for vetoing the resolution passed ' by the Legislature, authorizing the Direc | tors of tlie Central Bank to borrow money. EovPTtAN Cotton-. The Macon Mes senger of the 33th ultimo, speaking of a sample of this cotton left at that office, raised from the seed received from our representative in Congress, Col. W. C. 1 Dawson, says—“ The staple is very fine ( i and long, almost equaling the sea island! cotton, and we are told the plants are ve ry productive of bolls—the quantity of cotton in each is not considered equal to [that of our common kinds, but from tiie large number, the amount is very great. From twenty one stalks he had gathered 15Ibs. cotton, and believed by the end ot the season they would exceed a pound leach. At this time there were remaining as many as one hundred bolls to the stalk | most of which would mature. The sta ' pie lias a slight tinge of yellow, and it is j very beautiful. Should it continue as jit is at present, it will he a valuable ac !qiii -it ion to our planters.” [Augusta Constitutionalist. ! Bank Rokker Caught. The Cele brated Bank robber, Thurston, who bv 1 means of lowed checks and bills of ex change swindled the hanks last spring in ! Mdiedgevilie, Columbus, Mobile.Ciiarlen ! ton, and some of the Notheru cities to I the amount of about *IOO,GUO, has after a long chase, been caught bv Mr. Thus. Banks of this city, ile was taken in j Louisville, Ky\, at tlie Theatre, and is | now in jail at this place. He is said by -those who have seen him to he a most ac complished villain. We have not under stood how much of the money has been ; recovered.—[Augusta Sent. Tin: V> rsr. The editor of the Cin icimiaii Republican estimates the popula tion of the western and south western : States iu 1*43 at 7,3G0,0')3, or within ; G 10,000 of the one half estimated popu lation of tiie U. Stall’s, at that time. Mills arc so scarce in some parts of Il linois, that while wheat tuny be bought for 70 cents a bushel, Hour commands 88 a barrel. I» ASS ENG BUS Per schr. Tiger, from Boston, Messrs. A. Harmon—B. B. Colby—S. Atkinson—E. Hoyt—J: Lord—J, M. Harmon—Z. Harmon land S. Hatch. Per ship Auburn, at Savnnah, Dr. Frank | Gage, of Brunswick. M A RINK INTKLLfG K\CIE PORT OF BRUNSWICK. AP.nivr.n. Schr Tiger. Hoarse, Boston. Pi days, to G. Harrington »fc Cos Mdz<-. to Brunswick Cos. and others. Schr l taroline Horshrl, Hurd,Boston—hound to Key West. Schr Betsey A Maria, Brockingdon, Savan nah. SAILED. .Schr. Tiger, Bearse, Burnt Fort. MEMOK A ND A . Ar at Savannah 7th. sloop Argo, Morgan, hence. Cl schr Henry A. Breed, West In dies. Ar t'th, ship Celia, Hackman, Nevv- V ork. Ar at Boston 2!ith ult. brig Spy, Doane, hence via Jeffersonian. ir.f.vrE», A FIRST RATE COOK and two Waiters. A for a Hotel—by J. DAVIS, Oglethorpe j House, Brunswick. Nov 12. Georgia— Gfrfint, Count ts. WHEREAS hoc is a Pa vi.f. applies for Let ters of Administrat ion on the Estate and Effects of Thomas Caps, late of Chatham Count v, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish ail , and singular the kindred and creditors of sad deceased to be and appear at my oiiiee in the time prescribed by law. to shew cause if any they have, why said Letters should not hi granted. Witness the Honorable James C. Mangham, ; one of the Justices of said Court, this 25th day j of November, 1e37. JOHN BURNETT, | C. C. O. G. C. I C?.V£ !»* STO RE. o j lIENRY A. BREED, Respectfully informs the public that ! he lias opened anew and corn modioli s | STORE in this city, and vvill’hj constant Iv j supplied wuh a lull assortment of the follow- j ilig articles, viz : W. 1 GOODS AND GROCERIES. CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, HARD AND TIN WARE, BOOTS. SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BED SPREADS. FANCY lIDKF'S, GAREN SEEDS, from tiie New England j 1 Seed Store. Ac. Ac. : Also, for sale, one covered Pleasure Wagon. U In addition to the above, he has now on hand and intends to keep ronstantiv. a full j j supply of LUMBER AND Bi ILDING MA ; TEItiALS. oi’everv description, v.Jiieh will be j (sold in large or small quantities, on favorable terms Dee. It. | i Cliampaignr, Strong fleer, Potato/s and Paring Stones. JUST received per selir. Tiger, from Boston. 10 baskets *• Sillery’’ CH AMPA IGN E, (pints.) 5 bids ‘-Cook's" BEER. 40 do Eastern POTATOES, m) tons P.YV ING STONES, a irood article for cellars, yards. Ac. For sale by GEO. HARRINGTON A CO. Dec. 14. M. TISON is a candidate fi r County Surveyor at the ensuing eh etion in January next. Dec. 11. B. AI ST will boa Candidate! for the ollice of County Surveyor, at the elec tion in January next. Di c. 7. are authorized to announce Mr. JOHN B. FI,INN, as a candidate for Re ceiver of Tax Returns, for this County, at the ensuing • lection in January next. Nov. 30. DR. DUPREE offers his professional servi ces to the inhabitants o! the city of Bruns wick, and the country. Dec. 7. A \cw %«Ivorli-A*niPiiJ, .1 .Yew Year, and a .Yew Inducement, for sub scribing to the B'uUi, .Messenger ! r j MI E cheapest and decidedly the most pop- J- ular Family Newspaper in the U States, with a circulation of many thousand subscrib ers The American Weekly Messkncikk is published every Wednesday, on beautiful white paper, ot the largest class, at $2 per annum, or ten subscriptions for JjslO. Its contents are adapted to tlie wants of the Farmer, Mechanic, Tradesman, Agriculturist, M crehant and Manufacturer. This Journal was commenced on the first ot January last, and, without any previous effort to herald its success, went into immediate and rapid circulation. Such was the unprecedent ed popularity which attended its projection that, oi about s:.\ moulds from tiie period it v. as brst is.- .ad. n 1 b ss ! ir- u li: t -<• 11 ti: names v.i re embraced on it ser p! mn lists' which have hi eu ever since constantly and rapidly increasing, and now bid fair to super cede in extent and stability eva ry other-pub lication w hich has existi il in the lit. r.iry world. it is gem rally conceded that the contents of the Messenger emhlaees as mueii or/. ■’land ntiatrr as any other peri id, •;! of tin 1 present day. 1 lie diffusion of useful and wholesome iniorniatom, with a view to the cultivation 0 f a coin < t kilim ledge 01' Lilerat lire, is the chief object :>t winch it aims. Arrangements have been entered into, by whi h th • publish er will be assisted in the editorial department by the talents of three or four gentlemen of distinguished abilities—anil it is intended to introduce several important, improvements, which will bespeak additional popularity for its columns. As tiie character and leading feat un .; of this Journal are well known tlimuthout tin- United .■'tales, it will be supertluous to enter into a ivciti! of tin same. ‘I in-so ison is approach ing. however, when the reading public are is-, pci ti and to make their selections for the next year, ami we deem it udvi-able,. lin n fore, t" lurnish a brief and explicit statement of our terms, which we hope will prove satisfactory, and be implicitly observed: A ten dollar lull, fur warded by mail, postage paid, will pay for ten copies of the Messenger i’or year! A five dollar bill, forwarded by mail, postage paid, will pay- for four copies for one year ! Two dollars, paid iu advance, is the price of an individual subscription for oue year One dollar, in advance , will pay for a single subscription tor six months only. A five dollar note will pay one year s sub scription to the Weekly .Messenger and also ( tiie Gentleman’s Magazine, edited by YV. E. Burton, Esq. [J i‘Remittances from Clubs, to be entitled j to liio full advantages of the liberal terms here offered, must be made in sums of five’s and ten's of current Bank notes—any lesser a mount. forwarded by mail, will be classed a long with individual subscriptions. A premium of FORTY NOVELS, neatly and appropriately bound, containing the pro ductions of many of the celebrated writers of the present day, will be presented to any Agent \ forwarding forty subscribers, and the pay ini advance,as heretofore stipulated. At the expiration of the term subscribed for 1 and paid by clubs, the paper will invariably be ] discontinued, unless th" advance money is for warded previous to that time, and tile subscrip tions renewed, in the manner above specified. I 1* will be a great suing to the publisher, and facilitate the early mailing of the paper, if: tlie individual the sum required for ' four, or ten, or more subscribers, when they are located together, will allow the package to j he addressed to tlie Postmaster, or someone a- ! mong themselves, who being made acquainted with the names of the Club, can as readily dis tribute them as if directed separately. All letters must be post paid, or they will not be taken out of the office. Address CHARLES ALEXANDER, Athenian Buildings,Franklin Place, Philadel’a. *V ear tela— Gfynn Count #/. VGUEREAS Mks. Sarah H. has v » applied to me for Letters of Administra tion or. tlie Estate and Effects of Doctor F. E. ( K. Mir.I.KR, late of said County, deceased— ! These .are therefore to cite and admonish all j ami ongubir the kindred and creditors of said <'• f" be and appear at my oiiiee in the I t ur prescribed by law. to shew cause if any they have, wily said Letters should nut be ; granted ' J Witness the Honorable J. Hamilton Couper, one of the Justices of said Court, lhis2lhh No-! vember, 1837. JOHN BURNETT, Clerk C. O. G. C. | MEW tIOODS. j JUST received from Boston, per schr. Colum bia, 20 Bids New FLOUR; Bids. Clear and Mess PORK; 1-2 do. <b>. do. do.; Bids. BEEF; 1-2 do. do.; Tubs BUTTER; Boxes CHEESE; Kegs LARD; l Brown and White SUGAR ; Best POWDER; SHOT: FLANNELS; SHOES; Negro CLOTHS. Ac. Ac. Which will he sold low for cash or .approved : credit, by CEO. HARRINGTON A CO. Brunswick, Nov. 23, I '37. lionise Wright. NT OSII S \V . YV ! I. SON, ’f'S/'Ol'Ll) inform the public that he is ready j v t to contract for putting up Houses. Stores, j or buildings of any deseiaptum, at short notice and on reasonable terms. lie lias Lumber and building materials of all kinds on hand, which he will furnish to order at low prices. Also, White Lead, Paints, Oils, j Ac. Any favors in his line will lie thankfully re ceived and those who employ him may depend | mi having their orders executed in a workman like manner and with punctuality. Brunswick. Nov. l(i, IKI7. & v tib’ie Satv. rp 11 E Brunswick Land Company offer for i sale, from one to two hundred well se leeled LOTS. The sale will commence at Brunswick, on Monday, tlie mb day of January. 1 -38, under the superintendence of the Directors, or an a- I gent iijipnmted for that purpose. | The terms of sale will be— One Fifth Cash, *• “ one year, “ “ two years, “ three “ “ “ four “ Tlie last payment will be remitted on any I lot. on which there shall be erected and com-! j pleted within one year from the day of sale, u ! substantial House or Store, not less than 25 I feet flout, by 80 in depth, and at least two sto ries. Other terms to be made known at the time and place of sale. By order of the Directors, EDW. ELDREDGE, Gen 1 Agent. Nov 2 IlniiHWifk <'»nn3 nssel EL’iil Coiispniiy, rjMIIE Stockholders of the Brunswick Canal JL and Rail Road Company, are notified that assessments on the Capital Stock of said Com pany, are made papable at the Eagle Bank Boston. Five percent on 15th Nov. next Five per cent on Ist Dec. next. Five per cent on 15th Dec. next. Five per cent on Ist Jan'v next. Per older of the Directors, Extract from th.- Acts of Incorporation.—“ln •■a ::' any st<‘ckh"l(h r should refuse to pay his nr their instalments when called on in ,i man ner aforesaid, it shall he lawful for the Boird to declare such shares of sloeI; torfeited to (lit use arid bene lit of the Company—" Before pay; n-nl by the State of Georgia of tin i r subscription, it is “l 1 ; .vfiled, that the Com- I miss-oners or Board of Directors es the said) i < ’a.ial ami Rail Road < t.ipanv shall exhibit a jis rt ific:it<- l lint tin individual Stockholders, on ♦ heir par!, shall have first paid their instalments ! | when called for, agreeable to the terms of the i Act of Incorporat ion."’ JOHN J. FISK, Treasurer. ; (Jot,. 2nih. I “OIiLKTKtaIFE BRUNSWICK, GA. .. • “ THIS new and elegant estab- JJJJii C lishmeiit.having been fitted and ! 1 * 1 f I’s furuisilt-d oi n superb style, is now r 1 ope.i for the reception of company ■ under the direction of the subscriber. The sit mi i "ui of tile House is airy and the prospect de (fighiful. The rooms will be found extremely : cool and comfortable during the In at of the : ’U inner, and hoard for f-miloai or single [tlemen may lie taken by the week or single day. aild no pains nor expense will lie spared to i make the house an agreeable retreat for all those who may honor the subscriber with their p- I ronago. The Bar will be stocked with the choicest Wines, Liquors, A c. and the Larder filled with the best the market affords, and the subscriber flatters himself that he shall bo aide to place his establishment under such rules and regula tions as will meet tile approbation of the <■ ■im munity.. H ; s acquaintance with the duties of a Public House and his entire devotion to those duties lie hopes will secure him the favor of the public. *** There is a commodious Scabi.e at- 1 taelied to the establishment, well stocked with Hay ami Grain. JOHN DAVIS. £].rr , ' r zr?er\s Sale. ON tlie first TUESDAY in January next, will be sold before the Court House in ( the City of Brunswick, between the usual hours of sale, the plantation known as Ashburn. situ- ! ated on the Great Buffalo Swamp in Glynn County, containing 7b() acres more or less, j I whereof 350 acres are cleared and cultivated hammock under fence and ready to receive a (crop; 1(10 acres of uncleared hammock, and the remainder inland swamp and piny land. On the premises are a small but comfortable dwell j mg house, an excellent horse cotton gin, a a grist mill, cotton house, carpenter’s shop, and ! negro houses. Also a tract of land adjoining, j l>4ll acres more or less, consisting of hammock.! pine laud anil a part of the Great Buffalo Swamp,—together with three negroes. The whole the property of JOHN COUPER. Jr. late of Mobile, deceased, and sold by permis sion of the Court of Ordinary. Terms made known on the day of sale. J. H. COUPER, Executor. Oct. 10,1837. Oftt Wiiirsl (TA DOZEN choice WINES, viz: •gJUf Townsend Madeira, 1808, Juno do. do. Rrown Sherry, 1806. Pale do. 1620. Marmsley, 1825, Ac. Ac. For sale by Nov. 2 GEO. HARRINGTON A CO. Exceutor's Sale. ON the first Tuesday in January noxt, will be sold before the Court House door,) Glynn Cos. between the usual hours of sale, THREE NEGROS, Jiin, Tamer and Albert, sold as tlie property of Elizabeth Harrison, late of said County, deceased, by an order of the in ferior conrt of said County, for the benefit ot the heirs. B. B. GOWEN, Ex’r Nov 2. 1837 Notice. nnllE public is cautioned against purchasing J a note of hand given by the subscriber, payable to Ar rn x Sack & Cos., of Savannah, fur sixty dollars, due Ist January, 1838. The ti-rms of siiil note not having been com plied with, 1 shall not pay it. JAMES MOORE. „ Dec. 7. Aotici*. ♦ 1,1, persons are hereby cautioned against .a3l trading for any arnel**s whatever, partic ularly Corn, from ally of the Col. Island ne groe.s without permission, as the law will be ri-fidlv enforced against such. FRANCIS I). SCARLETT. Col. Island, Oct. ID, 1-37. % .Notice. rTYIIE subscriber would give notice that all .1. goods, Ac. shipped by the sloop Argo, af ter this date, must be paid by* the shipper, or on delivery of the goods, by tlie person 1 to whom they arc shipped. JOHN J. MORGAN. Brunswick, Nov. 23. 1837. Aotscc. I~YOUR months afterdate application will bo inado to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, of Glynn County, when setting for ordinary purposes, for h ave to sell the real and personal property in Georgia, of ELIZA BETH HARRISON, of Glynn County, de ceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said estate. B. B. GOWEN, Executor. Sept. 7, 1637. hotter. EjYOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, of Glynn County, when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real and personal property in Georgia, of JOHN COUI’ER, Jr. Into of Mobile, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. J. HAMILTON COUPER, Executor. Aug. 31. 4m. .Vo fire. FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of the County of Glynn, when setting for ordinary purposes, for h ave to sell the real estate of JACOB LINDER, late of Glynn County, deceased. JAMES C. MANGHAM, Adm’r. Oct. It), 1837. .Wfff. I7YOUR months after date application will be made to tha Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, of Glynn county, when setting for ord nary purposes, for leave to sell the real and personal property in Georgia, of ISAAC HOUSTON, of Glynn County, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. B. FORRESTER, Administrator. Oct. 26, 1637. JVotire. FOUR months afterdate, application will bo made to the Inferior Court of the County of Glynn, when setting f<u» ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of ELIJAH HORNSBY, late of Glyn-i County, deceased. AMELIA HORNSBY, Administratrix. Oct. Ift, 1837. For N'.'j.v. FIRST rate pair of CART WHEELS.made jf : to order last s' nson in New York, will be .old at cost mi application to FRANCIS I). SCARLETT* C"l. Island, N .v. 23, 1637. l*r. W. Jf. Antfcrcxon, H.\ \ ING located himself iu the County of Glynn, respectfully tenders his profes sional services to the public. Dr. Anderson will be found at Mr. S. A. Hooker's, (Bethel) at all hours unless profes sionally engaged. Aug. 17. GF.OUGi; HARRINGTON &, CO. . HAY E received by recent arrivals a fresh supply of GOODS, wh’cli they offer for sale on as reasonable terms as at any store in the State. Nov 2. • ifeisihiintralrlx-tt Sate. ON the first TUESDAY in February next, will he s‘dd at Brunswick, at the usual 1 time "f vile, tlie real estate oi ' ELIJAH HORNSBY, late of Glynn County , deceased, ! consisting of a tract of land lying on the Hon jCy-gull. in said County, and sold by permission 1 of the Court of Ordinary. Terms made known on the day of sale. AMELIA HORNSBY, Adui’rx. By her Attorney James C. Maxgjtam. | Brunswick, Nov. 23, 1637. j ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ON tho first Tl ESDAY in February next, will he sold at Brunswick, at the usual | time of sale, the real vstate of JACOB LIN j l a ' e Glynn County, deceased, con j sist ng of a tract of land lying on the Big Bus- said County, and sold by permission of [the Court of Ordinary. Terms made known on tho day of sale. ( JAMES C. MANGHAM, Adm’r. | Brunswick, Nov. 23, 1637. | Terms of the Iseicru’.’m g (lKlliiCa TIIE work, will be published in monthly numbers’ of at least forty page3 each, making a volume about 500 large octavo pages at the close of the year, including a table of con tents and title page, also about 200 -.finely exe cuted engravings on wood, representing views of citios, public buildings, likenesses of emin ent liien, remarkable natural scenery; &c. The subscription will be Two Dollars per year, payable in advance. Any person who shall remit to the publisher in Boston, Ten Dollars, will receive Six Copies of this Magazine for one year; and any number of persons, uniting their subscriptions for the purpose, who shall remit Thirty Dollars, as above, will be entitled to Twenty Copies for one year. Any responsible person disposed to act as Travelling Agent in procuring subscriptions for {his work, will receive addional encourage ment, proportionate to the amount of services rendered. O'A 3 Post Masters are hereby authorized and requested to act as agents in procuring; subscribers upon terms above named, and in remitting the amount of their subscriptions. All orders and letters relative to the Maga zine, will be addressed J ret of postage, to JOHN L. SIBLEY,- Publisher of the Atuerisan Magazine, Franklin Avenue, Boston, Mass LAW Hoyvell cobb, attorset at Law, Office, at Perry, Houston County, Ga. Howell Cobb will attend to professional business in the counties Houston, of tbo Flint; Twiggs, Pulaski and Dooly, of the Sootbera 1 and Stewart, Randolph, Lee, Ssurfbter and Ma rion of the Chattahoochie Circuits. July 20, 1837 ly. '